Dally Edition THE DAILT NEWS Prince Rupert Tuesday, August 7, 1915 Published every afternoon except Sun-Say by Prince Rupert D&Uy Newi Limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week 15 Per Month 65 Per Tear 17 00 By Mall, per month 40 Per Year 14.00 Thumbs Down On Totem Painting There will toe no painting of totem poles In Prince Rupert this year. Last night Mayor Daggett reported to the city council that a painter had asked permission to paint the large pole near the City Hall, asking to be paid only for time and material so an idea might be obtained of the possible cost of such work. It was moved by Aid. Hills, seconded by Aid. Black, and carried, that totem pole painting be not entertained this year. Aid. Black thought that totem pole painting might well be left alone until tourist traffic resumed. Buy War Savings Stamp Hr-- Leisure Clothes . . . for . . . SUMMER AN FALL WEAR More and more men are asking for the comfort and informal smartness of Leisure Clothes. For style and comfort in casual wear, try a G.W.G. Loafer Jacket . $10.00 MEMBER A.ac. Queen Charlotte Service . . . A local businessman who received an order from the Queen Charlotte Islands at the first of this week found that he would be unable to make delivery of goods until the next boat leaves nearly two weeks later. The present schedule is particularly unsatisfactory as far as Mas-sett is concerned and the suggestion is being made that it would be much better if a change could be made whereby all Island calls were made on the one run north from Vancouver with a stopover of the steamer in this port long enough for the filling of orders before she starts back south again via all Island points. Of course, the ideal set-up would be a vessel plying direct out of Prince Rupert with which it would be easy to give at least a weekly service to all Queen Charlotte Island points from Prince Rupert, the nearest mainland port and natural trading centre. Meanwhile the present service is a matter of just complaint both for the people of the Islands and Prince Rupert in spite of the fact that the operating company appears desirous' of doing the best it can under existing difficulties including lack of tonnage due to it having had to tie up one of the vessels which had previously been in regular service on the Island run. Improving City Streets . . . The announcement of the city that necessary equipment is being purchased and that a program of street improvement work in some parts of the city is to be embarked upon is welcome news. It is to be hoped that work will be carried out on even more streets than these now named. Certainly, there has been clamor enough these last few years for something to be done as street conditions became rapidly worse and worse. The city cannot be expected, however, to make all the repairs that are necessary repairs to damage much of which has not been the city's fault and would not have been occasioned except for the fact that this had been made a' base of defence and supply for a world war. It is fair enough too for the city and all its public organizations to press for the governments concerned to assume their portion of the responsibility, which should be a major one, in the rehabilitation of the city and its utilities which would never have been in the condition they are today if they had been subjected only to the legitimate use of the community itself. NECESSITY OF TWO DELEGATES Aid. Black Wonders If It Is Necessary to Send That Number to Convention Aid. T. B. Black, at last night's meeting of the city council questioned the necessity of two delegates being sent from Prince Rupert to the annual convention of the Union of British Colum bia Municipalities. In previous times one delegate had sufficed and sometimes merely resolutions were sent. Mayor Daggett and Aid. George Hills, who have already been, named delegates, felt from their experience of last year that it was advisable to have two ' - . , . Prescriptions... "THE MEN'S SHOP" From Rupert's Tent Days we have striven to establish a record for Reliability, Accuracy and Fair Dealing in filling Physicians' prescriptions. We believe that we have deserved the confidence that has been established with the Doctor and his patients. This has been brought about not in a few weeks or months but extends over a period of twenty years. Ormes lid. THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 delegates. It was Important Aid. Hills felt, that the north should be adequately represented to counteract the strength of the "cliques" in the south. However, Aid. Hills saw no reason why the council should not receive a moUon from Aid. Black rescinding the decision to send two delegates. Aid. Black said that he had merely been making an Inquiry and had no intention of rescind ing the previous decision. It was possible the convention might be called off Uils year, the mayor said. J. M. S. LOUBSER D.O, BA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 F. MURPHY LUMBER General Agent Ace-Tex line of products LUSTEUITE The modern finish for bathrooms and kitchens, in 8 colors plain and blocked. I'yralite-Flastic Moulds in various colors, to trim table tops, sinks, bathrooms, etc. Three-l'ly Waterproof Fir and Birch Veneers Ruberoid Hoofing Slate-Surfaced Mineralized Roofing Ace-Tex Hexagon Shingles and Building Papers of all kinds Ship Lap, Common and Dimension Lumber available for house and general construcUon Ace-Tex Tile Floors TYTfTTTTttTTTYTTTTTTTTTT The Gyro Club Requests Your Support For Lillian KNUTSON Their Charming Little Candidate For QUEEN of the CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL Remember ... Every ticket you buy in support of LILLIAN entitles you to a chance on the drawing for $1000, $500 and $250 in Victorv Bonds. rickets for LILLIAN KNUTSON are available at many agencies. What Qty Council Did Answering an Inquiry by Aid. Thomas Black, Aid. GcTge Hills, chairman of. the police committee, told the city council last night that the committee had been informed of the recent Incident involving the police patrol wagon and was awalUng a report from Sub-Inspector C. K. McKenzle, who had come here to Investigate. Meantime. It was not fitting to reveal further ln-form&Uon which the committee might have. A number of property sales were put Uirough at last night's meeting of the city council including the following: Lots 13, 14 and IS, block 12. section 1, to the crown, $4,138.57 (covering accrued taxes and lo cal improvements). East half or lot 17, block 4, section 5, Rena K. Ham, $163.33. Lot 24, block 7. section 8, James E. Stewart, $40. . Lot S3, block 27, section 1, David H. Lelth, $180. Lot 21, block 12, section 1, Bruce Stevens, $G95. Lot 54. block 27, secUon 1, John Marltz, $95. Lot 1 and western half of lot 2, block 26. section 5, O. L. Martinson, $350. Demolition of the old Valentin Dairy building on Eleventh' St. has been ordered. The city council last night received a report from City Engineer E. A. Phillips declaring It "unsafe and a menace." King Tal Co. Is being noUfied to demolish it within 72 hours, falling which the city fire department will burn it down as the safest means of demolition. The recommendation was concurred In by the council. A small dwelling on the same property will be preserved. The city council last night agreed to co-operate with the United Canadian Allied Relief organization by taking the leadership in a national collection of used clothing for dispatch by UNRRA to the suffering people of devastated areas In Europe. The mayor and city clerk will call together representatives of local organlzaUons to organize a committee for local collection. At the opening of last night's council meeUng the mayor was absent for a time attending the opening of the Civic Centre Carnival In his offlcil capacity. Aid. W. H. Brett assumed duties as acting mayor until His Worship arrived to take over the chief magisterial chair. Tenders will be called by the council, on recommendaUon of the city engineer and board of works, for the construcUon of a new sewer line on Fourth Ave. E. It Is a local Improvement project to be financed by the floating of debentures authorizing of the issue of which is being sought irom the Department of Municipal Affairs at Victoria. A new procedure bylaw for the city council was given its Introductory readings at last night's meeting. One of the purposes is to simplify the handling of bylaw passage formalities. Regular meetings of the city council remain as at present on first and third Mondays. Erection of an arch of welcome to returning war veterans at the foot of the ramp at the Canadian National Railways dock and staUon was authorized at last night's council meeting. A free telephone Is to be lnstal- IB led at the hut to be erected by the Canadian Legion on the." C.N.R. dock for the purpose of welcoming returning veterans. There was no report to be made yet on ambulance operation, Aid. Hills, chairman of the ambulance, told the chairman last night This will probably be forthcoming at the next meeting. . Formal appointment of the new city engineer, E. A. Phillips, as building and plumbing inspector was made at last night's meeting of the city council. Replasterlng and redecoraUng of the city-owned Steele Block apartment building on Third Avenue was authorized by the city council last night on recommendation of the finance The police committee reported to council last night that the police report for the month of June had been received and considered. Information contained In the report has already been published. Provlslon of the Water Bylaw requiring a deposit equal to two months' charges In all cases where arrears cannot be recovered by charging against the property Is to be enforced henceforth, the uUliUes committee ad vised council In a report last night. Purchase by the uUliUes com mittee of 15,000 feet of drop wire for the telephone department and 25 nlghtsoil palls was authorized by the city council last night. SHIRTS FROM WEED Shirts and dresses are now being made from a Florida weed, known as ramie, originally imported from China. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WORKERS MUST REGISTER if not now Employed in the Construction Industry. By Order of the Minister of Labour, made under National Selective Service Civilian Regulations, certain workers experienced in the construction industry must register on one of the days from the 6th to the 11th of August, 1945. Those required to register include all male persons tvbo: ' (a) are either skilled or unskilled building construction tradesmen or labourers, ami who are not now engaged in building construction work; and (b) have had a total of at least two years experience, con-tinuous or otherwise, in the construction industry since December 31st, 1936; and (c) have passed their 16th birthday but have not yet reached their 65th birthday. Workers at present employed on building construction are not required to register under trns special registration. Registration shall be made 1. At the nearest Local Employment Office of the National Employ-ment Service; or 2. At the nearest Post Office it a person docs not live in r city or town in which a Local Office of the National Employment Service is located, nor within 5 miles of such a city or town. Home construction is vital to the welfare of Canada. Returning veterans must have living accommodation. Experienced building construction workers whether tradesmen or labour' ers are urgently required. !j you are a construction worker not now working in the construction in-austry, you must register as here stated but you should do more. Yon should offer your services immediately for transfer to the construction industry, so that you may help in providing the homes so urgently needed. Local Employment Offices will bo open Evenings till 9:00 p.m. to take registrations, from Monday. Aug. Gth to Friday, Aug. 10th. glpffMUKfif IF HUMPHREY MITCHELL . A. MacNAMARA Minister of Labour Deputy Minister of Labour THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most SanlUrj CondlUons 311 Third Ave. Phone 17S Popular "Prince" Steamers From Prince Rupert to Ocean Falls Vancouver Thursday Saturday Thursday' steamer also calls Powell River to Ketchikan Wednesday Friday FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Ave. and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala Friday SS Cardena Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 563 'Phone Operators TakeT.B. Tests All operators at the city telephone exchange are expected by the city council to be tested for tuberculosis. On motion of Aid. Black and Aid Sorensen, it was Heerdprf at last night's council meeting to request all the opera tors to present tnemseivea at the mobile testing unit which is now in the city for x-ray ex amination. Conditions at a telephone exchange, it was pointed nut. lend themselves to the spread of tuberculosis and It Is important that an operators oe free of it. COLCHESTER, Eng. ff George H. Jaggard, 95, has a family of nine drawing the old-age pension. After Six Years IBN ixavy, is Back H. rtiiiiLrinr war lint rMnnurf 1 . civil life following hUdl2 D wuo naji In the Royal Canadian w active service since 1939 yll been a nipmVr nf v . . vj . li : a u . Canadian Naval Volunteer? serve here. Early m thf Gporep snpnf nma . ."' from inluries. Mnr. . nine in k had been on Atlantic convos store where he was before i w at Prosser, 88, crown agent i Scotland between 1919 and UU3 U1CU. Convey Your Greetings with a COUTT'S CANADIAN CARD For Birthdays, Convalescent, Sympathy, Everyday Gifts, Births, Bon Voyage, Anniversary, Friendship, Thank You, and Special Occasions. Every Coutt's Card Is plainly marked with a retail price on the back. Choose your card for that special occasion from We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW PHONES 116 117 A I D C n T HLDLKI 1 AND McCAFFERY SOMETHING HAS BEEN ADDED We announce the advent of a new SIMONIZE Wax especially for furniture. It, coma in four colors mahogany, oak, maple and neutral. This w gives lasting heauty and protection to furniture, woodwork floors and linoleum. Try a Jar, ladies, and see if you donV agree. Motorist-wise Simonlze . . . Housewives Do Likewise! We now have a supply of EVEREADY Flashlight Batteries Also Tire Pumps priced at $1.2." - $:t.75 1 S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford and Mercury Dealers Phone S3 170 E. Third A ANNOUNCING RUPERT RADIO & ELECT (Across from Canadian Legion) Open for Business August 1 EXPERT RADIO SERVICE BATTERIES - SILEX - LAMPS - etc. OPEN 9:00 AJlL TO fi:On P.M. 313 THIRD AVE. WEST PHONE 6 ttttttttttttttttTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTt I Featuring Whites Our white and brown Spectator Pumps are sure to please you..- SEE OUR WHITE D AD Y DOLL PUMP3 CUT RATE SHOE STORE r ....aw rnnilllllllll ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ill illliu-