NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIIj .COLOMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Local Tides he Siettt TAXI taxi Friday. December 28. 1945 537 High 9:07 18.2 feet 21:51 15.7 feet DAY and NIGHT SERVICE Low 2:21 8.9 leet Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port Bill and Ken Nesbitt 15:45 8.0 feet VOL. XXXIV. No. 297. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS rv . 1 our uzaths On Streets Tragedy Stalke Traffic in Southern City over the Christmas Holidays VANCOUVER Two persons fOHl illJUi'va ouoiatuvu ill Hal" 1C acLiuctiwo 111 vaiicuuvvr w nr the citv's total t.rfllfV Lieut. Commander H. N. Moore. ached to the British Admiralty 1. nnJ If-IIIasI Kir n t Kitsilano district on Boxing .... Iirllllnm Moil SI to IT. ir.o .. .OJ no uiaikiu ftiwi iaimi lu iu- urn to the scene of an accident A..nnnn(lin fir I t Vt IfAnKn's . - U Robert Ross. GO, was killed ,vhen witnesses said he walked ilu iuv oiuc ui a baAi 111 uic Mr Florence .Grover was kll-1 Percy R. Abney, '17-year-old n: uiLiii iiiiiatiiMa ci.yc iiuui 111- juries sustained last Saturday Willi! Air- n UJ u v w- w.r u o ctfoot Mr rm Inn nnv in worK. ine driver 01 me uuck is not located so far. . j RESTORING JAVA ORDER More Active Measures Being Tlanned by Allied Commander BATAVIA, Java Q The Allied wpWWtffci; Jn iNeUieflands East incurs, ucuienam-ucnerai Sir Philip Chrlstlson, says he plans more active measures to restore order In Java. General Chrlstlson has called on the Indonesian Nationalist leaders to place under his command whatever units of the Indonesia peace preservation corps he might need to assist British troops In suppressing disorders. Meantime, large-scale fighting has broken out anew in the Javanese summer capital of Bandoeng. RAILWAYS li i hp iiirii .HAVt KUirl OTTAWA (P -Canada's railway lines arc getting ready for a year-end rush. The greater-than-normal strain Is being Imposed by the arrival In New York tomorrow of the liner Queen Elizabeth and the docking In Halifax Saturday of the liner Duchess of Bedford. Some 12,000 men are aboard the Queen Elizabeth and 2,000 aboard the Duchess of Bedford. Thirteen snecial trains will be sent to New York- to handle the return Ing Canadian service personnel docking there. RED NEWSPAPER TELLS MARSHALL CHUNGKING r'--The Communist New China Daily News urged General Marshall, United States envoy to China, to set a time limit on disarmament of Japanese troops in China and on the withdrawal of .the United States forces. The newspaper said that any American help to Chungking-military, political, financial or technicalbefore the coalition government was establshed would aggravate the "current civil war." The statement or the newspaper, which has been speaking authoritatively for the Communist side, has aggravated efforts to settle China's troubled affairs PEMBROKE DROWNING PEMBROKE Pour - brothers were drowned In the river here today when an automobile went through the ire. The brothers were the Downejs of Sheenlmro. i. a. pmic Agreement Is Reached At Moscow Conference B& JtPEE PARLEY HAS COf$$ DED WITH HOPE OF M', jOR SETTLEMENT MOSCOW (CP) The Big Three foreign ministers' conference in Moscow ended early today. The final session of the meeting lasted more than twelve hours- Following the meeting, the United State secretary of state, James Byrnes, issued a statement declaring the meeting had been very constructive. He IN HOSPITAL I w - ' -M , i OLOF HANSON, doing well after emergency Christmas Eve appendectomy. Death For 'Pied Piper7 Of Manila JapanescJ2oUabpratar Sentenced to Death by People's Court in Philippines MANILA The .people's court In Manila has sentenced i Philippines collaborator to death. He is Clark (Castlllo, charged with being the "Pled Piper" who led almost 1,000 Filipinos to mass execution by the Japanese. The decision of the court In this matter sets an important precedent. It means that membership In the Japanese-backed Makapill Army constitutes treason. Last March, Castillo, on the pretence that ine Japanese were according safe conduct, cajoled the population of the village of Lumband to congregate. The Japanese then killed all of the residents of the village except those who were members of the ! Makapill organization. Value of French Franc Is Reduced PARIS ff' In the effort to help restore France's world trade, the value of the French franc has' been reduced from 50 to 125 on the United States dollar and from 200 to 500 on the pound sterling. POPE DELIVERS YULE MESSAGE VATICAN CITY "CP Pope Pius XII in a world broadcast, reply Ing to the cardinals'. Christmas greeting, said mat nis appoinv nient of 32 cardinals was Intend ed in Dart as "a sign of the unl versality of the church." The Pope" said that the hatred and devastation or tne war wouiq long remain impressed dn the world. He called attention to the many nationalities of the appointees, and said that the church has always radiated a unifying force to torn, shattered humanity and has rebuffed every attempt to dismember it or make it a slave of any bne people. Weather Forecast Prince Rupert Cloudy with rain. Strong south to southeast winds Increasing to gale force during the afternoon and evening and decreasing to strong after midnight. j(.ald the three ministers had reached what he called an "atomic agreement" but he gave no details. He said the agreement would be outlined in a com muniquc to be Issued in Moscow Friday moraine. Mr. Byrnes said there is great hope for the settlement of ether problems among the Big Three in the same friendly spirit as ex isted during the Just completed conference in the Russian capi tal. A four-power .control commls sion for Japan was approved by the conference, It is reported.! Great Biitain, the United States Russia and France will' have equal authority and there will be veto rights. TORONTO STORE KEEPER SLAIN TORONTO (P - Police have begun one of the greatest manhunts in the history of .the Toronto area in an effort to track down a four-man gang which last night shot a Norh Toronto merchant to death. The merchant. Myer Tobias, was shot and killed when he apparently tried to resist the men when they tried to hold him up. Police are offering a reward of $500 for the capture-c-f thermc-nv-Further rewards may be offered by the Toronto Jewish community. Fatal Fire At I errace Provincial police headquarters here were advised today that Sapper Ottrt 1). Kcinpcl of the Ifoyal Canadian Engineers was burned to death last night when an Army hut which he was occupying was destroyed by fire. The victim had recently returned to Canada after serving overseas. His mother is in Vancouver. Koyal Canadian Engineers and provincial police offices here had only meagre particulars of the tragedy up to this afternoon. They were advised lhat an inquest was to be held at Terrace tomorrow. GALE WARNING ALONG COAST Gale warnings were carried along the north coast this morning as winds expected to reach velocities of upwards of 40 miles an hour were forecast Li for this afternoon and evening. The high winds were forecast to come on the heels of temperatures which moderated suddenly over the Christ-, mas holidays clearing city streets of the Ice coating which forced several cars off the road-on Christmas Eve, but caused no serious damage cither to mctoris' s or prdrtrJan1. Temperatures In the city yesterday ranged from a maximum c .' 45 to a minimum ot 31. Forecast for today -Is clcuriy with rain with strong south to southeast winds Increasing to gales during the afternoon and evenlna. and decreasing slightly after midnight. Break and Entry Brings 30 Cents . ; Thieves who gained entry iuta the office of Kelly Douglas Co: by smarting a window. ?nt loot totalling only 30 cents from the stamp box In the office safe, according to a police report of the only major crime over the Christmas holidays. The smashed window was discovered at 4 a.m. yesterday by Constables M. L. McLeod and T. Brue making their routine in spection. A later inspection of the office revealed that the prowler had pried open two qrawers ol tne sate, me ouiei doors of which had been left unlocked, and had taken the 30 cents from the stamp box. Activity at police headquarters was quieter than It had been for many Christmases, and police reported no a r r e s t s for drunkenness: although several persons were taken into "temporary custody while under the influence of liquor. MARSHAL TITO IS RECOGNIZED LONDON tt' Great Britain and the United States have formally recognized the new republican government of Marshal Tito In Yugoslavia under which King Peter, now in exile in Britain, is eliminated. However, dls-satistaction Is expressed with the manner In which the recent Yugoslav elections were conducted. Transatlantic Air Rate Cut OTTAWA The transAllantlc one-way single rare will be $375, It was agreed at tlie coherence held last week in Bermuda. Tills Ls a cut or $200 from the present rate. A CANUCK IN A FRENCH EMBRACE- At a ceremony at Bad Oeynhauscn, The Netherlands, which had been postponed since last June, Major-General Verncjoul, or France, decorated Allied generals with one or the highest honors that France can bestow. They were given the Grand Cordon and named commanders or the Legion of Honor. Lleut.-Gen. J. C. Simons, wearing beret, commander of the Canadian forces in The Netherlands, is shown receiving the accolade after General Vernejoul had hung the cross and collar around his neck. 'AN INTERESTING TABLEAU IN PRISONERS-DOCK AT NUREMBERG An Interesting little tableau In the prisoners' dock of the Palace of Justice at Nuremberg, Germany, where top-ranking Nazis are on trial for war crimes. Hermann Goering, left, who succeeded Rudolf Hess as Nazi No. 2 when the latter flew to Scotland HUGE PULP MILL PLANT OTTAV) ij,uUO,000 pulp and paper plant is to be built 130 miles east of Port Arthur. Ihere will be a community of 5,000 people. Wisconsin pulp and paper Interests are building it. France Approves Also U. S. Loan PARIS The French Constitu ent; Assembly yesterday adopted the French-American economic agreement providing for a loan el $540!000.000. The Bretton 1 Woods monetary agreement was also approved. Early Peace in China Is Likely CHUNGKING Hopes or an early truce In the Chinese civil war received a Hlip today when It was announced that talks between nationalist and communist leaders had resulted In a de finite proposal for peace in writ Ing by the communists. OPERATION ON OLOF HANSON Word was received at the nfflce cf Olof Hanson here today that the former Member of Parliament had been taken to hospital in Vancouver on Christmas Eve for an operation for appendicitis. A telegram which arrived this morning described his condition as good. DEPORTING JAPANESE VANCOUVER 0 Minister of Labor Humphrey Mitchell arriv cd In Vancouver over the holl day to make final arrangements for the deportation to Japan of ' several thousand Japanese from Canada. He declined to give an Interview or make a statement, American Soldiers Are Burned to Death TOKYO P Twelve American soldiers were killed and 22 In Jured when a barracks on Shl- koku Island was destroyed by fire. New Hotel for , Port Alberni VICTORIA The week's incorporations include a $100,000 hotel for Port Alberni. BIG VICTORIA GALE VICTORIA A Boxing Day gale here reached 50-miles-an-hour proportions. Trees were blown down but services were maintained. Jn 1941. chats with the cadaverous Hess, who has Just, remembered that he didn't forget after all. At right, Joachim Von Rlbbentrop, the champagne salesman who became a (would-be empire builder, fingers nervously at his throat. Could be that his thoughts are on rope and the sinister use to which it is sometimes put. Suite tin J SANTA mi:i5AUA BLAST SANTA BARBARA Five persons were killed and five others injured yesterday in an explosion at Santa Barbara, California. The explosion tore. house and'a'partlneiit building. Cause of the explosion has not yet been determined. AIR FORCES MERGED TOKYO General MacArthur has announced the consolidation of five Pacific air forces under one new command. Thi"? new group will supply the1 air control for enforcement of the Japanese surrender as well as maintaining the far-Hung American defence line. General George Kenney will command the new organization. ON TRIAL FOR LIFE MANILA A Japanese Unit. Col., Seiclii Ohta, has been placed on trial for his life. Ohta is charged with bringing Japanese torture methods to .the Philippines and with al lowing his troops to commit atrocities after the fall of .Manila. ' j TIRE RATIONING ENDS Tire rationing will end in Canada January 1. Generally, tire supplies in Canada are short and Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of construction, urges that motorist take it easy in buying, purchasing only what they actually need. CANADIANS HONORED O n e thousand Canadians, arc included in the King's New Year Donor List which will be published next Monday. RELATIONS WITH SPAIN The United States government announces it is ready to discuss willi France the matter of relations with Spain. CONFERENCE ENDS The Big Three conference at Moscow ended last night and a. communique was issued announcing agreement on many important questions. Secretary of State Byrnes invited the next conference to Washington about March 15. The conference agreed to hold a peace conference for 21 nations in May when treaties affecting war settlements will be brought up. LORD KEYES DEAD Admiral of the Fleet Lord Keyes, 71, died of cardiac asthma at his home in Buckingham, England, yesterday. CHRISTMAS FATALITIES There were 21 Christmas fatalities In Canada, including four traffic deaths in ! KING'S CHRISTMAS TALK In a Christmas Day broadcast to the Empire, the King spoke of the grim, days of war which. had passed. There had been much destruction but "rtltssililrigitad l?een.sav. cd with the defeat of the enemy. He urged young people' to maintain high faith in the future and goodness of life. CHRISTMAS TRAGEDIES Christmas Eve brought two tenible fire tragedies to the New England state of Connecticut. I ip the city of Hartford a hospital was destroyed when defective Christmas tree light took fire and 15 patients were burned to death. At Mcr-iden six members of 'a family lost their lives when an oil heater exploded in a home. BOMB RED HEADQUARTERS Headquarters of the Communist party in Rome were bombed in Christmas Eve i demonstrations. PREMIER WITH TROOPS Prime Minister R. V, Shipley of .Australia visited troops of his Dominion In New Guinea Christmas Day and had dinner sitting between two privates. AMERICANS MURDERED Two American soldiers were shot dead in Berlin Christmas Eve. The murderers have not been apprehended. HOSPITAL ATTACKED BATAVIA Dutch sources have announced that Indonesians have killed three per sons in an attack upon a Red Cross emergency hospital in the Kramat district of Java. One cf the persons killrd was a patient in the hospital. The other two were hospital workers. Six other hospital workers were wounded in the attack. RANGERS BODY FOUND IIUNTSVILLE, Ont The body of cue rf the best known rangers in Algonquin Park has been recovered from the ice-covered waters of Pilon Lake. Claude McFarland was reported missing three days ilgo on an inspection trip. Fellow rangers traced his footsteps lu the edge of the lake and reported that McFarland had apparently fallen through the ice. IS R. A. F. ADVISER OTTAWA A British airman well known to Canadians, Air Vice-Marshal David Vaughan Carnegie, has been appointed R.A.F. adviser to the British high commissioner to Canada. He has been head of the British air mission fo Canada since, last March. MEYER FREED ON TWO CHARGES.. AURICH, Germany, Major. General Kurt Meyer was acquitted today on two 'ol five war crimes charges, but apparently. was convicted on tne.. outer three. The Canadian military court trying the former German regimental commander an , nounced that its findings', and the sentences on tne otner tnree charges will be promulgated later, the normal method for court martial decisions In which the defendant is fouhd guilty. ' Meyer was acquitted on charges that he was responsible- " . 1 V, 1.IMI 1... T.l i U ,F- ' iur uie Killing uy m? wuupa w, 23 Canadian prisoners' rt)f wat ' 1 near Buron and Authle in i France In June. 1944 during the ' early etages of the invasion' "Ol Normandy, and that he brdered his troops to kill seven other prisoners of war at his head-, I quarters. . I The charges on ' which . the findings are to be p'rpmulgated were that he Incited his 'troops to deny quarter to Allied troops; "that he was responsible, for his troops killing seven Canadian prisoners of war at his headquarters and that he wais- res--ponslble when his troopi killed U other prisoners of war atihls, headquarters. Further charges against Meyer.1 will begin Friday. Vancouver " . : 1 1 :'. Death Fire Man Burned to Death and j(m Mneieen Ullicrs injured in . Apartment Uuiiding Blaze VANCOUVER (CP) Archibald MitehelJLj'eSivas htcnec) to death:! severely injured when fire ot and eight other persons were undetermined origin gutted a wooden apartment-type Ing In the east end ol Vancouver early today. Eleven other persons were injured as a score were trapped in the ? glazing g Dunamg. The apartment was operated t by a Mrs. Hall. Father, mother " and child of a family .called Christiansen were hospitalized. The building was also occu pied by a cafe, barber shop and doctors office. SIX LOCAL MEN; ON ELIZABETH ""r ""j f Six well known Prince Rupert men are aboard the giant liner Queen Elizabeth which ls dock- ' Ing at New York tomorrow carrying Canadian servlcepieii fcack to Canada. The servl$rnen and their ncxt-oi-kin are: Capt. A. J. Thompson Mr, J. H. Thompson, 1809 Graham Ave. ': Cfn. T. W. Graham Mrs. Rose Graham, 728 Fifth Ave. W. . Bdr. D. E. Clark Mrs; L. Clark,, ' ,301 Ninth Ave. W. ".. 5.V Sgmn, O. R. Marchildon Mrs. -H. M. Marchildon, 1144 Ninth Ave. E. -'.t. Lieut. F. J. Hicks-Mrs. F. J. Hicks, Besner Apartments.. Cnl. O. R. Lelahton-Mrsi.U, Leighton, York Hotel. BIG STRIKE LOOMS, 4' NEW YORK A strike of-Z00,00fl electrical workers In the United States is looming. General (Electric, General .Motors and Westinghouse arc involved. FORD WORKERS BACK WINDSOR Ford Motor C. office workers are all back at work following the strike and the others arc being taken back progressively. BRIDES COMIN GSOON, OTTAWA The liner Seylhia will bring the first shipload of 500 war brides to Canada' near the end of January. The Lady Nelson, Letltia and Lady Rodney are also to carry brides. ANNOUNCING LIQUOR . . t RATION v. VANCOUVER The Biltlsh Columbia liquor ration for ' January will be anounced Friday or Saturday.