ere and There NLEY SWAP, Junes reurea swtcr w . ..rvirp in this Worcester- . pansh during which he oral named of small con- .f j....d away dccuusc wicjr "al.'y and out of place In SAILORS FOB A DAY ATHURST, uamuia, v; oui-.,. , a airmen stationed In rhi, have had a taste of life ba. Large parties of service- have recently Deen lancu thi Royal avy lor a- uajr a se at sea. Various exercises carried out ior me emer- Iment of the troops. DUTH SHIELDS, Eng. w kllng chickens, a smau grey u and two mcnsey mill bed on the magistrate's desk drank the ink irom me inn- were dlsiurmng exniDiis trial here. Their owner, rletor of an -amusement was charged with cruelty the animals ' ana was HAPPY SEQUEL Somerset, Eng. if t-ATCHET. Worried about 'losing his ney while on holidays, a local sewed kuu oj.iduj in me Bde pocket oi his overcoat. rn he left the coat on a bus. re was a happy sequel, how- (r IOr me cuai. was icvuuicu the money intact. KEEPING HOUSE IN WARTIME New and Interesting Dishes Required for Meatless. Days The "Good Neighbor Policy" works out Just as well over the back fence as It does across the nation's boundaries. The latest notes to be exchanged are new recipes meatless dishes for meatless days. . Collections of thes recipes are growing and every cook is eager to add to her lirt so that she can provide nutritious meals that are new and Interesting on Tuesdays and Fridays, the meatless days of the nation. A large mixed salad is the perfect accompaniment to .these soft-textured foods. This makes a grand contrast between the melt-In-your-mouth quality of the main dish and the crisp ingredients of 'the salad bowl. Vegetable and Noodle Plate 1 pkg. (8 oz.) noodles 2 tablespoons mild-tlavorcd fat 1 cup fine dry bread crumbs : Vi cup mild-flavored fat 13 cup .flour 2V2 cups milk 1 .teaspoon salt Ve teaspoon pepper 2 eggs y4 cup .mild vinegar 1 teaspoon mustard 6 whole carrots, cooked 1 small head of cabbage, cooked tn six wedges Cock noodles in rapidly boil ing salted water until tender; drain. Melt the 2 tablespoons fat, t add- bread crumbs and brown. Add noodles and mix well. Keep hot. Melt remaining .fat in top of double boiler, blend in flour, add milk, salt and pepper and cook over low direct heat, stirring constantly, until It thickens. Mix beaten eggs, vinegar and mustard with seme of the hot mixture. Return to double boiler and cook over hot water three minutes. Arrange vegetables around noodles on V2 teaspoon celery salt 2 tablespoons chcpped parsley 2 .tablespoons mild-flavored fat Brown onions lightly in fat. Add bread crumbs and milk. Stir and cook slowly until thor oughly blended, about two min-jites. Add hard-cooked eggs, salt, celery salt and parsley. Spread on a plate to cool. Shape I Into 12 patties. Saute In fat un- til brown on both sides. Six servings. Peanut Butter Chops 6 slices of bread, V2 Inch thick I . 1 cup peanut butter 2 eggs, slightly beaten V4 cup milk Dash of salt V2 cup fine dry bread crumbs Remove crusts from bread. Spread slices with peanut butter on tocth sides. Cut each slice into halves, crosswise. Combine serving dish. Pour sauce on I beaten eggs, milk and salt. nooaies. tax to eignt servings. Quickies 1.3 cup chopped onldn l'i tablespoons mild-flavored fat 3 cups solft bread crumbs 3A cup milk 6 hard-cooked eggs, finely chopped Vi teaspoon salt Six servings. Dip uxcau iuuj cgp in.. ... . bread crumbs. Brown on both sides In a little fat in hot frying nan. Serve with a tomato or Spanish sauce. Of General Interest ter. That's All There Is "preserves' 'preserves" and and "P" r All cou pons for the purchase of sugar for canning are now valid. The last 10, "P"4-"P"13, came due on July 19. Dont' Forget Butter coupons 90-115 expire on August 31. Each coupon will purchast- one half pound of but 'Carrot Ceilings While' the celling price for carrots has been eight cents a pound, from August 1 to August 15, the price will be two pounds for 15c. The fresh green tops are weighed In as part of the bunch. LABOR DISPUTES LONDON 0) Trade disputes In 1944 cost Britain 3,710,000 working days, the highest total since 1932. According to the ministry of labor gazette, the number of disputes In 1944 Involving work stoppages was 2,194 as compared with 1,585 the previous year. MEDIEVAL, SUNGLASSES The earliest use of colored HEIGHT OP LUXURY ' glass in spectacles authenticated The ancient Greeks apd.Ro-iby the record Is a public an-imans used to eniov highly per- nouncement by a maker of spec- fumed food. . . 'tacles In 1561. NABOB COFFEE A Heart-warming Canadian Beverage ji , goes with a swing Breakfast in this Canadian home where Nabob Irradiated Coffee says "good morning.'" The grand aroma and abundant flavor induce a cheeriness that carries through from meal to meal . . . Nabob's famous blend of rare coffees, roasted fresh after treatment by our exclusive irradiation process, NABOB attains the high peak of coffee quality . . . Canadian families everywhere are Nabob Coffee fans have been these thirty years and more. It's the friendly, heartening family beverage ... In glass vacuum jar or flavor' sealed bag container,' Nabob quality brings you the utmost in coffee refreshment, morning, noon or night. COFFEE Timely Tips A Very Special Present Is your favorite bride getting married this fall? Here Is a wedding present with a very personal touch. Each time you can fruit or do up some jam, set aside a Jar for her. Select pints as she will be serving a household of only two. Label them with your prettiest' sticker and her married name. . . . She will bless you throughout next winter as she starts homemak-ing with a good stock of homemade preserves on h'and to please a new husband and her first guests. Swing High, Swing Low Do you think Jill Is too. young for a swing? Instead of using the traditional board seat, cut the front out of a wooden box and so provide a chair seat for the swing, then she can't fall backwards. Don t use up your wilting energy swinging her. Children have Just as much fun pushing themselves, the child experts say. Peace, Perfect Peace It's not only what you eat but how you eat It that matters. Do you rest a few minutes before your meal, eat t in peace with some enjoyment and Interest and .then relax for half an hour or so? It may sound like a pipe dream to many of you, but it's a goal worth striving for, say the nutrition experts. Any reorgan izing of your time and meal schedule vou do to achieve it will nroduce worthwhile divl dends in the form of a happier you. Last War Prices Here are some of the prices consumers paid after the last war: sugar, 25c a lb.; butter, 85c a lb.; eggs, $1.00 a doz.; .flour, $7.00 a bag; lard, 42c a lb.; milk, 18c a quart; potatoes, $4.5090-1b. bags. HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I clean the sink drain? A. Take two quarts of boiling water and one-half can of strong lye, or potash. Pour this into the sink wasteplpe at nlghit when leaving the kitchen. This should be done about twice a week to be sanitary. Q. How can I make browner pie crust? A. Add a teaspoonful of sugar to the pie crust. It will net be noticeable to the taste and will help make the crust nice and brewn. o. How can I remove burned milk that has spilled on the. stove? A. Sprinkle a thick layer of -a" on the burning milk when It boils over on the stove or In the oven. Let it remain a few minutes, then brush off, Buy War Savings Stamps Prince Rupert, B.C. Bcsner Block, 3rd Street THE DAILY NEWS Friday, AuEust 19, 1945 The Experts Say - - COTTAGE CHEESE Cottage cheese Is little used, yet has tre mendous possibilities. Home economists recommend using cottage cheese moistened with salad dressing as a base, for a variety of sandwich fillings. The following combinations are ex tra good with whole wheat or rye bread: Cottage cheese with chopped chives, green onion tops or grated onion. Cottage cheese with chopped pickles. Cottage cheese, grated carrot, radish or turnip. Cottage cheese, chopped cress, nasturtium leaves or-green Cottage cheese, grated orange rind. Cottage cheese with plum Jam or any tart Jelly. Less Candy, Better Teeth Let your wisdom tooth save your , swppt tonthl PanHv Is harri to I get these days and one result is that a few more people will have a few more teeth for a little longer. Cereals, fruits and vegetables are better sources of calories than candy and sugar, and also provide the minerals and vitamins important to good health and good teeth. People who grow up eating these .foods in abundance never have the same longing fof candy. Children wio eat a minimum of sweets usually have better teeth, and, strangely enough, have little desire for concentrated sweets when they are adults. Perhaps the greatest kindness to them, is to give them no candv until they are three or four years of age and then only in small quantities After meals. Nutritionists give candy a nlace, but they believe in keep ing it in Its place. !Vext winter when the snow is deep women throughout the country will look at their cellar shelves laden with preserves . wise women, that is, says the The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. The store to buy SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES AVAILABLE IN ALL SIZES, NOW IN STOCK Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND WATERMAN'S EVERYDAY FOUNTAIN CARDS PENS Phone 234 RUPERT BRAND :: SMOKED :: BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Agrlcultun mer Sectio; j. v PAGE ;FJVE rtment Consu- Laura Pepper, chief of the sec tion, asks these questions: "Do you sun use the open kettle method? Do you fill sealers brtmfull? Da you Invert, your Jars while cooling?" A "yes" answer to these .questions puts a woman back In the horse-and-buggy e:a cf canning, says Miss Pepper, and the Consumer Section has the information she needs. The section lays emphasis on getting firm, ripe fruits and vegetables Into the sealers as quickly as possible and processing them exactly Recording to the timetable. They recommerfd allowing a head space of 4 to V2 an Inch at the top of the sealers, and canning fruits without sugar for use in pies andpud-dlngs. They eliminate the open kettle method as unsatisfactory and advise against the u$e of chemical preservatives. Proces sors advised may be a water bath, pressure cooker, steamer or thermostatically controlled oven. Precooklng is suggested for fruits and vegetables before packing. This is recommended for peaches, pears, apples and cherries, particularly when pro cessed In the oven. CHILDREN need a lot of milk more than most of them want to drink. Let them eat part of it in milk-rich dishes made with Carnation. It's just as good for them. And foods prepared with Carnation have a' creamy-smoothness and richer flavor that children really like. Carnation is just good, whole milk, evaporated to double-richness, ho mogenizeJ, sterilized for safety and keeping qualities, and enriched with extra "sunshine" vitamin D. Write for free Carnation Book "Growing Up With Milk". Carnation Co. Limited, Vancouver 2 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday S3 Catala Friday SS Cardena . Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further ' Information, Tickets and Reservations , FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 508 lit ir 1 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE' 657 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates ,75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 v V.' 1 ft