IS:1 :t - to.. V r Prinrr Rtipr'rt Daflg JSrto's Thursday, October 4, 1945 Good Eaiting for llio Lunch Iloxos and so easy to mix! All-BRAN RAISIN BREAD 1 nip Kellogg'l H eus lutcar All-Bran 2 H nips sifted flour 1 cup nir milk or 2 teaspoons baking buttermilk powtlt-r 2 tablespoon melted 1 1 S teanpoons salt ebwteiunx H tanpoon anda J$ cup chopped raisins Beat egg well. Add sugar, molasses, milk, shortening (melted and cooled) and All-Bran ; mix well ; let stand until most "of moisture js taken up. Sift flour, baking powder, salt and soda together; Add to fret mixture with raisins; stir only until flour disappear. Bake in greased, louf pan lined with Business and SERVICING, SALES, RENTING AND AMUSEMENTS GADGET REPAIRS, ETC COOK AND DIXON'S ' CYCLE SHOP (Formerly Gunn's Bicycle Shop) 214 6th Street Open daily from 9 a.m. till 2 a.m. . Work to please, everyone No work too large or too small H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanglng UNION PAINTER 1 Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada R F. I.OVIN, Phone Green 974 Representative Box 526 117 2nd Ave. W. Opposite YMCA PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. 65 PHONE 65 For your future dances try the "SWING QUINTETTE" The finest dance band in town Phoxie 65 Taxi PIANIST TEACHER with concert and radio experience will take pupils. Phone J. FRANKY, Green 975 during business hours. For General Construction Houses, Verandahs Raised, Alterations, Additions, Steps Built and Repaired also Cement Foundations, Floors, Sidewalks, Driveways and Septic Tanks Phone Green 482 Immediate attention waird paper in moderate oven (3MF.) about 1 hour. Extra good and so different! This rich brown loaf has that heavenly nut-hkeflavouronlyKellogg'sAll-Bran can give. . .and that marvelously soft, light All-Bran texture. Perfect for the lunch boxes because it's packed with nourishment and keeps fresh. Clip tlio recipe now and get Kellogafs All-Bran from your grocer today. 2 convenient sizes. Made by Kellogg, London, Canada. Helps keep you regular- naluraUy! fAll-Bran Professional Studio 802 Borden St. Phone Green 511 RHETA H. MEAD Teacher of Pianoforte Classes commencing October 1st Special courses for beginners, advanced and adult pupils .HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Oil Burners Cleaned and Repaired Chimney Cleaning and all Home Repairs Ice Deliveries Saturday Green 486 Phone Green 337 Open for Business MARINE GENERAL REPAIRS Arc Oxy-Acetylene Welding First Ave. East We repair anything "House of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP . Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 6th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 821 1363 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist JOHN BULGER LTD. Third Avenue OWENS HOME RADIO Prompt diagnosis for ailing radios I PHONE RED 751 OPEN FOR YOUR APPROVAL . . . Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL G a.m. to 3 a.m. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. Catholic Women Holding Bazaar The two-day Catholic school bazaar, sponsored by the Catholic Women's League, got off to a lively start Wednesday afternoon when the Knights of Columbus hall was filled with a continual flow of people until late in the evening. A large assortment of goods were sold in the gaily decorated booths. Particularly well patronized was the fish pond around which a host of children congregated as soon as school was out. The hog dog and home cooking booths were both highly popu lar. Dainty refreshments were served in the tea room. Convener was Mrs. H. F. Glas- sey and other ladies were In charge as follows: Novelties Mrs. M. T. McCaf- fery, Mrs. Rives, Mrs. Phil Lyons, Mrs. J. McNulty, Mrs. Harry Ward. White Elephant Mrs. J. R. Blaln, Mrs. P. DeJong, Mrs. Bert Young, Mrs. A. J. Turcotte. Sewing Mrs. c. Schaeffer and group, assisted by the Victory Circle. Fish Pond Mrs. L. Amadio. Mrs. Jack Gillls. Tea Room Mrs. A. Tureeon. Mrs. A. Murray, Mrs. J. Garon. Mrs. Tetreault, Mrs. Dinet. Home Cooking Mrs. J. N. For- man, Mrs. A. St. Amour, Mrs. L. Matisse. Hog Dogs Mrs. Nauss. Mrs. W. Lahti, Mrs. L. Doiron. Mrs. J. Yelloway. Country Store Mr. Bert Young, Mr.- C. Rlmmer, Mr. P. De Jong, Mr. J. Comadina. The grand prize raffles are in charge of Father W. G. Lantagne and Mrs. C. E. Bilton. Drawings take place tonight. Announcements All advertisemenm n vtM column will be charged for a TuU montn at 25c a word. Thankseivine SuoDer. United Church Hall, October 18, 6:30 p.m. Eastern Star Birthday Dane October 19. Annual Rebekah bazaar. Tfi O.F. Hall, Oct. 25, 2:30. Hill CO Kallnwp'pn Ten Mrs G. E. Moore's, Oct. 31. SCIATICA SUFFERERS ifces stabbing, piercing pain of Sciatica In vntir hln Qnrl thScrh .nab lif n .1 J t" V...Q.. "". "It. a IIIHT4 j t Do as thousands have done. Get quick relief with Templeton's T-R-Cs, and lead t h normal ....... or-tii lit I .... M . ...v. vfu nnir iui. ouuw ciiiutjitri udy, VJtrt 1 -l-v, 8 and top that miserable pain now I sue, i at uruggisu everywin-ra. j-26 THE GOVERNMENT OP THE PROVINCE OP BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT OP LANDS TI.MKKK SAI.K X 37198 Sealed tenders will be received by the District Forester, Prince Rupert, B. C, not later than noon on the 19th dav of October. 1945. lor the purchase of license X 37198 In Kwatna Inlet, to cut 1.469,000 feet of standing and felled Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock and Balsam. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria. B. C, or the District Forester. Prince Rupert. B. C. or Ranger J. 8. Stokes, Ocean Falls, B. C. NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OP BEER LICENSE NOTICE is hereby Riven that on the 6th day of November, next, the undersigned Intend to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of beer license No. 6837 Issued In respect of premises being part of a building known as Central Hotel, situate at the corner of 1st Avenue and 7th Street, Prince Rupert. B.C., upon the lands described as Lots Numbered 11 to 14. Block Number 10. Section 1, Map No. 923, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, In the Province of British Columbia, from Norman A. Watt, Administrator of the Estate of Cora Elizabeth Black, deceased, to Albert Dixon of Prince Rupert, B.C., Harold Garforth Dixon and Sidney Water- neia or tne Municipality of Oourt-enay, British Columbia, the trans ferees. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 27th day of September, A.D. 1945. ALBERT DIXON. HAROLD OARFORTH DIXON, SIDNEY V. ATERFIELD. Applicants and Transferees. (0-28) THIS AND THAT mm nn -. Hi OTLB . . , , MUTfiOFf MUTfiOFf - - J in. Htiihf Adam, And what makes you Local News Items The WA. Canadian Legion meeting, October 4, 8 pjn. (231)' C.C.F. Broadcast, Friday, 7:15 pjn. Wm. Brett, C.C.F. candidate. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stephens are sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Job's Daughters Meeting, Friday, pet. 5, 7:30 p.m. Initiation, Silver March and Social. (231) Sons of Norway meeting, Thursday, October 4, 8 o'clock, Oddfellows' Hall. All members please attend. (231) Carl Poulsen Is leaving tonight on the Prince Rupert on a brief George and to the southern in-business trip to Vancouver. Labor-Progressive Broadcast: Hear Maurice Rush, released P.O.W., tonight, 10:30 to 10:45. A Veteran Looks at the Future. (it) V Lovln's Cabinet Shop has received samples of upholstery materials. (It) W. M. Watts returned home on last night's train, having stopped 6ff for a day at Smlthers on private business while on the way home from Ottawa and Montreal which he visited as a member of the local postwar development delegation. CANADIAN The program for Y. M. C. A. Music Hour on Friday evening Is as follows: "Intermezzo" (Provost) Tascha Seidel, violinist. "Waltz Serenade" (Tchalkow-sky) Boston Symphony Orchestra. "Lucia - Sextette" (Donizetti) Galli Curci, Homer. Giegll, De Luca, Pinza, Bada: "Organ Revcj-ies" Selections from "Great Waltz," "Reminiscences of Chopin," "Moon at Sea." "Moto Perpetuo" (Paganinl) Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra. "Invitation to The Waltz" (Meliza Korjus). "Malaguena," "Habanera" (Sarasate) Yehudl Menuhln, violinist. "Symphony No. 5 in E Minor" secend movement (Dvorak) Victor Symphony Orchestra. "I Heard a Forest Praying" (De Rose), "Children of Men" (Russell) John Charles Thomas "Warsaw Concerto" (Addin-sell) Phllharmonlc-brchestra of Los Angeles. Selections from "The Firefly" (Priml) Victor Salon Group. "Clair De Lune" "(Dslbussy) E Robert Schmltz, nianist. "Just For Today" John Charles Thomas. COMPENSATING SENSES The rhinoceros Is. dull of sight but its hearing and scent are very acute. EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news items, to ensure publication, should be in the office by 10 a.m. Contributors are asked to bear this in mind. Items of social and personal interest are always welcome. STytQE. Io. J think you need glasses?" A Important Do no fall fo ! hear Bob Slunro, tonight, ! I.O.D.E. Hall, 8 p.m. (It I Mrs. A. M. Beattle. accom panied by her granddaughter. ! Anne, is leaving tonljht for a! short trip to yancouver. j Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Thaln and.' Mrs. T. W. Brown are leaving today on a motor trip during which they will travel to Prince terior on a two weeks' holiday. Regular monthly meeting of the Registered Nurses Association will be held in the Nurses' Heme, Thursday October at 8:30 p.m. Guest speaker will be Lieut. NS Koestner. (230) Briefs From Britain By the Canadian Press LONDON 0) David Paterson Malcolm, 64, in charge of building the Wembley Empire Exhibition of 1924, died in hospital here. BROADSTAIRS, Kent., Eng. (CP) Seven persons were saved by a ladder from the upper storeys! of the Willmot Hotel when fire broke out on the floors below. DEWSBURY, England tf Walter Bellwood, 67, committed suicide when his horse, to which he was devoted, had to be 'destroyed. STOKE-ON-TRENT, Eng., P) Britain's last aircraft shadow factory here is to switch over to the peace-time production of colliery equipment and refrigerators. LO.VDON, 0 Derby House, in Stratford Place has been sold, together with adjoining properties, on behalf of the Earl of Derby. ' LONDON 0) Sydney Bernstein, advisor in chief on films to the British government! throughout the war, has gone! back to his civilian job of show-1 ing films to the public. BELFAST O) A law passed here gives ex-servicemen, bomb- j ed-out persons and merchant navy men first choice of state or council houses. LONDON (CP) FieldMarshal Montgomery has been appointed ' Colonel Commandant, Royal Tank Regiment, succeeding the late General Sir High Elles. LONDON, IP) A notice "justj married, keen out" nostprl nn i the window of a crowded train travelling to Charing Crcs3 Station was respected by passengers who had to stand. SNAKE BITE ANTIDOTE BOMBAY CP) A new anti-snake-venom serum providing an effective antidote to the pols on four of the five deadly snakes common in India has been prepared by Col. S. S. Sokhey, director of the Haffkine institute, and his colleagues. FOR SORE and TIRED FEET MUNICIPAL VOTERS! The list is now open for registration of voters. Is your name on? It is the duty of everyone qualified to vote to see that his or her name is on the list and to exercise the franchise in support of the municipal candidates who will best represent them in the management of city affairs. All property-owners by agreement of sale and Licence Holders assure yourselves that you are on the list before Oct. 31st. Non-Partisan Association INCOMETAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 81 1 i KINSMEN'S LB. ISEAL CAMPAIGN RESULTS GOOD Prince Rupert ranked fourth last year in the total amount of money raised for the B. C. Tuberculosis Society through the sale of Christmas seals and first in per capita contributions, Maurice Irving, chairman of .the local Kinsmen's Club T. B. Christmas Sea committee told a meeting of the club last night. Reporting on the annual banquet of the B. C. Tuberculosis Society, which he attended in Vancouver recently, Mr. Irving said that returns on Christmas seal letters sent out by the Kins men's Club in Prince, Rupert were $1.84 per letter, the highest in the province. Prince Rupert was followed by Vancouver, whose response per letter was about 30 cents less than this city. In recognition of his work as chairman of the Kin Christmas Seal committee here, Mr. Irving was made a director of the B. C. Tuberculosis Society. Clarence Thomson reported that the Kin committee to as sist the Prince Rupert Recrea tion Council in attempting to get U. S. Army athletic equipment for city gymnasiums formed part of the delegation led by Acting Mayor Brett which interviewed Col. J. H. Mellom. The inter view Indicated promise of obtaining considerable such equipment for the Recreation Council, Mr. Thomson said. Vice-President Norman Carter appointed a committee to han die the Kinsmen's annual Hallowe'en Shell Out campaign. Chairman is Allen Morgan, as-fisted by George Dibb and Ray Allen. At the start of the meeting Vice-President Carter initiated Lloyd Rice, George Dibb and Ray Allen into membership in the Club. ORIGINATED WITH GREEKS The origin of how a ship came to be called "she" can probably be traced back to the Greek mariners who gave their ships feminine names. Do Not Fail To Hear.... Bob Munro (Well-known Singing Evangelist) I.O.D.E. HALL (Fifth and MBride) 8 o'Clock Tonight Auspices S.S.A.C.A. Adv. Regular Baptist We have expanded our business which enables us to take care of all your crating and storage .requirements. HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 COAL and WOOD BE WISE TODAY AND BE WARM THIS WINTER ORDER COAL TODAY! PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 TEA 1 VHJl 1 (1 IliTi rv naiever yi pian to spent YOU'LL Fa GIFTS Hd TO SATll YOU... Come in and si JOHN BULGER 111 JEWELERS THIRD AVENUE (OppositePcl For BABY Products that are FAM0l) A baby needs a mother's love, but this 1 enough to help baby develop. Baby needs wise and careful selection of the best tit-used on his tender little body. In maklnt purchases here, you are always assured of to NOTHING BUT THE BEST FOR Ormestt Jit JHonecr Druqgists Phone! I WOOL DRES OURS IS THE LA STOCK m THE C11 THE REXALL SI-ORE ir WE WILL PAY A FAIR AND BE AS1 We have the for the popu CASH PRICE mil YOUR USED FVnSllr ELIO FURNITURE W PRINCE RUPERT, v