L GRUEN. for every Gift Occasion .1 U if, vrnr a frift' of a Grurn walrli linn avnilMli.1 tl.- E"!cle of gift giving. For Anniversaries, for llirlli.lays, for llic Itri.le tl rmom "f fr yourself lliere n0 Cuer gift lliaii a Gruen . . . E PRECISION watch. Vtrl-tM. CADENCE 15-J.w.l Mo.tm.nl tOK Gold-lill.d B.i.l. Stain. i.n sii Back 75 B . BlliB OUR CARNIVAL Continues Throughout This Week AUGUST 6 TO tl Did you sec the bargains wc advertised last Thursday? Uuy your fall apparel now from our interesting and up-to-date stock. Arc you looking for a Hat that has Style and Comfort? If so . . . Annette Ladies' Wear Co. Lead . . others Follow THIRD AVENUE BUY A STETSON Wc invite you to look through our stock. We are sure you will find just the hat you want-one that follows the N of style, that is flattering to your face fl fits comfortably. lonjans & fios Wear ll "WHERE MEN BUY" INCOME TAX Returns Prepared-See E. MORTTlUTiM? l2nd Ave. - Phono nn J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractlcl If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Oreen 995 MARRIED AT POST CHAPEL Miss Rernice Straub of Wisconsin Becomes Bride of Lieut. George Weeks The Acropolis Hill post chapel was. the scene last night of the wedding of Miss Bernlce Frances Straub, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Straub of Ellsworth. Wise, to Lt. George D. Weeks or the Prince Rupert Sub-Port of Embarkation. The Port Chan- lain, William D. Rowlands, officiated at the double-ring cere mony in the candle-lighted chapel before a flower-decked altar. The bride wore a street dress of powder blue with matching ac cessories, and a corsage of red I carnations and white gardenias. Mrs. Weeks has been employed for some time by the Transportation Office of the Sub-Port. Lt. Weeks, of Portland, Maine, has been Adjutant of the Ac ropolis Hill Cantonment Headquarters. Miss Verle Straub was her sister's only attendant and Lt: Kenneth J. Lewin was best man. Capt. Louis D. Maguolo gave the F bride in marriage. Ushers were Capt. Frederick p. Rivara and WOJO Milton J. LaLonde. The guard-of-honor included Lt.-Col. Eugene J. McNamara, MaJ. Louis W Beck, Capts. Paul L. Daw- son and Roy L. Lewis, and Lts. t ,Jack Alderson, Martin Sloan, Ralph Chrlstopherson, and George Lyon. Preceding the ceremony, T4 Harold Normann sang "I Promise You," accompanied bv T5 Walter Roberts. "The Wedding I March" from "Lohengrin" and Mendlessohn's "Recess ional" , were played by T4 Harold Nor-1 mann. Following the wedding, a reception was held in the American Officers' Club. In the absence of the bride's mother, WAC Lt. Ruth Talcott received the guests. The couple will leave tomorrow night for Seattle where Lt. Weeks has Just been posted. LONGEVITY SYMBOL In China the peach has always oeeri associated with long life and immorality and therefore appears in many old Chinese works of art. Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Local News Items Osborne Scott, Canadian Na- AB Hazen Hankinson, son of tional Railways passenger traf- Dr. C. H. Hankinson, arrived on fic manager, western region, last night's train from New- Winnipeg, arrived in the city on last night's train in the course of a tour of the railway's western lines. Stop HAY FEVER Hay Fever needn't plague you with fti meeting and wheezing, its blowing and gasping, its sore, streaming, itching irrit. Ition of eyes and cars. Just do what thou-sands have done to get fast, safe relief--, take Templeton's KAZ-MAH. You'll sleep betteo orlc better, feel better. iOc, tl at druggists everywhere. K-1S Prince Rupert ,acij listeners were interested to hear Capt. Albert Mah speaking over the radio from New York Wednesday night on the "Ellery Queen" pro gram. He guessed the evening's mystery correctly and was presented with a Gruen watch. PUBLIC OPINION SWINGS VOTE FOR JITTER DANCERS Public opinion ruied at the Civic Centre Carnival last nlg"ht when the big crpwd by vigorous vociferation showed its hearty disapproval of the finding o.f a board of Judges In the adjudca-flon of a Jitterbug contest. The judges bowed to the crowd and the winners, after a second appearance of the contestants, were determined by measuring of applause. The unquestioned winners In the opinion of the crowd were brother and sister Reg. and Marie Lavigne with Sailor John Brandolan and Alice Barbe, The Judges Frank Finnerty, Miss Eva Lapierre and Bob Her-rlck of the U.S.O. had given the Bandoian-Barbe team first place with Bobby Silversides and Dixie Woods, second. foundland where the has been posted with the Royal Canadian Navy. Veteran of overseas service during' the European' war, he is expecting his discharge from the service. T. D. Pattullo, M.L.A., who has been a visitor In the city since Wednesday, left on a trip to Terrace this morning, motoring in company with G. W. Nlckerson. Following his return to the city tomorrow, Mr. Pattullo expects to leave on a tour of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. When a woman who hasn't the facilities at home entertains a party of friends in a public dining room, would lt be all right for one of the men to offer to pay the bill? A. Never. Q. Who should cut the wedding cake, and when? A. The bride should cut the first piece during the last course, but the rest Is cut by one of her attendants. Q. What is the meaning of "boeuf a la jardiniere when on a menu card? A. Braised beef with vege tables. EXPORT PEiSCIIi WOOD l.YAIROBI, Kenya if) The pro duction of cedar pencil slats will be a promising export industry aner tne war lor this East AT rlcan colony which is almost the only remaining source of genu lne pencil cedar. Originally all the ibest slats were made from an American tree of the juniper group, but supplies of this wood now are exhausted. Flower and Pet Show Winners Awarded Prizes Cash prizes for winners of the Northern B.C. Agricultural So clety's flower show and to win-1 ners of the children's pet parade were awarded at the Carnival grounds last night. Awards to flower show winners were made in the flower show tent by D.C. Stevenson before a number of flower lovers while the youngsters, who won prizes In the pet show Monday night, re eelved cash prizes on the pa vilion platform from Carnival Chairman T. N. Youngs. TOBACCO PRODUCERS PORTSMOUTH, Dominica. British West Indies OJ After several years of unsuccessful ex periments the Dominica tobacco factory now produces enough black leaf tobacco, cigarets and cigars to satisfy the local and export demand. Dominica ci gars compare favorably with the best Puerto Rlcan and Jamaican varieties. Announcements . All advertiM-menw n tins column will t3 charged for a full month at 25c a word. Dance every Saturday night, Oddfellows' Hall. 9 to "12. Dance, Orange Hall, Terrace, every Friday. Good time for an Smorgasbord dinner, Lutheran Church, Thursday, August 16. Servings: 5:30, 6:30, 7:30. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Earring, Ninth Avenue district, Valhalla Hall. Valued as keepsake. Finder phone Black 59. Stop Itch of Insect Bites Heat Rash OnlcVI Stop itching of Insect bites, heat rash, eczema, hives, pimples, scales, scabies, athlete s foot and other externally caused skin troubles IV miirk-artlnu. soothing, antiseptic D, D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaselcss, stainless. Itch stops or your money hack. Your druggist " stocks D.D.D.PRESCRIPTION. I Prince Rupeit, B.C. UlT'fflHPp . ecn mm ff'l -::ry Hi. Pft KT 0 m I y '! 8 coat ooO.fo c !. .HlfT & 1 GEORGE DAWES ,m , I SALES' CONDUCTED TO SUIT .tllliNl . I I 1 YOUR CONVENIENCE sftlMjl I i FURNITURE AND "$111 AaW . J HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 'Cm It P sj&&m PACKED AND SHIPPED l(kj ;S Estimates Phone for W' hW ' Free Appointment J ' - 1 P1 fe m 1 ?1 LJ ' j jl jlai f laa lf r L glL- THE DAILY NEWS Friday, August 10, 1945 HEREAFTER Wc have a limited quantity sf of 1x3 Maple Flooring on JylLft , tlt'' GOLD SEAL CONGOLEUM. v , 1 1 , il Local Dealers in Congoleum Gordon & Anderson Ltd. Till HI) avenue Wc haiidle Congoleum Products . GORDON'S HARDWARE McnUIIlK STREET I Wa nrn ntrpnlE fnr ri.nfrnlnini I I I I V- HIV Mc)VSltd " " ft ELIO'S FURNITURE ! 217 Third Avenue When ConRoleum Rugs are available we wilt have them . . . A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. ...Th PAGE THREB ' It's Cooling SALAM TEA Skeena Grocers (Across from the Hospital) Is on a three-day weekly delivery service TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY On orders received the previous day. We trust this change will not unduly inconvenience our customers. Indeed, we hope to give you better service. Poiiisen's Cafe and Dining Room Is the Talk of the Town-WHY? Because . . . It's the nicest-looking place in town. It's open for banquets, weddings, and parties. Meetings may be arranged. As good as the best, Better than the rest." To Our Patrons ... In order that our equipment may be taken south for repairs, this shop will ciose on Thursday, August 16th and will re-open on Monday, September 10th, 1945. We hope to give you better service upon our return. VIOLET M. MAH Sunrise Beauty Salon Corner 6th Ave. and Fulton St. Phone Blue 943 We can say this in three words ... BUY COAL NOW PHONES 116 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY ANNOUNCING RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC (Across from Canadian Legion) Open for Business August 1 EXPERT RADIO SERVICE BATTERIES SILEX LAMPS etc. OPEN. 9:0 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. 313 THIRD AVE. WEST . PHONE 644 PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS- -CIRCULATION COUNTS