am in Every Drop tiun MUk every drop is . w v I liat I wliv vou ii'na COUcu Tcien'y imooth, o rich- mn na t.' rrv ir ' first tn'-E .;nn is iust whole milk with the ntul f Ld that it keeps indefin- 13 B.l homogenized, gad enriched with "sunshine" viumia D. Write for free illmtmted cook book, Carnation Cumpsnr Lid.. Vnacuuvrr, B.C. rom Now On BULKLEY MARKET Features: Beef : Pork i 1 1 . uuury rrociucts Under Most Eanltarv Conditions . UUllC Alt! . m a mm m . . Mackenzie hurniture Limited "A OOOD PLACE TO BUY" SPUING CLEANING TIMK! to jr til your walls- all tints In stock. f 4 )P is. packets .) I . J J .si'Ai: VAKNISU for your wood work and . ... t . iini :h that win nnt. turn uhitA I I L ...V - J . J - i MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY PILLED ii ltii ik iiiii i iju oaiiornv'iiwii .:. i fnwlctnffc ivn ri ymmoiI nf nil tlmoa Tf ll.n 1 . ."i i iiaii ...ill 4tt-l 4 - mi it Via.!'' Lilt- ucisu vuu niu mm lb uu wm Vnn nrd invirrri tn irmnnff nnr tnplf - i (Opposite Canadian Lesion) is Md 19 P.O. Box 575 NOTICE J.H. MAIR representative of lor this district. :ir t nil irii iiiii- l frnm A. Wplxt bv W Yule. KWONQ RANO IIINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 pm. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 Floor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and Alterations Val Spidel Green 1B6 Box 1430 St. MB" CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Jod Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE THE . . . ROYAL LUNCH - CAFE - Will 1.C open for 24-hour service ALL NF.wi.y nF.CORATED FULL-COURSE MEALS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Grade "A" Certificate Local News It William Schriabstg left last r .ghi for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs M. G. Irvine and child left last, night for a visit In Vancouver. Mrs. James Catt left last night fi : a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. "Free Enterprise or State Capitalism" hear George Mitchell, 6:30 pin., Friday over cadlo station CFPR. (11C) Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton are .leaving at the end of this vr-ek lor Terrace vhere they wiH iake their future home. CjL E. J. Ryan, after having bceti here for the past week on contracting business, left last iiiht on his return 'to Judge W. E. Fteher returned to the city on last night's train (from Smlthers where he has toten conducting a session of County Court. .. ,-rrar PROGRESSIVE CONSERVA T1VE HEADQUARTERS. Stone Block, next to Boston Cafe, open daily and every evening. Open discussions invited. Everybody weleome. tf) H. S. Cowie, former assistant r.anager of the B. C. Packers ntre and new with head office in Vancouver, has been In the city for the past couple of days and will be leaving this -weekend for the Queen Charlotte Lrlands on company business. Lieut. Commander R. A. B. Garrard, executive officer of H. M C. S. Discovery. Vancouver; Lieut. Grant Hooper, Sea Cadet I liaison officer; Sub-Lieut. Frank liarcourt. assistant training of- 1 fleer of Sea Cadet camp; Stores I P-tty Officer R. Stamp and Capt. ,v. Rankin. Dresident of the Bri tish Columbia mainland division of the Navy League oi uanaaa, lift last night on their return to Vancouver after having been here for the annual inspection of the local Sea Cadet Corps. i 1! III f.lllMlll I 1 OUBL ! AUTOMATIC ! BOOKLET We can say this in three words ,. . . BUY COAL NOW ems PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Miss Dorothy Stiles left last night for a trip to Vancouver. A Sound pictures, John liracken, tU Prog. - Cans. Uduts. Unklit. 8 tun. (It J J. E. Marchildon was among passengers leaving the city last night lor Vancouver. Cafe and Restaurant owners meeting, Central Hotel Dining Room, Friday, May IE, 9 pan. CCF Public Meeting, Sunday, May 20, 8:30 pm., Oddfellows Hall. Speaker: Colin Cameron, MX A. Jack Garrett, provincial asses sor, returned to the city on last night's train from a trip to Terrace on official business. R. E. Moore returned today on the Prince George irom Vancouver after attending a conference of Burns Co. managers at Calgary last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Oxen bury of New York City are visit ors in the city today, having ar rived on the Prince George en route to visit their cannery prop erty near Cralf, Alaska. Hear Bruce Mkkleburgh report on his tmr of Skeena, radio station CFPR, Saturday at 0:45 p.m. (It) Douglas Soutar, manager of B.C. Packers cannery at Pacofi, Queen Charlotte Islands, is In the city on a business visit. Liberal Committee Rooms, 3xd Ave. and 1st. St., will be open dally from 10 a.m. till 9 pjn. Phone C35 and C3C. Come In and see that you're on the voters list. Hugh MacKenzle has arrived in the city from Vancouver, where he has completed his sec-end year studies, to spend the summer vacation with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Regular dinner meeting of Business and Professional Wo men men's s Club. wuiu, Tuesday. lutaua, Mav 22. 6 husband, Sgt. Nick Tiberia. U.S. Army, following their wedding in" the United States in February. Miss Bertha Rogers, inspector of home economics for the Department of Education with headquarters m Victoria, arrived in the city on last night's train from Prince George in the course of a trip north on inspection duties and will be spending a day or so here on pf flclal ,duties. Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked meat fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE 21 THIRD AVE. W. PHONES 116 117 ALBERT ANII McCAFEERY PRETTY EVENING NAVAL WEDDING Miss Phyllis Hill-Tout is Beautiful Bride of Warrant Engineer John Cloke The bright rays of a brilliant Prince Rupert evening sun beamed into the little chapel of KM. C3. Chatham at 7:30 last night when the nuptial rites of Miss Phyllis Josephine Hill-Tout, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hitl-Tout, of this city, and Warrant EngLneer John Francis-Cloke, R.CN.Vit., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cloke oi Vic toria, were solemnized, by Rev. Orville P. Hossie .naval chaplain. The chancel was simply adorned Kith two tapers and a small vase of carnations The setting was as pretty as it was appropriate. Only a few Iriends were presem. The bride was a delightful pic ture as she entered the chapel with her father by whom she was given in marriage. Her beautiful marriage gown consisted of lace bodice with sweetheart neckline. The full skirt was of white or- gt'inza over whale satin. It had a slight train with white satin bustle bow. There were satin-covered buttons from waistline to neckline. An eibow length veil was held In place with two pure white carnations. Slippers were of of white white satin. satin. A A lovely lovely shower shower net ribbon and streamers. The bridesmaid, Miss Betty Morton, Vancouver, was pretty in her'rose taffeta dress with puff sleeves and' cross-over bodice. A gold sequin Juliet cap and black lace rr.ixts completed the costume. The bridesmaid's bouquet was of pink carnations and pink roses. ' The groomsman was Warrant Officer Victor Jones. Following the ceremony, wedding party and old friends of the families of the contracting couple repaired to the home of the tortde's caren'ts. C46 Fourth Ave. E. The rooms were decorated profusely with such seasonal flowers as carnations, stalks, snapdragons, daffodils and narcissi. Before the living room fire pjn. at Reid's Cafe. Those wish- P ? ., e ? , Teceled . . J Sg citations of the gU who had Mrs. to attend pleasercontact received entering by the on AmniH mk si 4 or 96. 1 117) I en w U.UA'H m.r.fKAl Miss Betty Morton, who 'came north from Vancouver to act as bridesmaid last night at the wed- R. A. McLeod proposed the toast to the bride to whom he paid fitting tribute. The srocm ding of Miss Phyllis Hlll-ToutUesponded. The groomsman also and Warrant Engineer John Cloke, will leave tomorrow night on her return south. Mrs. N. Tiberia, the former Gertrude Turgeon, of this city, returned on Wednesday night's train from San Antonio, Texas, where she has been with her spoke suitably to the toast to the bridesmaid. Refreshments were served, the bride and groom cutting a handsome three-tier wedding cake on the bride's table which was cov ered with a large lace cloth and aderned with a vase of Hewers and four pink tapers. Mrs. S. E. Sunijury of Georgetown and Mrs. J. D. Allen poured and servlteurs were the Misses Betty Allen, Mimmy Johnson, Marjle Deane, Marjorie Peacnsy and Eleanor Carr, pretty girl friends of the bride. Later Mr. and Mrs. Cloke sailed on the Prince Rupert for a honeymoon trip which will take them motoring into the Okana- gan before the groom returns to the v.ast Coast to resume his naval duties while the bride re mains in Vancouver until he returns to the coast. The bride's home has been in Prlhce RuDeVt Since she was a small girl' She is a member of thP staff of the Pacific Fisheries Experimental Station which she joined here, movmg witn it to Vancouver. The eroom Is a member or a pioneer Anyox family now resid- ine in Victoria. He has been m the Navy since the first of the war and is a veteran of the Battle of the Atlantic. Among other chins hp served on the mine i sweener II. M. C. S. Clayoquot which was torcedoed in the North Atlantic this year. MINE SHAFT COLLAPSES BOLTON. Ene.. CR The col lapse ol a fllled-in mine shaft at a disused oit caused a minor earthauake at nearby Kearsley Houses rocked and a cavity 900 feet deep and 18 feet in curcum ference was formed. C.N.R. Trains I',. 41i I'nuf Dally except Sunday 8 p.m from the list Dally except Monday 10:45 p.m LET WORLD KNOW (Continued from Page It backing of every group In the city. W should send tnem caras so they .can't help but know: when, we are holding a meeting," Mr. McCarthy said. Finance Committee Chairman Arnold Flaten leported that plans were under way to raise $10,000 to finance the operations of the public relations committee. Decision to put into effect its first major project a slogan contest was made effective, details will be worked out by the finance and internal corn-' mlttees. Indications were that the contest will be open to everyone and that prizes may range in the neighborhood of $100. Committees appointed by Chairman Lloyd Morris last night were: External Harry Black, chairman. R. S. Grele. J. K. McLeod. Internal W. F. Stone, Verne Evans, Mrs. S. El- kins. chnlrmen were eiven Dower to Announcements All advertisement n this column will r! chargwl lor a luU month at 25c a word. L.O.B.A. Dance, June 1, Oddfellows' Hall. Refreshments. Full voting information. Phone I 364. Mickleburgh Campaign Headquarters. n nrvir niovees Welfare Association dance, May 24, Staff Dining Hall, uiose me nouuay by dancing from 9 till 1. Music by the Americans. Dance every Saturday night. Oddfellows Hall, 9 to 12. Swing Quintette Orchestra. United Tea, June 2, Mrs. Crawford Moore's, 440 Cth Ave. West. Specialty, homecooklng, Hospital Tea, Nurses' Home. June 7. Election of Major Harvey, Progressive-Conservative candidate, June 11. Technocracy Inc. Dance every Saturday night, I.O.D.E. Hall 9 pjn. IN THE SUPREME COURT 0 BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP AMAND CESAR VtKHEIUCn, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS CAESAR OR CESAR VERHEYDEN, DECEASED. INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge Fisher, Local Judge oi the Supreme Court ol British Columbia. I was on the 25th day of April. AX). 1945, appointed Administrator of the Estate ol AmonH fmop vrVivrlin nt.tiprwtss known as Caesar or Cesar Verheyden, wno oiea on me iui uny mi Dryvnu- tu., 1UAA All Twriirma 1nrint.Pfi tn the said estate are required to pay the amount oi ineir inaeoieuneaa tu forthwith and all persons having claims against the said Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 3 ist aav oi May, jhio. iuuiuk wimcji distribution will be made having re gard only to such claims or wnicn shall have been notuiea. nATED nt Prince RuDert. D.C.. thLl 27th day of April. A.D. 1945. nuKMvm a. waii. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. OUCH- MY BACK, Stiff, ache y back may be caused by sluggish kidneys. Gin Pills help the kidneys to do a full time job! Money back if not satisfied. Regular lilt, 40 Pills l.rg til, SO Pills In th, U.S. Mlilcr 'Q!nPllla" , Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS Friday May 18, 1945 stores of more than- 70 releases sent from our office to home town new&papers and lUdio stations, ou American soldiers here." Lt. Bareer spoke of general , releases concerning Prince Ru- pert which would be made avail- ; this city in its publicity eirort. '"Ihey have always been a great stumbling block to Prince Rupert. Canadian National Rail ways mention only Jasper and Vancouver. They dont seem to know we exist. I think we jadd to these committees. should go after them and make Work of the external commit-! them realize what we have to tee lsto"sell" Prince Rupert to ioffer," Alderman Arnold urged, the world while the Internal, j public support of "Clean-up-eonunittee will do a similar "sell- paint-up Week" which begins inc" iob to Prince Rupert cltl- on Monday was urged by J. K. zens themselves. (McLeod as a means of making n , . . i Vin moAHnff ll'P TP t 1 AU.. vnna n f ri 1 tfO J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., BA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 057 PAGE THREE VICTORY lk IS SUCCESS Successful Affair ly UU1 Sixty Chapter on Wednesday awe to ail newspapers mi was thesceTte oI a delightful r oVr 'Victory Tea and many ladies w n tb! e"i-pJcalledyduring the afternoon to pert public relations committee contact the Northwest Trades Association seeking to co-operate with them In publicity, activity, was passed. Co-operation of Railway .Sought Alderman Nora E. Arnold ureed the citv to go alter Cana- llan National Railways to include On Wednesday the LODJI. Lt. Barger and.Sgt. Ralph; A motion by Bruce Stevens j M". George Eckeyman. pubUc Relations ; that the external committee con- bouquet of red roses was en- branch, VS. Army. ,t Lt. Barger Bareer' tact th the randian Canadian National National hanced by the arrangement of extend their patronage. The hall and tables were artistically dee- orated for the occasion with red and white roses and blue cornflowers. Hie regent. Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod, received the guests. Mrs. Wm. McLeod was convenor nf the tea room. Mrs. G. E. Mobre and Mrs. ,S. R. Donaldson poured and servt- teurs and assistants -were Mes- dames Tlmmermeister, Hiibbatd, TLM-erson. M. Stuart. Briid, Johnstone, Frew, Smith and Me- Arthur. Mrs. Wm Reid was cashier. In charge of stalls were: Delicatessen Mrs. H. A. Breen and Mrs. J. H. Macey. Aprons and children's dresses Mrs. J. Hutchinson White Elephant stallr Mrs. R. J. Keren. Lace runner raffle Mrs. J. N. Forman. The ratfle was won by mcxw work done by to office and of getting a resort hotel 'near the rubbing wkh damp corn meal, Its beneuu to me wy. :ctty was passea. ijicu i umi. y.n,n . "While our work is not primarily to publicize any locality, we have spread the name Prime Rupert throughout the continent. It lias appeared on the daleliue and in SA1AM TEA JACKETS ...for Spring How the young men go for jilalds! Full cut, well tallowed with flap pockets. Morgan's Men's and Boys' Wear Third Ave., next to Orme's Hair and Beauty Let us give you a PERSONALITY PERMANENT. Well style your hair in a flattering coiffure with our new Cold Wave. It will be easy to keep and very becoming. No split or dry ends, no straggling curls. You'll be more than pleased. PEGGY SAUNDERS (Annette Powell) 4th St. (across Irom Post Office) V " " : ' TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTVTTTTTfTTTT I An' airy, ankle-flattering addition to your summer wardrobe. In velvety black suede; D'orsay cut for style and comfort $(5,l CUT RATE SHOE STORE EfAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAAA.AAAAAAS mmm . For Evening Pastimes AND PARTY GAMES Come in and see our: Jig Saw Puzzles . . . 10c, 30c, TOcjand .$1.45 Lotto G5c Rummoli 30c Crown and Anchor $1.20 Chess ....,..........$2.00