PAOB FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert. B C. Friday, August 31, 1945 ........................... SLACK SUITS FOR YOUR LABOR DAY PLEASURE 1 A .8liVv I Peoples w l) j j Store mjjjj ... of course jlj ' 5 (BBHUBBBBIII IB BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING GO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning Tanks Sinks Eavestrough & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES . WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 964 Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC LIMITED Offices in Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 367326 2nd Ave. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA . WANTED Able-bodied men, willing workers for cold storage and fish floor work. Have steady work for capable men. Can also use some casual labor. APPLY -Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TTTYTTTTTYTTYTTYYTTTTYYTYTTTYYTYTYYTYYTTTTYYYTYT Serve Yourself ... CLEARANCE SALE PLAY of . . . SHOES Regular Price ' ' SALE PRICE '$1.99 All Sales Final Serve Yourself CUT RATE SHOE STORE AAAAAAAAAAAA DO YOU WANT YOUR ENGINE TO LAST LONGER DO YOU WANT YOUU OIL TO LAST LONGER DO YOU WANT YOUU $$$ TO GO FURTHER? Then instal a new . . . WINSLOW OIL CONDITIONER WINSLOW oil conditioners remove sludge, varnish moisture, acid, carbon and grit, leaving only the lubricating qualities of your oil. We carry a complete stock of WINSLOW filters as well as WINSLOW replacement cartridges to fit other makes of filters. AS WE ADVISE ... BE PENNY WISE S6 S. E. PARKER LIMITED Wlnslow Automotive Distributor for Northern B.C. 170 E. 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 83 3 4 Today in Sports Hi School Girls Are Champions Scored Sensational Comeback In Final Last Evening Despite the fact that they had lost the second of the best-of-three game series by 14 runs, Booth Memorial High School team made the most remarkable comeback seen here in years as they trounced the Allies 9 to 3 last night on Acropolis Hill to win the final series and the women's softball championship of Prince Rupert. After their 15 to 1 setback at Algoma Park earlier in the week the Bo-Me-Hl girls were at a great disadvantage but, never theless came through with fly ing colors to dethrone Allies, 1941 champs, and capture the women's city softball title for the first time in the annals of the school. The Allies took a 2-0 lead in the first two innings only to see their margin disappear as the Booth squad counted four runs in the third on singles by Ariet ta Hamilton, "Rusty" Thain and Jane Hamilton and a triple, longest hit of the game, by Marie Coldwell. Lll Hitchins, Bo-Me-Hl centre-fielder, who cracked out a double was responsible for the only other extra-base blow of the fixture. Betty Hamilton pitched the whole game for the winners to chalk up her twelfth victory of the season against two defeats. Last season her record was only two wins and five losses, thus indicating a very noticeable improvement. Defensively, "Rusty" Thain and Diane Kennedy of Bo-Me-Hl, were outstanding with exceptional fielding efforts. Coach Silverman Held Responsible . Coach "Moe" Silverman spent considerable time this year training the High School1' club, which won only three games out of 10 last season, but the success of his efforts are now plain to see. The line-ups follow: Bo-Me-Hi Cowie c, A. Hamilton rf., Thain ss., B. Hamilton p., J. Hamilton lb., Caldwell 3b., Kennedy If., Thornton 2b., Hitch-ins cf. Allies Sulyma 2b., McLeod cf., Wassie ss., Sadaway lb., Morgan p., Lowe 3b., Flynn rf., Butter-worth c, Nickerson If. The score by innings follows: Allies 1 1 0 0 0 0 031 Bo-Me-Hi 0 0 4 1 2 2 x 9 Batteries: Allies Morgan and Butter- worth. . Bo-Me-Hi Hamilton and Cowie. SUNBURY. Middlesex. Ene. KB Singing is the best tonic for old age said John Francis who celebrated his 98th birthday by doing the star turn at an old folks' concert. Baseball Scores National League Pittsburgh 6, Chicago 4. American League New York 7, Boston 1. Chicago 4, Cleveland 4. International League Newark 1, Baltimore 0. Newark 7, Baltimore 6. Jersey City 9-0, Syracuse 6-4. Rochester 3, Toronto 2. Buffalo 8, Montreal 6. American Association Toledo 6. Louisville 5. Indianapolis 12, Columbus 3. Minneanolis 2, Milwaukee 1. Pacific Coast League Eos Angeles 3, San Francisco 1. Portland 6, San Diego 1. Hollywood 5, Oakland 2. Sacramento 5, ceattle 4. SPUD CHANDLER IS DISCHARGED Star Right Hand Hurler of Yankees to be Playing Again This Season NEW YORK, August 31 0. -The former' right-hander, Spud Chandler, is to be discharged from the Army on September 13. Announcement of Chandler's discharge comes from Yankee Stadium. The veteran hurler is expected to join the Yankee for the last two weeks of the LOOKING OVER BALL LEAGUES The New York Yankees bowled over the Boston Red Sox 7-1 yesterday with the. Bosox ace Dave Ferris suffering hU seventh defeat of the season as against 20 wins. Ferrlss has suffered four of his losses at the hnds of the Yankees. Floyd Bevins let the Sox down with a single hit. In the only other American League game the Chicago White Sox and Cleveland Indians played nine Innings to a 4-4 standstill. The game was called to permit the Cleveland club to catch a train. In the one National League contest; the Pittsburgh Pirates gave the St. Louis Cardinals a hand by tripping the Chicago Cubs 6-4. The loss chipped the Cubs' lead down to1 four games over the secondplace Cards. In the International League, Jersey City and Syracuse split a twin-bill with the Giants capturing the opener 9-4 while the Redmen came back 6-0 in the nightcap. The Rochester Red Wings salvaged the final game of their three-game series with Toronto by defeating the Maple Leafs 3-2. The Newark Bears took the measure of the Baltimore Orioles twice. 1-0 and 7-6 whil the Buffalo Bisons toppled Montreal's Royals 8-6. Stop HAY FEVER If-.. !?!.( Artn' rtloritA Vrtll Wit H (fa wzing and wheezing, its blowing and piping, Jta Bore, streaming, nciung uiw ition of eyes and ears. Just do what thou Iduus nac uuira iu g i, --- Uke Templcton', RAZ-MAH. YouH letp druggists everywhere, R-l S SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL RETURNING SERVICEMEN In line with their usual policy of service and quality "Cambridge" has again come to the front, offering all discharged servicemen a selection of excellent cloth for made-to-measure clothing. This selection is reserved entirely for servicemen with priority suit certificates. WE ASSURE YOU OF DELIVERY IN TWO TO THREE WEEKS Drop in and look over our samples PENDING OFFICIAL DISCHARGE PLEASE CLIP THE COUPON RE LOW AND BRING IT TO US PRE-DEMOBILIZATION PRIORITY SUIT CERTIFICATE U'OK rutsoNMx of m:kvh i:s oxi.V) This certificate may be used as an advance priority In ordering suits for members of the services Immediately prior' to receiving official discharge and MUST be replaced by the official certificate Issued at time of discharge. This enables personnel to place orders for priority pending official discharge. CUSTOMER'S REGIMENTAL SIGNATURE NO..1. DEALER'S NAME JIOKOAXS MKNS NOV WEAK I.TI. Frlnce Itupert, IV ('. OfYlorgans QtU & Boys War jSll "WHERE MEN BUY" J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., DA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 YUE KING'S CAFE for coffee whjle at NEW HAZELTON Lunch Counter for Meals SOFTBALL DEADLOCK Junior Softball League Sudden Death Play-off Unsettled Although they were behind by a score of .6 to 2 at the end of four innings, Wartime Housing counted seven runs in the next three frames to the Knights of Columbus' three to deadlock the score at nine-all and the Junior Softball League sudden-death game for the championship last night at Gyro Park was subsequently called on account of darknpss. The two clubs will replay their crucial game at Gyro Park Saturday night. With; the Wartime Housing club trailing, 9 to 8, going into the seventh and last Inning, Flaten the Housing pitcher, was walked and brought home with a hit by Gomez to tie up the game. The most spectacular fielding play of the fixture occurred in the sixth when rifhtfielder Jones of the Housing team caught, a fly on the then turned a complete flip but "managed to hang onto the ball. Olsen, slugging first-baseman of the Caseys, secured the only extra-base hit of the game, a doutjle In the fifth Inning. McDougall pitched 'the full contest for the K. of C. nine while Intermela started for Wartime Housing and gave way to Flaten in the fifth. The line-ups follow: K. of C.'s Bourgeaut 2b., Moore If., Olsen lb., Lesieur cf., McDonald 3b., DcJong ss., Sharon c, McDougall p., Myers rf. Wartime Housing Intermela p.-2b., Gomez 2b., McDonald ss., Nordgaard c., Forbes lb., Over-gaard 3b.. Jones If., Anderson 2b , Owens cf., Flaten rf.-p. The score by Innings follows: W. Housing 0 2 0 0 3 3 1 09 K. of C.'s .4 2 0 0 1 2 0 09 Batteries: Wartime Housing Intermela, Flaten and Nordgaard. K. of C.'s McDougall and Sharon. SHORT SPORT The long-awaited game between the Prince Rupert All-Stars and the Acropolis Browns is scheduled to be played this Sunday afternoon on Acropolis Hill. The pitching selection for the Browns is not known at this time but Bill Lambie will probably be on the mound for Prince Rupert. On Labor Day the United States Army Corporals and Sergeants, who played to a deadlock in 11 Innings recently, will renew their rivalry with a game on Acropolis Hill. Numerous incidents c-f wilful destruction have occurred this seasCS at Gyro and McClymont Parks, thus loading more worries onto the men who have been trying to operate organized soft-ball leagues in t he city. Operation of 'a circuit is difficult enough under the best of conditions but when vandalism appears the situation for league officials i3 well nigh intolerable. It Is t o toe hoped that this form of rowdyism will cease. Floor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and Alterations Val Spidel Green 186 Box 1430 St. "B" BE WISE TODAY AND BE WARM THIS WINTER ORDER COAL TODAY! PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 TODAY and SATURDAY i.,, REAL PEOPLE in the same with Donald Duck and his pals!...s0 uuoiijr aiiiaini, ay miming, 50 new anrt novel that you'll hardly believe what your own eyes see! fV jfi k . -4" K The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S 2 FINEST SALMON LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and stcahi pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street a fine watch BULOVA JOHN BULGER Limited J E WELLE K S Third Ave. Pr, Rupert 'eatunij THKB BIRDS Of A f BATHER-All OUT FOR THEIR fONI PANCHITO ; JOE CARtOCA DONALD DOCK AURORA MIRANDA DORA LUZ CARMEN MOLINA Released by RKO Radio Pictures Inc. ADDED "EDGAR KENNEDY COMEDY" "BATTLE OF SUPPLY" NEWS Capitol I D D I E LUB I W JV.-J SI ma NEWEST IDEA SINCE "SNOWWHI1F SATURDAY 10 A.M. -'Law of the I alkvi iH i nruung western m. M am. m m f r 11 iiiiimiIi m w KJI LI Vr. lllfllll III. 1 OFFICES IN IIEILimONER'S JEWELRY STOKE Complete qualified optical service. Popular 1 i r rrince Steamers From Prince Rupert to Ocean Falls Vancouver Thursday Saturday Thursday steamer also calls Powell River to Ketchikan Wednesday Friday FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Ave. and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chlrcpractlcl If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 095 TOURISTS "SKEENA BRIDGE CAMP" One mile East of Terrace Box 13 Terrace, BX!. I I1KKML Storage r . ntfiw AW PI. IN THE DISTRICT (II, SMITH) In Terrace . THE ilrlrKI.Hl G. McAOAMS, m Oct p cittjVP nROCff 11 jv i:iir lis 1 .nuuw ' AMndernDeDlitf n-riPB ATE . m . ..Ill . ' . S t - w 11 yi 111 1 1 1 TRANSPORT n.L. nrooks, Prop When in Terrace - . Motors take care 01 r transportation. The best In tranflW for less. 1 nt 1. orvlceW1' . .1 Ani.nt.Sl0r" Else JjUKC nf ""- rtn All-nlght CW TERRACE MACHINE SHOP. AND GARAGE Expert Repairs 'on all makes of cars ReconS Motors Tractors Road Equipment -- worK uiesei Acetylene ana " box 2na' TERRA1!, A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL