Weather Forecast NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH CbLUMBIA'8 NEWSPAPER North Coast and Queen Charlotte Local Tides Islands Light to moderate wind partly cloudy and mild, becoming generally cloudy tonight. Thursday Cloudy In the morning Thursday, Oetober 11, 1945 becoming part cloudy in afternoon. High . 4:C6 17.2 feef Not much change In 15:50 , 19.1 feet temperature. Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port Low 9:57 8.6 feet VOL. XXXIV No. 234. PRINCE RUPERT,. B.C, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS 22:41 5.9 feet M.S. Amerika Sank STORY LOSS AIR FORCE PERSONNEL AT SEA MONTREAL, Oct. 10 hp erim story of the loss he R.C.A.F. enroute to Britain aboard the DanV U I,- iU n i . . Tit i iiniv - L u" ocked in Montreal yesterday from Copenhagen I told v ew war eapons General Arnold Describes Some Sew and Terrible Fighting Instruments Discloses Jap Invasion Plans WASHINGTON, Oct. 10 0) he United States Army Chlef- f CMff flpnprnl fjpnrirp Mar. !uu, has lifted the veil of sec-ccy from an Imposing 'array of m ttcanons. In addition to the :omlc bomb, General Arnold ays there are rockets which can a MronteA tf tarcrpfc hv p1p- A soon-to-ue produced Jet- ropelled fighter will have a top peed of from 500 to 600 miles , a Virtti Hffn reVl'l 1 cute Vilu 'mKiii- ttfiti Ko oKlfi t r flit - for. ets any place on earth and re -1 urn to a friendly base without ' tUJjpillg. I Arnold adds that the United j tales are making a 45,000 pound omb while ordnance engineers re working on a bomb weighing 30,000 pounds. The American rmy chief predicts that Jet he next five vears that thev will capable of reaching targets .uuu mues awav h.l niLiLiinpi onve 3 1 hi ippr General Arnold last night also :ir thP Invnc nn nf Tonan TliP iiiere were no arrange- The blue print for Invasion re- iinv 4llt3 TttllCU VU .inH nna fmn it,.,. r.-,.. ,w..t- ittok Willie OUWUilU - ...t, mC a un.j u aica aiuuitu ...w.kVllt) lUbtl, ANIUUVtK li 0VIN6 WHFAT WlNNIPEO. Oct. 10 Oenrse unci ui me uanaaiau vi uiiiiu commissioners. an mierview nere lasi mat wneat movemeni .... 'iiuuuii ina t-triL 9 ir (1 rtvk . , "v,uwu wuuiu enmnarp pinspiv ;-""Auuxn wneat movement r'w BW t-urs wiin eizm to . . 'in inn .ni.K i. Approval wa.c trlvon Kir IVip upert unamoer oi uom- mprfa i . . ... uiiiiiL iu a. rpsrmiLinii . Ul MA A (li -I ferWii government to re-estab- fnd malntaln here a local hm "vision of the Royal Canadian jvval Volunteer Reserve such as 'nere was bpfnro th n,or ir .n division were active here again. Ln, that some 01 the "av1 willties which were established mi0M?ortSuch as drill hall wt be retained for naval re-rve and sea cadet training. PISPOSALOT-WAR ASSETS As Much As Possible of JwmntaWd' Property Sold Locally Assets Corporation has, as , f Don establlshed no definite lari. as to the disposal of a and Oacc,uniulatlon of property CaL,qulpment f e Royal Sp n Alr Forcc and other the p."? at Prlnce Rupert but given 'ncc Rupert Cnamber was iv. 1 iance in n Ptfpr fmm u muo!?0ratlon last nlht that Dolnt K uisposea or ai tne or orlRin OF 86 CANAH'y 5, (CP) For the first of eighty-six member. buii i vjiii in - - 1 1 IHVU the story. The sinklncr occured in April, 1943, but details were withheld for security reasons. Captain Neilson for his part in the rescue of more than 100 members of the R.C.A.F. has been awarded the Lloyd's War1 Medal for bravery and has been 1 uv.snuvu niiai wic UiUCi Ul tile British Empire by the King. The Danish captain says that the Canadian airmen displayed coolness, discipline and high; morale not only when the ship was sinking but also later on' while on the raft on which they1 escaped. The Canadians did' everything possible to pick up those swimming In the water thus saving many lives as well as their own. At about 9 p.m. on a dark, stormy night, the Amerika was torpedoed twice In the port side The passengers and crew of the vessel proceeded without loss to the assembly areas but the furious weather damaged some mvqw u,kvi c Viit j ncic lowered to the water. The R.C.A.F. personnel and crew were placed on rafts and in two life boats. Half an hour later all that was left of the vessel was floating wreckage. NEW TYPE OF REFRIGERATOR CAR IS MADE MONTREAL, Oct. 10 A re frigerator car of an entirely new design has been built at the company's shops here, N. B. Wal ton, C.B.E., executive vlce-presl dent, Canadian National Railways, said today. It will serve as a pattern for 300 similar cars to be built in the railway's Trans cona shops, Winnipeg. Completed after months of ex perlments and tests by the system's car equipment engineers, the new reefer features Increased loading capacity and more efficient cooling and heating with less maintenance. It is of the overhead-Iced type designed and pioneered by the C.N.R. and now being adopted by other railroads as standard equipment. Having a 10-ton capacity, it is 40 feet long e feet, 6. inches wide and 6, feet, 8 Inches high. A new high-tensile corrosion resisting steel sheath-r lng makes it much lighter than previous refrigerator cars. "To handle the millions of toni of perishable foodstuffs moving to the seaboard for the peoples of Europe and to all sections of the Dominion for our own consump- tloiV Mr. Walton sam, "win heavily tax our refrigerator equipment during the next iew years. These new, Improved reefers will be an Important addition to our equipment and will ease the transportation problem considerably." ONLY JAP QUALIFIED T. Kamei, Formerly of Piincc Rupert, Now of Kalso, May Vote October 25 Recently the Vancouver Province ran a story saying that there was only one Japanese automatically qualified to vote at . the coming provincial eiec Hon in British Columbia by vlr tue of having voted at the last one. His name, said the Province, was not remembered nor was his address now known. Mrs. N. Beveridge of Prince Rupert believes that this Japanese Is T. Kamei, who was in Prince Rupert until 1942 when Japanese were removed from the pnast to the interior. He is now in Kalso. Kamei, who was fisherman, served In the last war otirf Wnmp enfranchised at Prince" Runert on his return from overseas. United Nations World's Salvation BRITISH LAND AT HONG KONG FROM H.M.S. INDOMITABLE This landing party of British Tommies is going ashore at Hong Kong to guard the key points as British forces move in to accept the Japanese surrender from H.M.S. Indomitable seen Soldiers Mav Vote Will Be Able to Ballot At October 25 Election Under Revised Regulations VICTORIA, Oct. 10 (CP) All service personnel .who. haye.. returned to British Columbia since the provincial voters' lists closed September 17 will be allowed to cast ballots in the forthcoming provincial election, it was announced Tuesday night by Provincial Secretary Pearson and Attorney-General Maitland. Regulations were passed Tuesday. The text is not yet released, pending final official signatures bringing them into effect. Several thousand returned soldiers are affected. MANY VETS ARE HOME The "Welcome' 'hut on the C.N.R. wharf was a busy place at noon today following ihe ar rival of the steamer Prince Ru pert carrying almost a dozen re turning servicemen from overseas and other parts of Canada. Ladies of the Canadian Legion W.A. served coffee and light lunches to: Pte. Robert Shrubsall, dis charged from the Canadian Army after four years overseas. Pte. Shrubsall served with the B.C. Dragoons In Italy and west ern Europe, finishing up at Bremen, Germany with "the Second Infantry Division. LAC William Shrubsall, dis charged from the R.C.A.F. after service In Canada. Pte. Harold Macdonald. son of Mrs. S. D. Macdonald, home on 30 days furlough after three and a half years overseas In England and western Europe with the 12th Field Regiment, R.C.A. LAC Peter Brass, son, of .Mr., and Mrs. William Brass, dis charged from the R.C.A.F. after service. in Canada. Pilot Officer James Stuart, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stouart, discharged after service, as a navigator overseas with the R.C.A.F. Sgt. Victor Miller, son or Mr. and Mrs. Percy Miller of .Victoria, whom he visited prior to coming to Prince Rupert. Others who returned were Sgt. C. Young and Pte. A. W. Johnson. A. J. Prudhomme, well-known pioneer and ex-alderman, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert today from Victoria. Hej leaves tonight for a week's visit . to Telkwa after which he will spend a few days here. j of the crown colony, captured In the background. NEWHOUSER LEADS DETROIT TIGERS TO 9-3 VICTORY IN SERIES FINAL Detroit Wins Pennant for First Time Since 1935 In Smashing Victory At Chicago CHICAGO, Oct. 10 (CP) Behind the sterling pitching of Hal Newhouser, Detroit Tigers slugged their .way to victory in'thc-Worid Seriesbyrdef eating Chicago Cubs v-S in the seventh and final game today. Newhouser, who was never in trouble during the game, established a strike-out record of 22, two more than the 20 strike-out record for a series which held untij this record-smashing scries. Today's triumph gave th Tigers the World Series pennant for the second time in the history of the club and returned the pennant to the American League from St. Louis. The Tigers won the World Series In 1935. In the final inning of the nine-Inning game, Newhouser allowed one hit when Hughes got to first on a line drive to centre field. However, the game ended before Hughes got to second. In spite of its decisive defeat, the Chicago club made one less error and listed one more hit than the Tigers. R H E Detroit 9 9 1 Chicago 3 10 0 Borowy was losing pitcher. PRINCE RUPERT AS FREE PORT The idea of Prince Rupert being established as a free port was brought forward at the meeting ol the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night by Arnold Flaten whose inspiration was a newspaper clipping stating that the federal government had a committee looking into free port proposals. Mr. Flaten's sug gestion was that Prince Rupert might be included in the survey which was being made. No Provision For Reserving Timber Recently a request was made by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce to tne provincial Lands Department that a reserve be placed on timber In this district for manufacture herein. Last night the Chamber' received a communication from the deputy minister of forests pointing out that there was no provision by statute for such reserves. The matter will be pursued with the minister, Hon. E. T. Kenney. VMSC "SOCIALISM and the in December, 1941. They are BRITISH GOVT BREAKS STRIKE LONDON, Oct. 10 - Troops will be used to unload ships which have been hampered In unloading cargoes of -food owing to the strike of dock workers, It was announced last night by the ministry of labor. ISLAND LOGGER LOSES HIS LIFE The. body of a Queen Charlotte Islands logger, killed during operations at Kelley's logging camp at Church Creek last week, was brought to the city today on the co-operative packer Ogden for transhipment to Vancouver. The body was that of Adolph Piolobrocks, killed when he was crushed betweeh two logs while decking timber. A coroner's inquest at Queen Charlotte City last week found that Piolobrocks had been killed 'accidentally. The accident occur red October 5. MEAT RATIONS ARE INCREASED OTTAWA, Oct. 10 m The Prices and Trade Board announced today increases in coupon values of a number of cooked and uncooked meats and meat pies. Effective Thursday coupons and tokens will bring larger amounts of meat loaves, jellied meats, bologna, welners, head cheese, liver sausage, cre-tons francols, beef flank trimmed bone -in, beef shank knuckle end, veal shank hind, veal shank front, veal flank, lamb flank, veal breast, veal neck and all bone-la cuts. Temperature Maximum 56 Minimum 44 Rainfall .15 inches AT 6:45 ON RADIO THURSDAY POLICY of the C.C.F." Premier Attlee Pins Future Hope of World on Success of Organization VICHY CHIEF IS EXECUTED H 'I FARIS Oct. 10 W The former Vichy militia chief, Joseph Dar- nand, has been executed as a traitor. A firing squad of 12 French soldiers carried out thi PVPpnMnn at PYirH rip Phatlllnn convicted!01 ine umiea nons Associa-nr today. Darnand was ,cn 11 n I tion. Mr. Attlee said that, the the same court where Pierre Laval was sentenced to death yesterday. Bulletins 400,000 ON STRIKE NEW YORK New labor disputes put additional thousands of workers on strike lines of the United States today as the number of idle mounted to 460,000. Labor Secretary Schwellenbach in Washington i was hopeful of ending critical st likes in soft coal fields which would enable some 162,000 workers to go back to Jobs in 749 closed mines. LADY NELSON DOCKS HALIFAX The hospital ship Lady Nelson docked yesterday with 506 wounded and sick veterans. Every military district in Canada was represented. .LAVAL APFFJVLl&r. (Arn PARIS Pierre Laval's counsel started machinery in motion today to seek a new trial for the former Vichy chief of government who was sentenced to death Tuesday for intel-' ligence with the enemy. If DeGaulle refuses him a new trial, Laval probably will be informed only a short time before of the hour fixed for his execution. PEACETIME NAVY OTTAWA Tne permanent Navy will consist of 10,000 permanent force men with a backlog of 18,000 reservists in a single reserve force to be known as the Reserve Kryal Canadian Navy. Completing his picture of Canada's peacetime Navy, Defence Minister Abbott said that the permanent fleet likely will be composed of 'two carriers, two cruisers, a dozen destroyers as well as auxiliary craft and a certain number of frigates for training purposes. SEND POLES HOME LONDON Prime Minister Attlee has expressed the opinion that as many Polish troops overseas as possible should be encouraged to return to their homeland. Making this statement in the House of Commons, Mr. Attlee emphasized, however, that the Poles should have time to decide to return in the light of information available as to conditions they, would find on their return. TO MEET WORKER REGINA Burns and Company has agreed to meet packinghouse workers on a national basis and will hold negotiations in Calgary on October 29. This has been announced by President Clarence Lyons of Local 226 of the United Packinghouse Workers of Canada. Mr. Lyons says this means the threatened strike of Burns parking-house workers in western Canada apparently will net materialize at least until after negotiations are held. Fort St. James Trapper Missing Provincial police Jn the, Interior have Instituted a search for Frank Johnson, Fort St. James trapper, who has not been seen or heard of since September 6 when he went into the hills. Releasing of Atomic Energy Presents Consequences That Are Too Appalling For Mind of Man to Squarely Contemplate LiUiNiJUJN, uct. iu iui'1 ine united JNations i l in l Tiii:r ri..i. i: r i tnaner is ureau unuims the. British government United Nations organization the primary objective ot its, foreign policy, Prime Minister Clement Attlee paid tonight in addressing a national demonstration League of Nations had done great work in the past adding: "Would that It had been listened to more." Giving reason for working for success of the United Nations organization, the Prime Minister said: "We have come to a period In history when mankind must either set up an institution of, this kind and not only set it up but make it work or face consequences so appalling that the mind shrinks even from contemplating them. "Liberation of atomic energy ihas made war merely a form of suicide for mankind." SHIP INSPECTOR TO BE LOCATED AT PR. RUPERT The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce was advised in communication, last hlsht from the Minister of Transport that the appointment of f hull in spector residents Prthce Rupert Is being considered. Previously the Chamber had requested that such an Inspector be appointed as a convenience to local boat-bullders, the progress of whose construction work has often been hampered through having to await the periodical visit of inspectors from Vancouver; Better Telephone Service Suggested Utilization of a fine telephone exchange which was established by the Department of National Defence at the end of Wantage Road during the war in connec tion with the establishment of a direct wire for improved long distance telephone service from Vancouver and interior points was suggested at last night's meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. Arthur Brooksbarik brought the matter up arid Harry Black suggested the desirability of having telephone service with the Interior points to link them up more closely with Prince Rupert. It was decided to refer the whole matter to a special committee. ROAD OWNERSHIP IS IN QUESTION Because No Agreement Has Been Reached With Railway Company Regarding Rlght-of-Way Use Failure Of a final settlement being reached In regard to use of the Canadian National Rail ways right-of-way at certain points is still the stumbling block In the. reaching of a final de cision as to the jurisdiction fed tral or provincial over the Prince Rupert-Cedarvale High way, It was Intimated In a com munlcatlon read at last night's meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce from Hon. Herbert Anscomb, minister of public works. Even the federal government cap have no title to the road, much less turning over the road to the provincial government, said Mr. Anscomb's letter. The minister pointed out. however, how arrangements had "been made with the federal authorities whereby it had been possible to do some grading. iirsi une oi ueience anu will make success of the Gov1! Ships or Rupert May Be Used Next Year in Establishing of Shipping From Here to United Kingdom It is possible that the govern ment may decide to put Us own hlp3 on service to the United Kingdom from Prince Rupert once the government vessels have been relinquished by the United Maritime Authority, possibly next spring, it is hinted In the letter which Mayor H. .1 Daggett has received from. H5a J. A. McKlnnon, mlnLster i trade and commerce. The lettst from Mr. McKlnnon is sequeho the recent local mission to Qt-tawa" when the matter of. subsidized shipping frorri thlsfpSri: was brought forward. ' 'tM.- W. M. Watts, Chamber of Commerce member oi 'the Ottawa-delegation, reported to the Chamber at its meeting last night night on on the the miisWrvIIe, mlssRirvHe, tplcl told, hpw hpw, Canadian Natehato&jrayS KMB ine possiDiiuy or developing ' shipping out of Prince Rupert and had promised their ca- f operation in every way possible t such as supporting representa- ' tlons for a change In ths wlntsr load line and the providing of aids to navigation in Hecate Straits. Mr. Watts gave a brief account of the conferences with the ministers in Ottawa on shipbuilding, ocean shipping, radio, etc. md also told 'of meeting with finan cial and Industrial interests in Montreal which were already alive to the possibilities of' es tablishment of Industries at Prince Rupert. "We may not have anything very much in the way of definite results to report," said Mr. Watt3 "but I can say that everywhere we went we received a,frjjidly and sympathetic receptianl A vote of appreciation was extended to Mr. Watts. CUTTING HIGH GRADE CEDAR Rillmor Mill Producing Lumber for Use in Small, Boat Manufacture in East Specializing in productlpn, of high grade red cedar lumter for use In small boat building in Eastern Canada, the small 13,000 foot sawmill of the BUlmor Spruce Mills Ltd. at Porpoise Harbor riear Prince Rupert will shortly be in operation again, it was stated by B. E. Morgan, manager of Billmor Spruce Mills ri Ltd., who was in the city yester- jf day for a brief business visit, ac- companled by Mrs. Morgan. The company .. i. is still .in engaged In . u yard- i lnsr nf cottonwond loss from the interior for delivery to a Van- , f couver veneer mill. The cutting down of the way freight service V to once a. week may affect this k traffic to some extent. s f UNION WOULD STOP STRIKE CALGARY. Oct. 10- Calgary District 18, United Mine Workers nr AmpriM iBKt nlsrht recom- mended to local unions of coali' miners tnni iney win i.uu un their strikes In protest at meat rationing which commenced September 27. li