I I' ll-. m 11 in ' ll Prince Uupcrt Daily r3clus Monday. December 24, 1945 ubllshed every afternoon except Bun-ay by Prince Rupert Dally News Jmlted. Third Arenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O. A. HCKTER. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Jy City Carrier, per week IS er Month . . ." fS -Per Tear 17.00 3y Mall, per month 40 -Per Tear 14.00 MEMBER A3.C. Christmas Eve . . . Again we greet you on the eve of Christmas. As we extend the time-honored wishes for full gladness at the Yuletide season, we can do so with words fuller and more spontaneous than we felt it appropriate to do during those long and anxious years of war. But that is over now so we can truly and without hesitation wish for peace and goodwill on this war-torn old earth of ours. Certainly, although the fighting is over, the peace and the gooodwill are not completely with us yet but they are on the way, we confidently trust, ahd will be speeded the much quicker if during this Chistmas we can one and all catch just a little of the spirit which fundamentally pervades the anniversary we observe in order that we may maintain it in the days to come. While there may be many contradictory and paradoxical evidences, there is reason to believe that the world and its people are coming arond to the acceptance of the ANNOUNCEMENT: 'She office will be closed as from December 18 ; to January 6 when it will be again open for appointments. .icctcice'ctc!eicteteiictcccicti(tet(ictc!ftttct(ccic(ici(i(i!((cicicici ; To my many friends I extend the compliments of this Happy Season 'Ittk3i9)iiksiikiiii9i)3i9ia3)ii3isa)ai3i3iaii9tkaii3iiat&sii Corv 3rd Ave. and 5th St Optometrist Room 4 STONE BLOCK V fact that the principles of doings 1 living as inculcated in the Christian doctrines and teachings are essential to bring about the real and lasting peace. We fought for the right to establish these principles. The bane who live in desolation, tagedy and privation in many parts of the world. There are those among us for whom Christmas will awaken memories of associations and events of happier days which can never be completely renewed. In all these considerations the Daily News extends its greetings on this hallowed Eve. t. I r YOUR I I I I ll r .JBO THE TAILOR I ' Er"', S SExten'ds you the good 8 r .Via','P ' w old Season's Greetings J J t 5 ; RUPERT TOBACCO STORE 3 J . Brings to its Many Patrons y . g WoV Compliments 5 10 a of the Holiday Season 6 I : oj$ J h 3 See us for your Mixers Jy' k v g Newspapers -Newspapers - - Magazines Magazines - - Tobaccos Tobaccos - - Candy Candy g OPPOSITE OPPOSITE ORMES ORMES DRUG DRUG STORE STORE CENTRAL HOTEL Transient Rooms NEWLY DECORATED Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience Cafe In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 KWONO SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open a pjn. to 2 am. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 J. C. C. THANKS Editor. Daily News: . j. "On behalf of the Junior Chamber of Commerce may I encroach once more upon your-columns to ful influence of the enemy have been express my appreciation to the brought under our subjection. Now ; ffStgf0 We WOUld do well to bring our own I success signifies in no small way actions and our own beliefs under i JSi?J .TXU Similar subjection. In our Victory, ! are capable and proves beyond wnn sinP thp last YiiTpfirlp wp VinvPi doubt that Prince Rupert . - 7, people have what it takes to assumeu a great responsiDiiuy ine responsibility of maintaining civilization and all the precious privileges which constitute it. And Peace and Goodwill we call the most pre make any worthwhile civic un dertaking a success. May I express appreciation and .thanks to the many artists and pseudo-artists without whose help it would have been impossible to do. Thanks to cious, the most primary attributes of i CFPR, the Daily News, Evening thpm nil Empire. R.C. Signals, the City uieni an.. Telephone department and staff bO We have good reason to be ! and to all business houses that happy and hopeful at this Chistmas ! SH of 194o. Let us keep our observance of the great festival appropriate to the original spirit and mindful of the fact that our celebration should be couched in true and thoughtful de way. Many contributors and many bids of appreciation as well as numerous bids for talent i went unannounced due to lack I of time and to them we sin cerely apologize. Likewise many artists who thronged the studio in the closing moments of each dication to the true meaning of the ! Kogm.h disappointed. occasion. We might also be sobered with our thanks no less sincere, by the thought that for many thisj. Special thanks are due 13 Taxi . ! Ior valuable service ru. mi fii u e e and Christmas will still hp far frnm :i crii ih..i,. .w.. vii iiitiiina iu rtiiuy ; r . r i merry one. There are the millions -McNaughton who was tireless at At iJeauty rroblems ! tion for Yvonne Schaeffer. Dousr. i Stevenson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter I Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George Rorle, Mrs. Sid Elklns. Mrs. T. Fraser, Mrs. Jack McRae. Mrs. Ray Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Terry i r orcune Parker. George Dawes and Don. MrEweii, and any others inadvertantly overlooked. As president of J.C.C. I thank the committee members who organized and carried out this project H. Kraupner, chairman, Dick Birch, Lloyd Morris. Duncan McRae, A. F. MacSween. Jack McLeod, Bruce Stevens and A. Dominate. It was an excellent job and opens the way to a bi'ger and better one next year. I hope that much added enjoyment may accrue to both givers and receivers as a result a genuine and tangible expression for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Yours truly, CLIFF HAM. Pi. It will be aoDreciated If all bids are paid in to Mr. R. B Birch at Bank of Montreal not later than Wednesday. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS " 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "We saw them in New York some werks since." 2. What is the correct pro-nuncist'on of "permit" (noun and verb)? 3. Which one of these words jS misspelled? Hilarity, .higeen, hieroglyphic. 4. What does the word "despicable" mean? 5. What is a, word beginning with sc that means "to examine closely"? Answers 1. Say, "some weeks ago." 2. Accent noun on first syllable, verb cn last syllable. 3. Hygiene. 4. Fit or deserving to be. despised; contemDtible. "He was a man of despicable character." 5. Scrutinize. Flyinj Officer Georee, Curric arrived In the city on the Catala last evening from Vancouver. m. NIGHT OUT IN VICTORIA By RUDYARD KIPLING Bruce" MfcKelvie;. Vancouver newsman, has" unearthed an hitherto unpublished poem by Rudyard Kipling written following a "night- out" with the late John Vlrcuev proprietor or the Oak Bay Hotel: A gilded mirror, and polished bar. Myriads of glasses strewn ajar, A kind faced man all dressed in white, That's my recollection of last night. 'V The streets were narrow and far too long,. Sidewalks slippery, policemen strong, v The slamming door, the sea-going 'hack. That's my recollection of getting back. A rickety staircase and hard to climb, But I rested often, I'd lots of time, An awkward keyhole and a misplaced chair, Informed rriy wife that I was there. A heated interior and a revolving bed, A sea-sick man with an awful head, Cocktails, Scotch and booze galore, Were all Introduced to the cuspidor. And In the morning came that jug of Ice; Which is necessary to men of vice, And when it stilled my aching brain, Did I swear off? I got drunk again. Sailor Takes Crack REGINA. 0 Old salts .will hardly believe It, but a former Royal Canadian Navy man and a drill instructor at that, is going to take a whirl at the beauty Stuart Johnston, Bob I 'supply business. He is Dave Dion, 28, of Regina, who U using his service gratuities to help finance his undertaking here. More than that, another tar, Norman Birk-ett, also of Regina, and 21 years of age, is going to work with Dion. The two are having a little trouble finding a location for an office, but they are going right ahead. Already, Mile Jcan-ette Dorlon of Montreal has 'S y i y ! y y y y y v y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y o a t. been here to demonstrate their products at a display. Said a newspaper office ag when this news came out: "The boys were probably members of the permanent and wavy navy." POPULAR TYPO XMAS FATHER It was nearly a Christmas baby for Mr. and Mrs. Charles C5llins to whom arrived at the Prince Rupert General Hospital at 10:30 last evening a girl, Lynn Patricia. Mr. Collins is a popular member of the Daily News staff and secretary of the Prince Rupert Typographical Union as well as an active Kinsman. cwe:t icict'.terF,''it'c,s'e,e',,c,,",c,w"t,,e,e,!5 r The COMMODORE t i For Christmas Dimwr No. 1 Christmas Dinner $1.50 Tomato Juice Shrimp Cocktail SOUP Consomme a la Royale FISH Boiled Chicken Halibut, Tartar Sauce "r SALAD Stuffed Olives and Celery Branch ENTREES Stuffed Choice Young Turkey. Cranberry Saucle' Roast Young Duck, Apple Sauce ' VEGETABLES Creamed Potatoes or Stuffed Potatoes Brussels Sprouts or Creamed Cauliflower ,j , , DESSERT Christmas Pudding and Happy Sauce Christmas Cake Ice Cream Fresh Fruit i No. 2 Christmas Dinner $1.00 9 y y y y ? y y y y v y y y y y y y SOUP Consomme a la Royale SALAD Stuffed Tomatoes ENTREES Stuffed Young Turkey and Cranberry Sauce . Roast Young Duck and Apple Sauce VEGETABLES Mashed Potatoes or O'Brien Potatoes Brussels Sprout3 or Green Peas DESSERT . ' Christmas Pudding and Happy Sauce Ice Cream Christmas Cake Ami a Happy Joyow New Year to You All! With peace in the world and our boys home again or coming home, this is the happiest festive season we have had for six long years, so we wish you and yours A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS WILLIAM F. STONE "Clothes of Distinction" 1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A iSi3lS,3l5lXiX.5l.S.,5iS,3..5l3.X3.5lJ.X...l5, y u II ri S Mcllride Street TIIF, . . . SEASON'S GREETINGS To all our Friends and Cu: tome extend our Best Wishes for a :.. Christmas. May Good Health and Ccod Fortune be yours always aiid ir.:; bring you a full measure uf pc. Irappiness and Prosperity Gordon's Hardware Phone 111 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKXXXXKXXZXWn y y J We take pleasure In wishing alt our customers and friends a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY-NEW YEAR CUT RATE SHOE STORE Across from Ormes Drug Store .3.-.3ii.X.;iXX.fc..X;i.J.J;,3.5i3.X.J.i.5.i-.ili.XU Merry Christmas will be a Tuneful and Bright Day if we had anything to do with it! Rupert Radio & Electric 313 Third Ave. West Box 131 rnoxn r. 1 1 cc 'Dom and his Staff Wish You All A MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR FASHION FOOTir&M Next to Variety Store (A. J. Domlnato)