Jirfnrr Hnprrr Dnflp ttrms Saturday, Decrfflber 15, 1945 HOW CAN 1111 By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I remove a cork that has broken and fallen Inside the bottle? N A. Pour the contents into another bottle. Then pour some ammonia into the bottle, enough to float the cork, and allow it to' remain for tw0 or three days. The ammonia will consume enough of the cork to permit its f asy removal. Q. What can I use as a container for paraffin? A. Use an old coffee pot as a container for the paraffin. When paraffin is taken off a Jar or glass, throw it into the pot. When wanted for use, melt the paraffin and pour. Q. How can I remove rust from tools? Need More Cities In South Africa CAPE TOWN, t in 10 years there will be another 2,000,000 people in South Africa's cities. This Is the estimate given by the social and Economic Planning Council in a report on regional development. The council urges that any new industries should be sited in new areas and not In the- existing few Industrial centres which are becoming congested and are tending to become econ omically unsound from the na tlonal aspect. Buy more War Savings Stamps, A. Soak them in coal oil, then use -.andpaper, after which polish with engine oil. A. Mackenzie Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" MIRROUS-Different shapes and sizes They make beautiful CHRISTMAS GIFTS. They have Just arrived in a wide range. Prices from .... $1.(10 to JjSaa.SO' Under felts for your Carpe'ts. They will make your carpet last longer and give it a new lifej all sizes arid different grades to .choose from. This is a good in- vestment as well as a necessity and a Christmas Gift that will last. PHONE 775 LING THE TAILOR .o' We are taking cleaning and pressing anil steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street 327 THIRD AVENUE LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W Opp. YMCA Gift Suggestions . . . For Comfort in the Home! HASSOCKS $ ottoman ::: i;.-,;, COFFEE TABLES S14 ' r MAGAZINE RACKS (glass) Watch Our Window ojToy Specials on Monday, December 17 it A A furniture TAFT & ODOWES fi .vovelt.es ir.YIaV) (ForrnerIy j. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT PIIONES 116 - 117 Them with $S THOUGHTFUL AND jr APPRECIATED 3 All colors and sizes available in jKr our fine stock. 1 FASHION FOOTWEAR ' jPk Next to Variety Store We can say this in three words . ... BUY COAL NOW ALBERT AND McCAFFERY THIS . AND THAT'. v; , SotTMOFr ' , : I T1" Mtlilitw A Jim. Stvlf . In,. "Oh, Motherl I don't know what Junior will be up to' next!' WJ, Smiles'n Chuckles Some Store "What kind of store is that fellow running down there on 2nd Avenue?" "Well," said the traffic cop on the corner, "he carries flivver parts for sale, buys butter eggs, and poultry, has a post office, serves 39-cent lunches, does a little plumbing on the. side, sells periodicals as we'll as other 'odi-cals and . those new self-selfa-denial drugs. I think he calls it a drug store." Hissoner at the Bar "I should like to see the 'Judge, please." "Sorry, sir, but he's at dinner." -"But I must see him on a mat Montreal, Canada R. P. inviv Representative 117 2nd A vf w Phone Green 874 Box 526 Opposite YMCA PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPERHANGING 633 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (A'fter 7 p.m.) HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Oil Burners Cleaned and Repaired Chimney Cleaning and all Home Repairs Ice Deliveries Saturday Green 486 Phone Green 337 "House of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL .GLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 89 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th Street : phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 810 (Res. Green 955) JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist JOHN BULGER LTD. Third Avenue 3 K PROMPT end EFFICIENT SERVICE mill iour Uti to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. L MYMOtm tt. VANCOUVtR.IC YUE KING'S CAFE for coffee while at NEW II AZ ELTON Lunch Counter for Meals ter of vital importance!" "Can',t be helped, sir; his honor is at steak." Always Ask Daddy. "Mama, how do' you get the cubic contents of a barrel?" "I don't know. Ask your father. Could Be Little Seldon brought home his report card, and with it was a note from the teacher. "Dear Mrs.- ," Seldon Is a bright boy but he spends all hU time with the girls. I'm trying to think up a way to cure him. "Mrs. " studied the note then wrote the teacher as follows: Dear Miss Smith: If you find Business and Professional INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Expert SAW FILING All kinds of saws sharpened. For prompt service leave saws at Prince Rupert Supply House 334 Second Ave. If it's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man Ca M. SAUNDERS Blue 666 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. PARTRIDGE & GUNSTON General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. Work to please everyone No work too large or too small H. J. LUND . Painting Paperhanging UNION PAINTER Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. R0RIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 p.o. Box 274 Night Calls Especially 552 TAXI (Tom Harvey)' Stand; Westholme Rooms, 2nd Ave. For General Construction Houses, Verandahs Raised, Alterations, Additions, Steps Built and Repaired also ' Cement Foundations, Floors, Sidewalks, Driveways and Septic Tanks Phone Green 482 Immediate attention lF I TNE S Sli ised to rush' it through as quickly I a way to cure him, please-let me know. I'm having the same trouble with his old man." ricked Up Did you hear about the foreign businessman who was persuaded to use a dictaphone on a trial basis when asked how he liked it he replied: "Veil, I'll tell you, it ain't so bed, bott it tuks mlt awful hexent." An "A" Finally It happened during the rush for gasoline coupons and the scene was a High School. The' white-haired teacher at the table looked up and grinned at the man standing before her. "Well," she said. "After all these years, I'm finally able to give you an "A." When Scotch is Itye She was only a Scottish daughter but you should see her go through the rye. Old lady to sailor home on leave: "What do you do in the Double Yoorz The old-timer, looking bent, weary and dejected, hcbbled painfully up to the bar. "What's the trouble?" asked a kindly acquaintance. "You look bad." "It's yoorz,." moaned the old-timer. "I've got a bad case of yoorz." "What's yoorz?" asked the puzzled friend. "A double Scotch, thank you." Who Won the Race A large lady and a small weazened man appeared before a county judge to be married. Justice: "Where did you two meet?" J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Oreen 995 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up SO Rooms. Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 2S1 fo. Box 190 WHAT 5 DOING AT PRINCE RUPERT RECREATION COUNCIL GYM5 by J I M NAST ST. PETER'S COMMUNITY as possible. By the next class, HALL The members of the re- the gym will no longer have that cently opened Rup-Rec class at lean and hungry look. oi. reiers uommunitv nan at Seal Cove became very voluble through their instructor, Don Wilson, last evening after going through their last gymnastic class without equipment. Gymnastic equlpmenc has been on the priority list throughout the war years and even now is diffi cult to purchase. However, a lo cal firm, which has undertaken the task of constructing some of the essential pieces, has prom PRO-REC FILMS Three colorful reels of Pro-Rec display films were" shown at a special meeting of the Rup-Rec staff, fate last evening. William Noble, Rup-Rec presidenc, Dr. R. C. Bamford, C. G. Hem and D. C. Wing were in attendance. Scenes from the 1940 mass display at the Hastings Park Forum In Vancouver were probably the most outstanding hown. These' scenes included the grand march of a thousand athletes, shots or group dancing, advanced gymnastics, mass pyramids and other spectacular events. The gathering was unanimous In its ay. rroval. As one of the young instructress said, "If the people in town could see them, they would all want to Join our classes." THEY CALL IT WIT Instructor Don Wilson was vigorously engaged in sweeping anumber of tumbling mats, last evening, when co-worker Bill Collins cracked: '.'If you worked that hard for Mott Electric we might get somewhere!" ROCKET BOMB SPEED The Nazi V-2 rocket bomb attained speeds of more than 2.500 miles per hour, and altitudes exceeding 60 miles. The Church of England plans to-spend a million pounds during the next five years In a "missionary invasion, of the means of modern prooasanda" designed to publicize Christian ity In England. Dally newspaper advertising will be one of the main forms of publicity. ivavyr i Sailor: "I'tn on a submarine. NEURALGIA Driving You Mad? when ,she -dives I run forward and hold her nose." Speaking: of Dirt He- "She has ears like a steam shovel." She: "Yes, always oickine un dirt." Get quick, positive relief from the pitiless T-R-C'i- Specially compounded to ease dull aclies End thorp, stabbing pain. T-R-C'i are used by thousands for Neuralgia, Sciatica and Lumbago, for Rheumatic. Arthritic or Neuritic Pain and StiftneM. 40c, $ at druggists. T-20 Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAI. STOKERS Barr&Anderson w s X - LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. Phone Red 389 and 4th Street P.O. Box 1294 i3 You're Sure to Plcase AH Family When You Ci,, Tk w MCffl in. ft - 2SKt .v w-r:- For MUMMY For the KIDDIES IUI RAT rv w s. w onUt 5T0 ror )) ill 7n& aimit; kjiHFiy mm Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries t OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, .Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow Mein, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US S RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 -- Third Ave. West Next Royal Hole FURNITURB FEDERAL BLOCK The Perfect Gift For Your Home The thoughtful, lasting present that everyone enjoys. Gordon & Anderson LIMITED THIRD AVENUE ELECTRICAL GOODS, HARDWARE, FURNITURE