5 ft Prftifc Hnprrr Daflp JUcs Monday, December 10, 1043 National Hockey Hawks And Wings Even Chicago, New York and Detroit Winners Last Night NE WYORK, Dec. 10 There were three games in the National Hockey League last night and here are the scores: At Chicago Chicago Black Hawks 8, Boston Bruins 3. At New York New York Rangers 2, Toronto Maple Leafs 1. At Detroit Detroit Red Wings 2, Montreal Canadiens 1. In the game at Chicago, the Black Hawks climbed into a tie for second place with the Detroit Red Wings by their victory over the Boston Bruins. After a scoreless first period, Chicago took a 3-0 lead in the second session and then increased its lead in the third period. Boston scored all three of Its goals in the. final frame. Smith, Mosienko and Kaleta each speared two goals for the Black Hawks. Cain scored two of Boston's three tallies and Bill Cowley get the other. In the game at Detroit, all the scoring was crammed into the final eight minutes of play. The Red Wings punched over the winning goal while short-handed. With a little more than three minutes to play and Jack Stewart of the Wings in the penalty box, Adam Brown of Detroit plunked home a 30-footer for the game-winning goal. JThe first goal came with almost 13 minutes of the third period gone after the first two sessions were scoreless. Joe Car-Vefli laced one home for Detroit and then Dutch Hiller tied it up Cliri Fishnas then staved off the attacking Leafs in the final two sessions. Toronto's lone tally came out of a scramble in the second period when Lome Carr was credited with a goal after his shot had bounced off the skates of one of , the Rangers into the net. Both the New York tallies came on solo dashes. The first was by Mac Colville, two minutes after the opening whistle, and the second was by Lynn Patrick, with three minutes to play in the first period. There will be no more N. H. L. games until Wednesday. Then the Red Wings will travel to Boston for a meeting with the Bruins. On Thursday, the Maplt Leafs go to Montreal at the same time as the Black Hawks play the Rangers in New York. VANCOUVER U.B.C. Thun-derbirds downed the powerful a University of Washington team 58-51 in an exhibition basketball game here Saturday night. Friday night the Washington team won C9-66. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. How is puree pronounced, and what is it? A. It is food boiled to a pulp and rubbed through a sieve; also a soup thickened with this. Pro nounce pu -ra, u as. in unite, a as in ray, accent last syllable. Q. If it is discovered that a purchased article contains a defect, what should one do? A. Return it promptly to the person in charge of that depart ment. i n i 1 1 m mm TodiEsg in Sports -J The men who think up names for racehorses should hand over the laurels to the namers of greyhounds which race on English tracks. Here are a few: Leading Man, Handsome and Fair, Come Away Snowball. Glide Away, Grand Union, Wee Little Seal, Staunch and True, Sweeping Valley, Rattling Snake, Daly's Moonlighter, Landing Craft, West Wall, Removed, The Face, Ena's Courage, Klaxton, Belted Courier, B Flat, Laughing Diplomat, Slieve Croo. After the management of the Moscow Dynamo soccer ream announced that the players would have to return to Russia for the hockey season, an Evening Standard sports writer suggested they play a Canadian Army team. "Canadian services start ice hockey at Wembley next week. The Russians could have a trial run there. The Canadians also use the Brighton rink, where match could be played any time. Kit would be lent by the Canadians," he said. "Russian reaction Is that the men have had no competitive ice' hockey since their last season ended in February, but neither have the Canadians." Wembley Lions, pre war hockey champions of Bri tain, will have their first postwar game against a Canadian service team December 15 at Wembley. Cecilia Colledge, British and European skating champion, will give an exhibition. English table tennis championships will be played at Lime Grove Baths, Shepherd's Bush, London, March 21 and 22, with finals at Wembley March 23. Ten mum i ri i n STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home is convenient and Inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage, and shipping, PHONE no LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd and Park Avenue J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I It nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 695 time, ati4UHi Well" it's i ii i i im for Montreal a few minutes later. At New York, the Rangers just squeezed through to victory over the Toronto Maple Leafs. The Rangers picked up a pair of goals In the first period and PRINCE RUPERT needs your support Help make 1946 the turning point in Civic Progress and Improvement. VOTE CLIFFORD HAM INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR ALDERMAN We serve you nothing but the best-Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Ties, Koast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. We arc ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow Mcin, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US! RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave, West Next Royal Hotel Allied countries. Including Canada, are being invited to send representatives. British athletes are expected to compete in the revived Eur-: opean games at Oslo, Norway, in August. The team will probably be smaller than the 24-man team which competed for the first time in European Games at Paris in 1938. Britain then won four events and only Germany bettered that mark. Sweden, even without the athletes whose amateur status has been questioned, is expected to win the meet. A grand old lady of the hunting field, Mrs. M. C. Inge, Thorpe Hall' Tarn worth, Staffs., celebrated her 80th birthday by leading the field when the Ath-erstone hounds met at her heme. The name of her horse, which she rode side-saddle, was Glamor. She first hunted 71 years ago. "I hope to hunt for many years on Glamor," she said. Mle is 20 and together we make a level 100." Soccer goal keeper Eric Insall has played six matches for Nottingham University in bare feet. An ankle injury prevents him vearins boots and he can either play without them or not play at all. He plays and only asks his fullbacks to take the goal kicks. Hockey Scores SATURDAY National League Montreal 1. Toronto 0. SUNDAY New York 2, Toronto 1. Canadiens 1, Detroit 2. Chicago 8, Boston 3. SATURDAY Pacific Coast League New "Westminster 4, Hollywood 0. Oakland C, San Francisco 3. Los Angeles 5, San Diego 4 (Overtime). SUNDAY Seattfe 6, Hollywood" 3. San Diego 7, Los Angeles 1. Vancouver 5, Portlartd 4. LOCALS WIN TWO GAMES Took Two Basketball Victories At Metlakatla Saturday The Booth Memorial basket- bau squaa, accompanied oy Coach Alex Bill, Journeyed to the village of Metlakatla to play a fast basketball game Saturday night and won 61 to 27. The trip was made on the I Laila II. Capt. Olafson. The Met-, ' lakatla townspeople were very genial hosts, showing the players a good time. The visitors were served refreshments after the' game which were enjoyed by all As the Bo-Me-Hi basketeers emerged on the long end of a 61-27 score. Eddie Ciccone, on the guard line, did exceptionally well, playing a good defensive game and also racking up 10 points. The BO-Me-Hi firstf line forward J. forman, F. James, D. Hartwig went out to make 22, 14 and 13 points respectively. High for Metlakatla was. Arnold Lelghton with 10 points, follow ed up by J. Wilson with 6 points.'! The game was refereed by Bayo, Gurvich who displayed very good. Judgment in calling. The indi-' vldual scoring was as follows: Bo-Me-Hi J. Forman 22, F. James 14, D. Hartwig 13, E. Ciccone 10, M. Thompson, C. Miller 2, J. James, R. Lavigne. Totol 61. Metlakatla A. Leighton 10, J. Wilson 6, C. Nelson 4, S. Nelson, B. Nelson, F. Robinson, C. Leask 5, T. Ryan 2, Total, 27. Rupert Also Wins Second Game The second game brought out the Rupert Intervenes ahead of the Metlakatla team by 20 points the score being 56-36. High scorers were Hcugan with 16, R. Holkestad 13, and Gurvich 12. For Metlakatla P. Robinson made 11 points while C. Leask came through with 9. Mel Holkestad played good ball, being play-maker for his team. Alex Bill refereed the second game. The box scores were as follows: Intervenes J. Hougan 16, R. Holkestad 13, M. Holkestad 6, S. Alexander 7, B. Gurvich 12, J. Eby, B. Pierce, D. Murray 2. iuiai, ou. Metlakatla P. Robinson 11, D. Prevost 2, T. Ryan 4, J, Wilson 4, A. Lelghton, c. Nelson 4, C. Nelson, S. Nelson, B. Nelson 2, C Leask 9, F. Robinson. Total, 36. DUNDALK, Ireland ftlFarm-er James Finnlgan, 64, died after eating a piece of birthday cake at a party. Agnes Mc- Aaam, aj, single, has been charged with poisoning him, Classified Advertising - - - - TERMS CASH Classified Advertising is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit BIRTH NOTICE TWF.t? Burn tn Mr nrrrt Mrs. Harry Innes, Port Essington, Li.v;., on jjecemDer a, a sun. Both mother and son are doing wen. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. W. S. Anderson and family wish to thank their kind friends in Prince Rupert and Terrace for their messages of sympathy and for the lovely floral tributes sent during their recent bereavement. HELP WANTED WANTED Hotel maid, steady work, good living conditions. 714 Fraser Street. (289) WANTEU WANTED 2 165 voters to exer cise their franchise on Thursday, Dec. 13. Apply polling station, 3rd Ave. at Bus Stop. (288) WANTED Sewing machine, any condition. Phone Blue 884 or write Box 56, Dally News. (287) WANTED Used Guitar. Phone Red 728 after six p.m. (tf) FOR KENT FOR RENT Furnished house keeping rooms. 344 Sherbrooke Ave. (296) FOR RENT House. 751 9th Ave. West. (288) FOR RENT Two-room apartment and one housekeeping room. 221 5th Ave. East. (288) FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in. vPhone Blue 605. (287) FOR RENT Furnished cabin. Blue 822, 1144 7th Ave. East. (287) FOR RENT Five-room unfurnished suite in apartment block. Quiet and permanent tenants preferred. Box 57 Daily News. (287) FOR RENT Room. 440 8th Ave. west. (286) FOR RENT Sleeping room with kitchen privileges. 221 5th Ave. East. (285) RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE Have your radio serviced before the Christmas season. Phone 6 and a member of the Associated Radio Technicians will call at your home. McRae Bros. Ltd. PERSONAL DRESSMAKING, draperies and alterations. Phone Green 735. (294) DRESSMAKING Coats and dresses remodeled. Phone Red 773. (296) LOST AND FOUND LOST Admiral pocket watch Wednesday evening. Please phone Black 347. (290) FOUND Male Boston bull terrier puppy, 940 6th Ave. East. Phone Blue 257. (285) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) The IDEAL PRESENT for . . . HIM or HER WE HAVE A WONDERFUL SELECTION OF WATERMAN PEN AND PENCIL SETS DIBB PRINTING CO. HESNER BLOCK, THIRD STREET (Downstairs) PROMPT 65 TAXI Anytime From 6:00 a.m. FOR SALE FOR SALE Kitchen dinette set; one piano. Apply 99 Taxi. (290) FOR SALE Man's C.C.M. bicycle. Phone Red 602. (287) FOR SALE Girl's bicycle, good condition, $25. Phone Green 186. (287) FOR SALE Roller canaries, club rung, males, $10. Good singers. Phone Blue 519 after 6 o'clock. Box 315. i (290) FOR SALE Hot Point electric stove, four -burner, high oven. Phone 265 after 6 p.m. (284) FOR SALE C-room furnished nouse. 742 7th Ave. West. (288) FOR SALE Writing desk, just'' use Tiew, $iv;uu; new aressers, hardwood, special, $25.50; card tables from $2.25 to $3.00; oak' dining room suite, Just like' new. $45.00; Quebec heaters,1 brick lined, from $22.50 to 5.au; ornce desk and combination for typewriter, $17.50; large assortment of chesterfields, reduced prices; bed and spring, slightly used, special values; house mats from $2.00 .to $2.75; office chairs in walnut, Just like new. B. C. Furniture, Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE Underwood typewriter, good condition; silent attachment, eight inch carriage. $70. Box 61 Dally News. (28G) FOR SALE Boat "Teenv MillyjS II", 35 'x92x4; 20 H.P. Diesel, olc ,fn. n....m t. me exwntjuisuers, ine-saving equipment; also good 12-ft. rowboat. Ideal camp tender, pleasure boat; good accommodations, lavatory. Bebuilt last year. Enquire 214 6th Street. (288) FOR SALE 3-room modern house, full cement basement and furnace. Phone Green 730. (288) FOR SALE 3 -room house on Dodge Cove. For particulars phone Blue 142. (289) FOR SALE Two wood and coal ranges; two electric ranges; ,i radio and gramaphone. Sell or trade. 714 Fraser Street.1 (289) FOR SALE Hot Point electric stove, four-burner, high oven. Phone 65 after 6 p.m. (285) TENDERS FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon of December 2lst for the purchase of the gasboat "Sturdy." This boat is 31x7'5"x3'5" and Is powered by 7 H.P. Vulcan engine. Terms strictly cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Boat may be viewed where now moored tn small cove back of Wolf Island at Salt Lakes. Norman A. Watt, Administrator of the Estate of Gustaf Els-trom, deceased, Prince Rupert. (295) SWAP SWAP 30-foot troller "Gcor-Apply trina" for car. Box 62 Dally News. (286) S5.00 REWARD for information of small blue with white trim tricycle taken from 440 6th Avenue East evening December 6 Phone 353. (285) A FINE NEW ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS GIFT DRESSINGS AND CARDS SERVICE TAXI Anywhere to 2:00 a.m. HEAR . . . IIaiimw II Cfl l mtiyui n. ffl. uaggett Over CFP? Mn Keviewing the record of the City Council , both th r , n i f. uv-iiuui Doaru. Also COME and HEARST. ALL THE LABOR CANDIDATES Sneak at a Public Mootinrr in iirtu . . . same ciate, Monday, December 10, at 8 p.m. City Clerk H. D. Thain will explain nevv'tvne, ballot td be used at forthcoming -election. Doors open at 7:45. Instertcd by CIVIC LABOR FEDERATION' PRACTICAL GIFTS This year, wltrj so many items unobtainable, an excellent solution to your gift problems is to give practical gifts. In our stock you will find many very acceptable items. We suggest: For HER Superhcallh Cooking Utensils. Pyrex Vare. Dishes Lamps. y y ' V For HIM Tools. Shop Now Gordon's Hardware McRride Street cta:..:.v ............ . ... A . .x A suKiunp fit K.i . . . . i,4 lllf. llllflTfi A... SM6 v-. mm while the selection is larger' SEE OUR STOCK OF i va Lvji i ii it i v i i w v r. i ii ii ir. Cleaners and Polishes Polish Cloths Chamois Glashlr. Window Cleaner (with sprayer) Vanity Mirrors Bump Tnnl.fi CamI T 1 - I - tt - m .!,-. utAivo utak uvcrio uuiiwug uas Vyiir 1UJJ Ulul.. Carriers (lust the thine for the snortsm.in) KWt fihw Wheel Wrenches. Get your Imperial Oil Hockey Broadcast Schedules here. Listen every Saturday night at 6:00 p.m, over CFPR to the National Hockey Broadcast. S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford Dealer v v V y v v y v v y y v y y y y y y y y y y y y y v y y y y y y y y v y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y v y y y y v M y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Have a v y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Madc-to-Mcasurc Phone ill TOPCOAT or OVERCOAT Leading this .season's Fashion Parade are the Bal Types predominating with ever-popular double-breasted style high among the winners. nniifp A-rr tmcpppt otttj WT1W SAM"1' -r r morgans rnens J CJoys jjcw y 5 "WHERE MEN BUY" ''t.e(eiic':i'c'e'ce,c'','c,,C'e,C't'',tt,r'W'e''c . fit