i 1 i Ji a 1? n ot pi PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Monday, May 7, 1945 PUBLIC SEES C.W.A.C. HOME Attractive Living Establish-mfiit Subject ul Much Favorable Coninicnt "This Is our wartime home and we try to keep It like a home." said one of Prince Rupert's CWJV.Cs yesterday afternoon when escorting visitors around the quarters in the course of an "Open House." No doubt, It is the spirit of the girls thus expressed that motivates them in having such a delightfully spic and span and generally attractive living establishment as the many visitors-saw and were constrained to remark upon. The C.W.A.C.'s occupy two Wartime Housing staff house buildings on Hays Cove Circle between Sixth and Seventh Avenues. Received by Capt. Marjcry Langlcy and Lieut. Evelyn Cal-lan," the callers were turned over to girls of the Corps who cour-teusly escorted them around for Inspection of the quarters. The tour ended up in the main recreation room where refreshments were served. Presiding at the Mothers' Way MAY 13th Welcome Gifts . . . 1. DRESSES 2. SPRING COATS 3. HANDBAGS 4. NIGHT WEAR 5. HOUSE COATS - - Her Two Favourite Stores - - llupcrt Peoples . . . Wallace's j BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers ' n Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1204 YOUR, HOME CUTS Brighton bwilify. prolt your horn auointt fun and rain wllh B-H English Paint. Tho fineit. moil depvnaabU, long. UrmxirolflCiiv paint. Spreads furlhvr -gou need lul Contains the world-famous . Jtrondram'; tenuin B.B. Whit Load". GORDON'S HARDWARE "-Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Prince Rupert, B.C. irlr- 1 in - 1 ii-riHi 1 JBi i -In Big Banquet By Women of Moose At the regular meeting of the Prince Rupert Chapter No. 211, women of the Moose, held last Wednesday, It was decided to hold a banquet in the near future. Senior Regent Kasper announced that the next meeting would be interesting for it would include initiation, nomination of officers and a social under the auspices of the Child Care Committee. As Mrs. W. V. Tattcrsall was not present to claim the money from "Moose Cash,"there will be $4 for some lucky member next time. The meeting was followed by a pleasant dance. HALIBUT SALES Canadian Tramp, 37,000, Storage. 18 lie and lC'ic. Oldficld,'20,000, Atlin, I8V4C and 16'ic. Norncn, 0,000, Booth, 18V4c and I6V2. pouring table were Mrs. Nobles-ton, YWCA hostess, Mrs. Totty, wife of Major Totty of the Royal-Canadian Engineers and Mrs. Semonchuk, wife of Capt. Semo-chuk, R.C.A-M.C. v yi Business and Work to please everyone No work too large or too small H; J. LUND Painting Papcrhanglng Interior and Exterior Work UNION PAINTER P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 "Largest Organization 'of Its Kind in the World" MUTUAL BENEFIT Health and Accident Association J. WRIGHT, Spec. Representative 336 9th Ave, W. Red 693 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 R. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR Massage and Steam Bath Facial and Reducing Treatment Evenings Only Phone Red 315 424 8th Ave. W. FOR PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE mail Hour qltssec to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. 17-2 899 SlYMOUR ST. VANCOUVER.B.C. FIND IT with a Want Ad! Sell It with a Want Adl Buy It with a Want Adl Dally News classl fled section gets results. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 DISTRICT TRADE BOARD MEET SHOULD REDOUND TO BENEFIT OF NORTH AND CENTRAL B.C. (By JACK McLEOD) The conference of Associated Boards of Trade of Northern B.C. which concluded at Vanderhoof on Friday subscribed to a series of resolutions which are likely to have a strong influence on the future of northern and central British Columbia. Nor is the atmosphere of unity engendered at the two-day meeting Is not likely to fade. Pending within the next year are two more such meet ings, one of which will also In clude Boards of Trade from Al askan cities. The meeting of the Associa ted Boards with those of Al aska cities is to be, held at an undetermined date, probably lri Prince Rupert. It probably will be held this Tall. At the invitation of Terrace delegates George McAdams, the next annual meeting will be held in Terrace early next May. Mr. McAdams was elected vice-president of the organization, with Duncan Kerr, also of Trrace, as secretary. Mr. McAdams replaced Harry Taylor, of Vanderhoof, and Mr. Kerr replaced Arthur Brooksbank of Prince Rupert. Professional FRENCH TUITION Special tuition in the French language in preparation for summer examinations. Please leave name and address at Daily News office. EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY "House of Better .Cleaning'' Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branchcr 206 4th Street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 370 1431 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of, Hudson's Bay, Vancouver SMITH & ELKINS LTD, Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Floor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and Alterations Val Spidel Green 186 Box 1430 St. "B" Overseas Officer Klrctrd President Major J. T. Harvey, who entered the army shortly after being elected "prsident in 1939. was re-elected to. that post for the 1945-46 period. In moving the re-election of Major Harvey. C. P. Busslngfr, Telkwa, expressed the hope that he would soon be home from overseas to take his place In civilian life. The final session of the conference moved enthustlastlc expressions of thanks to the Vanderhoof Board of Trade and citizens for the hospitality they provided. Delegates from each visiting board and several guests arose to express their gratitude for the Tine time they had been given. At the conclusion of the busy initial session Thursday, the Vanderhoof Board of Trade tendered a banquet and dance at which townspeople and visitors broadened friendships. Many of the resolutions passed by the meeting went through with a minimum of discussion while others engendered strong argument Only resolution io be withdrawn waS one presented by Prince Rupert which urged that the federal government's , National Housing Act be made applicable to Prince Rupert and other centres in the north central part of the province. The resolution was withdrawn when Arthur Arnold, of the National Housing administration, assured members that the act would be made available in Prince Rupert, Vanderhoof and other centres within the very near future. Mr. Arnold said that he would be in Prince Rupert within a short time to observe local conditions with a view to putting the act into effect there. The List of Resolutions Resolutions passed by. 4hc meeting asked: The completion or a highway from Prince Rupert to Jasper, the correction of. the highway between Kltwanga and Hazclton. (Submitted by Hazclton). Impartial survey of all north-south routes to Alaska. "(Hazclton). Establishment of Young Ranger Bands to educate young people in the preservation of forests. (Burns Lake). Establishment of a forestry experimental and reforestation station In north -central B.C. (Burns Lake). Selected policy of immigration. (Burns Lake). Establishment of an airline from Prince Rupert to Vancouver. ( Presented by Prince Rupert and amended to include a triangle route including Prince George). Establishment of a publicity committee which will work in close conjunction with the Prince Rupert Public Relations committee. This committee consisted, of W. F. Stone, Prince Rupert, Alfred Miller, Prince George, George McAdams, Ter-J. W. H. Day, Vanderhoof, Allen race. M. F. Nourse, Burns Lake, Benson, Hazclton, and Dr. L. M. Green, Smithers. Active membership in the Relieve RHEUMATIC Pain Aclie all over? Stiff and tore in Joint! and muscles? Get quick relief with Templcton's T-R-C'i. a proven remedy gratefully used by thousands. Put . your trust in T-K-C'i. . , -,. , 1 1 1 1 1 ! t.. ; 1, ppCCldllV I1UIUC LU It'llCVC JllCUIIldlll- " and btiflnes Let them help you find the fast relief you want. Get a Uh today sue i ai druggists every wucre, IN THE BUPIIEME COURT Of BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF AMAND CESAR VERHEYDEN, OTHERWISE KNOWN A8 CAESAR OR CESAR VERHEYDEN, DECEASED. INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of HlK Honour Judce Flnhpr Local JudKo of the Supreme Court of uiii-u.il vuiumoia, 1 was on the Zotn day of April, AD. 1045, appointed Administrator of the Estate, of Amaticl Cesar Verheyden, otherwise known as Caesar or Cesar Verheyden, who died on the 7Lh rlAV nf Hontrm. bcr, 1944. All persons Indebted to thc- amu ceiuic are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said Estate are required to flic them with me properly verified on or before tho 5!.' ,tay-.ot May- falling which distribution will be made having re-?a" only to such claims of which a Biinu imve nppn Tint itioh 97?hAT.f? a f".06 Rupert! B.C.. this -.v.. ui num. a.u. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator, I rrincs Rupert b.c Northwest Trade Association and the Alberta-B.C. Trades Association. (Prince Rupert). Installation of CBC 15-watt radio repeater stations at .Terrace, Hazclton, Smithers, Burns Lake and Vanderhoof. (Prince Rupert). Direct, metallic line telephone connections from Prince Rupert to Vancouver. (Prince Rupert). A joint meeting this year of the Associated Boards of Trade of Northern B.C. and Boards of Trade of Alaskan cities. (Prince Rupert). Equalization of freight rates by the removal of railway rates "unjustly discriminating" against B.C. (Prince Rupert). Establishment of a bounty on sea lions which are predators of commercial fish. (Prince Rupert). Request transport companies to investigate means of increasing ferry service to Alaska. (Prince Rupert). Encouragement of construction of a pulp mill in central B.C. (VanderhooD. Appointment of a' public works engineer to operate within each provincial riding. (Vanderhoof). Provincial government should bear the full cost of education. (Vanderhoof). Creation of electric power plants In centres throughout the province as a stcn toward rural and urban electrification (Smithers). That agricultural Crown lands be thrown open for preemption. IVanderhoof). Re-assessment on the basis of $5 an acre of farm lands which were bought at high rates by settlers who have been unable to complete payment after living on the land for years. (Vanderhoof). Availability to veterans from all of Canada agricultural lands now reserved by the provincial government for British Columbia veterans. (Prince George). Increased use of the port of Prince Rupert for overseas cargo shipments, (Prince Rupert). Admission of the Junior Cham bers of Cpmmercc of Prince George and Prince Rupert Into full membership In the Associated Boards of Trade of Northern B.C. (Prince Rupert). Classified Advertising - - - - Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for Insertion. WANTED FOR SALE WANTED Two housekeeping FOR SALE Kitchen stove with rooms for soldier's wife and 0ll burners. 337 7th Ave. E. two small children. Apply Box ( 10&I 999 Dally News. (107) FOR SALE Maroon baby WANTED URGENTLY Small stroller and high chair. Apply apartment or light house- Room 23, Commercial Hotel, keeping room, reasonably close (io7i In, for couple. Phone Amcri- can Signals 447, daytime. FOR SALE 28-foot troller. (100) Patricia I; Ford engine. Can be seen at Lipsctt's wharf. WANTED BY MAY 21st Fur- (m, nlshed room or housekeeping room for married man. Phone FOR SALE Ford Robertson Dally News 98. (tf ) marine engine. Snap Jor cash. Phone Red 913, after 6. (110) WANTED By Chief Petty Of- fleer and wife (no children), FOR SALE Strawberry plants, two-room apartment, by end $2.50 per hundred. 224 5th of May. Box 997 Dally News-. Ave. West. (111) FOR SALE Small buffet and WANTED By reliable couple, table, four odd chairs. 310 7th small furnished house or Ave. East. (108) suite, close In. Box 995 Dally Tr. mpw- noni FOR SALE Regulation overseas . , lJzZL cartons. 5 lbs. and 11 lbs. sizes WANTED TO RENT Has any- at 10c and 15c. The Variety one two or three furnished or Store. scml-furnlshed rooms in town ZTtTTTTTi Z TT, to rent to quiet, considerate roRJALJ"rnltu1!'e;ilk?,nctw; couple? Phone Blue (IP 733. 1 3-plece PJden an,d wine hTe1, chesterfield eJCCt?; set; , . dinette set; washing machine; WANTED Sewing machine, any typewriter, etc. 944 Hays Cove kind. Apply Box 3 Daily News. Ave. 118l O09). MACHINERY" FOR SALE WANTED Two housekeeping TO SAW better lumber more rooms for service couple. Ap- economically, use the modern ply Box 2 Dally News. (108) and up-to-date type National ; - Portable Sawmills, manufac- WANTED-Blcycle for teen aged tured by National Machinery boy. Red 835. (108) company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) HELP WANTED ' FOR KENT WANTED Girl or soldier's wife for light housekeeping. Two FOR RENT Office space up- children; sleep In; five-room stairs Stone Block. Will re-1 apartment. Good salary. Black modc, lQ ,t t See !Z!!l W. F. Stone. (tf) WANTED Immediately, cf- ficient housekeeper; can cook, FOR" RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone fond of children. Will have 83 for particulars. (tf) good wages plus additional ; ; help. Reliable service couple FO? RENT Small single room, accepted. Phone 653, office lose In. Gentleman only, hours. (HO) Phone Black D65. (tf) WANTED - Woman for house- FR RENT Nice big bedroom work, by hour; 3 mornings a rriw Smen on'y- "4 week. Phone Red 879. (tf) Herman Street. (tf) WANTED Extractor" man for F0R, RENT Room, with kitchen local laundry. Good wages. PF'ep?- A.PP aft 5 P-m Apply National Selective Ser- at 1332 8th Ave- E1- (H2) vice A.M. 178. (Ill) , LOST AND FOUND w a MTnn Thrpp Wo, laundry. Good wages. Apply LOST On Wednesday. Jlttie National Selective Service A.F. black puppy, four months old: 173. (111) answers to the name "Blackie." r"T" 316 2nd Street, next to John- WANTED rAM-m Female cook for ny'8 ys onac Snack Bar uar Rewnrd family of five. Apply Selcc- ,?rm tlve Service A.F. 169. (tf) 1 ' , FOUND Upper plate of false PFitsoNAi r"""WAIj teeth. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and ln thls for ad- YOUTHFUL BEAUTY and an- pearance or hair yours again, with Anqelique Grey Hair Re storer $1 at Orme's Ltd, 11121 KING AND QUEEN STAYED IN TOWN LONDON, 0i- The King and Queen rejected plans to evacuate the royal family to the country from London when German Invasion was considered Imminent back in 1940. They wanted to share the dangers and hardships with their people. Now peace has come to Europe and with It the revelation that probably no King, and certainly no Queen ,ln Britain's history has been closer to his subjects at war. The only occasion on which the Royal Standard did not fly fiom Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle, both within the Greater London air raid area, was when the King was visiting his forces or inspecting war factories. When bembs fell almost night ly on London during the blitz the King and Queen drove sometimes in a splinter-proof automobileto cheer the homeless amid ruins of their houses and in streets filled with still-blazing debris. Six times enemy planes damaged the palace. Their Majesties spent many nights in a deep underground shelter while eriemy planes and later flying bombs were overhead. In one daylight raid by piloted Pncs the King and Queen waicning mrougn a winuow. saw the bombs fall from the raider In another, the Queen's private apartments were wrecked. Of Kpvprnl thnncnnH wlnrlmi't !n Ihr palace, only a few score were leu unbroken. Windsor Castle, how ever, ecsaped damage from enemy action. Buy the 8th Victory Bonds! Sec our stock of household furniture and novelties. J. H. MAIR FURNITURE AND AUCTIONEER 632 Third Ave. Phone Blue 09 FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner may have same by identifying same and paying for this advertisement a the Dally New ETRRTP ffHimi aiHnia lUUHV1 AWmW A -2 Htm THI.B I II Triumphantly together in " SYDNEY GREEHSTBEET LORRE I ITZPATIUCK 1 KAViaOCil'E COLOKLD CARTOON I """"'"""MM POULSEN'S Grocery and Lunch Phone Red 411 FREE DELIVERY Cth Ave. E., beside Postal Station "B" "As Good as the Best Better Than the Rest" MONDAY WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West? Section I "ROM 2 TO 5 Til Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon your delivery day, Wc serve Special Red Brand Beef, All m t a 1 j. i- ..a-hIak rii nr. fruits complete line of groceries. i't.tn m -r-T tintim TTV"r fPPriNi 1 k u r r k 1 nu Lntn 1 ' mm v - - w - - PHONE 21 F01 mm mm 1 n mm Mnrnnro mow viirnwn iiiniiir:i unv .mv r iuli ITIWIIWI W MMj OO SEE OUR WINDOWS AND DISPLAY COUNTERS 0 " 1 1 silrrl(ft lid VUllHJ III C11IU 1 I you in making your selection We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW KB Hna-3-l JACKETS r. r or opr plaid ' Fa;: -ti u u with iiap pi. ,kt Kit f morgan s men and Boys' We Third AV' - Or ANNOUNCING FMDIDF f i'ii 1 11 1 1. (Formerly Redccsratw b:30 ajn. 10 1 THIRD AVE. t 1 rim 116 11 ALBERT AN" McCAFFt