it's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man 1 M. SAUNDERS Blue 660 :icrete Sidewalks, Basements t don't take work I cannot do myself, PARTRIDGE & GUNSTON General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. fabinct Work - Foundations Work to please everyone work too large or too small H. J. LUND 'alnllr, r, 1 i ONION PAINTER nlcrlor and Exterior Work I.' RhV 1 HQ n ti v. . . 1 l cinq GEORGE L. RORIE bllc Accountant, Auditor, etc. cme Tax Returns Compiled toner Block phone 387 'NTH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers one 174 P.O. Box 274 ht calls Especially 552 TAXI 'Tom Harvey) . C4- 1 OIUI1U. TV Feuholme R00ms. 2nd Ave. I ' fANlST - TEACHER concert and radio ex- raCnce Will tnkA niml! no FRANKY, Green 975 ;ig Dusiness hours. rre entertaining out-of . h house Quifed Satin HOUSECOATS n them an honor by having bllsh a personal note ,ut 'heir visit. ACE A very attractive and complete range of colors and sizes in handsome wraparounds, heavy brocaded satins and crepes. An Ideal Christmas Gift Regular value $19.50 NOW WNETTE'S h LADIES' WEAR Optometrist Business and Professional K X A X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ,3.,,.3,3,.ii.X,,X5,,,,X,,,S,,3,,,5, ,,, ,,,,,i,,,,Al." Announcement . . . G. R. MUTRIE REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Who recently had offices in M. Heilbroner's Jewelry Store, is- completing a successful trip through the Interior and Prince George, will be returning to Prince Rupert November 26, to take permanent offices in the Stone Block, 3rd Ave., where he will be pleased to meet former patrons and others who may require a complete .qualified optical service. WAIT FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT G. 11. MUTKIE $16.95 LEO OYER DECORATING and PAINTING Phone Red 395 Box 758 INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada H. F. I.OVIN. Phone Green 874 Representative Box 628 117 2nd Ave. W. Opposite YMCA PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Oil Burners Cleaned and Repaired Chimney Cleaning and all Home Repairs Ice Deliveries Saturday Green 486 Phone Green 337 "House of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized "FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. Phone Blue 810 (Res. Green 955) new LOCATION: Green 821 1363 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIK Hi xumu Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver JOHN.H. BULGER Optometrist JOHN BULGER LTD. Third Avenue AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS Local News Items... Mrs. A. B. Taft will sail to-, morrow afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. J. E. Ormheim arrived In the city on Saturday night from Vancouver. , A. Canadian Club membership tea, Wednesday, November 21, 330 to 5:30 at the home nf Mrs Arnold Flaten. George Atkinson, who In the earlier days was with the Prince Rupert Sawmills here and recently has been identified with local contracting undertakings, is sailing tomorrow afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver. S MHT I t l JEMIMA'S I I FOR A ) I l WHOLESOME ' Edward Gladding is sailing tomorrow afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Beulah Lavigne is tomorrow afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. W. D. Lamble is sailing tomorrow afternoon, on the Catala for a brief business trip to Van couver. Owney McFadden, well known pioneer mining man and prospector" of Stewart, will be here aboard the Catala tomorrow going through to Vancouver for a trip. ' F. C. Borhaven of Vancouver. who has been spending the past few days In the city, is sailing tomorrow afternoon by the Ca tala on his return south. Douglas Frlzzell returned to the city on the Catala last nleht from Vancouver where he has been receiving medical J. O. LeFrancois of Montreal who is identified with the development of the well known Mountain Boy hiinlng property in the Stewart, district, will be here on the Catala tomorrow afternoon bound for Vancouver. Rev. J. H. Myrwang, after spending a few weeks here supplying in the pulpit of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, left last week on his return to Paulsbo, Washington. Information is still being awaited regarding the appointment of a permanent new pastor for the local church. , Miss Margaret Colwell, R.N., of the Prince Rupert General Hospital staff, who recently underwent an operation in the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Is leaving on tonight's train for Terrace to pay a visit while recuperating with her parents. Rev. and Mrs. T. C. Colwell. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS Tiott a stubborn bronchial cough, (either phlwmy or dry and hacking) make you I'- w''?eze kPou awake nights? Relieve it nowl Do as thou- p7tlf,ve !one-IS TempHon1 MAH has hrlped other let it help you. 50c. 1 at druggisti everywhere. R-H Judge W. E. Fisher is leaving on tms evernlng's. train lor Smithers - to conduct a session of County Court. . Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McRae are sailing tonight on the Princess Adelaide for Duncan, Vancouver Island, where they will make their future home. Sergeant Albert Stiles, who re turned to the city recently from overseas, is sailing tomorrow af ternoon on the Catala for Van couver to receive his discharge from the Army. Edgar Provinsc, well known pioneer merchant of Hyder, Alaska, and Mrs. Provinse, will be here aboard the Catala tomor row going through on a trip to Seattle and elsewhere in the south. Mlss Ina Robertson, for the past few years a number of the Canadian Pacific Railway office staff here, is leaving this after noon on the Princess Norah for Victoria,, being transferred to that city. VICTORY G STENGTH N The money has to be "raised", too. there's a barn to be raised a WHEN man's neighbors . . . sometimes a whole community . . . often pitch in and help him do the heavy end of the work. And as for the money needed for materials, that, too . . . although few people stop to think about it. . .often comes from co-operation, too. Four million or more Canadian "neighbors" pool a part of their savings in Life Insurance. Their premiums add. up to a huge sum, part of which is available for farm and town mortgages, so that when a farmer, for instance, wants to build, or VEN EEDED Presbyterian Pastor Warns Against "Leanness of Soul" Likening the situation in the world today to the position of the Hebrews after their deliverance from the bondage of Egypt when they had been unwillins to endure the sacrifices of crossing the. desert to the Promised Land and God had sent "leanness, into their soul.' Rev. A. F. MacSween, preaching on the topic of "An Unhappy Victory" from a reading of Psalm 106, told his congregation in First Presbyterian Church yesterday morning that God-given victory In the war would be a' futile thing If there was not the conviction and strength necessary to implement the reconstruction. There must be more than the material satisfactions of security but essential to complete victory and lasting peace was a deeper and fuller life based on the order of God's Kingdom. I PRE-WAR NAVY STRENGTH At the outbreak of the war, the Royal, Canadian Navy consisted of 1,774 men. enlarge, or renovate, he can raise the money readily. The Life Insurance business is strictly a "neighborly" business ... a great cooperative enterprise which aims at the protection of the people by the people. K portion ol every dollar Invested by the Life Insurance companies helps to iinance larmers and town dwellers who occasionally need mortgage loans to realise their ambitions and get ahead. The remainder Is Invested in government and municipal bonds and other securities under government regulations. Every man who owns Liie Insurance does more than aaleguard the future oi his loved ones . . he also shares In Canada's progress. It is good citizenship to own LIFE INSURANCE A Message horn tlte Life Insurance Companies In Canada. t Ellianne Robcrg Local Girl Makes Good First Canadian Woman Plane Pilot Heading for China After Spending; War Years In Washington, D.C. Striking example of a local girl who has. made good is the case c-f 36-year-old Elliane Roberge. who revisited Prince Rupert for a couple of day3 last week, being entertained by such old friends of pioneer days a? Mrs. J. G. Viereck, Mrs. J. L Blain and Mrs. Joseph Garon. Miss Roberge, who was the first white girl to be born in Prince Rupert her father was a carpenter back In the day around 1909 when the city wa'-really young first achieved na tional prominence 15 years ago. when she became the first Canadian girl to have an airplane pilot's license. After several years In active flying, she eventually became Identified with the British air ministry and during the recent war was stationed at Washington, D.C In an executive capacity In connection with the purchase and delivery of aircraft under lend-lease. Now Miss Roberge has become identified with the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) and will soon be heading for China to spend a couple of years engaged in special work. On the way from Washington Miss Rrterge stopped off for a time at Toronto where her sister, who has distinguished her self in the Held of plastic surg ery. Is now located. From Prince Rupert Miss Roberge proceeded to Vancouver to pay a visit with her mother, Mrs. Olier Besner, before proceeding back to Wash Ington to. make final prepara tlons for departure to China. Mi's Roberge has had an In teresting career, not without Its phases of high adventure, be. lth it all. she is modest a-yi unassuming, not eiven to talk ing about many Intriguing ex neriences which doubtless must have been part of her varied life story. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I remove rusty screws? A. If a rusty screw is obstinate and will not move with an orr dlnary screwdriver, apply a neavy sitewer neateu cu nut uuu hold it here until the screw Is hot. Then use the screwdriver and It will turn easily. Q. How can I make a good liquid shampoo? A. By shaving a bar of castile soapi In one pint of water. Allow It to simmer over the fire untll the soap Is entirely dissolved. Q. How can I clean brick tiles? A. If brick tiles are washed with a cloth dipped In vinegar it will restore their finish Announcements All advertisen-.etivB n xti column will be charged lor a full month at 25o a word. L.O.B.A. Sale, November 21. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, November 22. Presbyterian Bazaar, November 22. Lutheran Ladies' Aid sale, Nov. 24. Help Norway drawing and dance, November 30, Oddfellows' Hall. Canvassers turn In books before November 27. C.WX. tea and saie of home cooking, 3 to 6. Card party, 8 p.m. Aid of Christmas Tree fund. November 29, K.C. Hut. St. Andrew's Cathedral Bazaar, December 1. United Church Bazaar, December 6. W. A. Canadian Legion Tea and raffle Dec. 6 from 3 to 6. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E.MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 liHfncc Uuucrt Dailg JSktosi Monday, November 19, 1945 Tea is the Refreshing Beverage VI 1 III SALAM "TEA. Yes, you can be sure of Firestone tires standing up to any practical speed you will ever travel. Wilbur Shaw, the famous race driver, definitely proved that for you in an actual speedway test. Shaw drove for 500 miles at an average speed of 100 miles per hour on the straightaways he hit 135 miles per hour. Not a skid or blowout occurred in this gruelling test equal to 50,000 miles of ordinary driving. You may never want to drive at'100 miles per hour but it's mighty comforting to know your Firestone tires have the reserve strength and stamina to stand up to any demand you could ever make of them. Wljen you are able to buy tires insist on having Firestone DeLuxe Champion tires on your car. fecAuse of THZSt FIRESTONE EXTRA VALUES kU-lM ,mn IViuwk a,.i.M WMilM. tockif Gw D',.1.. Mr. (W. n tal4 Iki,m ... MWMMlhMI m (MO MMM I OTM. (MMOT Mr Uu-UcM I I Wi.iiim M ' niMki I eateel pti taut fimm I I ism mmmi tkiaMta. I S. E. PARKER, LTD. FIRESTONE DEALERS, PRINCE RUPERT BERT'S TRANSFER & MESSENGER CHANGE OF LOCATION Our New Stand 303 Third Ave. West OUR NEW PHONE BLUE 810 (Res. GREEN 955) For Real Prompt Service, call us any time night or day WE WILL PAY A FAIR CASH PRICE l OR YOUR 'USED FURNITURE ELIO FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Box 1321 313 3rd Ave. W. Expert Radio Servicing Electrical Appliances Repaired RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Phone 614 ELECTRICAL GOODS See us about your Flourescent lighting. PHONE 543 FOR . . PHONE H. Letourneau Expert Plumber, Tinsmith and Roofer Good News for Trappers... providing they bring their furs to Goldbloom. 10 higher than, last year. Also have large, stock of Fur Coats, 20 lower in price than anywhere else. W. GOLDBLOOM "THE OLD RELIABLE" Any type of construction undertaken. Engineering and plans supplied. NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION CO. General Contractors HOUSE REMODELLING FINANCED ON BUDGET BASIS 225 First Avenue East Phone Black 881 Evenings Black 969