PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert. B.C. Saturday, September 1, 1915 '.K 5 SUBS. SLACK SUITS FOR YOUR LABOR DAY PLEASURE AT Rupert Peoples Store ... of course W IDRBBHBBBI BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning Tanks Sinks Eavestrough & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 964 Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC LIMITED Offices in Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 367326 2nd Ave. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA WANTED Able-bodied men, willing workers for cold storage and fish floor work. Have steady work for capable men. Can also use some casual labor: APPLY Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. YTTYTYYYTTYYYYYTYTTTYTYYTTTYYTYTTYTTTYYYYYTYTT' Serve Yourself ... 5 CLEARANCE SALE 3 . . . of . . . 3 PLAY SHOES I I Regular Price 3 95 I SALE PRICE '..".'.".'.'.'$1.99 I All Sales Final Serve Yourself 5 CUT RATE SHOE STORE I . hlAAAAAAAAAAAtiii... -4 lllllilili A M.itj iln .NZL'R ENG,NE T0 LAST LONGER? DO vmt OV WANT YOUR OIL TO LAST LONGFK DO YOU WANT YOUR $$$ TO GO l UUTHEli Then Instal a new . . . WINSLOW OIL CONDITIONER WINSLOW oil conditioners remove sludge, varnish moisture, acid, carbon and grit, leaving only the lubricating qualities of your oil. We carry a complete stock of WINSLOW filters as well as WINSLOW replacement cartridges to fit other makes of filters. AS WE ADVISE ... BE PENNY WISE See S. E. PARKER LIMITED Wlnslow Automotive Distributor for Northern B.C. 170 E. 3rd 'Ave. . Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 83 Today in Sports BARRETT WNS OVER YANKS Six to Nothing; Shut-Out in Friendly Softball Game Holding the Intermediate Soft ball League champions, Acropo lis MJ.'s to two hits in nine innings and striking out twelve bat weilders. Hank Burman pitched the Barrett Seniors to 6 to 0 triumph over their American opponents in a friendly soft ball game last night at Oyro Park. The winners secured five of their six counters in the third frame on singles by LiDke. Bur- man, Gemmell, Root, Gerwinskl and Tonczyk. The remaining run was scored on successive doubles by Scherle and Llpke. Held hitless until the seventh inning, the M.P.'s never chal lenged Burman's mastery over them. The Americans two singles were made by Roster-chuk, the pitcher, and Ambrose. The score by innings follows: R H E Acropolis .... 000 000 000 - 0 2 0 Barrett .... 005 001 OOx - 6 10 2 Batteries : Acropolis Roster- chuk and Gauvin; Barrett Bur-man and Bard. TIGERS ARE FALTERING Close Race Continues in Both Major Leagues The Cleveland Indians struck another blow at Detroit's pen nant hopes yesterday as they beat the Tigers 7-2. The Washington Senators took a double drubbing from the New York Yankees by tallies of 3-2 and 3-1. The Philadelphia Athletics split with -the Boston Red Sox with the "A's" capturing the opener 6-3 but giving up the nightcap 4-2. The St. Louis Chicago tilt was postponed. In the National circuit, the St. Louis Cardinals narrowed the gap between them and the pace-setting Chicago Cubs to three games by toppling the Cubs 4-1. The Philadelphia Phillies shaded the Boston Braves 6-5 and the Pittsburgh Pirates edged Cincinnati's Reds by the same verdict, 6-5. Here Is today's schedule: ' American League St. Louis at Chicago; Cleveland at Detroit; New York at Washington; Boston at Philadelphia. National League-Brooklyn at New York; Philadelphia at Boston; Chicago at St. Louis. The standings: National League W. Chicago .' 76 St. Louis 74 Brooklyn 68 New York 67 Pittsburgh 67 Boston 56 Cincinnati 49 Philadelphia 37 L. 45 49 53 57 62 68 73 87 American League W. L. Detroit 69 Washington 69 New York 64 St. Louis 64 Cleveland 3 Chicago 61 Boston 59 Philadelphia 38 Pet. .628 .602 .562 .540 .519 .452 .397 .298 Pet. .566: .552 .533 .529 .525 .504 .476 .317 BOWLING IN FINALS NOW Last night tht semi-finals and final for the novice singles were played In the Canadian Recreation Lawn Bwllng Club. In the semi-finals Taylor beat Berner by a score of 15 to 4 and In the finals Hodges won over Taylor by a score of 18 to 6. Both games created considerable Interest as they were well con tested. Thursday evening the Woodland Memorial cup was run off with the rink consisting of Judge, Berner, Frew and Skipper McDonald winning the trophy. During the week-end holidays the McClymont Memorial Cup will take the form of an International Scotland versus all comers and the Benson Trophy will also be played for to wind up the season. The Singles championship Is expected to be finished next ti I, I uunc Blue 142 u 0KWORJV niikiTiur taimmu a PAl'ERIIANGING SIGN'S AND SHOWCARDS SHORT SPORT The Junior Softball League game scheduled for tonight between the Knights of Columbus and Wartime Housing has been postponed until next Thursday. The teams still have to play a sudden-death game to decide the Junior Softball chamDion- ship of Prince Rupert and, for that matter, Northern B.C., since there are junior teams in no other centre in this area. LOOKING OVER BALL LEAGUES In the International Leaeue. the Syracuse Chiefs blasted the Jersey City Giants 9-5 yesterday as tne Newark Bears nnnnHnH the Baltimore Orioles 6-1. Tha Toronto Maple Leafs thundered rough-shod over the league-leading Montreal Royals by 7-4 and 4-3 decisions. Rochester and Buffalo spilt their twin bill with the Bisons capturing the first half 7-3 and the Red Wines winning out 4-2 and the second contest. Today's games: International League Syra cuse at Jersey Citv. Baltimore nt Newark, Montreal at Toronto. week. The green Is in fine shape and weather permitting the committee hopes for a large turn-out. BACK TO SCHOOL Baseball Scores American League New York 3-3, Washington 1-2. Philadelphia 6-2, Boston 3-4. Cleveland 7, Detroit 2. National League Philadelphia 6, Boston 5. Pittsburgh 6, Cincinnati 5. St. Louis 4, Chicago 1. Pacific Coast League Sacramento 10-15, Seattle 2-7. Oakland 8, Hollywood 5. Los Angeles 6, San Francisco 5. San Diego 12, Portland 4. American Association Minneapolis 7, Milwaukee 3. Columbus 4, Indianapolis 3. Louisville 11, Toledo 7. St. Paul 15, Kansts City 9. International League Newark 7, Boston 1. Syracuse 9. Jersey City 5. Toronto 4-7, Montreal 3-3. Buffalo 7-2, Rochester 3-4. Doctor-Fiddler-Tar Active Forty Years LONDON, Sept. 1 0) Boyd Neel is a musician plus. The musician part is proved by the fact that his string orchestra is . about the best in Britain. The "plus" nart is: As a hoy he longed to go to sea and trained as a midship man. Eventually, however, the navy bored him and he went to Cambridge to study medicine. Then for a time he was general practitioner but all the while he wanted to write musjc When he found his amateur musical activities were taking up more time than his doctoring, he took the plunge and formed his own 17-Diece orchestra. And despite what he has packed Into his life, Neel today is only 40. Everything in SCHOOL SUPPLIES (Except Text Books) Dibb Printing Company Bcsner Block, 3rd Street 313 Third Ave. West We can say this in three words . . ; BUY COAL NOW Phone 231 Phone 611 RUPERT RADIO &' ELECTRIC (Opposite Canadian Legion)' EXPERIENCED TECHNICIANS, PLUS MODERN EQUIPMENT, COMBINE TO GIVE YOU THE BEST IN RADIO SERVICING. We also repair all types of Household Appliances PHONES 116 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY . REGIMENT ON TERRACE TRIP Will Spend Labor Day Week-End on .Manoeuvres in Interior In four army trucks and a Jeep, Major c. J. Toombs, officer commanding, with some 60 of the personnel of the Prince Rupert Regiment, rumbled off at mid-afternoon today to Journey to Terrace for a week-end of ma-neouvres. Weather was fine and everything appeared auspicious for an active and pleasant outing to which the officers and men have been looking forward for some time. The unit will be quartered in the old1 army huts at Terrace. Return to the city is scheduled for Monday evening. LUPPITT HONITON, Eng. Miss Mary Jane Llewellyn Stamp, 86, aptly-named postmistress of the Devonshire town, has retired after 59 years In the postal service. BRIGHTON, Sussex. Eng. Vfl The Skylark, one of the "little" ships that served at Dunkerque, nas come back to Brighton to resume her pre-war occupation of taking holiday-makers on pleasure trips. Floor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and Alterations Val Spidel Green 186 Box 1430 St. "B" a fine watch BULOVA JOHN BULGER Limited JEWELLERS Third Ave. Pr. Rupert PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY The Seal of Quality BRITISH .COLUMBIA'S IllLMfl'l FINEST SALMON LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street ! MONDAY and IEe20ff TUESDAY flirrrZAfN. J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I II nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 TOURISTS "SKEENA BRIDGE CAMP" One mile East of Terrace Box 13 'Terrace, B.C. W. C. Osborne ft I CAGITfil I H A MMOUI rUtlll THIATM DISXEI CAUTOOK MUSICAL Shows at 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:00 - 7:00 - 9;i 00 SUNDAY AT MIDNITE Two Swell Shows! AND LAaisniE KIDS EDDIE QUILIU In r . m TOLLOW THE "HI - GOOD LEADER" i LOOKIN"' O. K. fvlutrie. OnlometA I X OFFICES IN HEILMtONER'S JEWELRY STORE Complete qualified optical sen-ice. J. M. S. LOUBSER D.O, DA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 Popular "Prince" Steamers From Prince Rupert to Ocean Falls Vancouver Thursday Saturday Thursday steamer also calls Powell River to, Ketchikan Wednesday Friday FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Ave. and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE YUE KING'S CAl for coffee while at NEW H.UEE1 Lunch Counter for ttJ TERRACE Transfer! Storage WE MEET ALL TRASl SERVICE TO ANY W IN THE DISTWW (H. SMITH) p n. nn 167 TiSI In Terrace . THE SKEENA M G. McADAMSi wl SELF-SERVE GR0$ DRY GOODS - LADIES ' A Modern Degtjg ' WE WELCOME TOfl .... irr SKEENA MOW TRANSPOM O, L. Brooks, Propyl In Tprrace If' 1 Motors take ce transportation-The best In transit lor less. ,. Specializing in service else Lake Agents for All-night Coi'H etc. - TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE V. Tmhnff A. M. n t- i . . . X7pr ,0ndltll ALjcit ivepairs on an mattes 01 caw -v .i Road Equipment - 1 lt Work ntp.cpl Arofvlnn and ElCCtnC TERRA1! BOX 202