Dally Edition THE DAIL! NEWS. Prince Rupert Thursday, July 12, 1945 Published every afternoon except Sun-da; by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: .hy.Clty Carrier, per week 15 I for; Month j. .65 Per Year 17 00 By Mall, per month 40 Per Year t4 00 Just Arrived . . . 20 Squares Hright Red Hexagen Asphalt Shingles. Hoofing Paper. ISuiiding Paper. No. 1 Clear-finish Lumber, Ship Lap and Dimension. Shipment of Fir Veneer Plywood F. MURPHY LUMBER General Agent Ace-Tex Products Tile Flooring Felts and Cement 1st Ave. E. Phone Black 884 MEMBER A.B.C. Coalition vs. C.C.F. . . . Coalition . members of the legislature, in caucus yesterday, decided unanimously in favor of continuing the coalition in British Columbia. Therefore, as far as the members are concerned, the reported inclination on the part of some of the Conservatives and Liberals to go it alone has been spiked. There is little likelihood that the party organizations, either provincial or local, vill proceed further with the idea which, in any case, has not taken any active form. No indication was given following yesterday's caucus, although it is Relieved the matter was discussed there, as to when an election may be held. The election does not have to be held until next year. It might well, however, be called this fall. Now that the election line seems to be drawn between coalition and C.C.F. it would seem well that the interested organizations should be getting together to deal with the matter of selecting candidates and organizing campaigns for their election. Q The result of late action and division of foiices opposing socialism was exemplified in the recent federal election in Skeena and, if the same course is followed in the provincial election, there need be no hesitation in expecting that the same thing will happen. Unless some different line is to be taken in the provincial election, the simplest thing would be to give this seat to the C.C.F. without a fight. Cancer the Great Killer . . . The Prince Rupert chapters of Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, tire to be congratulated on undertaking a campaign to raise funds for cancer control and their sale of vacation stamps is commended to support. ' Roughly speaking, one out of every six adult Canadians are to die of cancer. Cancer is the greatest killer of women and the second greatest killer of men. Yet the nation's leading cancer scientists declare that, with only our present knowledge of the disease, about one third of the deaths due to cancer could be prevented. They could be prevented if funds were available to establish cancer detection clinics in every province, to train specialists and to educate the people to take advantage of known preventive measures. That much could be accomplished with our present knowledge. With additional funds for cancer research, this frightful killer may eventually be reduced to a minor cause of death. The I.O.D.E. cancer fund is only in its infancy. Its present aim is to aid British Columbia women who suffer from or who have symptoms of cancer and who may need assistance as the cost of treatment is often prohibitive. Ultimately it is hoped that with public contributions the fund will grow until it will be possible to establish cancer prevention clinics in the province, to staff them with especially trained doctors, and to bring the most effective anti-cancer weapons within the reach of every family. Scott -Mc Hale CANADA'S FINEST SHOES FOR MEN Our shoemakers, the famed Scott -McHale Craftsmen, are building shoes for our fighting men. We are proud to be able to lend our cooperation, accepting fewer shoes for civilian use, that Canada may have 'the world's best outfitted army. When peace comes, you may depend on It that they'll have new ideas in shoes for men . . . both in smart style and comfort. You can plan for them, because they will be In our store, in your size, as soon as regulations permit. J "THE MEN'S SHOP" Jake says that although, we hear much about free speech these days, he's known all along that some talk was worthless. KWONG SANO IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome. Open 5 p.m. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 WE HEAR New Cars are Just around the corner WE HEAR YOU want a shiny new car . . . WE KNOW Ford Cars are best for economical driving . . . SEE.. S.E.PARKER LIMITED Ford and Mercury Dealers FOUR YEARS AGO I IN THIS WAR By the Canadian Press July 12, 1941 Hostilities in Syria ceased while armistice dis cussions were .Underway at Acre," Palestine. Britain and Russia signed an agreement for Joint action in the war against Germany. Heavy fighting continued on the Eastern Front. PERKY CO.MO, 20th Century Fox and CBS Singing Star, says, "For a smart dress note, I reach for my Adam Hat." For a hat with a lively Summer note, an Adam model Is a perfect choice. Adam Hats from $3.93 to $0.00 Featured by Rupert Mens and Roys Store Exquisite smartness -Extreme accuracy . . 1 fllEEH 17 14 ll. gold 57" JOHN III! LC. ICR LIMITICD Prince Rupert, 13. C. Letter from Overseas Canadians Have Done Great Job Staff Sergeant Jack -Unwin Writes Thoughtfully -While Waiting in Britain "This war has given Canada a chance to show the world just what we can do and, if we all unite and tackle the problems of peace as we have met the tasks of war, Canada can be one of the mightiest nations In the world," writes Staff Sergeant Jack Unwin, son of J. E. Unwin of this city, who is s:lll In Britain where he is being held as a "key man" while many other servicemen are being returned home following victory In Europe. "The Canadian soldier, in my mind, is the finest all-round fighting man there is." Having been overseas, meeting people in various countries and noting their habits, ways of living and working have constituted a valuable experience for all. The boys overseas are having a quiet time now as they await their turn to come home, writes the local senior JJ.C.O. Lucky are the gunners and the privates for thev have the better chance to get back soon. "But, even if the time is going slow, I still prefer this to our experiences at the home forts. I havent seen a day yet when I wished I was back at Barrett even when Jerry got tough and threw everything but the kitchen sink at us. T am doing all right for now. I have a room In a hotel with all the conveniences of a paying guest which somewhat makes up for the inconveniences we exoerienced during action. Just outside at the back we have a lovely swimming nool which we make good use of." Mentioning the "terrible amount of destruction war can do to a country," Jack says he is slad 'Canada never became a battleground "although, at times especially when the reinforcement question was being dis cussed, there was the opinion that a few buzz bombs In the rliht place mieht have given our friendsthe 16,000-odd deserters something to think about. "war is something that has to be seen to realize Just what it does to a country. Stories, news-capers or magazines can never Impress upon a person exactly how terrible it Is. Let's hope that some day we will be able to forget our troubles and realize the things we have been struggling for a world of peace where all men can work together for all mankind, settling our differences by more humane means than war." CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) THURSDAY P.M. C: 00--John Charles Thomas G: 30- The People Ask 6:45 Sports College 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Chalet Concert 8:00 Winnipeg Drama 8:30 Servicemen's Forum 9:00 Music Hall 9:30 Alan Young 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Elmore Philpott 10:15 CBC News uounaup 10:30 Mystery Playhouse FRIDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Concert 9:00 BBC News 9 : 1 5 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Varieties 9:45 Yank Band Stand RANGE FOUR COAST LAND DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Flshlnst ComDanv Limited, of Van couvrr.B.C. llsh Backers. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands, situate adjoining Lot !49 A, Buteaaie, rraser ueacn: Commencing at a post planted at the South East corner Lot 29 A Ranee IV Coast District: thence South 10 chains; thence East 10 chains: thence North 20 chains: thence East 10 chains: thence North 14 chains more or less to the shore lino of Fraser Reach; thence South Westerly along shore line to point of commencement, and containing twentv-nvc acres, more or less. DATED June 6th. 1945. CANADIAN FISHINQ COMPANY LIMITED, F. C. Underhlll. Agent. Announcement Hung Yen Chin announces that he has bought out the interest of his former partner, Lee You Kok, in the Fulton Street Apartment Mock, C18 Fulton Street. (161) EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. PIANO ARTIST TO BE HEARD Marie Balagno Lundquist in Recital Here on July 21 The din and clatter of wartime entertainment In Prince Rupert will be relieved on July 24 when, at .First Presbyterian Church, Marie Balagno Lundquist of Seattle, talented artist in her own right, and daughter of Charles P. Balagno, pioneer piano master of Prince Rupert. will be heard In piano recital. The event Is already excltlnH much interest among the more serious and discriminating music lovers In Prince Rupert. Mrs. Lundquist, of course, is no stranger here for she lived in Prince Rupert practically all her life before leaving here a few years .ago to complete her musical education,, having since made her home in the Pueet Sound city In order to engage in concert and teaching work. Mrs. Lundquist has chosen fine numbers from among the masters for her program which is as follows: Partita, B flat major Fraelu-dium, Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Menuet, Glgue (Bach). Four Sonatas D minor (Longo 413), E major (Longo 10), F minor (Longo 383), G minor (Longo 249) (Scarlatti). Impromtu, G flat major (Chopin). Two Etudes, F minor and G flat TT Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What Is wrong with this sentence? "Had we have gone it would not have happened." 2. What Is the correct pronunciation of "natatorium?" 3. Which one of these words Is mUpelled? Exhonerate, exhilarate, exhalation. 4. What does the word "verifiable" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with "ine" tha means "hopelessly entangled?" ANSWERS 1. Say, "If we had gone.' 2. Pronounce first "a" as In "day," "o" as In "no," and accent third syllable. 3. Exonerate. 4. Capable of being proved to be true. "We want verifiable facts." 5. Inextricable. BUDDHISTIC BURMESE Many of the Burmese people are Buddhists, and their religion occupies a foremost part of their life. major (Chopin). Noctrine, B major (Chapln). Ballade, F major (Chopin). Intermission. Sonata, No. Ill in G minor- Presto, Andantino, Scherzo, Rondo (Schumann). The Cardboard Cat (Villa Lo bos). Polichlnelle (Villa Lobos). Cris dane La Rue (Mompou). Jeu (Mompou). Jeunes FUles au Jardin (Mom pou). Toccata (Poulenc). MEATLESS DAYS START FRIDAY, JULY 13 1945 During the twenty-four-hour period oi each week, no public eating place will be permitted to serve any meat as or as part of any meal or refreshment. This includes any product, except soup, of which meat is an ingredient.-Poultry and fish may be served. ' Heavily increased demands for meat for troop movements and ships' stores, . Pacific war needs and the starving peoples of Europe have necessitated a reduction in meat consumption in The imposition of meatless days is part of the meat rationing plan announced by the Prime Minister who said "the government has every reason to believe that in helping to meet the very grave situation which confronts famine-stricken areas of Europe the Canadian people will remain ready, and indeed anxious, to do their full part." HHw - I "J Jill,, yr11 ' MwSgW, The WmmM VICTOR RECORD -i GIFT CERTIFICATE Give a Victor Record Gift Certificate ... the perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, occasions of all kinds! You give the recipient his or her own choice of the music they Jove on Victor Records "the gift that keeps on giving", VICTOR GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE AT KATY'S KLEEN KITCHEN 703 FULTON STREET :-r PHONE BLUE 882 Specializing In Home Cooking Anything from Steaks and Home-made Chili - Con - Carni to Hot Dogs. Also cater to Banquets, Weddings and Parties. Open 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. APPOINTMENTS AT LEAST ONE DAY IN ADVANCE I bElfflLi place AT ANY MEAL, ANYTIME Ready In 30 seconds. Busy housewives appreciate Keller's ready-to-eat cereali more and more every day. Kelloflg's are a satisfying dish anytime for hreakfast lunch, odd-hour snacks. BOYS! GIRLS 1 They're free . . . Coloured Cordt In evory package. Say '.ml Trod,', THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala Friday SS Cardena Sailings for Queen CharlotU Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tlcke' i and Reservation? FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 5Q Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PUNS Besner Block, 3rd Street THE REX ALL STORE Phone 231 Prescriptions.. From Rupert's Tent Days wo have striven to establish a record for Reliability, Accuracy and Fair Dealing in filling Physicians' prescriptions. We believe that we have deserved the confidence that has been established with the Doctor and his patients. This has been brought about not in a few weeks or months but extends over a period of twenty years. Ormes Ltd. Phones 81 and 82 Announcement Our store will close June 18th to July 14th inclusive, and we trust this will occasion no inconvience to our customers. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, D.C. .'TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTt': An airy, ankle-flattering addition to your summer wardrobe. In velvety black suede; D'orsay cut for style and comfort ."pd."3 CUT RATE SHOE STORE fcAAA A AA A A A A i A A . A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA