4 Idtinrc Uuprrr Dm'Ip j3)ctos Wednesday, September 26, 1045 Build New Ships Here Labor Progressive Chib Passes Kesolulion Support Windsor Strike The Prince Rupert Labor-Progressive Club at a meeting Monday night strongly urged that " new passenger vessels for the Canadian National Steamships to replace the Prince George, destroyed by fire, and her aged cletftr-chln Via Hut It In 4 Via Iniil dry dock, which Is owned and -operated by the C.N.R. Itself. The resolution also said further that: "We emphasize that the awarding of these contracts will halt the 'slow-motion shutdown' which is proceeding at the dry dock with men being laid off almost daily and will bring the yard safely through the Initial reconversion period to the point where It can carry on repair work and a modest building program In the period of expanded North Pacific trade that can be expected to develop, "Further, we condemn in strongest terms the baseless sordid defeatism in some sections of Prince Rupert labor and business circles which are prepared to. surrender the dry dock without a struggle, that we congratulate those local spokesmen In the press and elsewhere who are fighting to stamp out this defeatism and that we heartily greet Prince Rupert's labor-business delegation as it arrives In Ottawa along with similar delegations from all over Canada, "Finally, In support of thU delegation we communicate at once with Hon. C D. Howe, urging the building of C.N.Rl vessels in Prince Rupert as outlined above." Windsor Strike Is Supported The club also passed the following resolution for communication to'Labor Minister Humphrey Mitchell, Harry Archibald, M. P., John Bracken and M. J. Cold-well, to all local trade unions and labor councils: "The embattled Ford strikers are now on the front line for all Canada In the struggle to win the peace. Their demands are the demands of tns Canadian labor movement from Halifax, to Prince Rupert. They want union security, veterans' seniority rights and decent working conditions and living wages in the post-war. If labor loses Its fight for a high standard of living in Canada, this country will return to the hungry thirties and worse. In that kind' of Canada Prince Rupert will have no more future . than It endured In the last postwar. "Ford, through its Canadian president. W. R. Camri'jci:i, Is leading the aGvanced battle of all Canadian reactionary monopolists against the entire working .class of Canada, the same reac tionary monopolists who would denrly love to see the dry dock closed In Rupert, the Skeena Highway abandoned, and the north strangled as an area of potential competition. "If Ford wins, the onslaught will descend on workers here In the logging camps, -In the canneries, at sea, in the shipyard, in the railways and on the wharfs, "The Prince Rupert Labor-Pro?ressive Club greets Local 200 of the United Auto Workers Relieve RHEUMATIC Pain ,', Ache all over? Stiff and sore In Joints and muoclrs? Get quick relief with Templeton'i T-K-C i, a proven remedy gratefully used by thousand. Put your trust In T-R-C't. pedally made to relieve Rheumatic Pain ynd 6Uflness. Let them help you find the n you want. Get a box today SUc H at druggists everywhere. T-27 Support this Work of Mercy Help to make possible the Salvation Army's great work of human reclamation by giving generously of your dollars. Space donated by IIAWKINSON LAUNDRY LTD. PRAISES LOCAL YOUTH WEEK High prates tc Prince Rupert citizens for their "Investment in Youth Week" now ; being observed was received today by Rec Director George i McGregor from Major Ian EUenhardt, national director of physical fitness, Ottawa. A telegram from Major Els-enhardt to Mr. McGregor and the Prince Rupert Recreation Council this- morning said: "Congratulations to the city of Prince Rupert In its conduct of Investment in Youth Week. Canada's committee on physical fitness endorses the efforts of the citizens of Prince Rupert." which has loyally maintained all-out production through 18 months of wartime company provocation and exhausted every means cf reaching a peaceful settlement. We greet the veterans of the Essex Scottish on the picket line and the people of Windsor who are solidly entrenched to make this struggle labor's and Canada's Stalingrad in the fia;ht for the peace. "The Prince Rupert L.P.P. Club calls on every union local and council in Northern B.C. and on all progressive people to pledge their support to the Ford workers and to Join In demanding that the federal government compel Ford to live up to collective bargaining and make full collective bargaining the law. of the land." I HISTORIC LOVE TALE Tempestuous Romance of Frederic Chopin and Georjre Sand Picturizrd in "A Song To Remember" A great factual love story In technicolor "Song to Remember," is coming this Thursday, Friday and Saturday to the Capitol The-, atre. It Is a "must see" picture and it comes here widely heralded as one of the finest pictures. "Song to Remember" is the picturization of the tempetuous love story of the great composer of romantic melodies and Polish patriot, Frederic Chopin, and the great novelist and heart-breaker, George Sand. Basis of the story is the bitter struggle of wills between the novelist and Chopin's music master for supremacy over the will and genius of the great composer. Leading roles are taken by Paul Muni as the music master, Merle Oberon as George Sand and Cornel Wilde as Chopin. There are eighteen compositions heard In the picture from the scores upon scores of tuneful products which were composed by this most prolific of all composers. The whole production is replete with the complicated ingredients of a colorful area. The story starts with the opening of Chopin's concert career and moves on to his dramatic tragic death following the composition of the famous had if before TH.I.S AND- THAT M.BlChll fT L PRIVATE Ctorge Matlhtw Attn Service, Inc. Boatwomen Are No Longer Training LONDON, Sept. 26 Ch The training of women bargees under a Ministry of War Transport scheme Is to 'be discontinued. Further. volunteers for a two-month course are not likely to be accepted. "Gosh, I'm in a fix. While I was at the ball game yesterday my grandmother called up and asked why they sent her flowers I" Only a few of the pioneer crews of these emergency boatwomen now are at work. Their training at first was on shore, but later they went afloat and learned canal navigation, barge management, handling cargo, working looks and operating engines. Buy War savings Stamps Palling Soldier Is Returning Home BURNS LAKE, Sept. 26 Staff Sergeant Cliff Anderson of the Seaforth Highlanders Is expected shortly from overseas to visit with his parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Gust Anderson, at their farm home at Palling. He enlisted in 1940, arrived in England May 1941, and served as a gunner at Dunkerque. Following his return to England he became an Whifflets From The Waterfront Union steamer Catala, Capt, Ernest Sheppard, had a bumper list of no less than 105 passen gers when she sailed from here at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon for Vancouver. All avail able accommodation on the ves sel was filled. Two local halibut boats were In today with black cod catches The Oony disposed of 19,000 pounds to Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. and Tramp, 22,000 pounds to Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative. TINKLINO SHOES The long pointed shoes of the Middle Ages reached such fanciful proportions that at one time the points were fastened up to the knees with tassels and bells. 'The Worst Inflation came after the last war NOW is the Real Testinq time The only controls that are being maintained are those that aid the production of needed supplies and their speedy and fair distribution to the public, and which prevent an inflationary price rise. As soon as conditions warrant, these will be dropped. Until industry gets back to normal production, price ceilings, rationing and some controls are a necessary safeguard for everyone of us. Keep them working. IT'S YOUR JOB AND YOUR SAVINGS THAT ARE AT STAKE Thlt trtUimtnt i on of a trll blng litutd by th 0vrnmnt of Canada to tmphotli th Important of prvntlng a lurth.r Incrtol In th cott of living now end delation and unmptymnl lalr. TIME TO WINTERIZE We can now supply you with Genuine PKESTONU Anti-Freexe. Place your order now as the supply is limited. First come . . . first served. Don't delay! We suggest you have your battery checked. Worn out batteries mean hard starting on cold mornings and frayed tempers all winter. Wise motorists will winterize with winter grade oil and gear lubricants. It pays. S. E. PARKER LIMITED FORD AND MERCURY DEALERS 170 E. 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 83 Your Dollars are urgently needed for this work of mercy No agency can take the place of The Salvation Army in the great task of helping the unfortunate and reclaiming human lives. Its work of mercy needs the support of your dollars. Give generously. Space donated by VAN'S BAKERY b4 via IMPORTANT Effective Immediately One Sailing Weekly S.S. Prince Rupert North to Ketchikan Wednesday at midnight South to Vancouver and way points Thursday, 11:43 p.m. For further particulars apply to any Agent. BE WISE TODAY ' AND BE WARM THIS WINTER ORDER COAL TODAY! DHIIDHTT WITT wr nifai vi if u w 1 1 i ijslr3 & CO. LTD. t Phone 651 or 652 WE WILL l'AY A FAIR CASH PRICE FOR YOUR USF.l) FURNITURE ELIO FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning Tanks Sinks Eavestrough & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue D64 WANTED Able-bodied men, willing workers for cold storage and fish floor work. Have steady work for capable men. Can also use some casual labor. APPLY Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. r ' v 1 1 fnadt, u iranct L A f . zelton, truce, lithtn, ml rden S a 511 H V ! eanea Jng and airs saw.- inr n .East I )N'S NDIB led essef lessei lSpe -pi SHOf k u nr. GEB .it WIN" lit 1 J If