Modern Etiquette f'-AoroT LEE BJ -i.- roiiDle are engag ibemarrledo.ison ever in-ae social affair with-"iSS, the other? f ? customary to Invite ante 11 is ud f tnem to attend. "S Wb walkins with a wo- i hA is carrying an umbrel-ftSam-Vrtoholdlt &!' i yes, t iht fruits should be ser- without removing the nd thole, s""5' oifhpii npars. i oranges, .v..v.( L nlnm and ippH Da""""' BIVIVE ST GILES FAIR vr m Enc 0 St. Giles ' ..,, herp after a rtir was ""r -"V" . tot . ,n ...or. hllfc the ahOW- . ... rtluVit1. nri fcur hones io ta" ajui o UAH 0 HAL CLOTHING COLLECTION Th, Local News Items . . . C. L. Ycungman returned to the city on the Prince Rupert Wednesday from a vacation trip to Vancouver. Elite Beauty Parlor, Mrs. Sutherland, will be closed, from October 4th to October 24th. (It) Mrs. T. Laurie Walker left on last evening's train for her home In Calgary after spending the summer months here as the guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Foote. Harold E. Winch, M.L.A., and C.C.F. opposition leader In the Legislature, will arrive from Terrace to spend a few days in the city as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Black. He will 'Ke unable to get a coach leave for Ocean Falls Monday li Jmeaion walked. y local motorists have al Uhe and We P11 r--d enrQllpd hv n!ivin inuia; 11 ft , , - f "-O , dues in the branch of the Auto- . nUCIIlMTlP D:. mblle Association of British leCfiVe nlltUiTlllllW rain Columbia being organized here. AdKallover? Stiff and ort In Joint nl In addition, 20 others have In- nkmW ?lcated thelr Intentlon of Jln- bithousands. I'ntyout trait in T-R-Ci. lng up. A new general meeting feKSmffi ' bj h!ld ;ory Max SSd youwant. Get a box today fiw.eeney, president of the prov- dt d-tdniggiitieverytert. T-17 !ncai association, in attendance. watcatiyou thattkey can children in Europe alone who need ' ' "cip-now! Will you do your share? lUM0UR9 Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mills left this morning for a motor trip to Vancouver. J. 11. Macey returned to the city on Wednesday from a trip to Vancouver. Rcbert Wiggins sailed Wednesday afternoon on the Princess LcuUe on a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. William Crulck-shank returned Wednesday from Vancouver after, spending a holiday In the south. Gordon Brookes of the Skeena Motor Transport, Terrace, was In the city yesterday on a brief business visit. Pilot Officer Ewart Hethering- ton, veteran of the European war and former war prisoner In Germany, arrived in the city on Wednesday to renew acqalnt ances. He was formerly provincial government welfare officer here. A Hear Harpld Winch. M.L.A., Leader of the Opposition, and Wm. H. Brett, C.C.F. Provincial candidate, Sunday, Sept. 30, 8:30 pjn., Oddfellows' Hall. Chlrman, A. Wallln, President, Trades and Labor Council. (226) x 11 V m M M rw O yvcai; For needy and destitute in war-torn lands . . . In war-torn countries throughout the orld, countless thousands of dazed and destitute people are today without adequate clothing, blankets or footwear, Dur-lng six horror-filled years of war, the dothes on their backs have been worn t0 pitiful shreds. The need is urgent bitter winter father is at hand. And the answer to we need lies largely in the clothes closets ""a attics of Canada-among the service-able discarded wearing apparel that hangs thcre, idle and Unused. Ik over your family's wardrobe "tut Pick out every garment you can pos- 1 y spare -overcoats, suits and dresses, Underwear, sweaters and work clothes . . . anything in usable condition . . . anything 0ut of date, out of fashion. ere are 125,000,000 men, women and mi it rmiii 1 1 1 w ocr. Where clothes will be sent . . . CHINA CZECHOStOVAKIA THE NETHERLANDS NORWAY m i 1 1 1 iii I m so nFNMARK fKANtt POLAND RUSSIA GREECS YUGOSLAVIA NC-J5 Oiler, Besner atrl?ed Ih the city on Vednesday from Van couver, i a'. P. Tinker "relumed lo the city on the Prince Rupert Wednesday from an extended visit in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Armstrong arrived In the city Wednesday oh the Prince Rupert from a trip to Vancouver. A, Moffatt, C.N.R. claims agent Vancouver, arrived in the City Wednesday on the Prince Rupert and continued on to Ketchikan last night. Harry Workman, Lloyds surveyor, was here aboard the Prince .Rupert yesterday afternoon going through to Ketchikan to visit the wreck of the burned steamer Prince George. Total contributions to the invest in Youth week canvass up to noon today were $1,000 for the two days, Don Forward, secretary of the Prince Rupert Rec reation Council announced. Mrs. R. B. Sargent and daugh ter Mary of Hazelton were pass engers aboard the Prince Rupert Wednesday returning frcm a holiday in the south. They leit last night by train on their return home to Hazelton. Mrs. Herschel Stringer of Van couver, after spending the sum mer in the Yukon Is a visitor in the city, the guest of her aunt. Mrs. James H. Thompson, Grah am Ave. She arrlve'd from the north on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon. Moving pictures showing ad vanced pro-rec activities at Kamloops, which were suggested as an example of what eventu ally will be accomplished at Prince Rupert, were shown by George McGregor, local pro-rec director, at the weekly lurl cheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club today. President James H. Thompson was in the Chair and there was a good at tendance of members with few guests. Lieut. D. G. Lewis, public re lations officer for the Canadian Navy on the west coast, and Petty Officer Douglas Chadwlck photographer, were in the city Tuesday In connection with the preparation of an article dialing with the war history of H.M.CS, Chatham. They travelled north from Vancouver and back south by plane via the Queen Charlotte Islands. The article available for the newspapers shortly. FUNERAL NOTICE An emergent meeting ' of Tsimpsean Lodge No. 58 A.F. & A.M. will be held In the Masonic Temple, at 2 p.m. Friday for the purpose of holding a funeral service for our late Rt. Wor. Brother E. N. Valentine. Members of Tyee Lodge and all sojourning brethren are requested to attend. At 2:30 p.m. a public service will be held at the Presbyterian Church. W. D. VANCE, Secretary. FUNERAL NOTICE Funeral service for the late Ernest Noel Valentine, 615 Fifth Avenue East, will take place Fri day, at' 2:30 p.m., from. First Presbyterian Church. Interment will follow In Falrvlew Cemetery. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Victor cabinet radio, like new; 8 tubes, 3 wave lengths. $100. Phone 50. Support this Work of Mercy Help to make possible the Salvation Armys great work ol human reclamation by giving generously bi your dollars. Space donated by PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL CO. LTD. Hotel. . . i arrivals Prince Rupert C. D. Orchard. Victoria; H. B. McElvie, Vancouver; A. L. Mc-Williams, Vancouver; C. F. P. Faulkner, Vancouver; E. A. Howey, Vahcouver; J. Manzer, Nanalmo; C. J. Wright, EsquU malt; R. Coates, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gillard and family, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sargent and family, Haz elton; Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, Edmonton; E. A. Butchart, Vancouver; A. L. Moffatl, Vancouver; R. Green, Vancouver; Mrs. C. M. Hall, Terrace; Mrs. pwing to the disruption of travel facilities, the above events have been postponed for two weeks, and will be held as WANTED Room and board for gentlemanoffice worker, close in U possioie, Dy uciooer i. Apply Box 7 Dally News. (226) HELP WANTED wanted First class butcher to . take full charge and do his own buying. Apply National Selective service am. leo. (tf) WANTED Reliable and honest boys or girls wno desire uany i News delivery routes may leave their names at the office as some new carriers may be required shortly. (tf) HELP WANTED Reliable wo man for houseworK Dy tne hour. Phone 470. (226) SALESGIRL WANTED Perman-en help who want a future. Will also help in window trim- -mlng. Previous experience not necessary. Apply office, Rupert Peoples Store. (227) FOR RENT FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone Black 198 for particulars, (tf) FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone Green 751 between 5 and 7. (226) FOR RENT Board Phone Red 933. and Announcements All idwnummw n tnts emumh wUl M chArjrt (of a fu'.l montn at 25e a feortL Catholic Bazaar, October 3 and 4. K. of C. Hut. room. (224) FOR-RENT Large housekeeping room. 344 Sherbrooke Ave. Thanksgiving Slipper, United Church Hall, October 18, 6130 p.m. (227) FOR RENT Furnished cabin f Phone Blue 825. (224) FOR RENT Five-room house Furniture to be bought cheap, including an electric washer. 424 8th Ave. East. Phone Black 614. (228) , FOR RENT Two-room suite, r unfurnished. Kitchen prlvi lages Phone Red 877. (226) .FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. Prefer middle -aged quiet, counie. m bin Ave. w, LOST (226) LOST Licence nlate. No. 29212, Please return to the Dally News. (224) LOST i -750-16 Goodyear truck tire and wheel on Port Ed ward road. Wells Ltd., Blue 980. Reward. (226) PERSONAL BANISH GREY HAIR Look years younger use effective Angelique Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at ormes Ltd. (226) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable sawmills, manuiac tured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I If nerves doubly sol Bmlth Block Green 995 Eastern Star Birthday Dance, octooer is. LINCOLN, Eng. O) Council members here voted 15 to 11 to build cooling tbwers for a new generating station, after a year's controversy as to whether they would spoil the beauty of the surrounding countryside. Cauldwell, New Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Blairmore, Alta. Westminster; E. Ferguson, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ANNOUNCING Postponement of 35th Anniversary Services and Banquet ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SUNDAY, OCT 14 ANNIVERSARY BANQUET MONDAY, OCT. 15 Classified Advertising - - - - TERMS CASH Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do hot ask for credit. WANTED WANTED A good used shotgun. 12-guage, single or double Box 141, Terrace, B.C. (tf) WANTED Fir and cedar poles and piling, all lengths. Nieaer-meyer-Martin Co., Spalding Bldg., Portland, Zone 4, Ore gon 034) wanted To rent car for busl ness trln to Interior. Will put up bond. Phone Ken Yelland, Red 347 alter o o ciock. wanted 2 rifle in good con ditlon. C. Browne, 751 9th Ave West. ("81 FOR SALE FOR SALE 26-foot cabin boat, good engine.- Phone American Signals 354. viw FOR SALE We buy and sell new and used furniture at tne lowest possible prices. Electric gramaphone In the be6t condition, new one sells at $250, price now $49.50. New floor covering, assorted sizes, rugs from $6.60. Used bed and SDrlnes. $3 for the two. New pillows, regular $1.50, now 75c. Used baby carriages from $6 New fancy mirrors, all sizes, from $1.50. New hardwood chairs and dressers. Slightly used chesterfield bed with two new chairs, $95. B. C. Furni ture Co.. Phone 324. (tf) FOR SALE Partly furnished modem house, concrete base ment with two rooms and shower, bath and toilet; hot air furnace. Immediate oc runation. S3.000. terms. Col lart & McCaffery Ltd., 3rd Avenue, opposite 3rd Street FOR SALE Motorcycle, Harley Davidson twin. Apply Cook and Dlxorts cycle Shop, 214 6th Street. (225) FOR SALE Davenport and chair, kitchen table and chairs; double bed, complete; one end -table. Phone Red 377, 419 7th Ave. East. (225) FOR SALE Six-room house, partly furnished ror $1000 cash. Possession Oct. 1. 1039 Hays Cove Ave. (225) FOR SALE Buescher cornet, gold lacquered, factory rebuilt, like new; excellent buy. Phone American Signals 334. (226) FOR SALE Log cabin In good condition, with range; now vacant; Wantage Road. $225. Large house, on Atlln near bridge; five bedrooms, fully modern, with fearage; now vacant. $2600 on terms. H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (224) FOR SALE Motor boat, 18-ft, motor In good condition. $150. Write Box 6 Dally News. (227) FOR BALE Trolling boat, Buck I. Phone Blue 621. (224) FOR SALE 10-foot Clinker built rowboat; one 24 Law- son inboard motor. Ail new, 905 10th Ave. East. (224) FOR SALE Good modern house. 416 4th Ave. East. Phone Red 218. (226) FOR SALE OR TRADE Two Coal and wood ranges, two electric stoves, to trade for 1 to 1V2 h.p motor, .electric gramaphone, washing machine, oil heater, used lumber, or what? Phon Black 823. (228) FOR SALE Ford light delivery, 1937 model, at Fair Way Food Market. Phone 434. (228) FOR SALE Canary birds. Phone Blue 715. c6i FOR SALE Kindling. A big load for $1.00. Fair Way Food Market, Phone 434. (228) FOR SALE House, cement foundation, basement suite; fine condition. 220 7th Ave. East. (229) FOR SALE Five-tube mantel ' radio. Call American Signals' 454. (226) FOR SALE Tenders will be re ceived by the undersigned until noon of Thursday, October 11th, 1945, for the purchase of the two-storev frame building situate on Lot 30, Block 35, Section 1, City of Prince Rupert. This does riot Include lot or contents. Terms cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Norman A. Watt, Administrator of the . Estate of Charles O. Svedmark. (235) prlnfc ftuprrt sDaiig J3fto0 Friday, September 27, 1945 M Ueticiowo SAL Alln :v; TEA. AUCTION SALE Friday and Saturday, Sept. 28 and 29 I.O.D.E. Halt, 5th and McBride Contents of Day Room, 655th Port Company. Consisting of chesterfields, davenettes, desks, chesterfield chairs, floor lamps, mirrors, rugs, carpets, etc. Sale Starts 2:30 p.m., Friday, Sept. 28 ' ' .. f J. H. Mair AUCTIONEER RAM0LINK... AN EXTENSION SPEAKER ; The Equivalent of a Second Radio in the Home Radlollnk is quickly and easily connected to any radio receiver will bring perfect reception to the kitchen, bedroom or any other room in the house. More than 30,000 enthusiastic users are boosting the demand for the NEW, IMPROVED RADIOLINK and the price Is only $8.95 'tTTyTTTTTrTTTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTTVrTTTTTTTTTTTYTT SCHOOL OPENING BIRTHDAY AND WATERMAN'S F. MURPHY LUMBER General Agent Ace-Tex LUSTERITE The modern finish for bath rooms and kitchens, In 8 colors plain and blocked, Pjralite-riastlc Moulds In various colors, to trim table tops, sinks, bathrooms, etc. Three-riy Waterproof Fir and Birch Veneers Ruberold Roofing Slate-Surfaced Mineralized Roofing Ace -Tex Hexagon Shingles and Building Papers of all kinds Ship Lap, Comrhon and Dimension Lumber available for house and general construcUon Ace-Tex Tile Floors YUE KING'S CAFE for coffee while at NEW HAZELTON" Lunch Counter for Meals Mothers, here's your chance td send the youngsters back to school In shoes that are not only good-looking and "can take It," but In shoes constructed for young, tender feet. We specialize In fitting children. Our shoes are made with plenty of room for proper development and smoothly finished Inside. We have such famous makes as Greb, Leckie, Thursten and CUT RATE SHOE STORE . . . V , . J DIBB PRINTING COMPANY OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY EVERYDAY CAR DS FOUNTAIN P E N S Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 KWONQ SANG HTNQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next. to King Tal) All your patronage welcome p Open 5'p.m. to 2 ajri. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 ,3 4.2 V X i' 'A " St -A- 1 IV, 0 4 re th.