9rfnrc Rupert Dafl J3ctos Friday, September 27, 1945 ujllshed every afternoon except 8un iaj by Prince Rupert Dally News Jail ted. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, 3g British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. 'J SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3fcfcity' Carrier, per week 15 Pap Mfnth 6S ffT Year 7 00 3y-Iall. per month 40 -35r Year M.00 tonless combinations in the popular II A R V E Y WOODS P.D.Q. style. Made in a natural color, fine rib, cotton and wool mixture, these garments are ideal for fall wear. A complete size range at prices: $2.50 - $3.00 w$3.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP" r I iiiTi:"'fi:11 For Baby UZMBER A.B.O. Qommunity Chest Needed . . . 5? Within a single twenty -four hour period one day this week no fewer than three calls were made at the Daily News office by canvassers for subscriptions for worthv causes. The experience at our office was very likely paralleled at other of the Business places along Third Avenue. , Possibly we might not have-ljoticed it so much had the solicitors not been coming so thick and fast all at once. So it was possibly more annoying than it was costly. Had another canvasser happened to come along about the same time, he might have been Imceremoniously .turned down no matter how worthy his Cause. I With business conditions in Prince Jtupert about to return to normal fifter the war boom years and the possibility that business people may be inclined to consider more carefully these continual outgoes for one fund or another, it might be well to get down to a serious entertainment bf the community chest idea which feems to work so admirably in some Communities, systematizing and unifying these worthy solicitations and at the same time ensuring fair impropriations for the many causes. P.D.Q. Underwear for Fall Wear... Comfort - Fit Endurance Medium weight, but- Apparently, to get the community chest in operation in Prince Rupert, only the leadership of some interested organization in taking hold seems to be needed. It would appear to be just the sort of a public service that one of the chamber of commerce organizations might take hold of. There is no doubt the time is ripe for it. Public solicitations for funds and tag days, are becoming a real problem. Salvation Army's Work . . . The present drive for funds for the Salvation Army Home Front appeal causes some discussion as to the work of the Army and its local application. The more fortunately situated in life do not see much of the works of mercy continually being carried on by the organization. One example shows the need for generous support to this Drive. During the years 1943 and '44, five unmarried mothers' cases from the City of Prince Rupert were handled by the Salvation Army, involving a total of 808 hospital patient days and a cash cost (at 95c per day), of $767.60 to the funds of the Army. As this is just one of the many lines of social service, continually carried on by this organization, some idea of the need for support can" be arrived at. In the immediate future it is anticipated that a great deal of the time, energy and the funds of the Army will be required for rehabilitation work among returning service personnel. The budget for this purpose last year was $150,000, and that was before either the European or Japanese war had come to an end. mi m n r v Products that are FAMOUS A baby needs a mother's love, but this is not enough to help baby develop. Baby needs your wise and careful selection of the best toiletries used on his tender little body. In making your purchases here, you are always assured of the best. NOTHING BUT THE BEST FOR BABY Ormes Ltd. 37us Jhoheer Druggists THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 A. MacKenzie Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FALL IS HERE WINTER 18 AROUND THE CORNER! WITH IT COLD WEATHER . . . Our Fall Bedding Has Arrived SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES AH sizes and grades BEAUTYREST MATTRESSES Also in stock. Standard price .. $42.50 Mall Orders Shipped At Once Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Understatement Is Peer's Specialty LONDON, Sept. 27 ffi Viscount Morpeth, 22, who has a gift of understatement, -will marry Hon. Ela Beaumont on October 3. He Is the only son of the Earl and Countess of Carlisle and his fiancee Is the only daughter of Viscount and Viscountess Allendale. In December, Lord Morpeth wrote that he had "a slight accU dent with a mine." The war' of fice Informed his father that his son was suffering from multiple wounds, Including amputation of his left leg at the knee. PRINCE GEORGE to VANCOUVER 2'A HOURS Leave Prince George Daily 10:20 p.m. Good connection with eastbound train from Prince Rupert NO FMOMTIES REQUIRED For Further Information, set Cndim Pacific Rlilwiy Office, Prince Rupert M5-I2A BE WISE TODAY AND BE WARM THIS WINTER ORDER COAL TODAY! PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 LETTERBOX PUBLIC OWNERSHIP AND SOCIALISM Editor, Daily News: It must be amusing to stud4 erits of Marxian Socialism to hear the views of despair expressed on one hand and the jubilation of others over the dawn of socialism through the advancement of the C.C.F. t here again, Mr. Editor, beg leave to state Socialism Is not the gift or child of any political party. Socialism, like Capitalism Is an economic growth born of social necessity under economic pressure. So, wherever or whenever. Socialism becomes an established fact, It is simply the effect of a good ahd sufficient cause. Remove the cause and the socialistic germ will die Do not blame Socialists' or Communists for bringing in that dreaded Socialistic state. But rather place the blame or credit on the responsible source namelyt our present mode of wealth production and distribution. Our method of wealth production has increased a thousand-fold in the past century but distribution has sadly fallen in the rear. Hence the prcblem of purchasing power and its twin brother unemploy1 ment and relief. But let us not be overiready to accept or subscribe to all reme-! dies offered as a solution. First let it be kept in mind that public ownership in no sense of the word is Socialism. It is still capitalism both in principle and pun pose and as such does in ho way under Capitalism benefit the working class as a class. As an example, compare the wages and working cdnditlons of the C.P.R. with those of the C. X.R. Then ccmpare the wages and working conditions of the Ontario Hydro Elecertlc em1 ployees with those of the B. C. Electric or West itootehay Power and Light Co. Or our own Northern B. C. Power Co! -.While I have ho definite knowledge of the working set-up governing the thouands of employees attached to those concerns, I venture to say they are relatively j the same. It is .simply State uapuausm on me one nana ana private Capitalism on the other both Instruments Of explolta tlon of the workers. If public ownership Is a part of Marxian Socialism, then the late Sir Robert Borden, Sir Thomas White, Sir Henry Dray ton, Adam Beck, Arthur Melghert, former leaders of the Conserva1 tive patty are the greatest So-1 cialists Canada has yet pro-1 duced. GEO. B. CASEY. r C h h ftadib Dial r r K ,2 2,40 Kilocycle (Subject to cxiange) THURSDAY P.M.-4:00 Fred Waring 4:30 Comedy Caravan 5:00 Gypsy Strings 5:30 Remember 5:45 G.I. Jive 6:00 Magic Carpet 6:15 Viva America 6:30 The People Ask 6:45 Sports College , 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Promenade Symphony 8:00 Winnipeg Drama 8:30 Servicemen's Forum 9:00 Music Hall 9:30 Alan Young 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Musical Interlude 10:15 Thomas M'ancinl, violinist 10:30 Mystery Playhouse FRIDAY A 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 cbc News 8:15 Breakfast Club 8:30 Songs of Today 8:45 Morning Song 9:00 BBC News - 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Varieties 9:45 Yank Band Stand 10:00 Showtime 10:30 Melody Roundup 10:45 Homemakers 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Studio Scrapbook 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:36 Recoraed Interlude 11:45 Personal Album ' P.M. 12:00 Downbeat 12:15 Across the Board 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Matinee Memories 1:00 Modern Minstrels Listen... GBR NETWORK Friday, Sept. 28, 8 to 8:30 p.m. "The C.C.Fi Program For B.C.rt SPEAKERS; Mrs. D. G. Steeves, M.LA. Colin Cameron, M.L.A. Belnard Webber, M.L.A. Monday, Oct. i, i to 1:15 p.m. SPEAKERS: Grace Mclnnls, M.L.A. Flying Officer Murrai Bryce (Published by C.C.F. Provincial Campalgh Committee) Another Communication from Mr. Pattullo ' To the Electors of Prince Rupert Constituency: Last week I told you that I would refer later on to some activities which I thought would be of interest to you. As I am leaving for Queen Charlotte Islands tomorrow, I am today enumerating some ot them in very brief form I c!o so as there is no one else in a position so to do. Came to Prince Rupert in 1909 before incorporation of City. Through my Initiative a telephone system was installed and turned over to City after incorporation. Also Water Rights covering Prince Rupert water supply which had been alienated were re acquired for City. After Incorporation of City, was a member of first Cty Council and Chairman of Finance Committee, during which time policy was adopted of grading streets in Section 1, thus putting business section in unified ahd integrated position for future development. Caused present Provincial Government buildings to be erected. This took some doing! Secured" Salt Lakes as permanent reserve for benefit of City, also McClymortt Park. Caused site of present Post Office to be conveyed to Dominion without charge, thus insuring immediate construction of this necessary building. Caused substantial aid to be given Prince Rupert Hospital at a critical juncture in hospital's position. UTAH WOMEN FIGHT POLIO SALT LAKE CITY, Sept. 27 d Utah women from farm and ranch areas, where doctors and nurses are scarce enough In the best of times, are getting into the fight against poliomyelitis. They came 'as volunteers from all parts of Utah for the first training classes to be held by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Some travelled 500 miles to attend. A wartime dearth of professional help for polio victims, especially In thinly populated areas, has pointed Up the need ! for substitutes. Already several of the 158 .graduates of the four-day school held here are at work In the state's largest polio centre. The work of the volunteers consists In applying hotpaefcs to Infected muscles to prevent spasms and pave the way for physiotherapists to prevent the crippling effects. Special techniques of bedside nursing were also taught. Better English BV D. C. WILLIAM8 . 1. What U wrong with this sentence? "It seems fuhny that Gave special assistance to City recently when Prmce Rupert hW0J?id d1 ,su?.h a lhlrt8'" bridges were falling down. "n" ..in ?or"" pro- I HUUUIUWUU Ul CU.MIUJIU Was member of a delegation during First World War to secure , 3, Which one ot these words shipbuilding here. Also spent several days In Ottawa beginning of is misspelled? Barrack, ham- recent war urging Immediate shipbuilding on this coast with definite successful results. Caused building of plank road from Port Clements to Hell and recently secured appropriation to complete a permanent road between these two points, approximate cost $100,000.00. Requirements of small communities adjacent to Prince Ruoert have beeri reasonably met at all times. By redefining boundaries of electoral districts, secured additional representation in legislature for Northern British Columbia. Numbers count. Don't forget this. umbla boundaries to take In Yukon but negotiations' suspended at my request until Dominion Provincial financial relations finally adjusted. Also proposed that Eastern boundaries of British Columbia should be extended following 120th meridian to take In McKenzle Basin, Fought for Alaska Highway to employ large numbers of young men who would be given training in mineralogy and geology and thereafter would be grub-staked In order to open up mineral possibilities of a vast territory. Carried out drilling operations for oil in Peace River country. While work was stopped after my leaving office, It is conceded by competent geologists that further work will bring In large bodies of oil: Immense coal deposits were uncovered. Caused building of Terrace bridge, ...... no mean accomplishment at that time. Built Pattullo Bridge at New Westminster in face of heavy, opposition tor which many have since apologized. Responsible for creation of Greater Vancouver Water District tinder constant lambasting. Carried out development of University Endowment Lands in Point Grey than which there is no finer development on North American continent. A vandal chiselled off Crest of Province from stone gateway at entrance. Initiated irrigation policy which saved life of such towns as Vernon ahd Kelowna. Carried out development of South Okanagari Irrigation Project lor benefit of Returned soldiers in World War I. "This now one of finest districts In British Columbia with 4.C00 residents. Initiated creation of Department of Trade and Industry, and appointment, of Economic Council which has resulted in bringing scores of millions of dollars to Province. Sponsored aggressive policy timber trade extension resulting in building up in British Columbia largest timber exporting organization in world. Initiated Pro-Rec organization now sp beneficial. Carried out vigorous immigration policy as Minister of Lahd3 artd brought in considerable number of settlers outside of Dominion operation. In. amplification of Immigration policy made two trips to Britain in connection with huge development project especially beneficial to Northern British Columbia and including sale bf Pacific Great Eastern Railway. Fall of theh British Government precluded Iurther negotiations. Started National Highway east and built several miles. iNote Here seems opportune time to state policy, t believe this highway Very faithfully yours, T, D. PATTULLO. (Advt.) mock, pahlck. 4. What does the ward "alternative"' mean? 5. What is a word beginning with po that means "existing in possibility only?" Answers 1. Say, "It seems queer (or unusual) that he would do such a thing." 2. Pronounce koosh un, oo as in look, not as in botot. 3. Panic. 4. An offer of two Negotiated with Dominion Government to extend British Col i things. "If this demand is f e- should be owned and maintained by Federal authority, but lit any event question should immediately be adjusted between- Dominion and Province and thereafter, whoever controlling authority, high way should be properly surfaced without delay, I pledge Myself to press, for this). Played major role In maintaining right of Provinces to par tlclpate In direct taxation, thus Insuring consideration of whole problem by Dominion Government and provinces in light of peace conditions. This Is still unfinished business and i know a lot about It. Unfinished business also is report of Royal Commission on Forestry to be Considered hext session. Forestry for 12 years directly under me as Minister of Lands. There are, of course, Innumerable other questions requiring attention. Every man who follows trend and necessities of our public economy knows that there has been an everMncreaslng Governmental control. Discovery ahd invention have at once simplified and added to complexities t modern society. Am In favor of forward measures and such control as new conditions make necessary, but am opposed to taking over by State of all Industries of country. There are several hundred businesses right here on streets of Prince Rupert which are enjoying prosperity under a personal freedom which must forever be cherished, Under State ownership, long nose of Bureaucracy would be stuck Into every phase of existence. I shall have further observations to make from time to time when I return from Queen Charlottes. fused the alternative Is war.' Lewis. 5. Potential. Buy Wat sa vines Stamps PIANIST TEACHER with concert and radio ex perlence will take pupils. Phohe 3. FRANKY, drten 915 during business hours. For General Construction Houses, Verandahs Raised, Alterations, Additions, Steps Bull! ahd Repaired also Cement Foundations,' Floors, Sidewalks, Driveways and Beptld Tanks Phone Green Immediate attention Tni iLt. .1 I l.i iv una ui npniiM.i Do you ileeD immHi. . r i , , -'I . uF iu, ciear-eyed ud "7 lur.we aayi wor) your nights resile.. .j j T uui uiuininir. inniurf i , exmujtirin' If tnu'tr lu.. UMiefl. whv nm J. .- . rnrtl. arm . t ri i " '"Plr dr. w,rm bedti Oralune does three thing! Vigorous morning freshnesj. (t) Taken relieve thir r ion neips elps tne 3oct- an warm m. L. relax MCV niffinn i in a inH (nrninn A,,m j- . z r. -w . wu tit Dlenish vitihtv to mm tk itrttial Vitamins, but also I uwu vi uijiivtais. in En-ana for health and ton viral!. ,r Sn i F vrtn clr rtnA.1.. tired and listless why not and clear-eyed, radiant freshness. See if you don't more buoyant ready to fcret witn a srmie. OVAL1I Martin Henry Connolly, a. a t.u . iiMx Lit-ni niiiiiiLiiit'i- Business arid Professional SERVICING, SALES, RENTING AND AMUSEMENTS GADGET REPAIRS, ETC COOK AND DIXON'S CYCLE SHOP (Formerly Gunn's Bicycle Shop) 214 6th Street Open dally from 9 a.m., till 2 a.m. Work to please everyone No work too large or too small H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanglng UNION PAINTER Interior and Exterior Work P.O. box 1286" phohe Black 823 GEORGE L. ItOlUE PubliO Accountant, Auditor, etc. income Tax Returns Complied Besher Block Phone 38T SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 iNTERNATIONAI), Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada U. F. LOVIN, Phone Oreen 074 Representative Box 636 117 2nd Ave. W Opposite TMCA PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 63 PHdNE63 For your future dances try the "SWING QUINTETTE" The finest dancejband in town Phdue 65 Taxi Arc Studio 802 Borden Phone Green 511 1 M k."a H lk' hmksps rnmmencinj juc snpni!) pnnrcp. inr nf f . HANDYMA HOME SERV oil Burners Cleaned Repaired Home Repairs flnon fnr RnSMeS MARINE First Ave. East ..mm 0 D.ltA A'IOQr IlUUiC Ui ecu" EVENSONG mn AT PT V A Nr AND LAI N UK Authorized Shanes Dresses Without Guesses . - Gnat waierprouimis "f- PHONE 858 Mn ll Orders - Box HELEN'S . timll QUI . tt'avulF ii it. h' Beauty uunure m " - 90B dth StTPPL '" MF.RSENGEK . ... tt, FJISt stand mi ai" " phone Green NEW LOCATION: 855 iiai th Avenue ' nriiAMV AND HAIR t tTinnsBa'.v" . . i . Tl T 1 I I. Optometrist JOHN BULOEB1 Third Avenw n OWENS' Hum - Prompt dlagnosii " radlM PHONE RED'51