own Assets for Sale loncton CORVETTES: "Shediac" "Nanaimo" "Sudbury' ATX ASSETS CORPORATION WILL KGEIVE OFFERS TO PURCHASE E CROWN-OWNED ASSETS DES- RIBED BELOW: Corvettes I0NCT0N SUDBURY IHEDIAG NANAIMO fHESE BOATS ARE PRESENTLY LOCATED AT BEDWELL BAY, NORTH ARM length Overall Breadth -'ftP .. Depth Draft 20.V V 17' 11 6" INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED AND INSPEC-W A TYPICAL SHIP, NAMELY "SUDBURY" MAY I RANGED BY APPLYINO TO THE UNDERSIGNED. ose wishing to purchase must obtain a pass from War Assets Corporation, 404 Wet Hastings, Van- kver, authorizing them to go aboard. The hours lien have been fixed for inspection are 10 a.m. 11 a.m. every day except Sunday, commencing 19th of November. ITHERE ARE A. LIMITED. NUMBER OF THESE VES- NY PRIORITY OF PURCHASE WILL NOT NECES- BE ESTABLISHED BEFOREHAND, BUT IT WOULD lEFERABLE IF THOSE WISHING TO PURCHASE, STATE THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH THEY IN- JSING THE VESSEL. FOLLOWING PRICE SET-UP HAS BEEN rABLISIIED BY THE HEAD OFFICE OF WAR SETS CORPORATION IN MONTREAL: $50,000.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $30,000.00 FIRST CORVETTE SECOND CORVETTE THIRD CORVETTE FOURTH CORVETTE Ig date for receipt of offers of purchase en fixed for Twelve Noon Friday, Novem- 191o, and must be forwarded to: lR assets corporation 101 WEST HASTINGS STREET VANCOUVER B.C. If a man's home is fits cast le r He should dress like a king DRESSING GOWNS are the realm . . . SHOP EARLY AS SELECTIONS ARE LIMITED CALlj M WILLIAM F.STONE "Clothes of Distinction" Wm. H. FRANCKS Optometrist OF VANCOUVER Now In Prince Rupert C.N.R. Contribution I Telegraphs During War P L. . ... i.i,it nf thfi Columbia rTancKS, wno h rin'u - . ... rr. Co., 605 Dunsmulr Street, Vancouver, is visiting Rupert and will be at me uhw.. -- Umber 26. He has with him a complete Ophahalmic Ln. prescribe lenses !. j ...in .-,4a oo and are required. Mr; Francks will continue to give the and advice which estamisnea j .v.. j...imiv ViIq visit, lust I among Prince Rupert peopie uu.."6 - Details of Great System, in Which Prince: Rupert: Figured Is Revealed VANCOUVER, Nov. 19 A ma- or contribution was made by the Canadian National Tele graphs in the construction of the giant wartime communication system in British Columbia, ' officially known as the Pacific Communications System, details of whjch were recently revealed by Western Air Command, Royal Canadian Air Force, under whose supervision It was built and operated. I When the urgent need for a defence communication system was realized early In 1942, the Canadian National Telezraphs was asked to perform much of the Important work. Radio could not be used to span the vital coast territories because of the need for secrecy. Land-lines were essential because their signal energy radiates only a matter of feet; vital military, naval and air force communications were thus safeguarded from Japanese listening posts which could monitor everything 'but line-of-sight radio stations. Tlie essential P.C.S. mainland route Vancouver to Prince Rupert was, therefore, carried for more than COO miles of its "WO. mile stan over Canadian National Telegraph -.lines. For i in'.'1; of 51 miles between Wn ?jvi. lyiton Ibe rugged, I'-fito'i- "flypn of the mighty f'pr li'ver M' followed: for almost 200 mile;- from historic Have linn o pert otl'rince Rupert Hi t ir'iulent Skeena CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to chatfge) MONDAY P.M. 4:00 Fred Waring. 4:30 Date With the Duke. 5:00 Music From America. 5:30 Remember. 3:45 O.I. Jive. 6: CO Magic Carpet 6:15 Jimmy Carroll 6:30 Victory Loan Reporter 6:45 The Hub - 6:50-Recordcd Interlude 7:00 CBC News. 7:15 Canadian Roundup. 7:30 "Civvy Street, B.C." 7:45 Recital Time 8:00 Designed for Listening 8:30 Eddie Bracken. on John and Juay 9:05 Hoagy Carmichael 0:30 American Aioum 0:00 CBC News. 10:10 Recorded Interlude. 10:15 Neighborly News 10:30 Harry James. 11:00 Silent. TUESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical ciock.-3: CO CBC News. 8:15 Breakfast Club. 3:30 Vaughn Monroe 8:45 Morning Song. 9:00 BBC News. 9:15 Morning Devotions. 9:30 Transcribed Varieties. 9:45 March of Time. 10:00 Waltz Time. 10:30 Melody Roundup. 10:45 Morning visit 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies. 11:15 Studio Scrapbook 11:30 Weather. Forecast. 11:31 Message Period. 11:33 Recorded Interlude. 11 :45 Personal Album. P.M. 12:00 Xavler Cugat 12:15 Across the Board. 12:30 CBC News. 12:45 Matinee Memories. 1:00 Modern Minstrels. 1:15 Words With Music 1:30 B.C. School Broadcast 1:45 Words .With Music. 2:00 Silent. LESTER TO ACE COMMENTATOR 'AND MASTER STORY TELLER tuna u m i HI KXKX ,HI MILLS OP Hed.-Frl. i CFPR 6:45 P.M. The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S US si ri L sin oiNTMENTS CAN BE. MADE AT .THE HOTEL. FINESHSALMON River marked the defense route. Communications men know of no tougher sections in all Canada in which to construct and maintain land-lines than these two routes. Cables had to be removed from tunnels and wires strung over inaccessible mountain sites to "smooth out" the lines for high-frequency carrier systems. Dogged perseverance and frequently high courage were needed to erect this type of con struction. Due to the manpower shortage, telegraph gangs were composed of men either below or above military age. Hardy fore men piloted their Inexperienced men over the treacherous ter rain, setting a bold example at every turn and frequently at .great personal risk. One life was lost on a crumbling mountain ledge 500 feet above the swift North Thompson River just east of Lytton. Long hours daily under all climatic conditions speeded the project. Finally, the hundreds of rhlles of heavy building and reconstruction saw completion and the precious copper stands linked north and south. The architects department of the Canadian National participated in the Pacific Communications System by designing and suDervislng construction of 12 concrete fireproof "repeater" buildings which house the repeater, terminal and carrier eauinment, together with 13 residences for maintenance staffs, included in the rjlan. Lay-' out of these buildings, contain- lne teleTi)nh and telephone equipment reaulred special care due to the number and tyop of machines and equipment installed tn"thm. Elans repeater stations, tn amplify telegraph, teleohone and carrier sinal currents at approximately 150-mlle intervals, were constructed on the mainland and two on Vancouver Is-'?nd. ' I?cieater Stations At Many Points These repeater stations are lo cated at Lytton,. 150-Alile House Prince George, Burns Lake Woodcock. Kleena Kleene, Bella Coola, Port Hardy, Tofino and Courtenay. Special hardships were encountered at Kleena Kleene and Bella Coola on the mainland and at Port Hardy ana Tofino on Vancouver Island, owing to their isalated locatfons and difficulties of transportation. Terminals for the system are located at Vancouver, Victoria and Prince Rupert, the C.N.R. MATERNITY AID NEEDS Dr. Edith Summerskill Urges Importance of Childbirth Relief LONDON, Nov. 19 CD If suc cessful prosecution of the war had depended on the relief of women in childbirth, ways and means would have been found within a month, Dr. Edith Sum merskill, parliamentary secre tary to the minister of, food, told the Married Womens' Associa Hon. She stressed thfe need for anaesthetics during childbirth and said, 'This meeting is an anachronism. It is more than 100 years ago since a woman was given an anaesthetic in confinement, and yet here we are at the beginning of the atomic age having to plead that a simple, foolproof apparatus should be made available to women to designing and supervising construction of the last two. To Illustrate thi extent of the supervision maintained In con struction of the repeater sta tlons and terminals, John Scho-field, chief architect, Canadian National system, of Montreal,, who designed many outstanding structures including the Hotel Vancouver and the new C.N.R. Central Station, Montreal, made two personal Insoection trips by air to all the stations while they were being built. Assistance was also given by the telegraph company in supplying technical staff for repeater stations situated on its lines, special classes being held in the C.N Jt. statlnn, Vancouver. In addition, similar quarters were provided in the same railway station for the R.C.A.F. to Instruct its , personnel. Both groups were thus prepared fnr the task of manning the various facilities connected with the sreat secret project which has just been announced to LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 97f 'Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp, ymca ease the indescribable agony of childbirth. "Human brains devise ingenious inventions but find difficulty in applying them In the interests of the people. Unfortun ately the 600,000 women who suffer yearly are unorganized and Inarticulate." Steamship Sailings ForAVancouver Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Catala, 1:30 pjn. Thurday ss Prince Rupert, 11:45 p.m. Friday ss Cardena, 10:00 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss Catala. 4 D.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide, Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. Thursday. Nov. 15 Princess Louise. I For North Queen Charlottes Nov. 23. Dec. 7, Dec. 21. For South Queen Charlottes Nov. 25, Dec. 9, Dec. 123. From South Queen Charlottes Nov. 23, Dec. 7, Dec. 21. Casslar, pjn. For Alaska Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. Thursday. Nov. 15 princess Louise, a.m. From Alaska Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 19, p.nv For Vancouver Princess Louise, Nov. 19-29. From Vancouver Princess Louise, Nov. 15-25. CRESSINO, Essex, Eng., 09 A baby rat was found living hap. plly with a litter of kittens on a farm pear here.- prinrc ttupcrt Dallp HctojJ Monday, November 19, 1945 Preserved Identity Of Army Balloons ESSENDINE. Eng.. Nov. 19 W Lt.-0en. Sir Alfred Cordlngton, who saved the British Army's regimental names from being- replaced by numbers, died In this Rutlandshire town at the age of 91. When Sir Alfred was mili tary secretary to Lord Kitchener' during the first months of the First Great War he told his chief it would' be a terrible blunder if the army were made up of battalions with numbers only.' The men, he said, would have no traditions to uphold and no es- prlt-de-corps, and suggested they should become part of existing regiments. Ills suggestion was adopted. MOOSE DIRECTOR ONVISITlHEREj George S. Hockley, newly ap pointed regional membership director for Loyal Order or Moose In B.C. as well asj District Deputy Supreme Governor of the order, arrived In the city this .afternoon from Vancouver on the Princess Adelaide to of ficiate at the initiation offsome 70 new members into the Pince Rupert lodge at ceremons to be held in the I.O.D.E. Hall on Tuesday night. He will remain In the city for several days to discuss the possibilities c obtaining a new ..headquarters building for the lodge wlthlocal Moose officials. Buy War Savings Stamps A. MacKenzie Furniture Phone 775 'A QOOD PLACE TO BUY" Buy this Christmas, gifts that last there is not much better than a good bed that gives real sound refreshing sleep. Here are a few suggestions: Beautyrest Mattress, Deepslcep Mattress, Slumber King Mattress all made by Simmons. Supreme Mattress, Rip-Van-Winkle Mattress-made by Restmore. A small deposit will hold them for you. We have other gifts to choose from, suitable for h your Home and Friends. Watch our window you will not be disappointed. Outside Mail Orders are appreciated 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert r w7..yo) can rWGEr A treatment MAXWELL HOUSE C0PPEE VACUUM PACKED (no flavor can get out-no AIR CAN GET IN) TRULY DELICIOUS BECAUSE its ROASTM Two Grinds-Regular and Drip Jfmj Whatis LAWTIGEN? ml I Lanticen is prepared In I mUM nSS jOl ' H t 1 4 M SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, SPONDYLITIS, 'rHPw KJ Dj UffJ I II O riBROSITIS, NEURITIS AND OTHER ME H B fll 111 GERM-CAUSED RHEUMATIC DISORDERS SP''PlS E3 I AN EMINENT PHYSICIAN Mf jPjlalH fflR?fl an DlSSOlVeO i j it VaCCinC Writing in the "nriu-sh Medial Journal." J W jmf .JSjj illHEl M " ' H : JBIIL 'to be token by mouth wV peri, ori migeni I , jHKHHEl m" employed for cases of t TftU0 " ?N. important statement, bowerer, heralds the I llnplflPi fe MB PMl 'JJg lawn of a greit release for Catarrhal sufferers. 1 HHHH P 00 9 'jSniiJ Per Bottle MALTBY BROTHERS LTD. - ,S Boon Ave., Toronto D PI BARHAM & SANDS - 561 Cambie St., Vancouver EN wmmm am H J. E. WASS0N Box 656, Saint John, N.B. H IMnHMOTHPHi MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY ra iliilililiililTiiliiliiilk lantltea Ij from DRUGGISTS onlr-U unobuin- H IH V I I mm I V siimj mt coupon direct jmWMM mmw mM urn m m WMM m mW A mmm lanticen laboratories, . M mfm mum Wm 1 mm mum 1 mum umu u Richmond st. e.. Room t, Toronto i.ont. Cm m ,PB 1 I H I IBH mmm I IHI OK. )0 CAMBIE STREET, VANCOUVER. B.C N 'mifm ;l 'B 1 I I PklB H .....kmlesoUANTIGEN MB BjbBJ 'I jH 111 im I I I iiH1 Umt IHiiiiil for tht treatment of. H I ITl l HH ILI mum k 'mmm mmm N,m M B I 1 mm 1 mm ah MJM "Mfl mml IB H nH k I Ciir orTown........ Tnl m mm m ill I m ' mm mm. I I mm mmm. 'AmW Th 0m mr 0,utl Drusglst u2m M LILJH Krouwtol further uaTw