PAGE TOUR THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, August 14, 1945 RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE Welcome Home--Returned Men! It's been a long time and the old town really did miss you. Rupert Mens and Boys Store invites you to come in and look around. We think you'll find the clothes you want. YOUU PRIORITY SLIPS ARE GOOD HERE! RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE 217 Sixth Street (Across from Helgerson's) Announcing Opening of Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. Fortune Telling DO YOU WANT YOL'R ENGINE TO LAST LONGER? DO YOU WANT YOUR OIL TO LAST LONGER? DO YOU WANT YOUR $$S TO GO FURTHER? Then instal a new . . . WINSLOW OIL CONDITIONER WINSLOW oil conditioners remove sludge, varnish, moisture, acjd, carbon and grit, leaving only the lubricating qualities of your oil. We carry a complete stock of WINSLOW filters as well as WINSLOW replacement cartridges to fit other makes of filters. AS WE ADVISE ... BE PENNY WISE See S. E. PARKER LIMITED Winslow Automotive Distributor for Northern B.C. 170 E. 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 83 FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION . . . quality foodstuffs arc carried at all times. If you want the best, you will find it on our shelves. You are invited to inspect our stock. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE W. C. Osborne V. Imhoff Expert Repairs on all makes of cars Reconditioning Motors Tractors Road Equipment Machine Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric Welding BOX 202 In Terrace . . . THE Skeena Mercantile G. McADAMS, Prop. SELF-SERVE GROCERS DRY GOODS - LADIES' WEAR A Modern Dept.Store WE WELCOME TOURISTS TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE n 6 a.m. to 3 a.m. A. M. Williams TERRACE. B.C. Vitamin Enriched Bread The Choice of Many, Who Know the Bestl Terrace Bakery & Confectionery Home of Quality Products BOX 206 TERRACE, B.C. TOURISTS "SKEENA RRIDOE CAMP" One mile East of Terrace Rox 13 Terrace, B.C. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Today in Sports No-Hit No-Run Game Pitcher Balas Scores Achievement at Acropolis Balas pitched no-hit, no-run ball for seven innings at Headquarters defeated 655th, 1 to 0, In an intercompany playoff soft-ball game on Acropolis Hill Monday night. The winning run was brought home In tha fifth frame on a single by Hoppe. The first' game of the best-of-three series for the port championship will be played Wednesday while the second game will go on Saturday with Headquarters and Detachment A the contenders. The score by Innings follows: 655th 000 000 00 Headquarters 000 010 x 1 Batteries: Pohl, Kozeckl and Klener; Balas and Sullivan. S00 SUDS EVEN PLAYOFF SERIES WITH ACROPOLIS The Intermediate Softball League final playoffs are tied up at one win apiece as a result of Soo Suds' 9 to 4 triumph over the Acropolis M.P.s last night at Algoma Park in the second of a best-of-five-games series. Soo Suds put together five singles, a walk and an error to score five runs in the third inning and their pitcher, Scherle, prevented the Acropolis athletes from getting that many for the rest of the engagement. Scherle yielded nine hits while the winners collected 11 off the combined offerings of Fryman and Rostochak. The score by innings follows: Soo Suds 010 520 0019 Acropolis 010 000 2104 Batteries: Sood Sud3 Scherle and Schafer: Acropolis Fryman, Rostochak and Bauvin. TO LASTING ENJOYMENT ! OWN THE MUSIC YOU LOVE from the Tmisurcs of VICTOR MUSICAL MASTERPIECES CLASSICAL SYMPHONY IN D MAJOIt (Prokofirrf, Op. 25) St Louij Symphony OrrlieMra, conducted liy Madimir Golsdimann. Album DSI-9i2 $3.45 SYMPHONY NO. 4j IN F MINOR (Ttchaikowtky, Op. 36) N11C Sm-phony Orcliotra, Leopold Stokot tki conducting. Album DM-880 $7.50 SYMPHONY NO. 1. IN C .MINOR (Ilralinu, Op. 68) NllC Symphony Orchestra, Arturo Toscanini conducting. Album DM-875 $7.50 MY FAVORITES (Krcilcr) Frit. KmIrr, violiniM, with Victor Symphony Orchestra. Album M-910 $4.80 CONCERTO IN A MINOR (Grift, Op. 16) Arttir Rtihinotrin, pianitt, with 1'liiladrlpliia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy conducting. Album VM-900 $4.80 McRAE BROS. LIMITED FEW ACRES TOURIST AND HUNTING LODGES Accommodation for 4 or 8 people by week or month, very reasonable, good swimming. Vacant now. Gertrude Mitchell Terrace, B.C. LOOKING OVER BALL LEAGUES The heated penant races continue in both major leagues. In the National loop, the league-leading Chicago Cubs whipped the hopeless Philadelphia Phillies 4-1 while second-place St. Louis and third-place Brooklyn tangled. The end of a slug-fest showed that the Cardinals were the winners by an 11-10 score. The New York Giants blanked the Cincinnati Reds 2-0 to lengthen the Reds' losing streak. Over in the American League, the St. Louis Brdwns won out 4-2 over the Washington Senators in the opener ol a twin bill the second half of which went to the Senators "11-3. The Washington club still is two and a half games behind the pace-setting Detroit Tigers, who beat the New York Yankees twice yesterday. Scores in the Detroit-New York contests were 15-4 and 11-9. In Cleveland the Indians shellacked the Boston Red Sox 10-0 while the Chi Classified Advertising - - - - TERMS CASH Classified Advertising is payable to 'the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit. FOR SALE FOR SALE New and used furniture at the lowest prices. New 3-piece chesterfield, $100; high grade all-enamel ranges from $95; hardwood chairs; mattresses; used beds and springs, $7.00; enamelware. plates, cups, pudding dishes from 7'2c; used enamel range (McClary) $47.50; axes from 95c. B.C. Furniture, Black 324. FOR SALE Two barber chairs; two big mirrors; National cash register, like new; rings to $1.95; other goods. B.C. Furniture, Black 324. FOR SALE Victory Cafe Building; excellent condition. Vacant apartment immediately upon sale of same. Rents $100 month. See Geo. Ladicos for particulars, (tf) FOR SALE Twenty rugs, hooked and braided; one sewing machine. 1122 7th Ave. East. (189) SPECIAL for the month of August only 3 loads dry wood, $25, regular $10 a load. 3 loads kindling $18, regular $6.50 a load. We do not guarantee any orders In winter months so stock well now. Phone 130 or write Watson Islands Lumber Salvage, Port Edward, B.C. (201) FOR SALE Two chairs and chesterfield. 513 8th Ave. East. (190) FOR SALE Piano. 731 5th Ave. West. Phone Red 875. FOR SALE 3-room house, large shed at rear. Reasonable terms. Apply 137 9th Ave. West. (189) FOR SALE Elgin pocket watch, $15. pnone 32 Taxi. (189) WAR ASSETS CORPORATION, 410 Seymour street, Vancouver, B.C. will receive offers to purchase the following boats up to Saturday, August 18th, 1945: 1 MV RCASC No. 3 33'x6 x3'6". Reg. tonnage 4 tons, speed 7 kts. Engine, gasoline. 1 MV RCASC No. 4 32'x8'x3l2'. Reg. tonnage 4 tons, Speed 7 kts. Engine, gasoline. 1 MV RCASC No. 12, 32'x9'x4-6". Reg tonnage 4 tons, speed 7 kts. Engine, gasoline. Location: co Supply & Transport Officer, at'Prlnce Rupert, B.C. (189) FOR SALE Seven-room house. Apply 315 9th Ave. West or phone Green 838. ' (193) FOR SALE McClary oil range. tapestry cnesterneld suite, kitchen table and chairs, baby buggy, strong ironing board, garbage pail. Apply 1531 Overlook Street. (190) FOR SALE Two Lifetime Par- Ker pens, $3.25 each; two Ron-son lighters, $6.00 each; two Swiss - made watches, $6.00 each. All new stock. Apply Box 87 Dally News. (189) HALF SECTION-Over half of .which Is good agricultural land; south shore Fraser Lake; half mile of lake frontage, crossed by both highway and railroad. For further particulars write Box 85 Daily News. (189) FOR SALE Davenport. Apply 529 6th Ave. East. . 193) FOR SALE Modern dining room suite, kitchen table and four chairs, other articles. 924 10th Ave. East. (189) FOR SALE Five-tube electric mantel radio. Greenspot Taxi, between 6:30 and 8 p.m. Joe. (189) FOR SALE 14-ft. Carbel-built row boat. Phone Red 974. (190) FOR SALE Carnival playhouse. Phone 552. (191) For Results- try a Classified. cago White Sox edged the tail-ender Philadelphia Athletics 4-3. In the International League, the Montreal Royals split a dou-bleheader with the Baltimore Orioles, taking the opener 2-1 but giving up the nightcap 9-8. In Toronto, the Maple Leafs swept a twin bill from the Newark Bears, 6-3 and 10-9, to further tangle up the first division of the league. Montreal is secure in her top position, but To ronto, Newark and Baltimore all are fighting tooth and anil within a game or two of each other. In the second divisidn, the Rochester Red Wings triumphed over the Syracuse Chiefs 10-2, while the Buffalo Bisons over-ride the slipping Jersey City Littie Giants 19-4. Here is today's baseball schedule: National League Cincinnati at New York, St. Louis at Brooklyn, Pittsburgh at Boston (dou-bleheader), Chicago at Philadelphia. American League New York at Detroit, Philadelphia at Chicago, Washington at St Louis, Boston at Cleveland. International League Jersey City at Buffalo (doubleheader), Newark at Toronto (double-header), Syracuse at Rochester (doubleheader), Baltimore at Montreal. WANTED WANTED TO RENT By August 1 or 15, four-room house or apartment, not necessarily close in. Reliable, permanent tenant. Write Box 33 Daily News. WANTED Apartment or small house for couple and two children. Box 81 Dally News. (191) WANTED Furnished room with kitchen privileges, for couple with baby. Box 82 Dally News. (191) .... " i I WANTED t6RENT Urgently needed, two, three or four rooms, furnished or unfurnished, for couple with iy2-year-old child. Write Box 79 Dally News. (189) WANTED Passenger car in reasonably good condition, late coach model preferred. P.O. Box 46, Terrace, B.C. (189) ARMY WARRANT OFFICER and wife, no children, quiet couple, desire one or two turnlshed rooms. Box 80 Dally News. (189) HELP WANTED WANTED Teacher for Topley Public School, capable 0: teaching Grades 9 and 10 If necessary. Salary $1200 with additional $1C0 for each grade taught over 8th. Mrs. Ivy Strimbold, secretary-treasurer, Topley. (192) WANTED First class butcher to take full charge and do his own buying. Apply National Selective Service A.M. 186. (tf) WANTED Clerk for Stationery Store. No experience necessary. Apply at McRae Bros. (tf) SALESGIRL WANTED Apply at oince, Rupert Peoples store. (192) WANTED Four girls for general laundry work. Apply Pioneer Canadian Laundries. (189) WANTED AT ONCE Respectable, mlddl e -aged housekeeper for family of three. One adult, two small children, 2 and 4 years. Give full particulars and salary expected, Box 88 Dally News. (191) LOST LOST Earring, Ninth Avenue district, Valhalla Hall. Valued as keepsake. Finder phone Black 59. LOST Baby's white shoe; also shopping bag containing lady's blouse and baby articles. Finder please phone Blue 621. (190) LOST Lady's black purse containing glasses in case, registration card, hotel keys. Reward on returning to Box 86 Dally News. (189) LOST Black cversharp pencil, name Esther Morrison engraved. Finder please return to Dally News. Reward. (190) LOST Wallet containing citizen papers, Seaman's papers and passes. 'Reward $10. Return to I. Oszeig, Room 5, Royal Hotel. (190) FOUND FOUND In the Post Office, pair of ladies' black kid gloves. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this ad. FOUND Outside Fair Way Food Market, man's stainless steel wrist watch. Owner mav have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this ad. FOUND Identification disk with girl's name. Finder can have same by identifying and paying ror tnis advertisement. (189) GIRLS' SOFTBALL PLAYOFFS OPEN Playoffs in the Prince Rupert Ladies' Softball League were opened Monday night as Booth Memorial High School trounced Women of the Moose, 21 to 9, on Acropolis Hill, while the C.W. A.C.'s defaulted to the Allies at Oyro Park. Bo-Me-Hl scored 13 runs in the second inning and from there on in Betty Hamilton had little trouble chalking up her ninth victory of the season on the mound. Joyce North, Booth first-baseman, led the winners' hitting parade with two home runs while Sheila Cowie and Miss Hamflton connected for one apiece. The score by innings follows: Moose 4 2 2 000 1 9 Bo-Me-Hl 1(13)2 023 x 21 Batteries: Moose Rowe and Dickens; Bo-Me-Hl Hamilton and Cowie. The game .between the Allies and the Canadian Women. Army Corps got under way .but in the fourth Inning the C.WA.C.'s catcher, McKnight, injured her hand and was forced to tie side-; lines. Since the army representatives didn't have an extra player the fixture had to be defaulted. SPORTS BILL ON V-J DAY Three playoff softball games will take place at Gyro Park on V-J Day, it was announced today, but just which teams will be In action depends on when the day falls. The regular schedule will be adhered to as closely us possible. The first game will be between two senior teams at two o'clock; the two Intermediate finalists, Acropolis M.P.'s and Soo Suds collide at four o'clock and at seven o'clock two girls' softball teams will be brought together. .. DISCRIMINATING ORGAN The human ear, It is estimated, can distinguish 500,000 different tones. FOR RENT FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone 83 for particulars. (tf) TO RENT At Billmor, choice of three houses. All or any for sale: Apply Box 84 Daily News. 190) FOR RENT Room for gentleman only. 812 2nd Ave. West. (191) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) AGENTS B.C. BILLIARD & BOWLING Supply Co. (Reg'd). 218 W. Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. PERSONAL BANISH GREY HAIR Look years younger use effective Angellque Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (193) r 1 CHEST XPf SWVElf liSfT STARTS TOMORROW HI UU VIUUK S Production '"TECHNICOLOR mm STARRING BRIAN DONLEVY ANN RICHARDS WALTER ABEL , JOHN QUALEN Horace McNALLY A CHECK YOUR CHEST"... 1 M o 'VI believed beved in in A- MacKenzie FurnituJ Limited . "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" V,... lr' 1 11 ; i ... x n WINDOW SHADES All sizes, cream or green, 36-inch size WINDOW CURTAIN RODS Extend to 43 Send in by Mall for your Furniture RequlremeuS Phone 775 327 Third Avenue, Trince Ep We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW o Y 1 ALL RESIDENTS OVER 12 YEARS OE AGE IN THE VICINU1'1 Post Office Lane and Third St. HUM I VI W" AKE INVITED TO HAVE A FREE CHEST X-RAY EXAMINE" TIMETABLE COMMITTER vivca nad great dreami,. them inches- Each a A fair selection of Window Draperies now on hand. PHONES 116-117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERl lfC wn.u ""I AHA! SUKVtT Will i trl p- -I V August 8-15 HOURS: 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. 2 to 4 p.m. V COME EARLY I A HIFC ARE ASKED T WEAR TWO-PIECE GARMENTS TO HELI LMLILj SPEED THE SERVICE IN THE LADIES' CHANGE ROOMS THE X-RAY SURVEY IS ANOTHER SERVICE OF The PRINCE RUPERT HEALTH UNIT THIS ADVERTISEMENT a n n. w e no v n nv CHRISTMAS SEAL 1,.. nM rATir "7 w W ruiauiN ek UF ZKVn . ii.niouitii'x v.ijui jji.. J-