klR WAY FOOD MARKET SATURDAY SPECIALS resh B.C. No Limit EW POTATOES ,ou 26c IARR0TS Irlb. OMATOES rlb. LETTUCE clid Fresh Heads BUNCH 10 c OUT UOOK Inn and Ripe, OCp LARGE 15c I NEW CABBAGE Fresh and Green, 4 4n Per lb. 11 FRESH Per Bunch 5c Fair WayFood Market IE DELIVER i pr M x. phone 434 Nothing Could Be Nicer for dress-up occasions than this cap sleeved d r e s s with draped skirt caught up in front with an enormous rose. Comes in lovely pastel shades. ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR, " WE LEAD... OTHERS FOLLOW" JUST KECIEVED Another shipment of those popular CRYSTAL SETS BPrlced at $7.75 complete with headphones. An Ideal radio Rfor young and old: No Batteries No Electric Power No Tubes No Operating Costs. SEE OWR WINDOW FOR DISPLAY i 1 Per lb. JLU1' 7 GREEN ONIONS Wilson's Wireless Buzzers complete with battery and Jn- Jstructlonal booklet "JU KATY'S KLEEN KITCHEN ! 703 FULTON STREET -:- PHONE BLUE 882 Specializing in Home Cookinff Anything from Steaks and Home-made Chili - Con - Carni to Hot Dogs. Also cater to Uanqucts, Weddings and i'arties. Open 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. APPOINTMENTS AT LEAST ONE DAY IN ADVANCE TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT An airy, ankle-flattering addition to your summer wardrobe. Th .,l.,l uinntr cuoHo- TVnrsnv nit for stvle and comfort ."ti.-i j CUT RATE SHOE STORE UAAAAAM44MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR BEST RESULTS Local News Items Mrs. Hope Evans left, last 1 night on a holiday trip to Van;- .couver. Miss Bessie Lee and Miss Violet Lee left last night on a month's houpay trip to Vancouver. St. Andrew's Cathedral Sun day School picnic Saturday,' June 23. Boats leave Yacht Club float, 1 pjn. (145) Miss Margo Brown, daughter j of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce Brown, leu last nignt on a trip to A Junior Ladles' Aid Presby terlan Church Tea and. Delict tessen Sale, June 23. 1945, 3-6, at home of Mrs. C. O. Ham, 5th Ave. west. (145) Members of the Old Time Club. Dances at the Conrad Street School will be discon tinued during the summer holi days. There will Ibe no dance Saturday June 23. Secretary. (146) A Members of the Canadian Legion are requested to fall In at Legion Headquarters at 10:15 tonight to proceed to the railway station to assist In welcoming heme Flight Lieutenant Pat Deane, D.F.C., on, his return to Prince Rupert. Dress: caps. Notice Stewart Public Utilities Ltd. The Annual General Meeting of the above will be held In tle registered office of the Company, 5th Street, Stewart, at 3 p.m, Wednesday, July 11, 1945. A. RUSSWURM, Secretary. Military Orders 1st (R) Bin. Prince Rupert Rest. (MO) C, J. Toombs. MaJ. Commanding DANCE A dance will be held by the 1st (R) Btn. Prince Rupert Regt. (MG) at; the Armories, Sixth Ave., at 9:30 p.m., Friday, June 22. Music by Andy McNaughton and His Orchestra, Tickets $1.50 per couple. Tickets on sale at Ormes Drug Store, William Stone's, Clothiers, and B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Everybody welcome. Refreshments. (145) 1st (R) Btn. Prince Rupert Regt. (MG) "QM stores will be open from 8 to 9:30, this eve ning for the purpose, of Issuing summer arm ana equipment to personnel attending summer camp. Mrs. C. L. Youngman and family left last night on a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. O. T. Durkln and family left on last night's train for Edmonton to spend a holiday. Miss Alice Barbe and Miss Pat McCallum were among those leaving last, night on a trip to Vancouver. A Picnic Sunday School and congregation Regular Baptists meet I.O.D.E. Hall, Saturday, June 23, 1:30 p.m. Parents invited. (It) MRS. HARVEY NEW REGENT At the regular meeting of the Prince Rupert Chapter, No. 211, Wcmen.of the Moose, Wednesday night with Senior Regent Kas-per in the chair, the installation of the new officers took place as follows: Graduate Regent, Amy Kasper, Senior Regent, Jessie Harvey. Junipr Regent, Grace Mc Intyre. Chaplain, Agnes Murray (re elected). Secretary, Dorothy Balllnger (re-elected). . Treasurer, Mildred Wide, Argus, Clara Bellamy. Sentinel, Alva Martinson. Pianist, Sohple Carr (re elected). Guide. Hjordls Hill. Assistant Guide, Nora Strom dahl. Mrs. Winghams name was drawn for the "Moose Cash" for $0 but she was absent so the cash drawing for the next meet ing will be $7. After the meeting a social took iplacs in which the much enjoyed skit "L'l Abner" was re peated by the co-workers of the Child's Care Committee. Guests for the evening were Lpdge No, 1051 and a few outside friends. A presentation was made to Graduate Regent Kasper by the new Senior Regent Harvey on behalf of the co-workers. .Delicious refreshments were served arid the social came to a close, NEURALGIA Are NEURALGIA and the Hammering UxiHnohea It rail sea blinding vou wan cruel pain? Get fast, safe relief as others V,o vilh Temnleton'a T-R-C a. Don t delay another day. Start now to relieve that ain with T-R-C's the remedy enthusiastically praised by thousands. At all drueniats 50c. SI. GIFTS Whatever you plan to spend . . . YOU'LL FIND GIFTS HERE TO SATISFY YOU . . . Come in and see them JOHN BULGER LTD. JEWELERS THIRD AVENUE (Opposite Post Office) RUPERT BRAND : : SMOKED : : BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. W M. Watts returned to thet Allftnn f EC flfUlf 1fe!.,5!Js-'AUDRcY SESSIONS brief business to from a trip Vancouver. A Baptist Church picnic Satur day June 23. Children meet at i Church at 1 pan. rain or-shine. If fair boat leaves Yacht Club wharf at 2 pjn. ana 3 pjn, (It) Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Skene of Vancouver, left last night on their return south after a brief visit to the city. Rev. Dr. Skene is pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Vancouver. A The Open Night of the Prince Rupert Sea Cadets will be held this (Friday) evening at 7 o clock in the Naval Drill Hall. All par ents and Interested persons are Invited. Mrs. Oscar Pick and son George, of 1532 Eight Ave. E., left last night for Vancouver where they will, take up perman ent residence. Mr. PIck, who was formerly with. the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co. here,, left some Ume ago for Vancouver where he is now employed with B.C. Packers. Announcements Valhalla Whist and Social, June 22, 8:00 sharp. Dance every Saturday night, Oddfellows' Hall. 9 to 12. St. Peter's tea, Mrs. Kelsey's, Seal Cove, June 21, Canadian Legion W.A. Tea and Sale, June 27. Dance, Orange Hall, Terrace, every Friday. Good time for all. Navy League Auxiliary Tea, Mrs. Wlnslow's, July 5. IS TERRACE BRIDE United In Marriage Yesterday Afterjhoon to James Bremner of This City A marriage of wide Interest throughout the district took place in the Anglican Church at Terrace yesterday afternoon when Miss Audrey Sessions, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Sessions of Terrace, became the bride of James Bremner, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bremner of Prince Rupert. Following the marriage ceremony, there was a reception In the Terrace Ho tel. Later the couple left Ter race by car for Prince Rupert and proceeded from here last night for a honeymoon trip to Vancouver and elsewhere m the south. They will return to this city to reside. The grodm's parents and sister, Miss Betty Bremner, were among those at' Terrace for the wedding. O. R. Ctfrrie, representative of the Regional War Labor Board Vaancouver, left last night on his return south after spending several days In the city consulting with representatives of the Boilermakers' and Machinists' unions. ITCH See our stock of household furniture, and novelties. J. H. MAIR FURNITURE AND AUCTIONEER C32 Third Ave. Phone Blue 69 CHECKED in a Jiff if; or Money Back For quick relief from Itching caused by eromai thltte'a foot, MabiM, pimplei and other Itchiiu condition", puri". cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. O. PRESCRIPTION. Grrawlm and stainless. Soothes, comforts and qukklr calm-intense itching. Iton't miffer. A.lc you' drumiUt today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. IT'S BLUE THAT KEEPS. CLOTHES TURNING YELL0.W Bed linen, table linen, towels all your white clothes .will, never turn., yellow if you rinse them in Blue. It's the sure and simple way to keep them snowy white all the time. Just a swish or two in the last rinse water does the trick. Svn roours combin fo make white. One of thete colours h blue. There U no true white without Bive. RB-15 FLAGS for th JULY CELEBRATIONS We have plenty at 5c to 75c THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE House Plans and Alterations Store and Store Front Remodelling PHONE BLACK 9G9 Prince Rupert, BE. ' THE DAILY NEWS ;PAGE THREE 0 w Friday June 22 1945 Famous r Flavour since 1892 CSC l?"-SZra 7 a in I II B'IBBBBBBBBBW ilHI II II BaVfl t vA Ml k - . mm SALAM TEA Announcement Our store will close June 18th to July 14th inclusive, and we trust this will occasion no inconvience to our customers. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SMART FORMULA FOR SMART RELAXATION Two-tone sport jackets with slacks to match, designed to make your casual moments smart ones. Cool lightweight fabrics in several color combinations. W. F. STONE "CLOTHES OF DISTINCTION" ANNOUNCING ... We are glad to announce that wo have been-appointed Northern Distributor and Agent for' CANADIAN JOHNS-MANVILLE PRODUCTS ASBESTOS Roofing Shingles Siding Shingles Roll Roofings Wallboards Bullt-Up Roofing See us for: Other Products ASPHALT, Roofing Shingles Roll Roofings ' Bullt-Up Roofings Roof Coatings and Putties Rock Wool Insulation Insulating Board Building Papers( Asphalt Tile Flooring Acoustical materials iransiie materialsRoof Insulation Waterproofing Materials Indus-. trial Insulations Packings and Gaskets Kefactory Ce- ments-t-ripe coverings. BONDED ROOFEiRS Prince Rupert Roofing Co. and Sheetmetal Works Box 725 798 Second Ave. West Phone Blue 964 COAL and WOOD HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 TOURISTS "SKEENA BRIDGE CAMP' One mile East ot Terrace Box 13 Terrace, B.C. If