Lire you looking for a Hat that has Style and Comfort? If so m BUY A STETSON We invito you to look through our stock. We are sure you will find just the hat you want-one that follows the lend of style, that is flattering to your face id fits comfortably. "WHERE MEN BUY" ANNOUNCING IIJPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC (Across from Canadian Legion) Open for Business August 1 EXPERT RADIO SERVICE I BATTERIES SILEX LAMPS etc. OPEN 9:00 A.M. TO 0:00 P.M. 1)3 THIRD AVE. WEST : PHONE 644 Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES ' PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY ilRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS esncr Block, 3rd Street Phone 231 for children of all afjes we have interest- ing and pleasing articles of play which are sure to please. Soft Cuddly Things Special at 65c Rubber-Tired Wagons $8.75 THE VARIETY STORE Quality Repairs at Economy races "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" UNCE RUPERT 5HOE REPAIR I st- (Near the Post Office) COAL and WOOD YDE TRANSFER MIONE 580 LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA Phone Blue 142 KAINIINU . . PAFERIIANGING SIGNS AND SHOWCARDS, U.S.O. DIRECTOR PASSING CIGARS A 5-pound baby daughter, Geraldlne Frances, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Prank E. Finnerty Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at tne Prince Rupert General Hospital. Mr. Finnerty has been the director of the U.S.O. Club here since December 1942, and both he and Mrs. Finnerty are well known locally. Their home is in Houston, Texas. Military Orders 1st (U) Btn. Prince Rupert KegC (MG) J. Toombs, Maj, Commanding Battalion Darade and smoker Wednesday, August 15, 7:30 p.m. Dress. Roll call oraer. (FS caD. web belt, anklets.) Prince. Rupert Men- Landed At Quebec Canadian Army personnel for Prince Rupert arriving from overseas aboard the liner Louis Pasteur which docked at Que bec Sunday night include: Pte. W. T. Frlel, next-of-kin, Miss P. Frlel, Prince Rupert. LCpl. J. W. Grant, Prince Ru pert. Madame Rajaut, who for many years has conducted the "Dunes" resort at Tlell on the Queen Charlotte Islands, will arrive in the city this Friday on the Cas- slar from the Islands on her way to Vancouver, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. James Den- holm, and the iatter's two chil dren. Announcements All advertisements n mis column wUl he charged for a full month at 23c a word. Dance every Saturday night, Oddfellows' Hall. 9 to 12. Dance, Orange Hall, Terrace every Friday. Good time for all Smorgasbord dinner, Lutheran Church, Thursday, August 16. Servings: 5:30, 0:30, 7:30. United W.A. tea and home cooking sale, Aug. 23, in Church Hall. L.P.P. midnight dance, Monday. Sept. 3, 12:01-3:00 a.m., Oddfellows' Hall. Admission 50c. L.O.B.A. tea and sale of home cooking, Sept. 12, Oddfellows' Hall. Look for this familiar package In your lood alore-THE ORIGINAL NIAGARA TALLS PRODUCT I Local News Items Mrs. James Forman and sons returned to the city at the end of the week from a month's visit; in Vancouver. A Dance at P.R.D. (old 4 group) on the day peace is announced, 8 p.m. till ? Music by the Sophisticates 10,-piece dance band. Everybody welcome, (189) Stop HAY FEVER Itay Fever needn't plague you with-its ineeiinz and wheeling, its blowing and gasping, its sore, streaming, itenmg irru stion of eyes and earl. Just do what thou, sands have done to get fast, safe relief- UkeTempleton'sRAZ-MAH. You 11 sleep htttec orlt better, feel better. 50c, it at druggists everywhere, K-'5 Miss Margaret McLeod of Ste wart was a passenger south on the Catala today on her way to Vancouver. William McDonnell, British Columbia superintendent of the Bank of Montreal, who has been on a trip to try; Yukon, will be In the city Wednesday returning south. T. D. Pattullo, M.L.A. for Prince Rupert, is making a trip today to the Frizzell Hot Springs on the Skeena River with Doug las Frizzell to visit old friends of pioneer days, Mr. and Mrs. George Frizzell. Pte. Widar Sandhals who has been spending leave -with his parents on Dlgby Island after returning from overseas sev eral weeks ago, left this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver where he expects to receive his discharge." NOTICE Canadian Legion (B.E.S.L.) V-J Day Parade On the day set by Proclama tion as V-J Day the Legion members will fall in at Legion Headquarters at 10:15 a.m. Dress caDs and medals. Position in main parade will be corner of Third Ave. and McBrlde St TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY PERSONAL CAR LEAVING for Vancouver Friday. August 17. Can take 3 passengers to share ex penses. Apply Box 89. Daily News. (190) Miss Marie Lock left last night on the Princess Adelaide on a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Joseph Ward and son left last night on the Princess Adelaide,' on a trip to Campbell River. Miss Margaret Smith, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Smith, left last night on a trip to Van couver. & sS fjf A Attention, ladies of, Canadian Legion W. A.- All are requested to turn out to evening parade "V-J" Day at 6:15. Dr,.Lyle Telford, former, mayor of Vancouver, and his daughter, Kathleen, left today to returti to Vancouver after a holiday trip to the interior. F. H. Middlemlss, Inspector of Post Offices, Vancouver, left to day on the Catala to return south after spending the last five days making a survey of the city In connection with the proposed establishment of a postal delivery service here. BLACKHEADS Don't aqueeze blackheads dluolve them. Gat two ounces of peroxina powder from an) drug- stors and apply gentlr with wit, hot cloth ovr blackheadn. Thy dlaols and disappear hj this sale aimpia memou. Lieut. Earl Gordon Home From Overseas Lieut. Earl Gordon, just home from overseas. Is due in the city tomorrow morning from Vancouver, having arrived a few days ago from abroad. He has been in Qermany and Western Europe since before V-E Day. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon. Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert A. Nazaror, Vancouver; S. R Furney, Vanderhoof; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Harrison, Duncan, B.C.; Miss Lois Harrison, Van couver; W. H. Manuel, Vancou ver TRUST the young folks to know a GOOD thing 1 And do ihey ever "go" for the grand oven-fresh whole wheat. flavor -of NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT 1 As a special treat give the family this famous ready-to-serve cereal topped with luscious fresh peaches. Not only will they enjoy the tender-baked crunchy goodness of NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT -but they'll all benefit from its wholesome nourishment. It's made from 100 Canadian whole wheat . . . naturally, nutritious I THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, ITD, NIAGARA FAILS,- CANADA RUPERT BRAND :: SMOKED :: BLACK COD Canadian Fish ' AND Cold Storage' COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. aaaaaaaBBBaaaaamlBaCsaa THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Are. Phone 178 IMMIGRANT LIFE STORY "An American Romance Coming to Capitol Theatre Next Monday and Tuesday Story of an Immigrant fromi Europe who comes to America at the turn of the century and achieves happiness and success in the face of difficulties, "An American Romance" is the feature picture on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here for this Wednesday and Thursday. Brian Donlevey, playing the part of the young immigrant, starts as an iron miner in Min nesofca where he meets and. falls In love with Ann Richards, a school teacher. Ambitious and aware of the opportunities his native land affords, the young Slovenian studies and moves on to other jobs In other cities, always bettering himself as he and Ann rear a splendid family. Blessed with vision, he develops a new sort of steel for automobiles in partnership with Walter Abel, the high school principal. They start manufacturing planes. The story comes to a dramatic denouement in the emergency of war work. John Qualen and Horace Mcr Nally are other Important mem bers of the cast. And mighty good company to keep when the fall winds begin to blow. Smart all-wool suit with matching' ANNETTE'S LADIES1 WEAR GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment, Phone Red 127 Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, August 14, 1945 PAGE TERES Delicious and Refreshing A V A m All dnbfilifi; ESs5s TEA Poiilscii's Cafe and Dining Room Is the Talk of the Town WHY? Because, . . . It's the nicest-looking place in town. It's open for banquets, weddings and parties. Meetings may be arranged. "As good as the best, Better than the rest." Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY, WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West 8ectlon FROM 2 TO 9 P.M. ' Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during your, delivery day. JrPTa. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest ' fresh and cooked meat fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH. ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE 21 1TURD AVE. W. To Our Patrons . In order, that pur equipment may, be taken south for repairs, this shop will close on Thursday, August 16th and will re-open on Monday, September 10th, 1945. We hope to give you better service upon our return. VI O LET ,1Y1.. 1VLAH, - Sunrise Beauty Salon Corner 6th Ave. and, Fulton St. Phone Blue 943 ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. The store to buy SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES AVAILABLE IN ALL SIZES, NOW IN STOCK AUCTION SALES . . . By . . . J. H. MAIR EVERY SATURDAY, 2 P.M., at Building opposite Parker's Garage THIRD AVENUE COW BAY u Auction rooms will be open each day for receiving goods. Transfer must be supplied by owner. Phone 580. Obtain receipt from driver. No Reserves. No Advertised Goods Accepted. SPECIAL AUCTIONS BY APPOINTMENT J. H. MAIR Prescriptions... From Rupert's Tent Days wo have striven to establish a record for Reliability, Accuracy and Fair Dealing in filling Physicians' prescriptions. We believe that we have deserved the confidence that has been established with the Doctor and his patients. This has been brought about not in a few weeks or months but extends over a period of twenty years. Ormes ltd. Pioneer Druggist THE REX ALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 i