v . niiwiM- ill .... rtitv jill 1 1 III V lllll iff I L. w . , 7J lit. X wwk Blend Wl'lL hi 'HIS CCu th Pers, shall rlan Burns' Banquet, Ticket holders only ...nmnilntprl. (21) Dance - Y. M. C. A. the Artillery Dance , 26. American Band. ..H, (22) on IS on of area viic If W A V A 1 M" E A, Mrs. H. S. Parker returned to the city this morning from a business trip to Vancouver. N. A. McEachern, Juneau representative of a well known Seattle wholesale grocery concern, and Mrse McEachern were passengers aboard the Princess Nor-ah this morning returning to the Alaska capital. VMI I1V? I III Mil" ,ti i v - tl.. I nrum Itrt ITI Iff Irutrtaawl HlLfM. I" 1 - J v-rw-VM ttl 1:1. . U ... I I .rtnrid m.IIaI l ii invc un, war t - -- sniffly, sneoy distress of head 'ainik on nt or ccuPj JVoy Quart occu A FtW Drops l. Breathing ng Rlt' -Invtte. ; ly s I AW net Hi. in Eaier 1 ul Sleepy VATR0N0L Local News Items i r nn a i i ... i ocuven uance tonight, uaaienowj' Hall 9:30. Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill returned' to the city yesterday from a two weeks' trip to Vancouver. A Have you subscribed to the I O D.E. BOOK FUND yet? This money will buy NEW BOOKS for cur fighting men. Drop in at the VICTORY LOAN HUT today! , It is anticipated that an official certificate will be issued bv the authorities- as a record of services rendered to this cause. These will only be Issued to those persons who have sent In their names as above requested. A Applications for enrolment In fit. John's Flrat Aid course and Industrial First Aid course will be received in the Health Unis building, 2nd Ave., Friday January 20 at 8 p.m. (21) Card of Thanks The Western Bush Hangers wish to thank E. L. Hartwlg, 1729 Allin Ave., for donation and installation of a new stove for the use of the organization, also Rev. E. W. Scott and Sam Currle Jr. for much needed help given In support and enjoyment of the denization. The club Is warmly appreciative. THE DAILY NEWS PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS A Whist, Valhalla Hall, Jan. 26. (22) Mrs. W. F.. Stone of this city entered a Vancouver hospital yesterday for another operation for a fractured arm. J. F. Pullen, president of the Alaska Electric Light & Power Co. at Juneau, and Mrs. Pullen were here this morning returning north after a trip to Seattle, Owing to lack of a quorum due to other engagements of members, the monthly meeting of the local post-wir rehabllitallon committee to have been held Tuesday night was postponed. Harry Gordon, former well known purser of Canadian Pacific coastal vessels and now gen-'eral agent for the company at Juneau, and Mrs. Godson were here aboard the Princess Norah this morning returning to the Alaska capital after a vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria. A. It. I. ATTENTION Any person who volunteered his or her services and was regularly registered as a member of the Civilian Defence (A.R.P.) is requested to hand In their name to their Warden, or to send It in to the Secretary, P. O. Box 497, Prince Rupert. PROCLAMATION! (Issued under the authority of the Emergency Shelter Regulations, Order-ln-Council x-.u. sua, jjocember 19, itniL DISTRICT OF OTTAWA Is Declared AN EMERGENCY SHELTER AREA As part of a plan to meet the state of congestion which exists in the district of Ottawa, Board order no. 41 4 requires that all persons who propose to rent or occupy family qua'rters in the area must first obtain a permit from the Administrator of Emergency Shelter in Ottawa. The purpose of the order is to help those who must be in Ottawa to obtain necessary accommodation. 4 WARNING All persons who are making plans to move to Ottawa should write to the Administrator asking for full particulars of the Emergency Shelter Regulations. 1 Every person who, after January 17, 195, occupies any family quarters In the district contrary to the order, commits an offence and, in addition to other penalties, will be required by the Administrator to -vacate the shelter and the district at his own expense. The Emergency Shelter Regulations provide serious penalties for hindering or obstructing these efforts and for any contravention of the regulations or of an order of the Board or of the Administrator. JAMES A. ROBERTSON, Atministrator of Emergency Shelteror OlUuo Dhtrift liirh liniUing, Ottawa' W. p. Buchanan of Vancouver assistant general passenger agent for the Canadian Pacific Railway, was here this morning 'on the Princess Norah going through to Ketchikan where he will spend a few days on company business. Mrs. Pullen, colorful -pioneer hotel hostess of Skagway, was a. passenger aboard the Princess Norah- this Morning returning to the Alaska town, after a trip to Seattle and elsewhere In the Leouthg, W, F. Stone of this city represented the Prince Rupert Gyro Club rjecenlly at the recent Installation of officers of Nanaimo Gyro Club. Mr. Stone, Don For ward and Hector Cowie or the local Clyro Club attended a Vancouver Gyro Club luncheon this week. St. Peter's Elects Officers For 1945 The congregation of St. Peter' Anglican Church, Seal Cove, held its annual meeting last nieht and reports showed a successful ana progressive year In 1944. The following officers were elected for 1945: Reclor's"Warden J. E. Doddle. People's Warden, W. Sklnnr. Lay Delegate to Svnod Mrs. H. Henderson and Mrs. E. W. Scott. Secretary Treasurer Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton. Sidesmen Messrs. E. Pettir. H. Tattersall, R. Doddle, W. War- dale, E. Ward and C. J. Norrlngton. Buildings Committee A. Dal-zcll, R. Doddie and II. Skinner. Flowers CommitteeMrs. G. A. Ke!sey. W. Skinner, C. J. Toombs, William McLean. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. TENDERS New Tenders are invited for the painting of a portion of the interior of the Canadian Legiov Building, Third Ave. Wes. Full particulars and specifications may be had from the stew ard in charge. Tenders to be In the hands o: the Secretary before 7 p.m. Feb. 12, 1945. (It) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Canadian Medical officer and wife desire suite or rooms. Appiy Box 934 Dairy News. (26) LOST Little black spaniel pup, 3 months old, answers to the name "Blackic." (Phone Dlack 889. Reward. (22) Announcements All advertisements in this column will be cKarppd or a full month at 25c a word. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Saturday. Presbyterian Burn's Banquet, January 25. Dance every Saturday nieht. Oddfellows' Hall, 9 to 12. L.O.B.A. Old Time Scotch Dance, Oddfellow' Hall, Jan, 25, 9:30 to 1.30. Refreshments. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, January 26. Women of the Moose Dance, February 7, Oddfellows' Hall, 9:30 to 1. C.W.L. Valentine Bridge, Whist and Crlbbage, K. of C. Hut, Feb. 13, 8:00 pjn. Tea, Presbyterian Hall, February 14. United Church Valentine Tea, Feb. 15. St. Valentine Dance, W.A. of Machine Gun Regt., Armouries, February 16. RED CROSS ANNUAL MEETING Annual general meeting of the Prince Rupert Branch, Canadian Red Cross Society, wll be held on Tuesday, January .30th, 1945, at 8 p.m. In the Red Cro:is Headquarters, 2nd Ave. and 4th St. , Business-: Receiving reports for 1944. Election of Officers for 1945. General Business. All those who contributed One Dollar or more to the 1944 Financial Campaign are entitled to attend. A good attendance Is requested. For a Good Meal, Visit . . . THE- - Victory Cafe All White Cooks 25 Years' Experience Gtfc Us a Trial and Convince Yourself Alias Roilcr Works Electric, Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, Blacksmith, General Repair. PHONE RED 884 Lumber We now have a stock of Rooil tirade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand Phone 651 or 652 for particulars To Our Patrons: Since Mr. Sam Currle Sr., has severed his connection with us", to'-iraifttranr,51 1945, he will not be soliciting dry cleaning or laundry for our organization. PIONEER CANADIAN LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS Delmort Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Raspberries, Strawberries, Sliced Peaches Enterprise Fruit Co. PHONE 343 Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee is Tops) THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 J.H.MAIR . Furniture and Auctioneer AUCTION BALES ARRANGED AND CONDUCTED NEW AND USED FURNITURE VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES 1 Vio r- ? II 11UL you'll PAGE THREE is for iL "Wonderful" say about bread made with Fleischmann's Fresh Yeast If you bake at home, you can rely on FLEISCHMANN'S fresh Yeast to help you bake wholesome, delicious bread. Ask for it at your grocer's the Yeast with the familiar yellow label, Canada's favorite for over 70 years. MADE IN CANADA Get Extra Vilamint- Mart Pep by nrinf 2 cakn of FLEISCHMANN'S Fretti Ynit titty day. Tlila fih Yeait U aa toll.at natural xikI Ihi B complci group af Tltamlni. IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR ECONOMY . . . . . here's the place to find it. For our prices are always right. Come in for'your needs and browse around, for personal or household articles. You' efijoytghdppingrarth" " " 1 ' THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal w.ork of all kinds Air Conditioning Tanks Sinks Eavestrough & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES ' WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 964 ATTENTION LADIES . . . 20. off all fur goods before stock taking. You are invited to come in and inspect. W. GOLDBLOOM "THE OLD RELIABLE" A. MacKenzie Furniture Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Store Will Be Closed From January 16 to January 29 Inclusive Will Reopen January 30, 1945 327 Third Avenue Phoqe 775 Genuine Ford Parts . Firestone and Gutta Percha Tires Imperial Oil Products Wrecking Service S.E.PARKER LIMITED 632 3rd Ave. Blue C9 FORD DEALERS CS20 Prince Rupert, B.C. PJIONE 83 170 E. 3rd AVE.