FESTIVAL For Summer Ties, ties, ties, everything and anything you w a n t in ties. Smart stripes, well c h o s e n patterns a n d conservative plaids. Ties to tie up your sp r in g a n d summer W.F.STONE "CLOTHES . . . OF . . . DISTINCTION" ...,i;fir Vflofnf fa ovn on1tYaA of ioll fimna Tf i il 1 i .--11 Pt 1 i MUSSALLEM S ECONOMY STORE j-j ; d Announcement Our store will close June 18th to July Mth inclusive, and we trust this will occasion no inconvience to our customers. EUO'S FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Ask Dad what he wants for FATHER'S DAY - JUNE 17 I IK nan - mi i n ' m i mm m Father's Day Is June 17 start planning now for Father's Day. Ask him to tell you exactly what he wants most. That will give you time In which to Choose from our many gift items . . . sure to please every father! THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" JACKETS ...for Spring How the young men go for plaids! Full cut, well tailored with flap pockets. Morgan's Men's and Boys' Wear Third Ave., next to Orme's "S-P-E-E-D-Y" RADIO SERVICE Under New Management Wc guarantee the best possible service Hours 9:30 to '5:30 PHONE GREEN 217 Local N'ews Items Mrs. J. W. Kltoatrick is return ing tonight to 'Vancouver after a week's visit to the city. Taggers raised $283jG9 'during the tag day for Queen 'Mary Chapter, I.OD.E. 'war work on Saturday. Hugh Klllin returned to the city a few days ago after attending the'Brltlsh Columbia Command convention of the Cana dian Legion at Revelstoke. Miss Muriel Cordeattx and -Dr. Jack McDougail bf Vancouver, who came north to assist in the Liberal federal 'election campaign 'here, tire leaving tonight on their return south. Charles Graham, Inspector of mines, who returned to the city last week from a trio to the Peaee River district, Vanderhoof and Telkwa, left lost night for Stewart. Called home on account of the critical Illness of her father, John It. Mitchell, whose condition at the Prince Rupert General Hospital was reported even weaker this morning, Mrs. David Mitchell arrived in the city today on the Princess Adelaide from Courtenay, Vancouver Island. Parents wishing to enroll children in Grade 1 In September will please apply to Conrad Street, King Edward or Borden Street Schools for registration forms. These must be completed and returrted to the schools by June 18. Children eligible for registration must be 6 years old by November 30, 1545. Board of School Trustees. (130) Announcemerits CCF Club Itooms, Metropole Hall. 3rd Ave., ooen each eve rting 7 p.m. Phone 842. (135) Full voting information, Phone 864. Mickleburgh' Campaign Headquarters. Dance, Orange Hall, Terrace every Friday. Good time for all Dance everv Saturday night, Oddfellows' Hall, 9 to 12. De Carlo's Orchestra. S.O.N. Dance. Oddfellows' Hall Friday, June 15 Sonia Help Norway tea. Luth eran, Church, June 16. . Valhalla Whist and Social June 22, 8:00 sharp. C.W.H: "Tea' Tirrd Delicatessen Sale, June 16, 3-0, K. of C. Hut St. Peter's tea. Mrs. Kelsev's seal uove, June 21 Canadian Leelon'W.A. Tea and Sale, June 27. 'Elect the man with a plan. Vote Mlckleburgh. (135) Dr. Allan Kergln, who has been paying a brief visit here with his parents; Dr. and Mrs. L. W." Kergln, -left -by Saturday night's train on his return to Toronto. t B. C. Police Commissioner T. W. S. 'Parsons left last night for Alert Bay on his raturn south after spending three days here cturini! which time he attended the funeral of the lateBishop Bunoz. Attorney General R. L. Malt-Idrid left Frldav nteht to'return 'Id Victoria, afterarrlving on that night's thiln frdm 'Prince Gedrge where he acted as Crown ptose-ciitor at ,the spring Sitting of tiie Assize cotirt. Leading Aircraftsman Harry Archibald, C.C.F. candidate for Skeena In the federal election, returned to the city last week after visiting Stewart, Ocean Falls and Interior points as far as Ertdako on a campaign tour. He reported an enthusiastic Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles MONDAY P.M. 4100-.Words With Music 4:15 G.-1. Jive 4:30 American Aioum 5:00-Muslc from America 5:30 Remember hnllpt.lns and musical programs till sign-off at 12;00. TUESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock O'lmnRf! News 8 :i5 Morning Song 8:30 Morning uonceri 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9 O Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Design for Listening 11): 3u Meioay Kouau-up 10:45 At Ease 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Studio Scrapbook l: 33 Message Period 11;35 Weatner 1'orecasi 11:36 Recorded 11:45 Personal Album P.M. 12:00 Melody Hour 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Spotlight Bands 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 To be announced 2:00 Silent TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Girl to share room (with working girl. Phone Black 236. (136) VOTED YET? REMEMBER A MAN WHO DOES NOT VOTE HAS NO RIGHT TO BEEF ABOUT ANYTHING. PHONE LABOR -PROGRESSIVE HEADQUARTERS FOR INFORMATION OR TRANSPORTATION 864 or 866 (Downtown) or BLUE 245 (East End). COME DOWN TO HEADQUARTERS TONIGHT FOR THE LATEST RESULTS FROM SKEENA AND ALL CANADA. Hot Off the Wire BRUCE MICKLEBURGH ELECT ION COMMITTEE BOX 405 Business and Professional Work to please everyone No work too large or too small H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanglng UNION PAINTER Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1280 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 n. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR Mncsnirp nnri Steam Bath Facial and Reducing Treatment Evenings oniy Phone Red 315 424 8th Ave. W - SMITH & ELKINS LTD Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Sea Cadet Orders R.C.S.C.C. "CAPTAIN COOK' Parade "Schedule 7:05 Band and markers to muster. ' 7:10-llands fall In. . 7:20 Prayers, colors "and divisions. 7:30 Physical Training. 7:50 Stand 'Easy. 7:55 Hands to Classes. 8:30 Requeitmen arid faulters. 8:40-J5tand Easy. 8:45 Hands to Classes. 9:30 Secllre. 9:40 Evening 'Quarters. 9:45 Sunset. Tmlhlnr Srhfdiile De- Class AFirst period, Aldis second oerlod. Aldls 17). Class'B First 'period, gunnery S.D.); second period, gunnery (S.D.) (15). Class C-Flrat Deriod, compass and helm; second period, com oass and helm (166). Class D First period, rules'of road; second period, rules of road (15). Class E First period, gunnery (S.D.); second period gunnery (S.D.) (15). EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses 'Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 90 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and . MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 821 1303 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's TJay, Vancouver cias F First oerlod. boat- work; second period, boatJwork (16). Class G First period, semaphore; second period, semaphore (16). Class H First 'period, gunnery (S.D.); second period, gunner) (S.D.) (16). Class I First period, gunh ry (S.D.); second period, gunnery (S.D.) (16). O.OD. (Act.) P.O; Wilson. Duty Pettey Officer Ret. P.O. Skog. Dutv Division Hood Division. Quartermaster OD 'Richards ARE HEARING FROMNORWAY Cables from Relatives In Homeland deceived" But No Letters as Yet Since the resumption of communications with Norway following the liberation bf that country, several members of the local Norwegian community have received cables from.relatlves. In a number of cases It was the first time these people had heard tfam the home folk since the German occupation In the spring r.f iQin AUhraiffb nwill Service V o- with Norway has. been resumed, fpr if anv letters have SO' far been received. There are many Norwegian Deole In Prince Rupert who are nnvimidv owttltlno: word as to how their kin survived the ardors and persecution of the occupa-, tion. "Build 'B.Ci P-ayrolls" Pacific Milk Is Natural The rich, full, natural flavor of Pacific Milk is due to trie fine dairy herds in the famous' Fraser River Valley. Vacuum packing helps to keep unimpaired the taste Nature has given this good food. PACIFIC MILK irradiated and Vacuum Packed Floor Sanding arid Finishing Repairs and Alterations Val Spidel Green 186 Box 1430 St. "B" THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 FUNERAL OF WAR VETERAN Final MtM for Charles Schneider Yesterday Afternoon The funeral of the late Charles Schneider, late bf Winnipeg, veteran of World War II, took place yesterday under the auspices'oi Prince 'Rupert 'Branch, Cdriadran" lesion, from Grermlle Court Funeral Parlors. Services were conducted 'by Rev. M. Anderson. The hymns, "NPiirpr Mv nod to Thee" ahd "Abide With Me," were played by Mrs J. n. nilker. 'Interment took place In the veterans' plot, Falrview Ceme tery. the followlna leelonalres act pA nallbearers: 'F. J.'Fuller.'V, Duncan Mathewson and G. "Last Post" was sounded by comrade W. J. Ranee. Have you voted on this question "Timptx Inttmtt mtthod" for ttnlttry pr6tictlon rtpldly gilfilbg ground yet? tmeng womtn Until, vou'tiave tried all the methods for jnonthly sariitaty protection j-ou cannot' judge their relative ad- vantaees. 5o why not do exactly thattty them all? We suggest this because' wc are so ennn-Hnr th-r Tmtiav will win vrAir votel The growth of Tampax is truly phe nomenal, ana nere arc trie reason, !iveri in the briefest, quickest lorm . . . nvented bv a doctor. Made of pure absorbent cotton. It absorbs inter-1 nally . No belts or pins. No external pads. Quickly changed Dy means 01 individul applicator. No odor can form. Cannot "show" in" ridgei'br bulges. Easy disposal. Tampax sold in three absorbency-sizes (Regular, Sntvr. Inninr") at drue stores and" notion counters. Introductory box.( 7.r Op 4 innntlis' unnlv for Sl.V, - - rr , ' fPrnnnmir rirlra or 1 'Tnvf tipate Tam- pax today. .Canadian Tampax Cor; ..'t!.!a ti r. porannn umucu, ira.iujiuii, win CHIMNEY 'SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean ob Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN 'HOME SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC; LIMITED Offices in Vancouver arid New Westminster Phone Black 307326 2nd Ave, ;The Sfcal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S J5 FINEST SALMON Just Arrived flPrlhceTlupertTBlC. 20 Squares Bright Red; llexagen Asphalt Shlnglesi 'Roofing Paper. Building Paper. No. 1 Clear-finish Lumber Ship Lap and Dimension; F. MURPHY LUMBER General Agent Ace-Tex Products Tile Flooring Felts and Cement Dresses 1st Ave. E. Phone Black 884 Crisp colton prints and, plaids, button doivnthe'lxtck'and front unth seU'ruf' e'frim. ANNETTE'S 15AD1ES 1 WEAR THE DAILY NEWS Monday, June 11, 1315 " WE LEA I) i.. bTiiERsir,6Lfc6v" 'PAQEHREE Free Delivery Throughout the City monday Wednesday Friday To East 'Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section PROM 2 TO 5 viL Kindly give us your 'order before 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. We serve Special 'Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked 'meat Afresh vegetables and fruits complete 'line of groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY PHONE 21 65 ' Jack Caron BUTCHERS THIRD AVE, W. TAXI Murray Oliver KATY ' S KLEEN KITCHEN 703 FULTON STREET PHONE BLUE 882 Specializing in Home Cooking Anything from Steaks and Home - made Chili - Con - Carni to Hot Dogs. Also cater to Banquets, Wdddings arid Parties. Open 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. APPOINTMENTS AT LEAST ONE DAY IN ADVANCE J. 'M. S. LOUBSER DiC, BA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace 'Block Phone 64d ANNOUNCING ... J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I ' If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 We are glad to announce that we have been appointed Northern Distributor and Agent for CANADIAN JOHNS-MANVILLE PRODUCTS ASBESTOS Roofing Shingles Siding Shingles Roll Roofings Wallboards Built-Up Roofing See us for: ASPHALT Roofing Shingles Roll Roofings Bullt-Up Roofings Roof Coatings and Putties Other Products Rock .Wool Insulation Insulating Board Building Papers Acnii'n'if 'tii Finnrlnr Arniistiral Materials Transite Ma terials Roof Insulation Waterproofing Materials Indus- trlal ln4ulatlons-Packincs and uaskets loeiaciory ue- ments-PIpe Coverings. BONDfeD ROOFERS Prince Rupert Roofing Co. and "Sheetmetal Works 'Box 725 798 Second Ave. West Phone Blue 964