1 f A n Xr V I J JL EAT TOKENS AND THEIR USE L iUa rAtumnlian flf mpnt rnftnninn InLant nra nf rfliinnii' rhnnnn. Fink! tnlnni mm Tokens are a convanitnc A everyone. ThV use makes it possible to Include In the ration "fancy meats" and canned meats, the coupon value of which li necessarily imall; to reduce the work of lupplieri and banks In handling coupons) to conserve meat by' making it unnecessary to buy to the full value of the MnAM In n alnnl hiirrhiu. nJ . kl- II TOKEN FACTS Tokens may be used only to make coupon change. A consumer may be given no more than seven Tokens may be exchanged for "M" coupons only .l . :. u.:- i Tokens may not be passed from one dealer to Tokens remain valid until declared invalid. 1 Token is good for: 2 oz. of meat in group A 3 oz. of meat in group B 4 oz. of meat in group C 5 oz. of meat in group D 6 o'z. of meat in group E RATION ADMINISTRATION ITTTTtTTTTTTTTtTTTTTttttTTTT TTf TTTTTf Tf f ft HQOL OPENING CTION SALE i n . Mothers, here's your chance to send the youngsters back to school In shoes that are not only good-looking and "can take it," but In shoes constructed for young, tender feet. We specialize in fitting children. Our shoes are made with plenty of room for proper development and smoothly finished Inside. We have such famous makes as Orcb, Leckle, Thursten and 613 6th West 1-1.IK FURNISHINGS Suite, Sunrise Bldg. i . ... lamps; desk: cream .j i - .... tieiin conaiuon. llPTInv . . mem, Products that arc FAMOUS baby needs a mother's love, but this is not ."iLu in nis rnnnor 1 it r 10 rvnn v in mnK n r vn r rrnatflo hnrn itMi o fn n lninits ncmirAii rf trio finer. Zha JHontcr Druggists REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 KWONG SANG HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 am. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 MacKenzie Furniture Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 'wa'atWUlU V" 'sJUILIIIMI .111 I III av " Bedroom Suites, prices up to $15.".00 -v.iuc. aii.cnrinir xnnef rnrlinn KIK.i IHI V Jl n ill" Thank you for your Mall Orders OAS ASI1IU JlKUUVf a Seasonable Breakfast is all too often the 1 forgotten meal. The word 4 T RATE SHOE STORE- j 4 Dreaiuast" comes from two Anglo-Saxon words "brecan" and "fasten" meaning to break the fast. Breakfast should do Just that and carry you efficiently through the morning. Many people who eat a very light breakfast thinking this serves them well, are surprised to find how much more efficiently, they work all morning when they have a more substantial one. With cooler weather and chil dren back to school, this is a good time to start serving a real breakfast every morning. It should include at least fruit, cereal, toast and beverage. Budget Scramble, which makes one egg look like two, is Just the thing these days with egg prices at their usual seasonal peak. Budget Scramble Mix crumbs with milk; let soak for a Jew minutes, then beat smooth. Beat egg yolks, salt and pepper and add to the bread and milk. Whip egg whites stiff, and fold Into mixture. Pour into hoc greased pan. Reduce heat and cook slowly stirring frequently until set, about 8 minutes. For a Sunday morning special serve this with broiled I or sauteed tomato slices. Four to five servings. To save butter serve the fol lowing Breakfast Muffins. They require not butter to enhance their grand flavor. Surprise Breakfast Muffins IV2 cups sifted all-purpose flour OR Ideas 'Different Breakfast Dishes Wilh Which to Win Praise l34 cups sifted pastry flour. 2 tablespoon sugar 2'2 teaspoons baking powder V2 teaspoon salt 1 cup wheat, corn or bran flakes 1 egg cup warm mild-flavored fat, melted 3 tablespoons Jam or Jelly Mix and sift flour, baking powder and salt. Add wheat, bran or corn flakes. Beat egg, acd warm milk and melted fat. Make a hollow in dry ingredients pour in egg mixture. Stir only enough to combine. Quickly fill greased muffin pans Vs lull. Add a teaspoon of Jelly to each muffin, then add more batter until muffin tins are 2-3 full. Bake in a hot oven, 400 degrees F., for 25 to 30 minutes. Makes 9 large muffins. Sauteed slices of "planned over" cooked cereal make a good, substantial breakfast dish to use when bacon is not avail able. Sauteed Cereal Slices 2 cups cooked cereal 1 egg 2 tablespoons milk Fine soft bread crumbs Place cereal in small mould or loaf pan. Chill until firm. Slice in quarter inch slices. Mix eg; and milk. Dip slices of cereal Into egg then into bread crumbs, Beef Upside Down Pie 1H cup flour 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. celery salt ( Hp. white pepper 5 tbs. shortening Melt a little fat in a hot frying pan and brown slices on both sides. Serve with Jam, Jelly or syrup. Six servings. H cup milk, or half milk and half water cup sliced onion 1 can condensed tomato soup Ji lb. ftround raw beef 3 tsp. Magic Baking Powder Sift together flour, baking powder, H tsp. aalt, celery salt and pepper: add 3 tablespoons shortening! mix In thoroughly with fork. Add milk and stir until blended. Melt remaining two tablespoons shortening In 9" frying pan, and cook onions until soft. Add tomato soup, remaining H teaspoon salt and ground meat; bring to boil. Spread baking powder mliture on top of meat mljture and bakeat475F.forabout 20 minutes. Turn out upside down on large plate. Serves 8. MADE IN CANADA eHiwaiiwa)WpHWi WWtESU DIBB PRINTING COMPANY OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY It I R T II I) A Y AND WATERMAN'S F. VERY I) A Y CARDS rOUNTAIN PENS IScsn'cr Block, 3rd Street Phone 231 Redding 0 THIRD AVENUE GIFTS Whatever you plan to spend . . . YOU'LL FIND GIFTS HERE TO SATISFY YOU . . . Conic in and sec them JOHN BULGER LTD. JEWELERS (Opposite Post Office) for Housekeepers Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Should parents take their small child with them when they are invited for a motor drive? A. Unless the invitation spe cifically includes the child,- he should be left at home. Q. Isn't it bad form to whistle and to stamp the feet to show one's appreciation of some en tertainer's efforts? A. Yes; applause should be with the hands only. is it proper tor a nerson to thank a delivery man when receiving a package from him? A. Yes, it is courteous to do scr. The Experts Say . . . MEAT EXTENDERS With every woman giving thought to. meat extenders, bread crumbs gain a new importance. As dressings for roasts, chops and steaks they add flavor and in crease the number of servings In meat loaves and meat pat ties they double the size and improve the texture in fact, they- are pretty nearly Soft stale bread crumbs should be used for these purposes, but making them Is a chore many women dislike. Here is a method suggested that takes the work out of preparing crumbs. Cut the crusts from one thick or several thin slices of soft. stale bread, place the crust-free bread in a clean tea towel Gather the edges of towel tight ly together enclosing the bread, as in a bag. Holding this "bag1 firmly in t he right hand, rotate U against the left hand, working the bread Into coarse or fine Dreaa crumos as desired no muss, no fuss and perfect crumbs in a Jiffy. uereais ana vegetables are usually recommended for mag nifying a little meat Into a big meal. Most popular cereal in this respect is bread In the form of crumbs, but here is an entirely new recipe using uncooked bar ley as well as vegetables to make a substantial main dish, .which takes only three tokens worth of meat.. STUFFED PEPPER SQUASH Wash three large pepper squash and cut in halves. (Allow half a squash to a serving). Remove seeds and pithy portion and sprinkle with salt. Mix thoroughly l2 cups or 34 pound of ground raw lamb or beef, Vz cup uncooked barley, Vt teaspoons salt, VB teaspoon pepper, and one cup sieved raw tomatoes. Fill pepper halves with this mixture. Blend two tablespoons fat, two tablespoons flour and a dash of salt and spread over the exposed cut surface of the squash. Place In a greased baking dish, cover and bake in a moderately hot oven, 375 degrees fahren-helt, for 45 minutes. Remove cover and continue baking 15 or 20 minutes longer until surface is browned and squash is SWEET POTATOES The sweet flavor and bright yellow color of sweet potatoes can lend variety to meals. This vegetable, a treat to most people, has a high nutritional rating, says the Nutrition Division. One serving alone will supply a full day's needs of vitamin A. Sweet potatoes contribute a third more vitamin C than Irish potatoes though the white pot' ato Is a good source of vitamin C. Both varieties are an excellent source of iron. EOG DISHES To make egg dishes the mainstay of a delicious and easily-prepared meal keep these tips In mind: to avoid cracking, when cooking eggs In their shells, place eggs in cold water and bring to a boll. At this point the eggs will be soft-cooked. Egg whites are quickly beaten If the whites and utensils are cold. To make the finest cakes use recipes which require a generous supply of eggs. PICKLING ONIONS If you've been putting off pickling onions for the winter because of the work Involved, here Is a simple recipe for them which requires little trouble. Take six quarts of tender small onions, peel and mix with three pounds of coarse salt. Let them stand for two days, then pour off the Juice and let stand for two days in fresh water. Drain, rinse and bottle in red wine' vinegar. EARTH'S AREA The earth has 57,510,000 square miles of land surface. Gala Gowns In Fashions Yardage Restrictions Still in Effect Keep Silhouette Slim, But Trimming Glitters NEW YORK, Sept. 12 Ol The most brilliant winter season since the war is tuning up in America's metropolitan centres, as civilians and returning ser vicemen step out in their best bib and tucker to celebrate peace. After more than three years of sober wartime garb, the lid Is off and glittering formals lead the fall style parade. Designers,' anticipating a gala winter, have fall collections already In the stores from which women may choose glitter and glamor to their heart's content. More evening and cocktail gowns are on hand than at any time since the war, sequins ad richly bejewelled trimmings are all over the place, fur coats and accessories are lavish and dazzling. Since yardage restrictions are still in effect, the fs'lhouette Is still slim and streamlined for the mo.cit part, but the trimming is terrific. Designers have proved that it's possible to make a breath-taking formal gown from a mere scrap of fabric, provided it's cut and draped in the right places and loaded with glitter. Returning servlcewomen who have been saving up a clothes splurge ever since they put on uniforms, will increase the de mand for dress-up fashions. Mrs. America is dressing up and she's ready to go to town. 13rfi.ee Utipcct Dnili 'j3cujji Wednesday, September 12, 1945 TEMPTING WATER COCKTAIL Everyone should aim to spend , some time" each day in pleasant relaxation. Perhaps you can find an hour In the late afternoon when all the family can be together, or you can plan t o have a few friends In for an In formal chat. Getting away from routine duties for just a little while is an excellent nerve tonic. Don't feel that entertaining friends calls for extra work and fancy refreshments. A thirst- quenching drink is the best re freshment you can offer, and cake or cookies make a good ac companiment to the drinks. Any fruit juice or combination of juices adds flavor:' Limes are plentiful and a limeade made with sparkling water Is always a popular bev erage. Use the juice of a lime for each drink, sweeten to taste and fill the glass with water. The syrup drained from canned fruits can be stored in jars In vour refrigerator and used as I the base for drinks. This is a .3 susar-saver. too. Three or four tablespoons of the canned syrup should be allowed for each drink. Jellies and jams can be used for excellent drinks and here ,1s one using mint jelly. Mint Sparkle ,,, , 1 cup mint jelly. -V cup water 2 tablespoons lemon juice ' Sparkling water Fresh mint Combine mint Jelly and water stir over low heat until Jelly melts. Add lemon Juice. Put . equal amount in each of four tall glasses) with ' ice cubes. Fill glasses with sparkling wttterl' Stir well. Garnish with sprays of fresh mint. GRIMSBY, Lincolnshire, Eng land '?) This unusual advertisement appeared in a Grimsby evening paper: "Two unfurnished rooms to let. Serviceman's wife preferred. Children not objected to." ' Mm iW it HB ...Tru G OLD SEAL CONGOLEUM. Local Dealers in Congoleum We handle Congoleum Products . . . Gordon & Anderson Ltd. GORDON'S HARDWARE THIRD AVENUE McBRIDE STREET When CongoleumRuare available we Wm A MacKenzie Furniture Ltd.