panese MnMTcnMcnv Tr vii 1 1 I li I ill I fc v r- I l 111 YJ VJ I'll li I II I I ... FINAL PHASE; KNOCKOUT IS C, LONDON, Feb. 19 H In a command Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery sa Germany will be finished off by a rain of blows coming several directions. The war, Montgomery said, has reac .ed the final phase ' on all fronts but the last round may be lone b and difficult. "We shall work In close co-operation with our American allies on our right," said Montgomery, "and we shall have complete confidence in the successful outcome of the onslaught being delivered by our Russian allies." He told the Twenty-First Army group that It now Is Impossible for the allies to lose the war. , Eastern Front- Reds Make New Gains Closing In on Berlin from Several Directions Direct Drive Resumed .MOSCOW, Feb. 19 (CP) Ked Army forces have made several new (tains on the eastern front. The Soviet forces have surged forward to within 16 miles of the industrial city of Coerlitz on the road to Dresden. Thry have taken the strategic rail centre of Sagan southeast of Berlin and have hroken into the outskirts or the Vistula river stronghold of (irudziadz 57 miles from Dai.zrg. Furious fighting is in progress cast and 'southeast oi iSerlin. Paris radio says the Russians arc opening an offensive on this front aimed straight at Berlin. . .The. Russians battled sharp. German counter-attacks in some sectois, up and down the Ice-covered eastern front today but continued to forge ahead toward Dresden and on Berlin's southeastern flank. ROVIWOIAL i NORTHERN AND CENTRA! BRITON OLUJIBIA'S NEWSPAPER Wcathei ' inn I Tides vinds with west . to (Pacific Standard Time) ,in6 -- ,. .. rthwcst rales m expou Tuesday, February 20, 1945 Illy decreasing In after-d" High 7:36 18.8 leet and cool with overcast 20:57 15.9 feet qucnt showers iK.-cuu.m8 Low 0:57 8.0 feet udy this evening. 14:20 6.1 feet VOL. XXXIV. No. 42 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., MONDAY, FEBRUARY ID, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS ru . i nn;ui i u I r dbiuii vi Jima Is A Ml f A HSl lYlUYw .. I.UiiiIb C3C ....triitr Manila IIHIIU"' M, Feb. 1U (CI') i an marines mivi; the war to Japan si p to the tiny island I i Jima, only 7")0 south of Tokyo.1 of marines splash-hundrcda of landing! ,rly thl; morning and at Japanc x defenders j . beaches with flame-, automatic rifles, and o .adc from American carriers the Japanese pill boxes by the 16-lnch shells e American task force, cd bombers were on help the attacking . ... : i i I mh": 1 1 II li I" ..iT.i irii s::d which will cn- U II I1L: . :mn mpiiium trike at Japan -ppcrt of the raids were involved In the operations Nimil? ha) totalled :a iat' week's two- - ""V Ult v.o 1 -"nwvi utiu ni C":rt3 were sunk by atone.: and a num- i -aw auHi nLic ; jurvy ninc niancs 1 thirty to forty fliers. I the Japanese home Hoiuhu no rest after 'penortrecs from the " UttLA LUUtlT . M i 1 - W&lgVIO 114 to whether Tokyo 9 vuigl'U. H1n I.I the frcclnc of thous- UKinrr rt tv.A ti i. m t i hospital in Manila. -o i uu Americans '"8 mopplng.up opera- . iLI miM tn r. II wj wm; home lime anitift ... i . . . urc niaaen in Jnd in caves. AY Nr ING AGAIN lIrar by Middle nf This ;" National Railways " irams running saln this Tuesday or snowing a 10-day 01 the line by a large ln a cut near Amsbury. lK Passengers, mall, ex- n k.. .,o"o- null UL'l'II "ansferrlnc over the ains runnlnc un crpnH n... , uuwrvrr. n rrnnrt freight ha nun wv vit - n i I lL. IS SIXTEEN Jr Still Being Taken ,fll"is of Taeoma phi i. i. "wining Feb 19 w-Dcath "parimciH renia n nnirinnn. itcuaLereportcd mlss " Del (i, . , pvoH v,vv wit iH n rn wee . h -r death list y factory jn thc bulld. IMAKES PLEA FOR HOUSES ."Mrs. Grace Maclnnis Says Public Should Provide Housing VICTORIA, Feb. 19 9 Mrs. Oracc Maclnnis, C.C.F. member, Vancouver, took exception ln thc Legislature to the fact that there was no mention of housing in the Speech from the Throne. She said housing must be regarded as a public. utility and not as a private profit-making activity There were the materials ln British Columbia for building good modern homes yet "we cart shipping building material away to other countries while our own people sit on relief or tramps thc streets ln desperation." She said that 30,000 people ln Vancouver lacked proper housing. Speaking of education, Mrs. Maclnnis advocated the establishment of junior colleges in various sections of the province to accommodate students near Prince Rupert, Kclowna and other centres where parents could not afford to send them to University of British Columbia. War News Navy , n r- r Ani wa'a ii u m tjj, I 1 fin III 3, Vf. ',-v message to the trooDs l U ' . v VICTORIA FISH BOAT MISSING ' VANCOUVER, Feb. 19 Provincial police report that no word has been received for two weeks of the 33-foot fishing boat Cuna Chief which left Victoria early in February for Dogfislv!may withdraw from the town Reefs near Pender Island. Two; Victoria men Harold Cain and Brian Nay were aboard. MEAT SHORTAGE IS ENDED TODAY A meat shortage which has arisen as a result of a rockslldc at Amsbury which has hampered rail traffic ln and out of the city for the last week was expected to be partly relieved by today. At least lx refrigerator cars of meats were standing In Terrace awaiting delivery here while railway workmen endeavour to move-tons of rock whlch siid onto the track a week ago. Duriag that time fresh meat stocks In the city diminished until Saturday retail stores were displaying smoked meats ln their show windows. "We're even running short of smoked meats," a packing company official said. "However, with thc co-opcratlon of the C. N.R. we Intend to get some meat here." His company had four cars of meat standing at Terrace. Sunday this company took Its own trucks to Terrace where they were loaded with meat and taken to Shames on this side of thc slide. Thcro It was rc-loadcd into railway cars and brought here. Thc army Eent two trucks to Terrace to bring back meat for its own use. Retail stores, meanwhile, had developed a much less opulent appearance than Is normal. Smoked meats, fowl and even rabbit carcasses had taken the raost of the display space usually reserved for luscious roasts and steaks, lending an atmosphere mindful of European shops under the German occupation. A large quantity of fowl which was ln the city at the beginning of last week did much to alleviate thc meat shortage but It too, was said to be running low. Local Temperature Maximum 4 Minimum 29 Iltelilfclils Taking Over Corrcgidor Anferican landing forces have captured decisive points on Corrcgidor fortress Island at the entrance of Manila Bay. his under heavy sea Nearer to Japan Iwojima Island been and air bombardment for the third straight day. Canadians Advancing , On thc northern end of the western front in F.uropc the Canadian First Army has driven on four more miles around thc Siegfried Line. Sixty Miles From Dresden Marshal Konev's Soviet Army Is now only sixty miles from The decisive battle for through Saxony. Dresden In Us drive Breslau has commenced with Kusslan artillery pounding the surrounding German city as land forces reach Its outskirts. Argentina and.Germany Argentina Is reported to have protested through Sweden at seven Argentine diplomats having been held by Germany. There Is unconfirmed talk of an Argentinean declaration of war upon Germany. Western Front Canadians nter Goch American Third and Seventh Armies arc Also on Move Again NEAR DUISBURG I' A It IS, Feb. 19 (CD-Scottish troops fought into the centre of the heavily fortified road hub of (och ' today and occupied two-thirds of the town as the First Canadian Army advanced to within 25 miles of Duisburg, world's largest inland port and western portal of the rich Rhur arsenal. PARIS, Feb. 19 j On the western front in Europe, the Canadian First Army has en- tcrcd Goch, a German defence , kev to the rich Ruhr basin. There I arc fn'dicattoiw ;i:t. the enemy and make a stronger stand at, Calcar, an Important highway I sale is being held, Mr. Stone told centre seven miles northeast of police later. Goch. Crcrar's men were only j - 1000 yards from Goch in the lat- - - . -est Allied dispatches, but thc 1 IIMM ANllPP German radio claims that Brl- 111 MIMfUwLlX tish troops have ahcaay pushed into thc northern part of thc town. First Army troops driving down the road from Kleve towards Calcar have met savage opposition at Moyland, two miles northwest of Calcar. Canadian and Scottish troops have cleared most of the woods at Moyland. seized heights dominating Calcar and battled rignt on into Moyland Itself. Meanwhile American Third sprung into action in other sections of the western front. Thc Third Army has pusnea a-cad nearly two miles at come points with mechanized cavalry leading I thc advance and the Seventh has moved back Into Germany's , Saar basin, six miles southwest of Saarbrucckcn. I SUGAR RATION IS BEING CUT Canadians Will Have to Gel Along With Two Touiuls Less This Year OTTAWA; Feb. 19 Oi Thc Wartime Prices and Trade Board announced Sunday that, because of thc world sugar situation, the regular sugar ration to each coupon holder will be reduced two pounds this year. Thc canning sugar allowance Is to remain thc same as last year ten pounds. The reduction ln thc regular quota will be done by making two sugar coupons valid on thc third Thursday of each month Instead of every four weeks. SOVIET LOSES TOP GENERAL LONDON, Feb. 19 9) The Russians have lost one cf their top generals, lie Is Ivan D. Chcr-niakhovsky, a 37-ycar old tank expert. General Chcrnlakhovvsky died In action on the ibattlcllcld while leading his Third White Russian Army against thc Germans ln East Prussia. FRENCH GET SKODA WORKS LONDON, Feb. 19 if-An outspoken critic of thc CzcchoSlo-vakian government of president Edouard Bcncs charges thai, secret negotiations for thc sale of the famous Skoda Works and other munitions firms In Czechoslovakia between agents of Bencs and General De Gaulle have reached an advanced stage. The control of the Skoda Works passed Into French hands through Eugere Schneider, often called the merchant of death after thc last war. Staying In Hiding GERMAN FOOD RUNS SHORT Kcservc Will Not Last Fast April, Nazi Chiefs Are Told LONDON, Feb. 19 O; Herbert Bachc, German minister for food, on Saturday told Nazi chiefs that Germany's food reserve would not last longer than April of this year, according to a radio message from a station describing itself as the "German people's station." THIEVES TAKE $15 FROM W. F. STONE'S STORE , , . Thieves who gained entry Into 'the partially (fumed' premises of W. F. Stone last niht left their calling card in the form of. ajh open door at the rear of the buildlnz which was noticed bv (frc city police nlsht patrol. The .prowlers took $15 from the cash drawer of thc store where a fire SWORN IN Brigadier D. R. Sargent Formally Takes Over From ' General I'carkcs Tday VANCOUVER, Feb. 19 O , nVigadicr Donald R. Sargent was formally sworn ln today as temporary general officer command ing In chief Pacific Command, succeeding Major-Gcncral G. R, Pparkcs, V.C., whose retirement 'ccntly visited Prince Rupert, assumed his new post In a cere many at Jericho Beach air station. In an Interview Sargent said he planned conferring with Pcarkcs but added he had received no definite orders. Meanwhile there has been no statement on thc reasons be hind Pearkes' relinquishment, of the Pacific Command post. Pearkes Is still on thc active .list and is attached to district depot at Vancouver. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. t). Johnston Co. Ltd. Vancouver Bralornc 17.25 B. R. Con. .14 B. R. X. .14 Cariboo Quartz 2.00 Dentonia .07 Grull Wihksnc .13Vfe Hedley Mascot .91 Minto .09 '.i Pend Oreille 1.50 ' Pioneer 5.55 Premier Border .054 Premier Gold 1.70 Privateer .42V'S Reeves McDonald .23 Reno .08 Salmon Gold .12 Sheep Creek 1.2 1 Taylor Bridge .40 Whitewater .041,4 Oils Anglo Canadian .94 A. PCon. M'z Calmont .20 C. & E. 2.00 Foothills 1.45 Home 3.70 ' Toronto Bcattic 1.77 Central Patricia 2.52 Con. Smelters .555a Giant Yellowknlfe 9.70 Hardrock .82 Kerr Addison 12.00 Little Long Lac 1.53 McLeod Cocksjnitt 2.75 McKcnzlc Red Lake 1.49 Moncta 1.00 Pickle Crow 3.G5 Preston East Dome 3.05 San Antonio 4.75 Shcrrlt Gordon .70 Steep Rock 2.75 Quecnston 1.23 Madsen Red Lake 2.05 Unlisted Homer 37 40 Jacknlfc 38 40 LaSallc CO 65 Lynx 05 . 68 (Mate 30 33 1 , Reglna Sunbear Jenson 0 7 ,GM, ,8 7 8 Bulletins CASE OF GEN. TEARKES OTTAWA With a growing belief In Ottawa that failure of National Defence Headquarters to accept tile views of Major General George It. Pearkes on the qaeszjon of sending draftee troops overseas was responsible for his resignation as general officer commanding in chief of the j Pacific Command, speculation is now going on regarding his future activities. Crrdit is given thc report that he will enter ' politics in a British Columbia constituency in thc next federal election. TO OCT GRATUITIES OTTAWA The Defence Department is setting up a special board through which dishonorable discharged war veterans will be able to make application for gratuities. Previously these men were barred : from muster benefits. CANADA ON AIR LINES OTTAWA After the war, Canada will operate seven new airline routes to the United Slates. Munitions Minister Howe is to announce details of the routes loilayj, Thc routes arc provided for In' air agree'--ment which Canadian representatives accepted at a New York conference' fin i January. Roughly thc plan provides fur two United Stales lines lu" every one Canadian. CANADIANS AT 'FRISCO OTTAWA A large delegation will represent Canada at Ihp , , Aptjl United,, Nations, World Security" Conference to be held in San Francisco. The Canadian delegation will be headed by at least two ministers and probably will include Prime Minister King who is also Secretary of State for External Affairs for Canada. GERMANY AIR RAIDED LONDON United States heavy bombers attacked Os-nabruk and Munster in Germany today after British Mos-quitos were out over Berlin, Mannheim and Bremen last night. Blockbusters were dropped on Berlin. MR. JUSTICE RIDDELL DIES TORONTO Mr. Justice W. R. Riddcll, for 39 years a member of thc Supreme Court of Ontario bench, died at thc age of 92, one week after his wife died. PARIS LIGHTS ON PARIS Thc lights of Paris arc on again with continuous electiic light service for homes and stores once more. OFF RATION LIST OTTAWA Canned rhubarb and crabapplcs have been removed from thc ration list. Trouble in Famine-Stricken Venice City BERNE, Feb. 19 A Swiss newspaper asserts that what It calis serious trouble has developed in Nazi-occupied Venice in northern Italy. The paper declares that thc city is suffering from famine ana that street fighting has occurred between Italian patriots and German 10 MILLION IN BONDS BOUGHT IN SEVEN LOANS HERE Prince Rupert People Buy Heavily of Dominion Securities Almost $10,000,000 In Victory Bonds have been bought by Prince Rupert purchasers in the last seven loans floated to cover war costs since 1041, figures obtained from local Victory Loan officials reveal. Of this, close to $7,000,000 was bought by Individual purchasers, thus establishing a small-purchaser average of almost $1,000,000 per loan. Local companies under thc special names list have bought $3,304,500 during the seven Victory Loan drives. Grand total for the seven loans Nip Navy Not Expected To Fight; 'Deteriorating States Admiral Halsey I wo Jima Described As Another Magnificent Show By United States Pacific Fleet WASHINGTON. D.C.. Feb. 19 (CP) Admiral William Halsey, paying a surprise visit to Washing-, ton, predicted today that remnants of the Japanese ifk-et will not come out and fight in the current Pa-i cific operations. Halsey said he had not yet received all facts of the Tokyo and Two Jima operations but Premier Returns Churchill Back Home Will rrcscnt Report to Commons This Week on Big Three Meeting LONDON, Feb. 19 (CP) Prime Minister Winston Churchill returned to England loday, from, .the Crimea conference after" sUiytf in Athens and Cairo. Thc PrmY Minister is expected tt furnish thc j House of Commo.-is, possibly later this week, with a first hand report on discussions wiUv prcsidcnt Kno&velt and Marshal' j&eph'Staljn at Yalta. The House will set aside two days for review and debate In which Fnrrrgn tfecrcl-arvnlhony Eden will also take part. TRAGEDY IN HOWE SOUND Indian Dug-out, Containing Party Bound for Dancc ."J. Capsized SQUAMISH, Feb. 19 Oj Two are known dead, three are missing and six were rescued after a 27-ioot Indian dug-out ln which they were travelling to Woodfibre for a dance overturned In rough waters of Howe Sound Saturday night. The ves sel left Squamlsh at 9 o'clock Saturday night. In thc party were eight women and three men. Six women were found by Provincial police Sunday morning. The boat capsized about 50 feet from shore. One man died of exhaustion while starting in to walk after reaching shore. PROTEST OF ARGENTINA WASHINGTON, Feb. 19 01 There Is much speculation about an Argentine protest to' Ger many over a Nazi refusal to give safe conduct to Argentina's dip lomats ln Sweden. A Buenos Aires dispatch calls It a long stride towards war but the acting foreign minister of Argen tina discounts thc possibility of such a move right now. Dlplo matlc circles In Washington see It as an Argentine bid for recog nitlon from all her hemisphere neighbors. is $9,880,250. of thc $6,575,750 bought by Individuals, part was bought through salesmen, part through banks and part through payroll deductions. Value of the work done by Victory Loan salesmen, most of them women, who carried the appeal to homes and business places often ln bad weather. Is Indicated by the fact that most of thc bonds bought by Individuals channelled through their sales pads. Salesmen have been responsible for the purchase of $2,931,-500, while $2,062,950 have been bought through banks and $!,- all Indications are it la "another magnificent show against thc deteriorated and deteriorating Japanese Navy." Latest reports from Guam arc that invading American Marines, after establishing a secure beachhead on Iwo Island, fought to one of the island's air fields and penetrated its defences. This was announced by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz tonight. The Marines established a 4500-yard long beachhead to an average depth of 500 yards and drove to the edge of thc air Held under In creasing Japanese artillery and mortar fire. The beachhead ex tends for nearly one-and-a-half miles northward from the volcano at the southern tip of the Island. Community Centres Recreation Important Dominion Health Minisler Urges That Every Tlace Should Be Properly Equipped in ' This Hay NEW YORK, Feb. 19 flO-Can-adian Health Minister Claxton says he hopes the idea of community centres will spread Into every Canadian city, town and village no matter how large or small. He spoke during intermission on the Metropolitan Opera's radio program In New York. He says many communities are already planning recreation centres but many more are needed. Wartime developments will mean greater need for organized community activities and more places where they can be car ried out. Mr. Claxton says one way ln which Canadians can gain a new sense of cultural and social pur- pose after the war Is through community centres. They will provide In each city and town a meeting place where all citizens can make their contribution to their social life, to art, to music, drama and sport. Community centres could make a major contribution to the development of creative expression in Canada. Mr. Claxton said that community centres can also make a major contribution to the solution of problems of adjustment that many service men will find on their return to civilian life. FORMER WINNIPEG MAYOR WINNIPEG Frank Fowler, former mayor of Winnipeg and on-time M.L.A., died at the age of 83. 581,300 through payroll deduc tions by workers ln city plants and offices. In thc seventh Victory Loan last October $937,000 was converted Into bonds by 4,560 per sons. Bonds were bought through salesmen by 1,684 persons, while 730 made their purchases through banks, and 2,152 through payroll deductions. LONDON ) G. Hcaton Nlch-olls, new high commissioner for South Africa in Britain, has arrived here accompanied by hU wife.