io SUGAR ...lots bf l r Ljciousness! FOR SCOTTY'S "M Country AGIC Peoth layM Ca Jtf cup, ,,.,. Jw lP. Mam,. FLUORESCENT LIGHTING ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYERS Phone Ucd 290 after 6 o'clock. Wo will call for them. PHONE H. Letourneau Expert Plumber, Tinsmith and Roofer tup milk H cup horl.i ! Up niIU ke ',,p-''"ondMtrMt Sift dr.. Come in and Find an Interesting "New Special Every Day" MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE phones 18 and 19 (Opposite Canadian Legion) P.O. Box 575 - Expert - RADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM . Mail Orders shipped same clay as received. Rupert Radio & Electric 313 Third Ave. West Phone C44 Box 1321 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up SO Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 Any type of construction undertaken. Engineering and plans supplied. NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION CO. General Contractors HOUSE REMODELLING FINANCED ON BUDGET BASIS Kitchen Cabinets, Sash and Door 223 First Avenue East l'nonc 503 Take invigorating steam , baths and massage to relieve that tired feeling. R.Y.WALKER Graduate Masseur Reducing, Facial and General Swedish Massage Phone Green 507 evenings for appointment 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO 6 A.M. Fish and Chips Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME Phone 8G1 AUTOMOBILE OWNERS- Phone 566 overhauls, we have To speed up our service on motor Installed the latest. In cylinder boring equipment. with this new equipment We can save you money and assure you of precision cylinder wall alignment. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. DISTRIBUTORS OF CHRYSLER PRODUCTS Local -News Items For a reliable taxi, Phone 32. Open 7 ajn. to 3 a.m. (tf) A St. Paul's Lutheran Church Sunday School Christmas Tree Tonight 7:30. J. S. Wilson sailed Tuesday afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. I Oddfellows' and Rebekahs Christmas Tree, December 27, 2 to 5. 5. Members and children come along. (297) A PKE STOCK TAKING SALE We are closing next week for stock taking. Everything selling this week at cost Wee Tots' Shoppe. (300) Miss Helen Douglas, daughter ot David Douglas, arrived In the city at the first of the week from Vancouver to spend the Christmas holiday season here. Richard Mills, sbn of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mills, who served In the Royal Canadian Air Force and later In the Canadian Army, returned home at the first of the week. Miss Jean Fraser arrived In the city on the Princess Adelaide Monday afternoon to spend the Christmas and New Year season. with her mother, Mrs. J. D, Fraser, Brooksbank Apartments Kosta Killas arrived in the city Monday on the . Princess Adelaide from Portland, Ore gon, to spend Christmas and New Years with tils parents. Mr and Mrs. J. Killas. Kosta is studying dentistry at Portland. Mrs. Harry Ormlsion and family are sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for Victoria where they will take up residence, Join lng Capt. Ormiston who was transferred to that city recently in the Dominion lighthouse L'eut. Beatrice Eerner Is returning on the Prince Rupert tonight to her duties as a nursing sister at the Vancouver Military Hosrital after having been home for the past few days to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Berner. Miss Mary Hartin, for years a local school teacher and now In Vancouver, arrived Monday afternoon on the Princess Ade laide from the south to be the Christmas and New Year holiday guest here of Miss E. A. Mercer. D. C. Tumilson, soa of Mr. and Mrs. D. Tumilson, 1140 Hays Cove Ave., arrived home on the Princess Adelaide Monday afternoon to spend the Christina? holidays' with his parents. Hj was recently discharged from the Royal Canadian Air Force and is now attending vocational school in Vancouver. Classified Ads bring results. Announcements All advertisement's -i mis column will b? charted tor a full month at 25c a word. L.O.B.A. Dance, Oddfellows Hall. Dec. 27. Refreshments. De Carlo's Orchestra. Hnsmanav Dance, under aus nieps of I.O.O.F. Lodge, Odd fellows Hall, Dec, 31. Dancing 9 p.m. till 1 a.m. John Brem-ncr's Orchestra. Canadian Legion and Prince Rupert Regiment (M.G.) New Year's Eve Party and Dance 6th Avenue Armouries. Ad mission by Invitation only. Welcome Home Dance for Naval veterans, January 11, Oddfellows' Hall. LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you watt. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street CENTRAL HOTEL Transient Rooms NEWLY DECORATED Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience ; . . , Cafe In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 A Rupert Men's and Boys' store will be closed Thursday December 27th for inventory. (297) A Wallace's Department store will be closed Thursday, December 27 for inventory. (297) James Hutchison returned Wednesday on the Prince Ru pert from a business trip to Ocean Falls and Vancouver. O. L. Brooks of Terrace arrived in the city on last night's train on a brief visit. He is returning to Terrace tonight. D. O. Donaldson, lightkeeper of the Oreen Island lighthouse, returned Wednesday on the Prince Rupert I'rcm a trip to Vancouver. . City Fire Department answer ed a call to the home of Thomas MoMeekin sr. at 341 Fourth Ave. East at 5:50 Tuesday night where firemen put out a chim ney fire before It did any dam age. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bell of Usk. are holiday visitors In the city, having arrived at the beginning of the week to spend Christmas and JJew Year's as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Alger, Third Ave. W. Mr. and Mis. Harold Denlson of Whltehorse arrived In the city on Monday from Vancouver on the Princess Adelaide to spend a couple of weeks visiting Mrs. Denison's brothers, John and Spiro Gurvich. Mrs. Denlson Is the former Nellie Mrs, J. W. McKiniey, who has been visiting relatives at Oliver for the last few months, returned Monday on the Princess Adelaide to spend Christmas at home here. She was accompanied by her son, J. G. M:K!n-ley, of Oliver, who is spending the holiday season here. Mrs. McKiniey is the mother of Mrs. J. C. Gllker. Capt. Alfred Bamford, recently returned aboard the Queen Elizabeth after having served ; overseas as an intelligence officer with the Second Division of the Canadian Army, and Mrs. Bamford arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide Monday afternoon to spend the Christmas and New Year season with Capt. Bamford's parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Bamford. Capt. Bamford will be receiving his discharge soon and expects to resume his civilian work with the Forest Branch, Capt. Al Mah 1 Visiting Here Capt A1 Mah, former Chinese Aviation Corporation pilot and at present associated with a newly formed American trans port company, arrived unexpect edly Sunday night on the Catala to spend Christmas at his home here. Formerly a transport pilot in China, Capt. Mah is now a partner, in the National Skyways Corporation, "The Flying Tiger Line," which was recently incorporated in the United States. He returned from San Francisco where he has been on a business visit to the company's head quarters. YULE HAMPERS SENT OUT TO 30 FAMILIES Deliveries of between 25 and 30 Christmas hampers were made by the local Salvation Army to brighten the spirits of people who would, not have fared so well at the Yule festival. Adjutant Peter Gorrie, local Salvation Army commander, said the deliveries were made Monday . afternoon by messenger truck and, In some "last min ute" cases, by taxi. The practice is an annual one for the Salvation Army which, In addition to Its continuing work throughout the year, makes a specal effort to brighi- en needy homes at Christmas time by sending out hampers with food and toys. The Army's work this year was j materially assisted by funds raised by the Junior Chamber of Commerce's radio auction. In addition to sending out hampers, the Salvation Army was host to about 50 children Monday evening when a full Christmas dinner with all trimmings was served at the Citadel. The feast was followed by the showing of films by Major Wells of the Salvation Army. Power Company Ladies Entertain Lady employees of the Northern B. C. Power Co. were hostesses to ladles of other offices of the Bcsner Block and. to wives of the male employees of the company In their lunch room ! Monday afternoon. The lunch room was later the scene of a party for the staff of the power company. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Krochler davenport bed,' like- new. Leaving city, must sacrifice at bargain price Call'evenlngs house "i9 Skunk HollSw. (299) KITIMAAT COUPLE MARRIED HERE A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized Saturday afternoon when Rev. R. A. Wilson of First" United Church united In marriage Lila, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hall, and Wilfred, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wil son. Both are residents of Kitl- maat. The bride was given in mar riase by her father and was attended by her cousin, Miss Marjorie Walker. Groomsman was Harry Amos. The bride wore a floor length gown of ivory satin with tulle veil flowing in soft drapes to the floor, the cap and halo beints shirred of the same material. The bridesmaid wore a floor length gown of pink georgette. Later a reception was held at the Boston Cafe and was attended by the out of town guests. The couple sailed for home at midnight. 'A large reception in the community hall awaited them on their arrival at Hospital Quiet Stork Holiday ! With an exceptionally light number of. patients at only 39 in all, it was a quiet Christmas at the Prince Rupert General Hospital. The trays were served with seasonal decorations and the staff were solicltlous in their efforts to ensure that the day was as pleasant as possible for those whose lot It was to be confined to the institution during the festive season. The Stork was among those who took the day off and delivered no bundles of Joy on this occasion. Tall Ones Are Told at Gyro The Prince Rupert Gyro Club had its usual informal between Christmas and New. Year luncheon yesterday when story-telling by members was the order of proceedings. There was a falf attendance of members with Dr. John Gibson, president, in the chair. Guests were R. S. Greig, John Bulger sr. and Tommy Fraser. Next club event will be a New Year's Eve dance next Monday night. NEURALGIA Driving You Mad ? Ot quick, positive relief from tlie pitilcM rai.i of Neuralgia, lake Templeton. T-R-C'a Specially compounded to caae dull aches and Miarp, siauums r""" ii. f. ...,1 iv thousands for Neur- afgU, Sciatica and Lumbago, for Klieu-matic. Arthritic or Neur.tic I'alrt and Silliness. new ytAR GRMIHGS! idtimt ttuuert Dallp Oclus Thursday, December 27, 1945 THIS AND THAT ?1 ADMISSION V fe-J ' .13 J&$ AO l'K Crtttyf M-ttilit 4 (tutu ' ' "Get them out of here before they ruin our business!" OLD HOTEL IS TO BE PULLED DOWN OTTAWA P The old Hotel Vancouver, which has been used as a military barracks and headquarters of Pacific Command, is being turned back by the military authorities to the Canadian Pacific Railway and will be pulled down In the spring. Temperature Maximum 45 Minimum 31' ' FUNERAL NOTICE Funeral services for the lata; Jack Garland will be held at the Grenvllle Court Chapel at 2 p.rri;, Saturday, December 29. Interr ment will follow In Fairvlew Cemetery- (299) HIM I miMlil i I BUM Dancing . . . AT THE RECREATION DANCE HALL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 8 P.M. TO : , MIDNIGHT. RECREATION HALL FRED ERNEWEIN, Manager Phone 846 OF MISCELLANEOUS LADIES WEAR ... at the . . . STONE BUILDING (Next to W. F. Stone's) Exceptional Values ' in all kinds of Women's and Girls' CLOTHING A VISIT WILL WELL REPAY YOU! NEW Westinghouse Sun Lamp Completely self-contained, 275-watt RS Sun Lamp. Fits 1 ordinary screw socket In your home ... no special fixture or auxiliary equipment required. Four minutes exposure equals 12 minutes July sunshine. Price $'-2.00 AT YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS PARKIN RUPERT RADIO ELECTRIC CO. & ELECTRIC CO. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE