t Dally Edition THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert Friday, March 16, 1945 Published every afternoon except Sun day. by Prince Rupert Duy News www, i nira ATenue, wince Rupert, XSTA. HTJNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week Per Month Pr Year By Will, per month Per Year MEMBER ABC. 17.00 JyF1 I .40 I 14 00 I German Peace Offers . . . We appear to he making headway asfar as Adolf Hitler is concerned. ,A"jS5ordni to a Stockholm dispatch he is' ready to "surrender unconditionally?' hut, to save Germany from chaos, lughplds out that he and Heinrich Him-n5lCi should maintain power in fier- Of course, complete overthrow anl elemination of Hitler, his cohorts and all his evil works are an essential part qf any armistice. To entertain anything else is stupid even to think about. ; Hitler goes so far as to admit it is time for unconditional surrender for Germany but, doomed man that he is, lie is not ready to go through with the act as far as he is personally concerned. l'f Hitler's desire to remain in power is the last obstacle to Germany's unconditional surrender, it should not take long to remove it. Not Just Political Talk . . . ; Mr. Churchill, whose war leadership h,as been so often endorsed in overwhelming measure whenever he chose not to ask for, but demand, a vote of confidence, has now, in his usual blunt and forthright manner, informed the British people that he also intends to guide his people through the trials of jieace. ; Of course, nobody ever even thinks of a change in the chieftainship of the British state as long as Mr. Churchill lives in health and competence. When the tense days of war are over, how-qver, Mr. Churchill, for all his dogged determination, may meet stronger challenges than are within the range Of any probability during the war. Such is the character, leadership and force-fulness of the man, of course, that he maa never be overthrown even in a jjeytfetirne general election. Certainly none can rise to say of Mr. Churchill that he is possessed of rfny other motive than the conviction that his is the right way for his country and that he himself is best able to see by his own personal direction tliat his way is carried out. With some til is might be regarded as egotism. With Mr. Churchill we will have to admit it is sincere conviction. '. There is nothing equivocal about Mr. Churchill's feelings towards the Socialistsiuid it migTit be remembered that in his war cabinet he has some Socialists. Mr. Churchill is all out for free enterprise after the war and he does not mince his words when he says "their (Our Socialist friends') program . . . implies not only destruction of life of the whole of the existing system and society and life and labor but the creation and enforcement of another system or systems borrowed from foreign, lands and alien mincls." In YOUR Red Cross Needs YOUR Dollars for relief of suffering NOW! Suffering mounts as the war progresses and victory nears. The merciful ministrations of your Red Cross are needed more than ever for prisoners of war, wounded and sick, victims of Nazi This space contributed by Canada those words coming from Liberals or Conservatives might be called insincere political talk designed as propaganda to bolster up the capitalistic system. Mr. Churchill warns against "hum- bug and blandishment" and caution his own party against bidding for votes and party popularity by promising what cannot be performed. Mr. Churchill's warnings are as applicable to the body politic in Canada as they are to that of Britain. Canada will soon be in an election campaign where there will be "humbug," "blandishments" and "promises which cannot be performed" and the words of the British Prime Minister are therefore eoincidentally timely. St. Patriclt's Day . . . Canadians of Irish descent along with Irishmen all over the world tomorrow celebrate the feast day of Erin's natron saint. St. Patrick, but ap propriately enough the very day of the Holiday was decided alter a lengthy Irish argument which according to legend ended in a truly Irish com-' promise. With their traditional propensity for disagreement on any and all subjects, one faction in Ireland claimed the Saint's birthday fell on March 8, while an opposing party claimed the birthday was really March 9. A Solo-' mon-like Irish priest, Father Mtilcahey, is said to have settled the argument by adding the eighth to the ninth to total! the seventeenth the date which was) set for the rest of the time. j St. Patrick's Day in Canada this! year will he celebrated quietly in the absence of so many young Irish Can-! adians fighting wi.th their fellow! countrymen overseas. But no Irishman I in whatever clime he may find him-! self on the day, will be able to pass it by without a "top of the morning" to j the shade of the good saint and his ! followers who have fanned out all over! the globe from the little island of their origin. ' In view of the saint's obscure' origin argument about the birthday ! of Patrick is a futile pastime typical1 of genial Hibernians who are notorious-, ly "agin" accepting anything without! a century oi so of thorough, discussion. His legendary birthplace ranged from Scotland to France. Historians, on the ! contraiy, say Patrick was born about j the year 389 in Wales and carried off at an earlyage by Irish pirates who: sold the young Christian into slavery as a swineherd in county Antrim. Patrick entered the priesthood after his escape to France several years later and returned to Ireland eventually as a missionary. After a remarkably successful career in converting the pagan Irish to Christian itv. Patrick died in 4G1 bequeathing to his converts j numerous legends which became more ! and more elaborate as the years passed. The shamrock. Ireland's trefoliate emblem, was chosen by Patrick in the course of his work to explain the dogma of the trinity to his listeners. Snakes and toads were banished from Erin by the saint, according to legend, and the fact remains that reptiles are unknown in Ireland although they are found in Scotland and England GIVE! your dollars generously in response to the 1945 Red Cross Appeal. CANADIAN -RED GROSS GORDON & ANDERSON THIS AND THAT i r - -y; EV I "Jack's got laryngitis" Canada's Front Line Generals A, B. MATTHEWS Maj.-Gen. A. B. Matthews, a peactime investment broker, served with such outstanding ability in the war that he was given command of an overseas division. Son of Hon Albert Matthews, lieutenant-governor of Ontario, he went from college to the Help the Crippled Children! Support the Vancouver East Lions Club Campaign In aid of Crippled Children of B.C. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 $11,500 in PRIZES WIN THIS $8,000 "OMR or like amount in Victory Bond.? additional prizes total value $3,500 , Subscriptions available at Grotto c:gar store, Prince Rupert, or direct from: Campaign Headquarters, VANCOUVER EAST LIONS CLUB, 118 Vancouver Blk., 736 Granville St., Vancouver, D.C See our stock of household furniture and novelties. . J. H. MAIR FURNITURE AND AUCTIONEER 632 Third Ave. Prince Rupert Blue 69 PRINCE GEORGE FESTIVAL OF DRAMA - MUSIC PRINCE GEORGE, March IB Fchools as far west as Hazelton are hoping to send children to the first annual Prince George District Drama-Music Festival here May 3 and 4. With between 300 and 400 public school children expected, the festival may well be the bigsest of Its kind ever held In Central jurusn JOiumDia. In the music section, comjetl-tion in chorm, vocal solo, and rhythm band classes Is limited to pupils cf grades 7 to 8. In the drama section children and adults will compete. Entry forms are required to be returned to the festival committee here by the end of March . All net proceeds frcm the fes-, Uval will be equitably distributed amons; the -hools taking part. LETTERBOX JAPANESE QUESTION Editor. Dally News: I was present at the Liberal convention the o.her day and ; heard the dhsu&slon on the Jap-; anese question which was given a prominence it did not deserve. The main resolution was based on ill-tempered revenge and the amendment was charged with a high-tailed disregard of realities. The fundamentals of the ques- financial field on the staff of Matthews and company tion were not at all in evidence In Toronto. But In the years be-1 1 1. The original Japs who came fore the war he maintained a j forward with the leading ln-ito D- c- d1d "ot as eml' keen Interest In the militia and ! fantry to select advanced po-' grants witn tne ldea of becoming he gained the rank of major in I sitions for medium and. field regl 1 JJB- ments of artillery under his com- orn in uuawa Aug. vz, iwj, mand. By this method. hH Matthews went to the Ulverslty citation said, h w.-w nhlP tn useiui citizens seening me welfare of their adopted land. They were delegates sent, paid and sustained by the Japanese gov of Geneva. Switzerland, after brlmr effective (funfirp tn r9r I ernme i. with the ulterior pur secondary education at Upper 1 0n enemy points, enabling the ! lse of laying the basis for the Canada College. Toronto. i infantry to advance with speed, conquest of the land by tne Japs On going into business he gave Gen. Matthews was a star 2. Their first loyalty has all his spare time to the army. He ' cricketer In his youth and plays along bscn to Jaipan. 'I hey have won his commission with the 3rd j a non-handicap round of golf. not 'encouraged naturalization Field Brigade. Royal Canadian jjn wife, Mrs. Victoria Thome I and even .their children arc reg-Artillery in 1928. i Matthews, lives In Toronto. ! istcred with the Japanese coun- He was mobilized with the rank of major at the outbreak of the I war and went overseas with the ! 1st Canadian Divisional Artillery. He became second In command of the 1st Medium Regiment, R.C.A., in August, 1940 and fol lowing this he commanded the. 7th Medium Battery until Sept,. 22, 1941, when he was promoted acting lieutenant -colonel Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS ell. They are unasslmlla-ble and do not intend to be Canadians. 3. They definitely undermine the economic life of the province for their standard of life Is far 1 What Is wrong with this below that of wnUe men semciiucf u. was nerve to asK it." 2. What Is the correct pronunciation or "different?" 3. Which ones of these, words and;is misspelled? Hippodrome, hll- ......... ... . n 4f. KtJ 4. In Canada they are a form of national exzema, repugnant and Irritating, pnly curable by the expluslon of the virus. II. HALLIWELL. appointed to command tne 5tn . '""cimn, LJLAC FROM PERSIA Meaium itegimei. lie neia tnis "'-uu" e wuru inter- common lilac is said t appointment until Sept. 4, 1942 m'nablf'' mfn? ihnve como from Persia In the when he received an appolnment 5- Wnat is a word beginning , 16th century to headquarters, 1st Canadian I Corps. His promotion to the rank of i brigadier dates from January i 15, 1943, when he became corn- witn cont mat means to go or i . act contrary to." V Answers 1. Say, "It was impudent to ask it." 2. Pronounce dif-er- mander of artillery of the 1st ent- three syllables, not dlf-rent Division. He held this annoint- 3- Hypodermic. 4. Endless, met in the Sicily and Italian Tne days and weeks of waltlnjr campaigns until March 14, 1943, seemed interminable." 5. Con-when he was appointed com- , travene. i mander of corps artillery. j MaJ-.Gen. Matthews was! AID FCR SIIIPWliECKEl) awarded the Distinguished Ser- j Small btiquets arc used to ab-vice Order for personally recon- I sorb the salt from Sira water and noitring ground for the attack j thus provide llft'jaat survivors on Agira in Sicily when he went with drinking water. IK I nm MAYBE IT'S YOUR KIDNEY Tike CM PILLSrihf N.mfxiion or luMirr bV kidncr remedy. (.IN 1'ILI.S help in foothf. end tone up four kiilnerft aidinji itieiH in ftmot. Mf impuritiet iiuting echet Aoi punt diMurbed red. Rtgvtor die, 40 Pilli large tin, 10 Mlt In U.t. ler Glue P ) J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C, UA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 040! Commercial Jeinitors' Supplies Floor Soaps -- Wax Sweeping Compound Brooms Brushes Paper Towel.? Cups Hotel and Restaurant Supplies IMMEDIATR DELIVERY Prince Rupert Supply House 330 2nd Ave. Phone C32 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S r!Si tea? ! FINEST SALMON 2P GIVE! your dollars generously in response to the 1945 Red Cross Appeal. JONES FAMILY MARKET Dibb Printing Co mpa OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY II I It T II II A Y A N D H V E It V I) A Y (jl W ATE IC Al A N S F () I! N TAIN Besner Block, Orel Street CENTRAL i imr i IVJ n I C L ROC HOME COOKED MEALS Open 7 a.m. 8 p.m. ALL WHITE HELP Genuine Ford Pari. I Firealone and Gutta PercriiTwl ' Imperial Oil Producti , Wrecking Service i S.E.PARKER ! ' FORI) DEALERS IMinMR JW MOTT ELECTRIC LP Electrical Contractor! COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL A ELECTRICIANS Electrical' Supplies Home Wirinsr an M Offices In Vancouver and New Wfstniiwa I'linne lllark 3C7 INDUSTRIAL & MARINE $ WE REPAIR ANYTHINO General Repairs to all Automotive audi ' Equipment Body Work and lM Agents for Purest Kins r i ri-.i nnvhostns rr wwarn uaiicnes Home Oil Products ACETYLENE AND ARC WFXDINO Phone 459 nox 1398 994 M Firs" I imMnnin u'OOKERS ; PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING and Sheetmetal WorW Air Sheetmetal work of all kinds httfA . . ......frftllffh ' ll Tants sinr.s Prompt attention to outside ord' FREE ESTIMATES WORK Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Cox 725 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C37 0I HYDETR Dry &A