i I' . r MH rrtfis :.t! IKK 1 NAZI NAVY FAILED REICH Germany's navy dwindled ;teadily In the Second Great War In Individual death agonleS ather than in a colossal fleet engagement as at Jutland In ;he last war. The Graf Spee, caught by three British cruisers after ts. raiding career In the South Atlantic, put into the neutral Uruguayan port of Montevideo after suffering battle damage in a, H0-hour duel with her pursuers. Ordered to leave port or face Internment, Capt. Hnns Langsdorff, blew up his 10,000-ton ship rather than risk defeat" by British -naval guns. SeveraJ weeks later he committed suicide. The-35.000-ton battleship, Bis-marfc'-s'ank the British cruiser Hood Mav 24, 1941, but her glory was short-lived. She was relentlessly hunted for five days and finally was sunk 400 miles off Brest while seeking cover of Nazi land-based planes. The 26,000-ton Scharnhorst went down off Norway Dec. 26, 1943, .alter trying vainly to attack a Murmansk-bound Germany Disrupts "V-E Day" Plan Premature German announcement of the unconditional surrender over Flensburg radio, today' disrupted Allied plans for simultaneous announcement of "V-E .Day" in London, Washington and Moscow. The announce ment was believed to .have been scheduled for Tuesday, the Cana-dlari'.Fress learned Monday. There was ho official comment or explanation in Ottawa for the aoparent delay in London, Washington, Moscow and Ottawa of the official announcement of "V-E Day" but officials of .the Department of External Affairs went Into a hurried conference shortly after the German announcement over the Flensburg station. Jtjwas known that an official announcement of Germany's sur- Here We Go Again! 1939 MALTA WAS WAR EPIC Malta, .British bastion off the toe of Italy In the Mediterranean, held for a time the hard-' bitten title, of "most bombed spot on earth" a distinction i render was cabled to Ottawa later taken by some points on ! early Monday morning and it the French invasion coast and carried official stipulation as to in Germany itself the time at which it would be announced. Then came the German announcement at Classified Ads in The. Dally News get results; FISHERMEN! Call and see the St. Lawrence 100 H.P. Mercury V-8 Marine Engine now displayed in our stockroom. S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford and Mercury Dealers 170 E. 3rd Avenue PHONE 8.1 INDUSTRIAL & MARINE REPAIR WE REPAIR ANYTHING General Repairs to all Automotive and Marine Equipment Body Work and Painting Agents for Cummins Diesel Engines Forest King Power Saw Willard Batteries Raybestos Products ACETYLENE. AND ARC WELDING MACHINING Phone 459 :-. 994 First Ave. West Box 1398 Yes, another Victory Loan . . . our Eighth! Let's send it smashing over the top like we did the other seven. Those powerful seven that changed the war picture from fearful doubt to confidence in complete Victory! And we've got a heart-stirring reason for putting every dollar we can into the Eighth ... for every Victory Bond we buy this time will hasten V-Day . . . will bring our men marching back home to peace and safety. BUY VICTORY BONDS Philpott, Eoitt & Co. Limited FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION . . . quality foodstuffs are carried at all times. If you vant the best, you will find it on our shelves. You are invited to inspect our stock. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE ' (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 ELATION, TEMPERED WITH HUMILITY, mountingIn PRINCE RUPERHS IT CELEBRATES OCCASION 0F 'V-EDAY' Early news of the surrender of I Germany swirled through the LINE.JJP OF throngs of men and women In , Dr. iprnrwTC Prince Rupert on. their way to work before 8 o'clock this morning following the flrsi) brief an-, nouncement ' that th war 'in Europe was over. "Is it official? In it true? Have they really surrendered?" were the questions heard on city streets as citizens who had been half-expecting the announcement lor days grasped for shreds of Information. First, reactions were abon VE-day and when it' would be officially confirmed. Mayor H. M. Daggett officially stated that the pre-arranged plan for observing VE-Day would be In. effect. The Mayor officially klatetl (hat all stores, business houses and industrial plants would be closed this afternoon in accordance with the plan. However, the, dry dock kept working all day. There was a community service of thanksgiving at 2:30 in the Y.M.CA. Red Triangle centre, with clergymen of the Ministerial Association taking part. U-BOATS DEFEAT SPELT WAR END The ability of the Allies to crack Germany's submarine warfare spelled the beginning of the end for the Axis as huge convoys of war material sped .almost without challenge, to the world's fighting .fronts. Peak of the U-boat toll was reached In 1942 when in 10 months Nazi submarines sank more than 500 vessels of the United Nations. U-boats, single and in wolf packs, ranged the North American coasts from the St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico. But Allied anti-submarine The line-ups In the Second Great War listed ,33 United Nations fighting 11 Axis powers. All, however, were not at war with all the others. Thu combatants; United Nations Australia.. Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czecho-f Slovakia, Dominion Republic1, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Fighting France, Great Britain, GreVce, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Iraq, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Philippine Commonwealth, Poland, South Africa, Soviet Union, United States and Yugoslavia. Axis- Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Manchukuo, Romania, Slovakia .and Thailand. The Badoglio Italian government became a co-belligerent with the United Nations Oct. .13, 1943. Boys Raise $135 From Apple Sale Local Boy Scouts raised ?'oout $135 by a street sale of apples recently. Scoutmaster Peter man had charge and ters were made in the Kaien and Seventh Avenue co-operative stores and Midway Grocery. The boys who carried ' out tagging were Grant Forman, Nell For-man, Tommy Nlcholl, Billy Tipton, 'Everett Johansen, Mickey Moran, Tommy Wilsey, Magnus Eyollsen, Jack McKenzle, David Glllanders, Donald Gillanders, Ronald Blakey, Ronnie Glllls, Dick Hedstrom, Everett Moore, Grant Forman, Norman Belanger ana uonny lieignion. , REPAIR JOB In India the practice of surgery arose to enable those devices flnallv eained the UDner 1 7"" VT ""u "LCU. LU" u" cn.o."- ,wt, i Jr aoimery w correct me mu escorts, baby flat-tops and improved convoy tactics cut the torpedoings from a high of 111 in June, 1942, to Jl in October tllatlon. POISON AS MEDICINE The South African arrow curate, is belne used tnrtav of the same year, Thereafter j to protect patients against in-the German submarine menace (Juries likely to occur in shock was jiever a threat. therapy for mental diseases. 5fLi : mil iSliili ' $648,250. liiiiiiini The United Nations, Partners in Freedom, have triumphed over the beast of Berlin and all his Nazi tyrants. Let us join in Joyous Thanksgiving, praising God, that through His Wisdom, Justice and Freedom have prevailed. Freedom, that precious Heritage, purchased at tremendous cost in sacrifice, toil and sweat, has risen from the ashes of world-wide Ruin and Slavery. God grant us Courage, Determination and Unselfish Leadership, so that in the days to come Peace and Brotherhood will reign throughout the World. Thanks be to God which Giveth us the Victory. Victory in Europe is here but the war is only partly over. After more than five years, we have the victory over Germany. Now it is to pursue the full victory over the Axis by disposing of Japan as completely as we have of Germany. The war in Europe is over but we must stUl fight and work on. There can be no letting up until there has been the final and complete liquidation of the whole score. Wrens Shown How To Save Allowance I OTTAWA, May 7 0) When Canada's girls in navy blue re res: size, modelled a budget wardrobe costing $95.39 in Ottawa stores. Wren Georglna S. Hall or Gueloh. Ont.. led off in a brown "":rb.,; .inn ;,;,; ;; r standard style; 1945 So far, . so good we have good reason to be gratified and jubilant over the great occasion of this" day. But, instead of flagging our efforts, it should be the signal to spur us on io even more intensive war endeavors. The rest of the way, after the dark and desperate road over which we have travelled in coming this far, should be so easy. The harder we apply ourselves to the job, the quicker it will be over and we will be -able to express the final and full relief and satisfaction. Here in Prince Rupert the victory over Germany actually projects us more directly into the culminating phases of global conflict.! We should not forget that as we observe and reflect on this great day. We have good reason to express our gratification and even our exultation. We have better reason to solemnly resolve to bend our every effort to speedily finish the job. Let us accept the Victory in Europe in that spirit. WM PRAYER. FOR THIS DAY -5T A M Let h st us us "V j-. .... "1J 1 rHk. make ti.f worthy of tills jjlorioiu Hoiir, for 1 lilne almighty Hand hath led ns here TI that made nil trough ghastly year.? eojlcj cower, Jo -Haven where all kie at Just .are clear. Clear iear ol of the those i i ii .i terrors lono nlirnnit lv niulit. Of hattle, murder and of screaming eleatli Into the Realm of Victory, Peace and Liglit Wjiere fear no. longer clutclirs at our hrenth, So grimly clo.e all men of good will will came J o sinking into slavery's dark nhys., T . 1 1 TM 1 1 vl j uar wen we Know, only any ly p. pillared name Brought tis at last in afet i . :ry over tin. i ii i 11. he humbly nroutl. and Jive to serve VrIiat would liave heen tlieir niin.v, who live no more; Grant: from tlieir last high purpose none shall swerve. Our deeds exnlt their d renin Pence Jield in jttorc 1 Grant that tliij Day we voice no empty lmast, '.'.iBut huild tlie finer world which they hegan On that Ideal oirr cl lanioioiu ip honored tnnil! The eternal Brotherliooi lof THE BORnEN COMPANY LIMITED innii to man. Natlan!tl A. Rtiunn green suit with the brown hat, shoes and bag, but dressed it up a bit with a veil, flowers and pretty blouse. Wren Nancy Harold of Paris, turn to civilian life tney wmto t with brown access0ries , Ont wore a "date" dress of Know now io gei every , ,.... classic ,,,. I erpen with nolkn dots.! Ull4w 4 !,, ...'." ' ... ' ,u the ling Wren Mblly R, Bird of Vic-i draped lines and dirndl skirt allowance after shows being held for their bene fit. At a show here for several hundred Wrens of H.M.CJS. By-town, five Wrens, all the same wna, louowea in a green wooi : with pockets and Wren Lillian suit and the same brown coat . Messenger of Calgary showed a and accessories. j blue print dress, with flowers Leading Wren Dorothy Mc- in her hair and at the neckline, Master of Toronto, combined the light gloves and brown pumps. ByMAROARETW00Dl Tuesday th u .. held in h.r... J Ins win h. n fl 'Lento- from ..... . PhiladelphuO "The Fantastic Ton aene uoosens ami il harmonic Orchestra. w;tnouras3ng 1 uu"6 '"iwrenceTibbtB nor" Bacru or.jan wbl nanoSoic, byfwJ pianist 1 film -niePcreBBtol ana -uttawa On th i lecnnicoior' me ruiar MmM j .L . ' i uuuccinine AuaurUa!: cancelled f ;r ':;:.. ous Movie w.jbejii DRASTIC CUT 1 SUGAR RATIO OTTAWA, May 1 c J Ir.dividual irar m (I pounds t i i. :e pain period from June 1 , 31 was anniui:c?d i.;,. Wartime rVic- and Doard, mere ww w : rm-l person per rr. ( jwy. au"u. i it ti cember. t; -l w month for i vember Twenty-five nn i was the seventh c:wtf I today it s the sr :nd nCIORY! ! FRASER I m LUCKY'! Light Deliver AnrI Transfer! 24-HOUK EERVltll 1341 Sixth Avenue I 1-hone Hlac Mt-et Me at... JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK 6 (Our Coffee MARGE DAI AUCTIONEEI and - VALUATOR JIOUSEHOI'L' PACKED AND phone" Estimate 01 Free phone Here to serve YORK CONST IHiiMI'iS' Genera ,;stlnia(rt Nothing too rmflNE v bis r .A RUCIl" Mlfl ri's (00 '