PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS .Prince Rupert, R O. Wednesday, August 29, 1945 BOMBED-OUT AREAS STILL - NEEDING HELP Vernon Whitworth, provincial Grand Master of the Oddfellows' Lodge, speaking at a banquet of the Prince Rupert branch in the Commodore Cafe lifst night, suggested that the Lodge continue to send contributions of money and clothing to bombed-out areas of England. Mr. Whitworth, who recently flew up, to pawson City to visit the lodge's branch there, also spoke of the organization's war effort and cited the record of the Rebekab. Lodge in Vancouver which has undertaken to supply wheel chairs for disabled veterans in that city. William Davidson, district deputy grand master, introduced . i n (BABY THE REXALL STORE Mr. Whitworth, while other speakers were Mayor H. M. Daggett, Mrs. Horace Tattersall, Mrs. Alex Barbe and L. C. Eby. The banquet was attended by about 50 persons, Including a good representation of the Re-bekah. Lodge. M. J. Harper, city sanitary engineer, showed films at the conclusion of the program. After the Danquet Mr. Whitworth paid an official visit to the local lodge. LONDON W The Avro Tudor I, first British post-war airliner to take the air, is equipped with complete radar and radio FOUND IN TOBACCO Rutin, a new rare drug found in tobacco, Is effective in treating a condition called capillary fragility, which is associated with high blood pressure. To Our Patrons . . . In order that our equipment may be taken south for repairs, this shop will close on Thursday, August 16th and will re-open on Monday, September 10th, 1945. We hope to give you better service upon our return. VIOLET M. MAH Sunrise IJeauty Salon Corner 6th Ave. and Fulton St. Phone Blue '943 STOCK REDUCING SALE iz Vr Chenille Bedspreads (all colors) Regular Values to $19.50 CLEARING OUT AT HO" 5 ONLY SATIN COMFORTERS Regular .$7.95 To Clear at $4.95 CHENILLE HOUSECOATS Regular Values to $10.95 Sale Price $8.95 CHILDREN'S HOUSECOATS Sizes 2 to 6 Years Regular to $5.95 Clearing Out, at $2.95 ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala Friday SS Cardena Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further. Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent ThlrdJWe, Phone 568 THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 Products that are FAMOUS A baby needs a mother's love, but this Is not enough to help baby develop. Baby needs your wise and careful selection of the best toiletries used on his tender little body. In making your purchases here, you are always assured of the best. NOTHING BUT THE BEST FOR BABY Ormes Lid. TTiie Pioneer Drtiqsiats Phones 81 and 82 Timely Tips Do It With Breadcrumbs "Twice as far? Yes, twice as far." Ground meat for patties and meat loaves can be made to go twice as far by adding breadcrumbs as a stretcher. They can't be beat! Use soft stale crumbs cup for cup with the meat. Season well, use milk or tomato Juice for moistening. No one but you will know they're here. To Stretch Don't Shrink Don't let the Sunday roast shrink in the oven if you want to stretch your meat ration. It's a sad sight when a five-pound roast comes out of the oven weighing less than four pounds, yet that's just what does happen when the oven ,is too hot. An even temperature between 325 degrees F. and 350 degrees F. keeps shrinkage at a minimum and gives juicier, more tender meat. Good Gravy! The housewife's best friend when it comes to making the most of the meat ration is really good gravy brown and richly flavored. It works magic witb dishes that may be Innocent of any meat at all or contain only the last fragments of the Sunday roast. So make lots of gravy and store it In a cold place where it will keep for days. To get all the meat flavor, always make the gravy In the pan which cooked the meat. To get natural browness, best flavor and freedom from lumps, add the dry flour to the fat and cook slowly until a Mch brown. Then add liquid. Of General Interest "31" Coupons for Meat Purchases The brown "M" coupons in Ration Book No. 5 will, be used for meat rationing. One coupon will become valid each week and -will remain valid until declared invalid. Meat Coupon Value Charts Meat coupon value charts will be prominently displayed in butcher shops to help consumers save time in making purchases. A quick calculator table also will make it easy to figure out the token values. These charts may be obtained in your butcher 76c TVaiWi i$c4t'AeUiK$ Glut SocU CD-IOC Hotel. . . f 1 1 arrivals Prince Rupert Inspector G. L. Greenwood, Prince George; Judge E. E. WocuSburn, Prince George; A. Fawley, Peachland; A. Bugnello, Vancouver; W. H. Garrlck, Tro-chu, Alta; Mr. and Mrs. A. Eltz, Shirley; W. Murray, Vancouver; Dr. D. F. Kidd, Vancouver; W. p. Porter, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Schroeder, Smithers; Mrs. M. Basaettl Ketchikan; Capt. and Mrs. F. W. Schmidt, Prince Rupert; A. L. Burrack, Hollywood ;Miss Irene Washburn, Port Simpson; Major and Mrs. A, L. Stovik, Seattle; V. C. Johnson, Ketchikan; G. L. Brooks, Terrace; R. H. B. French, Vancouver; Lt. and Mrs. J. R. Seaton, Terrace. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I test potatoes? A. Before buying the winter's supply of potatoes, test one to see its quality. Cut into halves anJ then press together, and if juicy enough to stick together the potato is good and can be bought in quantity. Q. How should faucets be cleaned? A. Try using lemon rinds, after squeezing out the Juice, for polishing nlckS'l faucets. Rub thoroughly, then wash and polish with a dry cloth. The faucet3 will shine like new. Q. How can I give a different flavor to home-made ice cream? A. Home-made ice cream will be delicious if peppermint sticks are broken up and used as flavoring. It will 'also have a pretty color." shop. Take one home and keep lt handy for reference before each meat shopping expedition. Unrationed Meats Beef brain, head, tail, blood, tripe. Calf Jbraln, head. Pork-brain, head, tall, pigsfeet, spare ribs. Lamb brain, head, tall, fries. Poultry, game, fish (canned or fresh). With the exception of poultry, game and fish none of the above Items may be served in public eating places on "meatless days." I t's easy to adopt a "good neighbour policy" when there's plenty of cool CANADA DRY on handl Everyone enjoys its frosty champagne-tang. In the garden, or over the back fence . . . it's always a pleasure to relax for a thirst-quenching moment with CANADA DRY. It's invigorating. CANADA DRY '74e (?6aHtoi$He 0 (pUyex ttt& yE's HQ Here's how to point up flavour In tall drinks and keep them lively! Instead of tap water or ordinary soda mix 'em with Canada Dry's SPARKLING WATER! It pays to use this perfect Club Soda. Its famous "PIN POINT CARBONATION" keeps drinks sparkling to the very last sip. Serve welf chitted. Xi "ADA P! TV CP?) 1 ; 1 1, watir , doesn't it? s easona Corn and Cheese Souffle 3 tablespoons fat 4 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt Few grains pepper 1 cup milk 1 cup grated cheese 4 egg yolks 1 cup cooked corn 4 egg whites MOVIE THRILLS FOR CHILDREN Pychologists Say Chillers and Crime Films Harmless Unless Something Wrong with Johnny NEW YORK, Aug. 29 f) Don't lose any sleep worrying about the nightmares little Johnny might have after seeing the latest chiller-diller movie. If he's a nromal child, Johnny won't have any. And that goes for sister, too. As a matter of fact, wild, woolly westerns and splnecUU-lers are good outlets for a child's, normal aggressive intincts, and much better than having him. punch the kid next door in the nose. That's the consensus among a group of child authori ties and psychologists, who bei lieve the average child can see almost any kind of movie produced today without harmful ef fects. If there are bad effects, there's something wrong in. the. child's make-up or background diet, Mrs QTuenberg believes, so tnat ne aoes not see oniy westerns, or only horror films, or only sophisticated love stories, which might give him a wrong conception of what real life is like. Against a secure, well rounded home life, and other diversions in addition to movies, most children can select and en- Joy the current movie fare, safeguarded as lt is by the movie Industry's production code. Mrs. Gruenberg says movies should not be a child's only form of entertainment, but that lt is up to the community and to the parent to provide other recrea tlon too. WHITBY, Eng. 00 Many skate, ling and cod landed here had machine-gun bullet clips embedded in their jaws. ble Ideas for Housekeepers Unusual and Unusually Good Recipes Planned to Save Meat .Main dish recipes as upto-date as the dally newspaper are given below. The meatless recipes all have a touch of the unusual, and are also unusually good. Those with meat" have been streamlined to make the most of the meat ration. For a meatless day dinner that Is sure to make a hit with the family, we suggest Corn and Cheese Souffle, baked potatoes and a generous salad of garden vegetables. For dessert how about peach shortcake or deep-dish green apple pie? Sounds goodt which needs mending. Movies are made for an audience child and adult alike the authorities point out. and generalizations can apply only to an average child. The normal youngster craves excite ment and motion, and fast shooting films, westerns and even horror pictures, are a good vicarious outlet for this craving "Of course, If a very excitable child sees a very exciting picture, he will grow very excited," says Mrs. Sldonle M. Gruen- berg, president of the. Child Study Association. "That goes for books and radio . programs as well, but the entertainment medium Is never casual its symptomatic." "I never saw a delinquent affected by anything but himself Innately," says Dr. A. A. Brill, child psychiartrlst. "Any child who goes wrong does so because of his contltutional make-up or lack of home life. Movies can't make a child Inherently bad If he's not bad to start with." Therefore, there's no reason to fret that a couple' of gangster films will turn your child into a pint-size Dillinger. "We lml tate only what we are Interest ed In doing," points out Dr. Frederick M. Thrasher, professor of education at New York University, who cites the example of a newsreel shot of a diving champion. Most people in the audience Just watched the diving exhibit and enjoyed it, but one diving enthusiast went and prac ticed until he had perfected a similar leap Into the water. It's important for children to have a- well-balanced movie diet, Just like a well-balanced food Melt fat, add flour, salt and pepper. Add milk gradually, stirring until thick. Add cheese and stir until cheese melts. Stir mature into beaten egg yolks, add corn and mix well. Allow to cool, then fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites. Turn into a greased casserole. el m a pan of hot water and oven-poach in a moderate oven, 350 degrees F until set, about 50 minutes. Six servings. Variation on an Old Theme Meatless days offer a challenge to the imagination of all preparers of food, A challenge to use the Imagination in the dishes prepared; a challenge to prepare old favorites la new. ways. This, challenge ha been met by the home economists of the Dominion Department of Agriculture in their varition on an. old theme macaroni and cheese. Macaroni Mould 1 cup milk 1 cup soft bread crumbs I egg 1 cups cooked macaroni 1 cup cheese, diced . 1 tablespoon minced parsley 1 tablespoon finely chopped sweet red pepper (optional) 1 teaspoon chopped onion 3 tablespoons fat, melted Vi teaspoon salt Dash of pepper Scald milk, add to bread; add well beaten egg and remaining ingredients. Turn into a greased ring mould, set In a pan of hot water and oven-poach in a mod erate oven, 350 degrees F., until set, about 50 minutes. Unmould on a hot platter and fill centre ot ring with cooked vegetables; spinach, green beans or a com; blnation of carrots and peas are good. Six servings. Spotlight on Tomatoes As mint sauce Ls to lambt so are tomatoes to fish. The color and tang of tomatoes seems to em phasize and complement the delicacy of fish. In this recipe from. the Dominion Department of I Fisheries, tomato is put to unusual use In a dish which will brighten any meatless meal. Fish Piquant Clean and bone a whole fish or use fillets of haddock, cod, white-fish or trout. Place the fish flat on a greased baking pan, cut side up if a whole ilsh is used. Season lightly with salt, sprinkle surface with lemon Juice and add milk to surround but not cover the fish. Chop a tomato and a green pepper (If liked) and add enough soft bread crumbs to make a moist dressing. Season, with salt, a little poultry dressing and a few chopped celery leaves. Spread dressing over fish, and bake in a very hot oven, 450 degrees F., allowing 10 minutes per inch thickness of the fish. Sprinkle with chopped parsley before serving. Six Servings Per Pound It is real meat stretching when one pound of meat serves five or six people as lt does In the recipe below. Recipes like this one from, the Consumer Section of the Dominion Department of Agriculture help ave meat coupons for an occasional splurge. Rolled Steaks 1 lb. round steak, Inch thick l'2 cups bread dressing V cup flour 2 tablespoons fat 2 medium onions, sliced 1 cup boiling water salt and pepper Cut meat into strips, about 2V2 Inches, by 3 inches. Place a por tion of dressing on each strip, roil up and tie. Dredge rolls In flour and brown in hot fat. Push to one side of the pan, add onions and brown lightly. Add boiling water, season, cover closely arid simmer slowly until meat ls ten der, about one hour. To serve, remove strings from meat rolls. arrange on bed of cooked maca roni, spaghetti or noodles. Thin .gravy if necessary and pour over meat. Five to six servings. From Far-off Hungary An old Hungarian recipe provided the home economists of the Dominion Department of Agriculture with the .Inspiration for this very tasty dish. Veal Goulash, 1V4 pounds veal steak, V, inch thick 2 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper l'j cups sliced onions 3 tablespoons fat i2 cup chili sauce 1V2 cups boiling water Vz cup grated cheese. Cut steak Into 6 pieces. Dredge with flour, seasoned with salt and pepper. Brown veal and onions in hot fat. Add chili sauce, boiling water and grated chew, Bring to bollina; point, cover and simmer slowly until meat Is 'tender, about 1 hour. Six servings. Lamb Stew, New Style The home economists of the Dominion Department of Agriculture are always on the lookout for Interesting recipes from other lands, adaptable to Cana dian tastes without drastic changes. Lamb stew tastes like a different dish altogether when made in the South African, way. The amount of meat called for comes well within the family's weekly meat coupon budget. South African Stew l2 lbs. stewing lamb (boneless) 3 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 2 onions, sliced thin 2 tablespoons fat 4 cups boiling water 3 cups green beans 6 medium potatoes, cut in half Cut meat Into 1 Inch pieces Mix flour, salt and pepper and roll meat" in the mixture. Brown the onion lightly in fat in heavy skillet. Add meat and any flour which has not clung to the meat, brown well. Add boiling water, cover closely and simmer about 45 minutes. Add beans, cook 10 minutes longer then add potatoes and continue cookjng until meat and vegetables are tender Six servings. & cewo wait MJoyrwffH FRESH FfiUtr YOUNG FOLKS really "go" for the grand oven-lrosh whole t wheat ilavor oi NABISCO I SHREDDED WHEAT! So, ts a pedal treat give the family this famous 100 whole wheat cereal topped with luicloui fresh peaches. They'll enjoy Its tender baked crunch? goodness and benefit lrom Its wholesome nourishment THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, ITD NIAGARA FAU$, CANADA TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTTVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTI Serve Yourself . . . CLEARANCE SALE of PLAY SHOES Regular Price $3.95 SALE PRICE $1.99 All Sales Final Serve Yourself CUT RATE SHOE STORE UAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAii" SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR Children's Wearing Apparel and Staples A New Shipment of Stock in APRONS, BATHROOM SETS TEA TOWELS, ETC. II THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 AUCTIONED and VALUATOR PACKED AND SI Estimates Free Phone Re"1 . u' 137 t