it. ,i..rV mftttrr ivhrre vou live vou ran ttill have tisitl ii""3" IdstsJJ KUM Powdered MUk to water, wliislc with an ... firrtol You have exactly the amount you need tiibhiiig n"lk f ,r evfrV PurP,e w'e milk U required." All the crtam Ml inl If is paiteurid whole milk In handy powder form Only Eniia moisture ha been removed. All the cream ami all nutiitive values Ol irc" jwiicutizcu mux are rciainru. i. rr,.m KI.IM keeoi as well as fresh fluid rniik. Dut felting only as much as you need each time, you can always firsh supply. Id K1JM Wltfle Milk Powder Itself stays fresh long after fcniinn v 'led container is opened. It's always handy. THE BORDEN COMPANY tlMITIO Dry Milk Dlll f ! 4, Onl. MY MILK CliSp tie Things ' War U i,oi., r i.i ! the i-; . ..... e "s'ivx in nine tn!rllle s:l,', rslit "l !e nations to live Kr.,,ves unmolested. It P''int u,,.. i... I,.. II;.." "j niiiiioni V sacrifices, little tPris ,i . kin. r. ""'Hons P 'a to make our "bit" V' 'y buying every l "'iiirii NOW! ID WAY PCERY hone 659 r r,tKK DEMvrnv Tit B.Imi Cn. Ul MILK IW HANDY roHMRfOWrf TORY CONCERT apitol Theatre, May 6th 50 Victory Bonds to be Given Away fickets Now On Sale at Theatre Box Office S. LOUBSER DC. B.A. R0PRACTOR I Block Phone 640 I0PSUEY HOUSE h 1th AVE. WEST Nt to King Tal) "I JCE RUPERT I0E REPAIR Njr the Post Office) L CURRY IR01RACTOR pin- -Chiropractic! r.trvej doubly sol Block Green 995 J0NQ SANG IHNO HOP KEE ur patronage welcome n 5 P-m. to 2 a.m. de Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a m. PHONE RED 247 Delmort Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Raspberries, Strawberries, Sliced Peaches. Enterprise Fruit Co. PHONE 343 CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job Phone Blatk 735 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC LIMIT 1MI Offices In Vancouver and . New Westminster Phone Black 3C7-32G 2nd Ave NOTICE J. H. MAIR has been appointed sole representative of NATIONAL MONUMENTS for this, district. The business has been purchased from A. Welxl by W. Yule. GREEN SPOT TAXI 65 TAX1 mm The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S fell FINEST SALMON Local News It Mrs. E. Svendsen left last nlsht for a trip to Vancouver C.C.F. broadcast, Saturday, 7:30 to 8 pin., CFPR. M. J. Cold well, MP. T. N. Youngs left last night for a business trip to Vancouver. A Cambral Danpp Orlrlfpllow' Hall, May 4, Andy McNaiighton's Orchestra. Dancing 10-2. (105) Duncan McRae leaves night for a trip to Mectine of Job's Daughters. May 4, 7:30 p.m. Special Mother's Day service, Silver March and Social. (105) Mr. and Mrg. Jack Lindsay jr. and child relumed Ui tlie city this morning Iron a trip to Van couver. Major Harry Ward,' command lntf a local batterv. returned to the city this morning following a trip to Vancouver Mrs. A. W. Filtness arrived In tlifi city this rooming from Van couver to nay a visit here with Major J. T. Harvey, candidate, expects to arrive In the city about the end of May on leave to take part in the coming campaign. Aid. T. H. Sorensen returned to the city on Wednesday night's train from Smithers -where he lias been on business in connec tion with two ice houses the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative have established at Lake Kathlyn. W. H. Sherman ir. returned to the city this morning from Vic- i torla where he was called recently on account of the death of his mother. Mrs. W. II. Sherman sr., one of Prince Ruperts best known pioneer women. Phyllis Hill -Tout, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hill-'.-jut, Ftfurth Ave. E., returned home today after having been for the past few years In Vamouver with the Pacific Fisheries Expcrlmen- .1 tar Station -staff. She is to be married shortly. Mrs. Elvln Johnson is in the city aboard the Prince George today returning to Ketchikan after a visit in Seattle. She flew from Seattle to Vancouver. Mr. Johnson came In from Ketchi kan last night to meet her. They will proceed north tonight. J. H. McLeod, collector of cus-tums, returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. He met many old Prince Rupert friends while in the south including Mr. ana Mrs. T. H. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Pattullo at Victoria. Mr. Pattullo expects to visit Prince Rupert next month ems PHONE 80 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:45 was reported this morning to be on time. "What the Liberals stand For." Hear W. M. Watts, Radio Station CFPR, 6:30 pm. Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bryant are leaving tomorrow night for trip to Vancouver. A Fresh kliiea nouitry. roasting fowl and frying chicken. Scott's Meat Market, Fulton Street. (U) Maior Cecil Fitzgerald, who has been here for the past weet or so on Army duties, left last nicht on his return to Van- - couver. W. M. Watts returned to tht city on Wednesday night's train from a brief basiness trip' to Smithers where he reports the weather has become very warm and springlike. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Esta- brook of North Hend were In the city aboard the Princess Louise going through for a trip to Whitehorse. Mrs. Estabrook Is a slater of Dr. J.J. Gibson of this city. Mr. and Mrs. JR. S. Prejg. I c A Berner( divisional super- A A Battalion smoker will be 1 Ihtendent, Canadian National 1945 Railways, is returning to the held on Wednesday, May 9, nroex- Rnii Pali nrripr cltv on tonight's train from a All ranks are expected td at- trip to the interior as iar as ( . Prlnrp fjpnrtrp nn nfficial duties. I 1110. liru o -- f I ito alcn pnllpH nr. t.hp Assoc!- ated Boards ol Trade of Cen tral British Columbia conven tion at Vanderhowf. Announcpments All advertisement tn this column will ri charged for a full month at 25c a word. Whist, Valhalla Hall, May 9. Prisoner - of - War dance, aus pices I.O.O.F. Andy McNaugh ton's Swing Band, May 11. Hair and Beauty Let us give you a PERSONALITY PERMANENT. We'll style your hair in a flattering coiffure with our new Cold Wave. It will be easy to keep and very becoming. No split or dry ends, no straggling curls. You'll be more than pleased. PEGGY SAUNDERS Oddfelldws' dance, Oddfellows' Hall, May 11. Andy McNaugn ton's Orchestra. Pull vntine information. Phone 3C4. Mickleburgh Campaign Headquarters. 16. Hill CO Tea, I.OD.E. Hall, May Technocracy Inc. Dance every Saturday nlaht. I.O.D.E. Hall 9 p.m. o.WL. whist, bridtre and crib haee. K.O.C. IEut. May 1C. 8 o'clock. 17. Hospital Auxiliary Tea, May Dance every Saturday night. Oddfellows Hall, 9 to 12. Swing Quintette Orchestra. Help Norway Program, May 17, Oddfellows' Hall, 8:15 p.m. L.O.B.A. Dance, May 24, Odd- ' rl 1 Unll DafracVimank it liuna nun. iiv.iiiiiiniiiii United Tea. June 2, Mrs. Art i Nickerson's, Summit Avenue. Soeclaltv. homecooklng, delica tessen. Relieve RHEUMATIC Pain Ache all over? Stiff owl sore in Joints onjl mu W (let quick relii-t with Tcm;leton T-K-C's. a Itfovrn remedy gratefully tried l,y thousands. Put your trust in 1 -R-t. finally nude to relieve Rheumatic I am an-1 SlirTne-j, Let them help you find the fast relief you want, a Ih x today 50c 11 at druggist everywhere. T-Z7 Only fine ripe Tomatoes Me this.,.(jo into Aytmersoup! You should just see the .choice, Bun-ripenl tomatoes tliflt ore picked . . vine-freMh nml juicy . . . for Aylmcr Tomato Soup! Tliewo fine, flavorful tomatoes are developed on uiur own ICxporimenlal Farm and canned fully ripe. That's why Aylmer taslea so extra delicious. . , and add nourishing fiKxl valued to any monl. Canadian Canners (.Wesltvrn) Ltd., Vancouver. JiyLMER, TOMATO SOUP YOUR FAMILY DESERVES AYLMER QUALITY (Annette Powell) 4th St. (across from Post Office) FOR YOUR RETTER SATISFACTION . . , quality foodstuffs are carried at all times. If you want the best, "you will find it on our shelves. You are invited to inspect our stock. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles Subject to change) FRIDAY 4:00 Words With Music 4:15 O. I. Jive 4:30 Science Magazine 5:00 Concert Hall 5:30 Sports Review 5:45 Suppere Club 0:00 Aldrlch Family C: 30 Navy Band 7:00 CBC New, 7:15 Victory Loan Program 7:20 Victory Loan Reporter 7:30 Eventide 8:00 Soliloquy 8:30 Vancouver Playhouse 9:00 Burns and Allen 9:30 Frank Morgan 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Elmore Philpott 10:15 CBC News Roundup 10:30 Danny Kaye 11:00 -Silent SATURDAY A.M. 7:30-Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick bf the Hits (1:30 Operatic Gems d:U0 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 1): 30 Transcribed a:45 Hawaiian Echoes K:C0 Children's Scrapbook m-an Mplridu Rnuridun 10:45 Serenade in Rhythm 11:00 Jill's All-Time Juke Box 11::33- Messase Period 11:35--Weather Forecast U:36- Recorded 11:45 Personal Album VM. 12:00 Down Beat 12:30 CBC News 12:45 -Spotlight Bands 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 Hildegarde 2:00 S.leni STUDENTS' IDEAS OF SCHOOL HEEDS i Survey Shows Tnat largest j , Number Feel Outdoor Itecre- t ollnn Popilillps Umt Hpsirahlp i Students of Booth Memorial High School were questionalrred j recently as to wnat disposition thev thousht should be in the way. of school Improvement of ; $200 balance which the Stu dents' Council has in the treasury. Results of the survey were disclosed to the school board at it meeting Wednesday night and It came out that 26 per cent of the pupils favored Improvement of outdoor recreation facilities- and grounds, 17 per cent felt more sport equipment to be most desirable, 14 per cent were for improvement of gymnasium facilities, nine percent for auditorium improvements, nine percent for improved lighting and heating facilities, six percent for bicycle -ac,ks, B'a percent for luncheon eryj Classified as leaser needs were hot water in wash rooms, lockers, better oruiKing fountains. ReDresentatives .of the Stu dents' Council are being invited to meet the board which it has been stiggesied might give financial assistance. Advertise for Results. Tn the Daily News W .aik .a ssw.sW0sWuasWatfsWtfss&ssWHBkilka'i'i FAIR WAY FOOD MARKET SATURDAY SPECIALS Fresh and clean :ti lbs. New GREEN ONIONS urge bunches Co ach DC NEW SPINACH iRed outdoor b lbs. 25c RHUBARB 25c Fresh-Killed BOILING FOWL Weight 4 to 6 Grade "A" V. pounds unds. 40c Fresh RADISHES Per bunch Fresh California Per lb Size 220's, '1 doz. Sunkist irj 10c ASPARAGUS 22 c 95c Strictly FRESH EGGS Direct from the Grade "A" Large II doz. farm farm 85c Fair WayFood Market 209 Third Ave. Wc Deliver PHONE III I Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY t To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section ITiOM 2 TO 5 PM. Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during your .delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked meat fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS ! O PHONE 21 THIRD AVE. W. Invest in Victory ... iTince Rupert. B.C, GORDON'S HARDWARE THE DAILY NEWS Friday. May 4, 1945 PAGE FTVB "SALAM Just Arrived TEA A. MacKenzie Furniture Limited "A OOOD PLACE TO BUY" SPRINT. CLEANINd TIME! VEIXO for all your walls all tints In stock. Per 5 lbs. packets ' VAL-SPAIt VARNISH Jor jour wood work and floors. The varnish that will not turn white. Per quart New Shipment of ANKLETS Black or Beige' $1.35 $2.25 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED ' Phone 775 1 327 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert Flash!! Have You Heard the Latest? Your RADIO is your link with .thcworldl Keep it In perfect condition have It checked and repaired by an expert call "Speedy" Radio and Electric Shop 48-HOUR SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES 733 Second Avenue ' Phone Green ,217 Annette's Ladies' Wear "We Lead . . . Others Follow" RUPERT BRAND : : SMOKED : : BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FISHERMEN! Call and see the St. Lawrence 100 JLP. Mercury V8 Marine Engine now displayed in our stockroom. S.E.PARKER LIMITED Ford and Mercury Dealers 170 E. 3rd Avenue PHONE Hit EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL DE APPRECIATED rt. am i Ml Ik. J :- t : .' V! -5' mi 1u 1 I M.1 . !. , At m.