PAGE FOUR ' ,A'' 'WNf '"Mil We're Tootin'Our Own Horn! Stuck On Hand and More lo Come FOR BOYS RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE FOR GIRLS AND INFANTS WALLACE'S RUPERT PEOPLES STORE May the coming year of 1945 bring you much happiness; 'FRIENDLIEST GREETINGS AND ALL GOOD WISHES Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 from EVENING SHOES... ,WHITE, BLUE AND BLACK ... SATIN iSANDALS Silver and Gold Sanda IN HIGH AND, LOW HEELS Family Shoe Store Limited "THE HOME OP OOOD SHOES" HYDE TRANSFER Dry Slabwood. per cord $10 Dry Poplar, per. cord, .. $12.50 Sawdust, per sack ,....... 15c PHONE 580 Hockey Scores SATURDAY National League Montreal 10, Chicago 1. Toronto 2, Detroit 5. American League Buffalo. 3, Pittsburgh 2. Cleveland 7, St. Louis 3. Hershey 6, Providence 5. . SUNDAY National League Boston 4, Detroit 8. New York 0, Chicago 0. American League Buffalo 3, Cleveland 1. Providence 10, St. Louis 9. Pittsburgh 6, Indianapolis 2. VISITING GYROS RETURN SOUTH Loud in their appreciation of an interesting visit and of hospitality which had been generously extended to them while here, a party of 10 Gyro Club members headed by Governor Jack Ryan of Nanalmo, who came here as a delegation to take part in the installation of 1945 officers of the local club, sailed Saturday night on their return south. Prior to the departure of the visitors, there was an in formal Gyro farewell party in the Empress Hall. A number of local Gyros were at the boat to see the party off. Brother of Late Jack Woods Passes Word was received in the city at the week-end of the death at Brampton, Ontario, on New Year's day'ctf Edward B. Woods, brother of the late Jack Woods of this city who passed away a little less than two years ago. It was the fourth death in the family within the space of two years. Mr. Woods was 65 years of age and was a single man. BOMBS BARE RELICS YARMOUTH, Eng. German, bombs laid bare extensive 17th century relics from which it now is possible to trace the original layout of the town. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL BADMINTON Racquets. Itestrung A. B. Hodges Phone 427, after 6 pirn; White Apts. GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Compiled Besner .Block Phone 337 P. C. DONALD Quick Delivery and Messenger Office York Hotel, 3rd Avenue Phone Green 504 IDEAL CLEANERS "House Rf Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesse3 Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 t P.O. Box 274 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER-and MESSENGER Phones Days, Blk. 884 Nights, Blk. 152 Bert Bellamy Reg. Wilson We Aim to Please "You Call :: We Haul" Lumber Baggage Freight, Express Household Effects 225 1st Ave. E. Prince Rupert, HOTEL FRASER HOUSE Phone' Black 823 C. H. HICKS, Proprietor Clean, , quiet rooms. 714 Fraser Street 8 THE DAILT NEWS THIS AND THAT 17 f breakwaters, floats, new harbors and improvements to present ones. They extend from the Skeena River to the Fraser, Smith's Inlet spawning beds in 1943-44 season in the' British Columbia Department of Fisheries spawning report1. Good war, being released from service last spring. During the summer she served as a fish packer. The purchasers are both skippers of long standings. "Long Al" was master of the Sea Ranger last season, and was formerly skipper of the Joan W. I, while Tom Dybhavn is owner of the Vancouver boat Polland. A Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. Camp scow, which two or three iweeks previous had fouled a pile at the Tucks Inlet reduction plant and capsized, being pump ed out and towed to Port Edward, had repetition of the very Same sort of mishap at Port Edward on New Year's day, foul- Jing a pile there and turning over in exactly the same manner. The PIANIST WITH CONCERT AND Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug lArmoco and outflt w,th CaPL RADIO EXPERIENCE IN U.S.A. DESIRES PUPILS. ANYONIN-I " T f 'JL u uumwijuj rnunt. j. ruAimx, and Eot lt again on an even keel RED 832. i Clam packing service for the B. C. Packers new canning op cratlon at Port Edward is to get under way today and the possibility Is that canning will start this week. Arrangements have been made with the In dians for digging of the clams afc Kltkatla and other )jeds in this area Alvln Leask of Metlakatla has 'een appointed manager of the boat repair and building yards of the B.C. Packers at Sunnyside, Leask-is only 26 years of age and Ls the only Indian marine archl tect on the coast. Visiting Gyro Club" members from Nanalmo and Vancouver were guests aboard Dr. R. G MARRIAGE ' LKftlSSS FT "He must be marrying her for her ration books!" Waterfront Whiffs Extensive Post-War Projects For Benefits of Fisheries Include Rupert Spawning Conditions Manraret I Sold. Prince Rupert was one of the harbors of the coast for which improvements were discussed at a meeting of fisheries officials and fishing industry representatives held Friday in Vancouver to consider a post-war program of public works projects to benefit the fishing industry. The cost of the program is estimated at approximately $10,000,000.: 1 Projects Include dredging, fills, ; Largc's power cruiser Soogwlllls on Saturday afternoon when a trip was made to Port Edward. Looking For Body Of Local Fisherman The police launch PJM.L. 7, of Disappointing percentages of i Ocean Falls and the local hall sockeye salmon were found in butter Kyrielle have Joined forces 1,1 T 1 i 1 ' I . I . me uupuiwui, jvjvci5 iiiii-i uimiat uuiiora cove, ArisiazaDic Island, in efforts to recover the body of Edwin Kristlanscn who Is believed to have been drowned when he fell overbodrd from the spawning supplies were found in ! vessel when It was at anchor the Skeena River watershed and January 2. The Kyrielle originally In the.Naas and Lowe Inlet areas seeding is satisfactory. Shortage of chums was found on all spawning grounds of the province in spite of the fact that spawning in previous years Jus tified expectation, of a good re turn in 1944. Sale of tile halibut boat Mar garet I, owned by George Fritz, is reported along the waterfront. The vessel has been sold to two well known skippers, Al (Long Al) Woie and Tom Dybhavn, of Vancouver. The Margaret I. of about 60 foot length, operated in the Fishermen's Reserve fleet for some time earlier in the left for the south on December 1 with Skipper Norman Peter son, Simon Hanson and Kristlan sen aboard on an expedition to find boat timbers for1 a new ves sel that Peterson wished to build. During the cruise the boat was anchored In the calm waters of Clifford Cove Tuesday night. When Kritsianscn went on deck for a cup of water at 8:30 and failed to return to the foc'sle, his comrades began an unsuccessful search for him. Krlstlansen had been told by a doctor that he had d heart condition, his crew mates told police. An early resi dent of this district, he had been a fisherman here for the last 30 years. He was unmarried and has no known relatives. Because of the shajlow depth and relatively uncusiurnea water in me cove police anticipate little difficulty In recovering the body. After making preliminary efforts to find their comrade. Skipper Nor-Man Peterson p.nd Simon Hanson sail for Prince Rupert to report his disappearance to B.C. Police at the, week-end,, going out again Saturday. Relieving the Princess 'Ade laldc, which has been withdrawn at Vancouver for annual over haul, C.PjR. ste'amcr Princes Louise, with Capt. R. McGeachy dn command, is in port this af ternoon. She will sail tonight on her return to Vancouver. "BUILD B.C. PAYROLLS" "PACIFIC MILK GOES GOOD" Two friends about foods. Si were talking "That Pacific Milk," said one who cooks occasionally for himself, "does down good with me. I don't know what there is about lt but it's got something." It has. Richness and full natural flavor. The conversation was interesting. Good talk about food usually is. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed REGIMENTAL SMOKER IS ENJOYABLE Seventy-five or so members of the personnel of Prince Rupert Machine Gun Regiment enjoyed a smoking concert at the Armory Saturday night, it being a Jolly get-together for members of the I unit. Lieut. R. E. Montador or- I ganized the affair and acted as master of ceremonies. The entertainment program featured selections by a string orchestra, including a number of interesting Russian numbers, and also the showing of a moving picture "The Song of Russia." Lieut. J. A. Teng also entertained withsstory-telllng. Community singing was en tered Into with spirit by the athering with Lieut. H. A. Pon der as leader. Refreshments were served in good abundance. DAILY NEWS mm Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for Insertion. FOR SALE FOR SALE Electric radio, el ectric stove, several' bird cages, laree and small. Phone Reel 380. i 17) FOR SALE Bed, springs, and spring filled mattress, jzo.oo. Phone Blue 152 after 0. (6) FOR SALE Central Lunch, ac ross from Capital Tneatre. Apply Central Lunch. (tf) FOR KENT FOR RENT Housekeeping room. Apply 649 Hays Cove .Circle after 7:30 p.m. (lt) WANTKU WANTED Sleeping room for young business man wim breakfast if possible. Box 918 Daily News. (11) WANTED Boston Bull pup. Phone Green 918. (10) WANTED 2, 3 or 4-room house. Will buy for cash with possession by February 1st, or will re"nt If possible. Blue 997. (9) WANTED Furnished house keeDinz room or rooms, for quiet couple. Phone Red 127. PERSONAL (8) WANTED 2, 3, or 4-room fur nlshed suite or house, by non drinking Canadian couple. No children. Phone Black ze. (7) DRESSMAKING by Miss Gwen Tutte, 1437 Piggott Place. (15) LOST AND FOUND FOUND Tire chain and gent's watch. Owner may have same by paying for this advertlse-men and calling at the Police office. FOUND Girls' identification bracelet. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. 1 '! ' . ' ' hi FOUND Black leather wallet on Park Avenue, Sunday, Owner may have same by. calling at the Dally News andipaying for this advertisement. Steel Couches slightly used, makes a double Q4 O CA bed, Special .... New Occasional Chairs Covered with velour. Spring seats. Strongly built. Special prices. See them. New Chesterfields All-spring construction. Reduced price LT $169.00 White Enamel QCtZ (fi Ciurney Range t?UOUU 1 Used Coal Range, 6 holes, like new $28.50 12 Dressers $27.50 B.C. FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE Black 321 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 MONDAY, JANUARY 1 - Today and Complete Shows 1:00 -3:00-5:00-7;OQ. Tuesday Feature 1 :32- 3:32- 5:32 -1:22- 9:32 Capitol rr rim ii r - i RANDOLPH S(o Mil AM DCcDV I. llm. On fit Stmi PiijU Colored Musical "STAR BRIGHT' "UNUSUAL OCCUPATION Genuine Ford Parts Firestone and Gutta Pcrcha Tires Imperial Oil Products Wrecking Service S. E. PARKER LIMITED PHONE 83 FORI) DEALERS MATURING 170 E. 3rd AVf CLARK'S TOMATO PRODUCTS ni.Ainc'K tomato JUICE. 20-oz. ner 11 I 20-oz.. per dozen I. '.Hi 48-oz., per tin CLARK'S TOMATO SOUP, 10-oz., 3 tins JLi These specials good all this week, MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "WHERE DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS" JAN.UARY CLEARANCE - A m mm SALE Starting Wednesday, January 3 COATS! COATS! COATS Owlns to the mild weather we are clearing out our winter coats. Women's fur-trimmed Coats, sizes 14 to 40, Qilff values up to $57.59 January Clearance Sale tyktj v One only American, Broadtail Coat, size 38. Qffff Special UUUt Three only Coney Fur Coats, regular value QQQ ff $129.00 January Clearance tOtjO 2 only Bunny Swags, regular value $125 CQQ C January Clearance t0t) Twelve only Raincoats, regular value $16.05 (K .iniiiiQPir i pari irn -i la vAairi Dresses,. Crepes, Alpines, Plaids ;and Prints, Qf ft toll sizes, to clear i, .i..J....l.J. t'tct Girls' Chenille House Coats, from 2 to 6 years, DA A regular value $4.05 January Clearance Sale J)Jt Twelve only Crinkle Crepe Bedspreads, (I0 P rose and blue Mtv White Flannel Net, ftP per yard MV Lisle Stockings, regular to $1.00 January Clearance jtJV Annette's Ladies' Wea A. MacKenxie Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" WHEN IN NEED OF FURNITURE GIVE US A CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK. 327 Third Avenue . ... i: We can say this in three words- BUY COAL NOW! ALBERT & McCAFFERY 11G -PHONES - 117