rvJ 1 -4 m J -J HON WEEK AT ANNETTE'S I L ii , For the . . . harming Woman LARGE STOCK OF: lican Prints American Broadcloths ' House Coats Girls' Dresses Waists GIVE ! your dollars generously in response to the 1945 Red Cross Appeal OYSTER BAR Turkish Towels ette's Ladies7 Wear MacKenzie Furniture Icing . . . Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" oys' Wagons i from Eastern hardwood; steel wheels, rubber tires, the thing for a boy. Priced .50.83 MPLETE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ON HAND We appreciate, your Mall Orders. 65 327 3rd Avenue West MRE CAFE lormerly L. D.) lely Renovated and fcedecorated IEALS, LUNCHES MEIN, CHOP SUEY aan. to 1 ajn. fty, furacy, wndability are our watchword in Prescriptions! And while prescription Isn't a matter r death, we fill It as . 1L H'fl.n TTT 1 Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) pest and finest quality drugs and compound with r" "tturacy. our reputation nas Deen uu"" v" Of eXDPrt rolloKIa .,,,ii lcs lid. fus JHonecr Druqgiats l Open Dally from 9 a.m till 9 p.m. Fays and Holidays irom 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. HTORE PHONES 01 ana o Local News Items... PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Miss Ruby Anderson left lastl J. B. Boddle left last night night on a trip to Vancouver. Miss Marie Amadlo was among those -who left last night on a trip to Vancouver. C-W.L. Tea and Sale of Home Cooking, 3 to 6. Card Party, 8 p.m., March 17. Sam Currie is leaving oil Saturday's train fo rSmithers where he will take a nositlon with the hardware deDartment of the Watts St Nickerson store. J. E. McCormack. federal Liberal nartv oreanlzer for British Columbia, left last nleht to return to Vancouver after at tending the Liberal nominating convention earlier this week. Here's Welcome Relief From ACUTE CATARRH Tiif a taw A rnrw nf Vo.t rrt-.nr1 lin Aarll wncrc caiarrn misery u , . . cnngms quiCK. soouung renei irom miseries. VATRO-NOL Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Coulter ol , Premier were In the city Tuesday aboard the Caitala going through on a holiday trip. Mrs. Coulter was the former Miss Margaret McCaffery of this city. Don Forward, area secretary of YMCA war services, returned to the city on Wednesday from a trip through the Interior to Vancouver and thence back here via the Queen Charlotte Islands. Malor Freeman Bishop, United States Army public relations officer with headquarters In Ed monton, leaves by this evenings train on his return to the Al berta capital after a visit here on official business. Leo Connor, railway mall clerk on the Prince Rupert - Prince George run for several years, left last night for Van couver where he has been transferred. He will do similar work out of Vancouver. Staff Sergeant and Mrs. Stan- lev Malanoskl left Thursday night enroute to Louisiana where Sargeant Malanoskl has been transferred. Mrs. Malanoskl was the the former former Cec Ceclle e Smith, , TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE One cabinet and one mantel radio, both elec tric; babys steel crib, complete. Can be seen after 5 p.m. 1133 7th Ave. East. (66) FOR SALE 1934 Dodge sedan, 1945 license, serial.No. swuw, new paint Job, spare 'tire. What offers? Apply 851 9th West, evenings. (65) Announcement C.WJi. St. Patrick's Tea and ooi rf itnmp rinoklne and Ad- rons. 3:00-6:00. Card Party 8:00 pjn. 20. Dance', Oddfellows' Hall, March Orange Ladies' Sale. March 28 Basket social, aid of Norway, March 29, Oddieiiows' nan. onppn Marv Daffodil Tea Easter Monday. Anglican Easter sale, April 5 C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Sat urday. W.O.T.M. Sale and Tea In Odd fellows' Hall, Thursday April 13:00 to 5:30 p.m. vai- nanre. Friday. Anrll 6 w . 1st. Bn. Prince Rupert Reet. (MG). Presbyterian Spring Sale April 12. St. Peter's Sale, April 2Q. nanre pvprv Baturdav night Oddfellows Hall, 9 to 12. Swing Quintette Orchestra. United Spring Sale, May 3. on a trip to Vancouver. St. Patrick's Dance. Eaclcs Hall (I.OD.E.), Saturday March 17. Auspices LPP. imi Mrs. O. P. Tinker left last night on a trip to Vancouver and the Okanagan. Col. E. J. Ryan left' last night on his return to Vancouver after a brief business visit to the city. BIG NIGHT SEAL COVE Red Cross Benefits to Tune of $1500 from Air Force Carnival The trail for all Prince Rupert pleasure and fun seekers led eastward last night to the Seal Cove air base where the Royal Canadian Air Force staged a great carnival and dance which netted well In excess of $1500 for the current Red Cross campaign. Featuring jitney dance, queen crowning and grand drawing, the event kept a huge crowd milling about from one carnival attraction to another in the big mess hall from early evening until . well alter mid night. It was a wonderful time for everyone and there was the dual satisfaction In knowing that It was all in the Interests of a fine cause. There had been 2500 tickets offered to the public in connec tlon with the carnival queen contest and Interest was focus- sed on the crowning of the winner, Miss Grace Thompson, which was carried out just be fore midnight toy Squadron Leader Arnold, the new commanding officer of the station. Tins was followed by the draw- ins bv Mayor II. M. Daggett of the lucky tickets in the grand raffle, the results being as lol lows: Merchandise. Cut Rate Shoe Store. Clarence Dixon. No. 2255. Permanent Wave. Modern Beauty Parlor, Leading Aire raftsman C. J. Flash, No. 553. Merchandise, Orme's Drug Store. Com. G. W. Hoy, No. 86 Hamper of Groceries, Keiiy- Douelas. Wilfrid McLean, No. 14 Cleaning or Laundry, Pioneer UadllS Aircraftsman daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. : ... J. P. Yelle. No. 541. Smith of this city. Side of Bacon, Burns & Co., D Sherman. No. 664 Capitol Theatre tickets, Pri vate M. Perlmuttar, No. 1764. Coca Cola, North Star Bottling Works, Mrs. G. D. Bryant, No, 125. Case of Atmles. S. C. Thomson & Son. T. Lunn. No. 796. Hamper of Groceries, MalKin s . Maundrell. No. 1902 Cleaning and Laundry, Ideal Cleaners, FL R. W. Leel, No. 2374. Grapefruit Juice, Boston Cafe. Mrs. C. E. Elmer, No. 1142. Coffe Table, Bulger's, FSgt. Law, No. 2126. Merchandise, Maccy's, FL C. L. Botham, No. 2472. Box of Alaska Cod, Canadian Fish Si Cold Storage Co., L. T. Brlstow. Other urize winners were Hugh McDonald, No. 703, J. E. Unwln, No. 2274, and S .Gorman, No. 519. Music lor the dancing was provided by a snappy specially augmented orchestra consisting of Ancclo Russo. violin, Bob Flemlnc. nlano. Paul Kelodc SDanlsh guitar. Cyril Matte, Hawaiian guitar, Fred Murpny, drums. Chairman of the carnival com mittee was Flight Lieutenant L. Court, others taking a leading part in staging of the big event belmr FL Art Newman, chair man of Red Cross committee FL Wilfrid Balmcr, refresh mcnts; FL C. L. Botham and FL S. Solomon, raffles; Flying Officer A. Hill, accounts; Peter Collins, advertising. LEGION WOMEN'S ANNUAL BANQUET Enjoyable Alfair Held Last Evening-Last evening some forty members of the Women's Auxiliary Canadian Legion gathered for their twelfth annual banquet. Mrs, O, V. Hanley, president, was .in charcc and cave a short ' Your Help is Urgently Needed! Never was there as great need lot the aid and comfort brought by YOUR Red Cross to prisoners of war, wounded, and civilian victims of war. The need mounts as victory nears. CANADIAN bRED CROSS This space conirlbufed by address of welcome, after which Mrs. Charles Barker said grace. . The toast to the King was proposed by the president and was followed bv a short and well- timed address bv the Dresident. thanking the members for their CANADIAN By MARGARET WOODWARD Once again we bid goodbye to one of the Aroa stair. This time it Is our very good friend Pat Trant who is travelling south. Pat was at one time In charge of the cafeteria and has been the "Y" man for the forts in the district. Pat will cer tainly be missed around here and we of the "Y" arc very sorry to see him go. Bingo again tonight in Upstairs Writing Room. Uic In the "Y" Gymnasium There will be floor hockey tonight in the "Y" Gym. In the first game Fortress will meet the 29th Regiment In a four- point game counting the extra two points for a postponed game earlier in the league. If the 29th Regiment should win this came It will nut them second In the league standing -ahead of Navy with eight points. If Fortress should win it will put them In a tie for second place with Navy with five points. Friday night a sing-song will be held In the Common Lounge Wp shall have as our guests the Order of Jobs Daughters, Masonic men. . order for young wo- The Wives' Club held a social evening Thursday in the Ladies' Lounge with a good turnout of members. Whist and small games were nlaved with refreshments served at the close of the pro gram. Orchids to the Air Force at Seal Cove and special bouquets to all those whose efforts made the Carnival last night such a tremendous success. There will be a meeting to night of the newly - formed Khaki Footllght Club. V n lt-sTsmTsTsTsTsTsTsTsT-sT-sU IN THE BUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN ZOO AS. DECEASED INTESTATE TilP Mnn t'tr t , t h, nrHpr nf Ills Honor. W. E. Fisher made on the Z6tn day or February, a.u. iia. i was appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Zogas. deceased, and all nartlps havlne claims aealnst the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the lOtn day or April. A D. 1945. and all parties in quired to pay the amount of their HiaeDiraness to me loriawivu. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 10th day of March. AD. 1845. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. SUNRISE CO. LID. CIVE! your dollars generously in response to the 1945 Red Cross Appeal. assistance in the Auxiliary's various undertakings and asking further support for the future, also stressing the need of sewing help. Following this the president, with a few words of appreci ation, presented the past President, Mrs. A. J. Croxford, with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and the past presidents gold badge. Mrs. Croxford expressed her pleasure and thanks for the gifts. A short program followed. Mrs. D. Morrow gave a reading. Mrs. Annie Taylor, the Auxiliary's oldest member, some 82 years, sang "The Wishing Cap" with last verse composed by herself. Mrs. Murdoch rendered two songs, "Irish Lullaby" and "Swinging On a Star. Mrs. W. Brass gave a reading. Mrs. R. Murray sang Scotch songs. There was also community singing. Accompanist for all numbers was Mrs. G. V. Hanley. Binco and bridge finished the evening much enjoyed by all. Prize winners at bridge were Mrs. R. Murray, first and Mrs. Henry Smith, Jr., second. Bingo winners were Mesdames Mc-Greish, Wide, Killin, Shrubsall, Goodsell, Cox and Barber. C.N.R. Trains For the tait Dally except Sunday 8 p.m. I'roni the Last Dally except Monday .. 10:45 p.m. TIMBER SALE X6615 Scaled tenders will be received by the District Forester, Prince Rupert. D.C, not later than noon on the 4th day of April. 1945, for the purchase of Licence X6615 on Cost Island, Kltlmat. Ranee four Coast District, to cut I.3D0 MBM of Spruce, Cedar. Hemlock and Balsam sawlogs. Two 12) Tears will be allowed lor remnvnl rtf limber. Further particulars of the Chief vnrActar vwiria Bf! the District Forester', Prince Rupert. B.C.. Ranger J. Aiarun. rrince ivujjciv, d.w. m mm.. n II Carnation Milk is just good milk from fine herds con veniently evaporated to double-richness; with all the food value left - nothing but part of the natural water taken out For cream uses use Carnation undiluted, just as it pours from the can. For milk uses, add an equal quantity of water. Of course, Carnation has other advantages titrilized, so that it keeps indefinitely in the unopened can, homogenized for creamy smoothness, and enriched with "sunshine" vitamin D. Write for big, free Cook Book. Address: Carnation Co. Ltd, Vancouver, B.C GREEN SPOT TAXI 65 TAXI Delmore Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Raspberries, Strawberries, Sliced Peaches. Enterprise Fruit Co. PHONE 343 Large Stock of Mirrors from ipl.O" to o.uu 3 Gurney Kitchen Ranges all-enamel, for coal ana wood from $05.00 to $115.00 3-Piece Chesterfield Suites- all springs, in very fine tapestry. Special $100.00 12 Dressers with round mirrors. Price $515.00 4 Studio Couches with green chair to match, can be made In double-bed; storage for blankets. Priced from 100..00 to $113.00 B.C. FURNITURE Black 231 Prince Rupert. D.C. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE fruay March lo, ma Vf I SAW THOSE AOIIt ) M RUPERT BRAND :: SMOKED' :: BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage C'OMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Sift. You Can Depend On It When the'weather keeps you at home, you can phone us at 18 or 19. Your orders will thp samp, rarelul attention. Our FREE Delivery Service covers the entire city on Tuesdays, m Jn Wrt f rTA A. Tl TTI L Thursdays and Saturdays. iave yuui wu uvv on day before delivery. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 13 TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE NOW EFFECTIVE Stand: Next to Royal Lunch KWONQ SANG HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE G12 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pin. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 pan. to 2 am. PHONE RED 247 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR sales conducted to suit your convenience furniture and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Be Your Loveliest this Spring . . . One of our latest permaneiits or 'hair-dos will do it. Make an appointment now with PEGGY SAUNDERS (Annette Powell) Fourth Street (across from Post Office) Phone Dlue 917 Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. , We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked meat fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE 21 Comer 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phbne Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 THIRD AVE. W. Ml J 31 PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS 1 it ft! t; itiii ;.t