EDUP mm 1. vou aulcker havei f, double-edfl ' I he quoin, Lie. field- fa 3- iNDYMAN IK SERVICE ,. CURRY llOPRACTOR In Chiropractic! irve: -douoiy so ICKY'S It Delivery Transfer lOUR SERVICE Sxth Avenue East Ir,ne Black 371 RjEY SWEEPINd IllNERS CLEANED I) REPAmEIJ ulpment and help uju of a clean Job me Black 735 Lick Green 005 can say this in e words .... UY VAL PICTURE OF SOUTH SEAS "Rainbow Island," with Dorothy Lamour - Eddie Bracken, at Capitol Theatre A gay musical in technicolor 'Rainbow tslandi," is showing this week-end at the Capitol Theatre. Eddie Bracken, Doro-' thy Lamour and Oil Lamb are cq-starred with Barry Sullivan, Dancing girls and a fine set of I tunes are featured. Also Included in the cast are Ann Revere, For-est Orr, Marc Lawrence. Reed Iladley and Yvonne De Carlo. Eddie Bracken and Oil Lamb, as ship-wrecked merchant seamen in the South Pacific, ccme upon this island paradise with : another member of their tor pedoed ship, Barry Sullivan, Orders arp immediately given bv. the queen of the island, MJr- Lamour. for a native dance fete with plenty of food, music and gaiety as the proper background for beheading the three stranded Americans. Fighting mad, Bracken turns on his ugliest scowl and Is the Image of the native god, Momo, before whom , all fall to the ground in worship. From '.hat point on the charm and excitement of the island are i explored by Momo and his bodyguard with the help of the beautiful and sympathetic native girls. All goes well except that Bracken gets hungrier and hungrier, since native gods do not require food, and If he Is caught eating as an ordinary human, all three cf them will return to the chopping block. Including among other things one of the longest and funniest Jungle races ever fllmee. a rwlm- ming ballet of bride-to-be Lamour and her Jungle ladies-ln-waltlng. a boogie-woogie routine jwlth Oil Lamb and a chorus or ; sultry charmers. COLORING NECESSARY In winter, when cows eat dry frtd. butter may be almost white before color is added. lambridge Clothes FOR THE MAN WHO KNOWS! WAR'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR 3rd Ave-., next to Ormes TAKE A TIP the thrifty shoppers-and come to The Variety Store. tore is filled with everyday need? with gift sug- with sparkling new Spring items. And the prices Iii! your budget. Come In and browse around. THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars- NOW PHONES 110-117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Vnlrnn TO STAGE SHOW FOR RED CROSS ElfiSfc JB& .juJC mm mam m w mi mmm m "LIFEBUOY FOLLIES This group, which in the last three years have entertained almost half a million men and women in the armed services across Canada and Newfoundland, will appear here under the auspices of the Red Cross on April 22 all the proceeds going to the local branch of this patriotic society. Cast or the Follies from left to right: Front Row-Irene Hughes. Bonnie Lorene, Pat Rafferty, Helen Bruce and Daphne MacFarlane. Back Row Jimmy Devon, Jack Ayre and Norman Evans. FRANCOIS LAKE PIONEER DIES Jacob William Ilenkel First White Man to Winter at Oolsa Death came quietly In his sleep In the early hours of the morning to Jacob William Hen-kel of Francois Lake, aged 78 years. Until a few months ago he was in good health and cared for his beautiful garden hlmsell a well as cutting wood and doing other chores. In the fall his health began to fall and fori some weeks he had been a pa- i tient in Burns Lake Hospital. Jacob Ilenkel was born at Wad.worth, Illinois on June 21, 18W5. There he was educated. In March 1803 he went to Dawson City via Fort Wrangell and the Stiklhe River. Telegraph I Creek and Teslin Lake with sev-len men, 12 oxen and several tons oX provisions. It took two eventful years to reach Dawson by tills Inland route. A "pay claim was staked on Green Gulch. He left the Yukon in 1907 and, on his way down the coast, hear- mr of the lcrtlle and beautiful Francois Lake district, he stopped off at Bella Coola, bought a year's supply of provisions ana started out over the coast Range through the now-called Tweeds- mulr Park. Arriving at the north shore of Ootsa near the present settlement he built the first log cabin and was the first white mail to winter In the district. In 1905 he and George Culp cut out the trail from Cheslatta to Francois Lake where he preempted on the north shore of the lake. There he built a beau tiful home and farmed lor 40 years until his retirement a few years ago, when he and Mrs. Henkel moved to ineir nam nonrpr the lake shore. Mrs. Ilen kel has the diary which he kept ri.iHnw his two years in tne r .Tniv 2. 1917 he married Mrs. J. Colberg Chrlstensen at thp little church at trancois i .t. nnri hpr grandchildren af fcctlonately refer to Mr. Henkel as "Grandpa. .Tpnh Henkel was the only man to have taken a canoe from Francois Lake down tne btei-laco River, Fraser Lake and the Nechako River to Soda Creek Hospital south of Quesnel where he took an Injured man. uc wua the first Justice of the peace In the Francois Lake district, which posltlon,tic gave up in 1017. Ho RAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala. Friday 88 Cardena Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every ten days. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent " Third Ave. Phone 508 i hMMil ,r I was well known for his friendliness and high principles and -will be sadly missed throughout ! i the whole district. Funeral service was held in the Anglican Church In Burns lake on Monday afternoon, uev. Atkinson officiating. The church was filled to capacity and the casket was covered with beauti ful flowers. Pallbearers were Joseph Sugclen, Captain Mackln- nmv Robert Jeffrey, wiuram Bickle, Del Cassidy and Andrew Brown. FOUR YEARS AGO IN THIS WAR I By the Canadian Press Mnrrh 16 1941 Hitler boasted no additional outside help for Britain could wrest final victory from Axis powers. The Admiralty FOR SALE FOR SALE-5 H.P.. Palmer with clutch, shaiung ana prupcuci. In Al condition. $120. Box 950 Daily News. 64 FOR SALE-One 48-lnch by 12- foot R. T. Hull joint 50 horse power and tested to 125 pounds W.P.. in good condition. Smithers Lumber Yard. Smithers, B.C. 69) FOR SALE Regulation overseas cartons. 5 ids', anuii i. at 10c and 15c. The Variety I6g Stoie. FOR SALE Lots 2! and 25. Block n c.llan 1. nil WHICH IS a o.v - fully modern seven - room stucco house, 1015 Second Avenue; four bedrooms, fireplace, basement and furnace, new roof. Must be sold to wind up Company. Phone 14 or call at office of Brown & Harvey, Besner Block. 3000.00 cash. 1651 FOR SALE Six-room house with bath, well kept; ouiu-in cupboards, oil cloth on floors, electric fixtures Included. Im-emlate possession. Phone Black 597. (tf FOR SALE Two glass show j seen at W. F. Stones store. MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more ,.,,mioiii ncn thp modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufac-Mntiimni Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver B.C. " TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will be re ceived by the undersigned up to noon of March 30th, 1945, for the purchase or registered trap-line belonging to the estate of Gottfrld Knutson, de-fpnspri. and described as situ ate one mile from Kemano River near Butedale and irnrotzkv and Seek- nrvnlfln Prppks and tributaries. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. HELP WANTED WANTED Experienced Fish oraoers ana sioreKeepcra u Fish Camps April 15th. approximately five to six months employment. Apply to AM. 171 Unemployment Insurance Commission. J 08) WANTED Bookkeeper for saw mill ana store. Appiy nuhuh-nl Selective Service A.M. 164, (64) WANTED Warehouseman for local grocery wholesale. Steady work, good opportunity of advancement. Selective Service A.M. 1C8. ttf) Delegates Receive Local Hospitality Out-of-town delegates to the Caledonia Diocesan Women's Auxiliary annual meeting en joyed the hospitality of local members, manv beinsr euests in city homes. Staying t tne home of Mrs. C. J. Norrington, Sea! Cove, was Mrs. C. II. Hinchliffe of Dawson Creek. Guest at the home or Mrs. Head was Mrs. Fynn o! Pouce Ooupe while Mrs. Hill of Taylor Flats was staying with Mrs. R. M. Wlnslow. Mrs West and Mi's. McMillan, Ter- the home of Mrs. W. A. McLean. Mrs. McCormack of Vanderhoof was at the home of Mrs. J. A. Hinton. Mrs. Bird of Hazelton stayed at the Prince Runert Hotel. Mrs. Wynn. Burns Lake1 (delegate, was at the home o! reported the submarine onappc. Mrs. G. Durkhv Berbera overdue, considered lost captured by a Britisn .orce. fUi " - Classified Wanl-Ads -- WANTED WANTED Hish school teacher would like board and room or room with housekeeping privileges. Apply Box 965 Dally News. '05) WANTED Sleeping room for married couple. Phone Rupert Hotel, Room 40. 05) WANTED Professional girl to share room, one block from Post Office. Apply Box 900 Dally News. 165) WANTED Two-room apartment, American couple. Reward for information. Phone Black 963. 'Ml WANTED New or used lumber, suitable for snea. uox yuj Daily News. 67) WANTED House or room, by quiet navy couple, witn weu-behaved school-age boy. Mrs. Charles J. Morgan, General Delivery, city. C5) PERSONAL ELDERLY WOMAN wants light housekeeping. . Apply Box 904 Dally News. J URGENT that we get in touch u.itvi Aihort Tumpv. Anv in formation will be appreciated. Box 902 uany wews FOR YOUR DECORATING needs, anything that's done wiui nalnt. I do it. Call Red 444 or Blue 378. M SI.ENDOR TABLETS are effec tive. 2 weeks' suppiy i; u weeks $5, at all druggists. (651 FOR RENT FOR RENT Unfurnished room. Call Red 191. M FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone .n rnr niirt.ipuiars. nw FOR RENT Remington Portable Typewriter, excellent con- tlnn. $3.50 n month, Phone Green 954. 65) LOST AND FOUND LOST Two-month-old terrier, child's pet, black with white leg and tall, on 2nd Street by Johnny's Snack Bar. 310 2nd Street. t.OKTfi nr i-month-old brow and black pup. tmaer piease pnone oreen 9oa. LOST Valuable pictures and B . , 1 .,1 A .... miner. Jtewarn. ruimc mil-erlcan signals 263. W. Wise IStyle Show Draws Many i race delegates, were guests at R Spring; Fashions Displayed by Rebekahs and Peoples Store i A pre-vlew of the wide variety ! of attractive snrine fashions available this year was witnessed I by 200 womeft who attended the ! Centennial Rebekah Lodge Eaist-ef fashion show Thursday af ternoon in the Oddfellows' Han. Latest creatkms in coats, dresses, Suits and accesorie were display ed by attractive mannequin from the staff of the Rupert Peoples' Store and lodge mem bers. Arranged in co-operation with L. M. Felsenthal. manager of the Rtfpert Peoples Store, the show featured the clever designs and warm colors of dresses designed by such well known companies as Billle Burke, Kay collier ana Elaine Bryan of Toronto, and coats toy1 Du Val and Grand Cloak of Montreal. The show opened with a brief talk bv Mrs. F. M. Porter, presi dent of the Rebekah Assembly iof British Columbia, who Is in the city from Vancouver on an official visit to the Centennial Lodge. She outlined the notable record of war work done by Rebekah lodges In the province. Mr. Felsenthal addressed tne audience briefly. One of the sensational presentations of the show was a coat and suit blending browns and yellows modelled by Mrs. Harry Snow. The yellow coat opened to show a brown suit with yel low blouse creating a much admired effect. The ensemble in cluded a brown and yellow hat and accessories. nommenlator was Mrs. R. R Strachan, and music was provid ed by Mrs. J. C Gilker at the piano. Mrs. Gilker also played two piano selections. Outfitting was done by Mrs. u. Strachan, Miss Verby Mac Donald, Mrs. C. Parker, Miss Daisy Sharp and Mrs. Jean Buckchass. The costumes and mannequins were: Brown tweed coat, green felt hat, brown accessories Mrs. F. Morrison (C4) LOSTBlack bag, corner Duns inulp nnri BMfl.h. Ppwnrd. Re turn to Prince Rupert Hotel Black coat, pink and black dress, blue felt hat, pink flower, black accessories Mrs. M. Pope. Yellow coat, brown suit, yellow tblousjjbrftwjv.aod yellow hat, brown accessories Mrs. Mary Snow. Red coat, black and white check suit, black felt hat, white gloves, black purse Miss Evelyn Bussey. Coats and matching hats Weis Sisters. Paddy green wool suit and hat, brown accessories Mrs. Muriel Williams. Red wool suit, black hat and black accessories, Mrs. F. Morrison. Grey wool suit, purple hat and purse Mrs. Mary snow. 'Jumners and bonnets Juuy Felsenthal and Grace Wood. Pink and black jersey cress. black straw hat, black acces soriesMrs. Isobel Startup. Turouoise Xl2 Jersey dress, black hat and accessories Mrs. Grace Brady. Lime Hnen dress, stack nai, black accessorles-r-Muriel Black and white dot firess, black hat and accessories Mrs. McKlnley. Black jumper, blue ana wnne check blcuse, black accessories- Mrs. Isobel Startup. Coats and dresses Marjorie Tattersal and Mary Ellen Mc- Kenzle. Green skirt, red sweater and beret, green and red shottle coat Mrs. M. Pope. Navy skirt, wine and grey acket, blue blouse, navy beret F.velvn TlllSSCV. Skirt and blazer MoDonaia twins NVirma and Louise I Prince Rupert, B.C. TOOAYand SATURDAY Red jerkin, slack suit, white hlfiiisp Pnt: Love. Purnle slack suit Mrs. E. Ycl- Blue bathing suit Mrs. Grace Hrnrtv Brown shorts, yellow sweater, plaid jacket Joan Quanflt. n.ithlnor suit Dlanne Gilker. Nightie and housecoat Mrs V Mnrrlsnn. WPririlncr nartv Bride, Miss Pat Love (whttc); bridesmaids, Mrs. M. Snow (pale blue) and Mrs. E. Yelland (white). SAY MOTHERS AT FAULT Manchester. Eng. W The Society for the Pre vpntlnn of Cruelty for Children says statistics show that more mothers than fathers ate prose cuted for Ill-treating their cnu dren, LIGHTED BY SUN All planets shine only by re flected, sunlight. -vt THE DAILY NEWS Friday, March 16, 1945 Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box Z74 'Largest Organization of Its Kind in the World" MUTUAL BENEFIT Health and Accident Association J. WRIGHT, Spec. Representative 9th Ave. W. Red uaj GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. income Tac Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 R.HUNDEIDE WATKINS DEALER 337 Seventh Avenue West Phone Green 973 EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY "House of Better Cleaning'' Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty " PHONE 858" Mall Orders Box 99 FIND II" with a Want Ad I Sell it with a Want Ad! Buy it with a Want Ad I Dally News classified section gets results. PAGE FIVE Complete Shows 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:00 7:00 - 9:00 Feature 1:20 - 3:20 - 5:20 - 7:20 - 9:20 .ih Sea Joyland of FUN and RHYTHM I 1 Colored Cartoon "(JHOST TOWN" WORLD NEWS Ax. SAT. MORNING 10:30 Doors 10 a.m. Hop-a-Long Cassidy Story: "RIDERS OF THE TIMBKRLINE" Paramount' MicMeato Starr'ma R. Y. WALKER 6 Rainbow Island" 00R0THY LAMOUR-EDDIE BRAtHtEH m. Bit LAMB wltk BARRY SUtllYM '9 1 inifsl n:ww:,wiar.ruirifiiii SUNDAY MIDNIGHT Edward Arnold "Mainstreet After Dark" Business and Professional SMITH & ELKINS LTD. GRADUATE MASSEUR Mnnfrp nnd Steam Bath Facial and Reducing Treatment Phone Red 315 424 8th Ave. W. FRENCH LESSONS Mr. L. P. Beaubien, the .teacher of French language, has re turned to the city, and resumed his classes. His address is- Postal Station B. ... HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 HOTEL FRASER HOUSE Phone Black 823 C. H. HICKS, Proprietor Clean, quiet rooms. 714 Fraser Street RERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 370 1431 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver H. J. LUND PAINTING, PAPERINO AND KALSOMININO , PHONE 46 BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES ITD Dog to advise that having completed War Priority Contracts, are prepared to supply the DOMESTIC M A R K E T with high quality, long lasting ' V BULKLEY VALLEY COAL Phone your dealer and save. THE FAMILY SHOE STORE'S Big Clearance Sale of HIGH GRADE WOMEN'S SHOES Still In Full Swing! If you have not already got what yflu wanted, come in again . . . We put out New Bargains Daily until "stock is sold. .!' 1,1' V Si $1