AY FEBRUARY 5, 1645 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE 'THREE AM m mm s m mr 7 fiOODYKAK Distress of OntHliW. K t llubber Co. Ltd. HOSi; HELTINCi and Accessories Head Colds will like the way a few drops of i nn men nostril promptly, .f...!., r ipve distress oi neaa coius. I1VHJ ' . ii. . ,thrj irritation, reduces swemng. . ,i,r mM-t loam! ise and makes nu-r. (IU1U: Also iieips ,nt nianv colds irom aeveiopin ii tv. it? wnrk iuse nnei Ultimru .1 - j:-Uw in iniiipr. .Ill UIII.LIL'II- - . Hvo lock Of D01J- ze carried, ready ior edia e delivery i.u.u. n..nn( f mm llllht- I House Ham Man'f ft'rs Agt. - i n i i (J VJUU1I if f THE ictory Cafe AU Ccoks :! Experience it. t ! i v 1 sh Local Raw and PHONE f j7 TRANSFER Slabwood. per cord ....$10 lPlar. nor nn,j ust. Per sack i5c 1 "ONE 580 'clal Doobe-Duty "i ... I . C-.I 1 J. DrooS worn run Right Where irouDieiwi VICKS VA-TRONOL NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Hates 75c up 50 Rooms. Hot and Cold Water PHINCB RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 100 Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) INCOME TAX Returns PreparedSee It. K. MORTLMKR 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 NOTICE J. H. MAIR has been appointed sole representative of NATIONAL .MONUMENTS for Uils district. The business has been purchased from A. Welxl by W. Yule. . Mackenzie Furniture Limited A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" TTTV nrfT lit ti mi r-o n rr S I .ill a-4'4 mai a iiiXAJitj 4ITTV nt5Tt r- n t"i j Ski. .ill ---- UWA tJl ivn'w - lriu tiittto. .. ... w p I ii I n.v MA I I Kfcoo " mill A A Ii-Ayij -HHVJ 1AJ ULTW - - DV . . L'tl lt w 4UVtQ y ' " C.:r terfield Suites, Bedroom Suites, Ranges, L.. leum . . . Everything for the Homel - iuui UlUl'f U mall I ' Thlrrl Phone ?15 BONDED HOOFERS prince rupert roofing co. and Sheetmetal Works 'ttmetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning nl - Rink Envestrouch & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders "Ml .VJJ 1 1.3 VTUill xvy. ....... r . f r . . . . ... n w n f tiuaa t i i n 1 1 1 . .1 " "ii 01, zna Ave. w, l'.u. uox .-nunc muv.- u. Valentine Day, Feb. 14th e now liave a large assortment of Valentine Cards for relatives and friends. Shop for yours early and you won't be disappointed. Hasten Victory by buying WAR SAVINGS STAMPS GIVE TO THE I.o'.D.E. DOOK FUND I UJUUI (J J UO (Avw J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Vhone 040 Local News ews It items... PHONE 88 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS J. H. Macey left Saturday night I on a trip to Vancouver. Andrew Dybhavn left Saturday night on a trip to Vancouver. Monthly meeting W.A. of Machine Gun Regiment, 8:15 tomorrow night, Armories. (lt Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Morgan, of Bllmor, left Saturday night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. A Regular meeting of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union will be held Tuesday, February C, at 7:00 p.m. Members pelase attend this meeting. Important. (31) George Mitchell, manager of Albert and McCaffery fuel com pany, complained to police at the week-end of the theft of three sacks of coal from the company coal shed. City fire department answer ed a call to the rear of the Commodore cafe at 9 oclodc Saturday morning where a rubbish fire had apparently been mistaken for something more serious. . M. F. Anderson, formerly dlr ector of the local American Red Cnxss, left Saturday night for Seattle prior to going to White-horse, Y.T., where he will be connected in a similar capacity with the Northwest Service Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Kergln will leave on tomorrow night's train for Toronto where they will at tend the graduation of their son, Allan Kergln, from medical col lege of University of Toronto. They expect to be away about six weeks. T. Applegath of Vancouver, Progressive - Conservative party provincial organizer, and A. M. Harvey, delegate from Ocean Falls left Saturday night for the south after attending a Pro-gresHtve-Conservatlve nominating convention here. P. O. Bird, who. came here from Mayo where he was territorial assaycr for the Yukon and has been for the past three years in the service of the Northern B.C. Power Co. as an electrician, sail ed Saturday nlghVforVancouver where he will enlist in the active Canadian Army. Mrs. Bird and family are remaining here for the time being,. Mr. Bird was a sergeant In the local reserve unit. Funeral Arranged For This Wednesday Arrangements have been made for the funeral of the late B, Shearman, Anglican Church missionary teacher at Metlakatla, on Wednesday afternoon from St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral i with Very Rev. James B. Gibson, the dean, officiating. Missionary teacher at Metlakatla village for several years, Mr. Shearman col lapsed in the hotel lobby wnne returning from the tneaire wiui his daushter, Miss uoroiny Shearman, a nurse at the Prince Rupert General Hospital. He was in the city on a visit. Mr. anear- man, who was born in England, had served at iiazeuon, r.h- wanga and Kltkatla berore going to Metlakatla. He is survived by his wife at Metlakatla, and two daughters, uorowy in rnncu Rupert and Marjorle, living Stewart. Don't u!f viu-min deticienrlc -don't be confuted to which r!Tii.mln to buy. in Vita-Vim K" Het,?oi r Viumint A ni Di and C i" (WMitiitc. In iut two Iron, bhi -"" . k n dtily A,, GST iiw?"rk.e of vu.-vi so r pp'y ? ril tli. 300 opml, t 7M IN THE 8UP11EME COURT OP HHITISH COLUMUIA IN rROHATE IN THE MATTER OP THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" nnd tu fit MATTER OP CHARIJa WALLACE. DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that By order or iru Honor W. E. Flslier, made on ih. ot.vi finv of January. A U. 1U45 I was appointed Administrator of th estate of Charles Wallace. decen1, and all parties having claims against hn nnkl Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or liefor tne autn aay oi rcn- ... a n indR nnd nil rtnrt.lpR In. debted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness In mn forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 24th day or January, a.u. iu. Administrator of the Estate NORMAN A: WATT, of Charles Wallace. Albert Cox left Saturday night on a trip to Vancouver. E. W. Freisen left Saturday night on a trip to Vancouver. Moose Lodge meets tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in I.O.D.E. Hall. A. D. Ritchie sailed Saturday night on the Prince George fori a business trip to Vancouver. Col. E. J. Ryan, of Vancouver, left Saturday night to return to the southern city after spending several days in the city on business. Provincial Constable G. Y. Brotherston and Mrs. Brothers-ton and their two children left Saturday night on the Prince George for a holiday trip to February Ration Coupon Calendar . Following ration coupons be come valid in February: February 8 Butter coupon 95. February 15 Butter coupon 00. Preserves coupons 39 and 40. Sugar coupons 52 and 53. February 22 Butter coupon 97. Following coupons are good through February: Butter 90 to 94. Peserves 33 to 38. Sugar 4G to 51. I ' Military Orders 1st (It.) n. Prince Rupert Kegt. (MG) . J. Toombs, Ma. Commanding Transport Truck will pick up personnel and equipment at Sixth Avenue and Figgoi t-iacc at 19;C5 hours toniaht and will be at Sand Pit at 19: 15 nours, proceeding down Sixth Avenue to urea camp. Announcements Women of the Moose Dance February 7. Oddfellows' nail 9:30 to 1. Junior War Workers Tea Legion Rooms, February 10. (34 St. Peter's Sale. April 26. Tea, Presbyterian Hall, Febru ary 14. C.W.L. Valentine Bridge, Whist and Cribbage, K. of C. Hut, Feb. 13, 8:00 pm. United Church Valentine Tea, Feb. 15. Dance every Saturday night. rtl.iralmirc II.11 O tn 19 CO-OP BUILDS ICE SHEDS SMITHERS, Feb. 5 The harvest of ice at Smithers has been completed at the earliest date In many years. The ice Is of splendid quality, being about two feet in thickness and of clear green. Many thousands of tons have been stored away for summer use In the Booth Fisheries sheds at Lake Kathlyn and in local Ice houses in town. The Fishermen's Co-op in Rup ert have made arrangements fS? the construction of two Ice houses 100 feet by 30 feet at Lake Kath lyn alongside the Ice houses of the Booth Fisheries already- at that point. The building con tractors of Smithers, Bovill & Hann, have the contract for the Vection of these buildings which will be erected immediately. When completed they will be filled with ice by the Hanson Co, Ltd. of Smithers, who have the machinery and men for harvesting Ice there. CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) MONDAY P.M. 4:00 Words With Music 4:15-G. I. Jive 4:30 American Album 5:00 Music from America 5:30 Pete Wombach 5:45 Raymond Scott 6:00 Your Radio Theatre 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Hollywood Salute 7:30 To be announced 7:45 A Western Voice '8:30 Great Gllderslieve 9:00 Bob Hope 9:30 Globe Theatre 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Elmore pnilpott 10:15-CBC News Roundup 10:30 Mildred Bailey 11:00 Silent TUESDAY AM. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Morning Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9;30 Transcribed Varieties 9:45 March Time 10:00 Salon Musicale 10:30 Melody Round-up 10:45 Morning Visit 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 To be announced 11:33 Message Period 11:35 Weather Forecast 11 :3G Recorded 11:45 Personal Album P.M. 12:00 Melody Hour 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Band Wagon 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 Junior Music ' 2:00 Silent Saw Son's Picture In Daily News Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Shandro of i tnis city were very interested in a picture appearing in the Daily News last Friday of the badly damaged H.M.CJ5. Teme, Canadian frigate, which had been rammed In the Bay of Biscay by an alrcract carrier. The picture showed Able Seaman Nickon Shandro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Shandro, who was known to be on the Teme. Able Seaman Shandro, who will be 21 years of age in April, enlisted from Willing-don, Alberta, in July 1943 in the Navy and has been on the Atlantic since January 1944 after taking basic training at Esquimau. He is still overseaes. Mr. and Mrs. Shandro have been In Prince Rupert for two-and-a-half years, Mr. Shandro being employed at the dry dock. With the Forces News of the Men and Women on Active' Service Here Is a rather cute one written by a Prince Rupert girl nursing In Italy to her dad, written In the early morning hours by lantern-light In a field hospital: "Daddy dear, we both agree It shouldn't ought to be This space between you and me It shouldn't ought to be. This ruddy war But when it's won, we'll have some fun 'cause time's awastlng now And it shouldn't ought to be." Whifflets From The Waterfront J Half a dozen Prince Rupert halibut boats are now engaged in dogfishlng and more will be going out presently for dogfish and black cod as well. The Co-op Is taking the dogfish livers while the carcasses are sold to the B.C Packers for reduction purposes Black cod will be disposed of on the local market. No date has yet been set for the opening of the 1945 halibu season but the expectation is that It will be May 1 instead of April 15 as has been the opemn; date for the past few years. Sister-in-Law Injured and Her Son Loses Life St. ValenUne Dance, W.A. of backout restrictions means pub- PORT ESSINGTON, Feb. 5 A' Machine Gun Regt., Armouries, 1Jc clocks may nQW ,tghter but , Perklns 0f the Caledonia Hotel February 16. Cig Ben wlll not be nominated here has Just received word that C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Sat- for some time since the lighting his brother's wife was badly in- urday. apparatus was damaged by Jured and their only son killed Orange Ladles' Sale. March 28. bomibs. in England. CANADA V I UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE I LOCALLY BORN BOY MARRIES Miss Ada Terr ma and Corp. George Penny United at Army Citadel Ceremony A pretty wedding of much local Interest took place last Thurs day evening In the Salvation Army Citadel here when Corp. George Penny, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Penny and Prince Rupert born boy, was united In marriage with Miss Ada Terpsma, daughter of Bombardier and Mrs. Arthur Terspma of Edmonton. The ceremony, solemnized by" Adjutant E. D. Erunsdon, took place under a gay arch of pink and white streamers with cedar boughs, the hall being similarly decorated. The Wedding March was played by Mrs. J. S. Black. The bride, given In marriage by her father, wore a beauUful full length white wedding gown with long white net veil also reaching to the floor. The bridesmaid was Miss! Anne Terpsma, the bride's sister! and she wore a floor length white dress with a shoulder length pink veil. The bouquets were of pink and while carna tions. an hi W I I vaiid, c m di nvii rt.IT nccirc t mi r l v i ill t ii i vrrivb m The Employment Office In your town M Is there to help you when you need it. It assists employers to get workers. T I It helps workers to get Jobs. V ' It brings man and job together. REMEMBER . 1 IiwwiY Your Employment Office Is one In a great chain. M All offices work together. V By applying at your office you enlist the aid of all. ' Hik ..v-rSfirh-ri 1 EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES BOTH BENEFIT I II I bII lUlfnti AwiitkIT UirilBllrt M1 slICtlMvl 1 I I HUMPHREY MITCHELL I i, j, mount rVUnfiftr cf labwr II I I. J, TAllON I K ALLAN M. MITCHILL afl II I m I 1 CommidnnsTt 1 II I ... ..... I sh mil II nvmDM tour in a or ux uurerniimtnif explaining unemployment inwranca Following the marriage rite there was a reception at the I.O. D.E. Hall where' the guests, who came in the number of about 100 to tender their felicitations to the happy couple, were, received by the bride's parents and the groom's father and sister. The bride's table was featured by a handsome four-tier wedding cake which was made by the bride'3 mother. After refreshments the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. The groom, who was a fisher men until he enlisted In June 1942, is with the water transport division of the Royal Canadian. Army Service Corps. The bride has been Identified with the staff of the Salvation Army war services here. Corp: and Mrs. Penny will reside here. IN THE SUPRE!li COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OP THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JOSEPH SMALWOOD HOWE. DECEASED, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge Fisher. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 31st day of January, A.D. 1945. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Smalwood Howe, who died on the 2nd day of November. 1944. AU persons indebted 'to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the snld Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 28th day of February, 1945, falllni; which distribution wlll be made having regard only to such claims ox wmcn I snnu nave been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 31st day or January, a d. iih.i. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. GEO. JDAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment 146 4th Ave. E.. Red 127 KWONG SANO HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pm. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 iiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiin 'Build B.C. Payrolls" Second Generation Children Mm iMP0MTl ?. !lMiM' "Perhaps what you want to know most Is that both my children are Pacific Milk babies, and two. healthier younsters could not be found. "They are too lively at times." This young mother was herself fed Pacific Milk In her Infancy. We are grateful to be able to pass these stories on to other mothers. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed AUCTION SALE Thursday, Feb. 8th I.O.D.E. HALL (Eagles' Hall) 5th Ave. and McBride 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Goods for this Auction are too numerous to list. Several families have requested me to sell the contents of their homes. I can definitely guarantee goods to be' clean and In good condition. Chesterfields, Dinettes, Dining Room Suites, Stoves, Tables, Chairs, Dishes, etc., etc. Further listings must be In by Feb. 6th. Phone Blue 69. J. H. MAIR The Auctioneer SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala. Friday S3 Cardena Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands eyerv ten days. Further Informatltm', Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 563 I. i ii THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 Corner of 6th and Fulton H A L F MOON SNACK (Manager, George Lum) . Specializing In Lunches Chow Mein Chop Suey From 11 a.m. to S ajn. Opposite Sunrise Grocery I 4.