ka 1 " I 1 5; mm m Prfttfc nmirrt Dnflp ftrttis Monday, November 19, 1945 PLAN CHRISTMAS BANQUET FOR OLDER PEOPLE Prince Rupert's senior citizens are to have their annual Christ- YOU WILL SAVE If you buy your clothes from us. BOYS' LONG' PANTS Cotton, worsted, wool. Well made. Per pair $1.50 10 $4.25 BOYS' SWEATERS Pullover. Cotton and wool, and wool mixtures. Big selec- K, . 65c t0 $2.50 CHILDREN'S LONG MEN'S SHOES assortment, from LADIES' HOUSE SLIPPERS Regular $2.00, fi- AA now t?X v LADIES' STOCKINGS 25c tn 75c MEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS All sizes. Pair $1.50 to $1.75 BOYS' OXFOKDS Real good, strong with double soles, black and brown. Sizes 1 to 5V2, flJO 7C at, pair B.C. CLOTHIERS Third Avenue just West of Sixth Street Wlh Minora Blades! Minora has a real "edge" over other low price blades. In foct, it's the sharpest double-edge blade in its class. One shave will convince you. FITS YOU DOUBlE-DGE RAZOR SPSfr,NG8-.. 40c 1 BOYS' SUITS Tweed long pant., 4 to 10 gQ BOYS' CHECK WIND-BREAKERS Sizes 6 to 12. Priced Q-3 from j ?S.tO MEN'S PANTS All kinds, for dress and work. Pair $2.50 to $5.50 --In good $5.00 1 mas banquet this year on December 20 In the Knights of Columbus Hall, the Women's Coordinating Council decided at n meeting held last week in the city council chamber. At the meeting plans were made to make the banquet, which is for the enjoyment of all residents over the age of 70, even better than the highly successful ones of previous years. 1 The meeting appointed committees to handle the program, 1 transportation and the dinner. Twenty-five representatives of women's organizations in the city attended. Mrs. J. J. Olllis, 1 the president, was chairman. The council hopes to gain the ' active support of an even greater number of organizations in or tier to make the function a truly community project. In the past the work has been done by the Co-ordinating Council with fin ancial support from other groups. Prizes will be awarded for such distinctions as the oldest person present, the eldest couple the person longest resident in prince Rupert, Following are the committees which will arrange the dlnnef: Tbod soliciting Mrs. George Rudderham. Dinner convener Mrs. A. L. Haines. Invitations Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod, Mrs. C. Ingham. Program Mrs. D. C. Stuart. Prizes 'Mrs. .Alex Mitchell. Decorations Mrs. C. F. McCarthy. Transportation Mr. Murphy,-Miss Doris Brewster. Donations Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod. Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod was appointed secretary of the council following the resignation of Mrs. C. Ingham from that position. . "Despite modern inventions the newspaper remains and will remain for some time to come the best medium to guide :public opinion." Most . Rev. Norbert Rochlbaud, Archbishop of B Try RfiYALpTY magic at your meal table. gJ It Hii c m l We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. .'. Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMIT K U PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. I 3 FEDERAL BLOCK in Furniture Kilchenware Electric Lamps Tableivare Mirrors Gordon $ Anderson Ltd. Electrical Goods, Hardware, Furniture PRINCE RUPERT THIRD AVENUE Briefs From Britain By the Canadian Press LONDON 0) Handkerchiefs made from 'surplus anti-gas cloth' and barrage-balloon fab Tics are to be sold in British stores. DBVONPORT, nEg., The battleships Resolution and Re venge, now moored here, will be come schools for stokers'. SLOUGH, Eng., (CP) Because footballs are unobtainable, boys here were seen recently using cabbages in their place. MELTON MOWBRAY, Eng. W Rolled oats were used instead of confetti at a wedding here. LONDON, CB A school for cooks and housemaids Is to be started here. They'll be known as "house assistants," however. . ORMSKIRK, Eng.; 0) Scarls-brick Hatl, Lancashire, home of Sir Edward Scarlsbrick, has been bought for $270,000 by the Church of England for a training college for teachers. OVER STRAND,, Eng., W Jean Davis, 10, a Brownie, has been awarded the Girl Guides' sliver cross for gallantry. She rescued her small brother from DRESSED TURKEY CEILING PRICES With the Christmas season approaching, the Wartime Prices and Trade Board Issues ceiling prices for dresied turkeys. The wholesale and retail prices dif fer slightly in, various zones of Canada. The following are the ceiling per pound in British Co lumbia from December 15 to December 31, 1945: Wholesale Retail . Box-parked Box-picked Special .38',. .46 Grade A .37', .44 Grade B .35,i 42 Grade C .32V2 .39 Prices board officers advise Producers to market their tur keys early in December to assure the public of an adequate distribution of turkey1 supplies. This season's buoyant market will afford the producer a good opportunity for early sales. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA "LEE Q. What should, one do when calling to see a frierfti, and one sees that she is preparing to go out? A. Tell your friend that you see she is ready to go out, and that you will call again. Q. Isn't it the privilege of a bridesmaid to choose the color and style of her own gown? A. No; this is always the privilege of the 'bride to decide. O. Is it correct to say "man and wife." instead ol "husband and wife"? A. Either form is ' correct. ' 1 RADAR DEVELOPMENT The radar industry; already is six times as big as the radio in dustry was before the war.-'- - IN. THE MATTER OF "THE BANK RUPTCY ACT and : ttt THE MATTER OF THE BANK UUPTCY OF LEONARD CHARLES GRIFFITHS, TRADINQ UNDER THE FIRM NAME AND STYLE OF PACIFIC LOO SALES, AND THE SAID PACIFIC LOO SALES. IN THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, DEBTOR: NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given thit Leonard Charles Orlfflths. tradins under tho firm name and style of Pacific Log Sales, and the said Pacific Log Sales. In the City or iTince. Kupert. in me Province of British Columbia, made an assignment on the 6th day of November, 1945; and that the first meeting of creditors will be held on the 22nd day of November, 1945, at the hour of three o'clock In the afternoon at the Courthouse lr. the said City of Prince Rupert. to vote tnereat proon or claims and proxies mtst be filed with mc prior thereto. Those having claims against the estate must tile the same with the custodian or the trustee when appointed before distribution is 'made, otherwise the proceeds of the eitrf will oe distrioutea among the parties entitled thereto, without regard to such Holms. DATED at Prince Runmt. B. C. this 8th day of "November. 1045. ME.LiV1L.Li Li, 1 KICKLANI J. Custodian. Address of Custodian: P.O. BOX 14J7, PoBtol Station B. Prince Rupert. B. C (2!0 EXTENSION OF TIME NOTICE is hereby given that W . I 1, - . I M tne nine biic reccLiuuu of tenders lor "Wharf Renairs Port Simpson, B.C.," Is extended to Wednesday, December 12', 1945 uy order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary Department of Puollc Works, Ottawa, November 15, 1945. Ninety-seven per cent of high school children, 15 to 18 years of age, read a newspaper every day, according to a survey made by University of Chicago. FOR RENT FOR RENT Room, pleasant surroundings. Men only; board if desired. Five minutes from town. Phone Black 965. (271) FOR RENT Two rooms, Iur- nished or unfurnished. Apply 629 6th Ave. West. (269) FOR RENT A nice clean, newly decorated room by tne wees or month. Please phone Green 830 or write Box 332. (267) ROOM FOR RENT Phone Red 976. 812 2nd Ave. West. (269) FOR RENT- Sf. -Room. 622 WANTED Fraser (269) WANTED Communications receiver In good,condltlon. Phone Black 202. (268) WANTED To rent by reflrfed couple, furnished apartment. Box 47 Daily News. (272) WANTED close In. 3 or 4-room house, P.O. Box 375. (267) WANTED Large coal and wood range. P.O. Box 1291, City. (269). WANTED Oil burner with or without range. Phone 66. (276) WANTED Couple without chll-freri would like housekeeping room close to town. Phone American Signals 211 from 8 to 5. (270) HELP WANTED WANTED Salesgirl for stationery store. Apply at McRae Bros. (tf) YOUNG MAN WANTED Man between 20 and 28 years oi age to learn men's retail store business. A permanent Job for a man with character and ambition. Apply office Rupert Peoples Store, on Order No. 1622. (269) WANTED Night bar Janitor' for local hotel; good wages. Apply v National Selective Service. (tf) HELP WANTED Competent stenographer and general of-fipo nssixt.nnfc for coal and lumber office. Apply Philpott Evitt & Co., Ltd., C.N.R. Dock. (tf) WANTED Housekeeper for mall family: eood wages, Sleen in. Or mother's helper from about 4 to 8, including pvpninir mpnl. Phone Red 879. " ' (If) LOST AND FOUND LCST Fcur-months-old collie dog, black with white breast; Answers to name "Laddie.". Anyone knowing whereabouts please phone Green 503. (269) FOUND Pair of glasses, Monday night, vicinity of 221 4th Ave. East. Owner may have same by calling at the 'Dally News and paying for this advertisement, (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manuiac tured by National Machinery Comnanv Limited. Vancouver, B.C tn PERSONAL LAUNDRY done at 1019 7th Ave, East. Reasonable. (268) CORNS Instantly relieved with Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve the .effective corn remedy. 5Cc at Ormes Ltd. (272) SLENDOR TABLETS are effec tlve. 2 weeks' supply $1: 12 weeks $5. At all druggists. (267) Thirty-one American news paper correspondents alone were killed during the war in ensur ing that newspaper readers got the news. - - Classified Advertising - - TERMS CASn Classified Advertising Is payable-to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit. FOR SALE FOR SALE Cream enamel coal and wood range, excellent condition. 315 8th Ave. E. (267) FOR SALE Kitchen table and four chairs, tri-iamp, Deo. couch, set fire irons, card table. 1176 Ambrose 'Ave. FOR SALE Oil burner and 30-30 Winchester rifle, Model 94. 145 7th East. (268) FOR SALE Four-room house and bath, fully furnished; garage at the back. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call at 900 10th Ave. East. (272) FOR SALE Second-hand hall carpets In good condition. Prince Hupert Hotel. (268) FOR SALE End table, studio lounge, kitchen table and two chairs, dresser, cupboard, and baby buggy. Phone Green 257. (268) FOR SALE New and used furniture -bought from "U.S.A. of ficers' clubs. Also other good furniture selling at tne lowest prices. Old beds and spring $4; good tables from $3.75; electric fixtures, table lamps trilites, floor lamps from $1.95; -book cases, new mirrors from $2.50; drapes at $2 pair; new pillows 75c; high grade 3-pce. chesterfield, piano in best shape, enamel ware used, at 5c, new glasses 10c, new rag rugs from $2; rugs ,12x12, bather chair in good shape $35. B.C. Furniture. FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 '7th Ave. West. (269) FAIR WAY FOOD MARKET carries a complete line of Quality Groceries, Fresher Fruits and Vegetables at all times. We deliver. Phone 434. (278) FOR SALE One bed chesterfield, Al condition. Black 981. (267) FOR SALE Coal and wood range, six holes, good condition. Phone Blue 914. (267) FOR SALE Cheap, two kitchen tables; coal heater, open front; 20 feet V2" pipe; one double oed and spring; 8 zxi2x20 planks; 2x4's and 2x6's; five kitchen chairs. 260 9th Ave. East. Phone Green 317. (267) FOR SALE Modern completely furnished four - room house, excellent condition, immediate occupancy; oil furnace and oil range. Make offer for quick turnover to enable Am erican family to return to U.S. 941 Second Ave. West. For Inspection daily from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 8 p.m., phone American Signals 413. (269) FOR SALE New 4-plece bed room .suite. Phone Black 84 after 7 o'clock. (269) FOR SALE 16-foot inboard motor boat. Phone F. Letelller. Black 510. If not In leave message. (270) TENDERS INVITED TENDERS will be received bv the undersigned till noon Nov. 22 for the construction of r one - storey frame building tuxzv. nans and other in iormauon ODiainaD e on re quest at the Head Office, Cow Bay. Prince. Rupert Fishermen's Co -operative Associa tion. (263-268) YUE KING'S CAFE for coffee while at NEW HAZELTON Lunch Counter for Meals THIS AND THAT m ' DHDTDAIT MWi OFAP pH II i i km& r mrm mm 1 cs U IS ANOTHER BARNES is her son-in-law's favorite relative. MinJ you, there was a time when Mother's visits sent him scurrying for cover. But that was before her doctor told her that the caffcin in tea and coffee was making her irritable and suggested Postum instead. Mother loves Postum. It's so full-flavored and heartening not like tea, not like coffee, just downright delicious in its own right. And Postum contains no caffcin no other drug that might affect heart or nerves or digestion. Postum is made instantly, right in the cup, Just by adding hot milk or boiling water. Costs less than a cent a serving. Try Postum today! I I KH I A Product of Gvntrot Foods Rfl! T ' HHiliilHIiSSjiSSSSSSjiSSjiSSSjHiSSSiSSSSSSJiSSSSX STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home Is convenient and inexpensive. We own and operate thei warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and shipping, PHONE 0 0 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd and Park Avenue We have expanded our business which enables us to take care of all your crating and storage requirements. HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 COAL and WOOD YORK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Building Supplies Free Estimates, Construction and Repairs Windows and Frames, Doors and Frames, Cabinets; Counters Show Cases of all description Also Furniture Repairs First class finishing and workmanship IT. BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 055 I T UY 1 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 pm. Friday SS Cardena.i 10 p.m. Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fornlght Midnight, Oct. 12th, 14th, 26th and 28th Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street SAVOY H 0 TEL Carl Zarelli, Prop.- Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert fWRISTMS ARDS A Large Complete Stock to Choose From You will find just what you are looking for in our boxed assortments which arc sure to please. NOW ON DISPLAY AT THE VARIETY STORE "Where "Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Make this, your comfortable home in Prince Rupert. First Ave. and Eighth St. Take invigorating $team baths and massage id relieve that tired feeling. R. Y. WALKER Graduate Mass"eur Reducing, Facial and General Swedish Massage Phone Green 507 evenlnes for. appointment 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST