1 nrrli! Scliool' out! Watch bof.e husky youngateri eat IKfJ't iffl V with uto when you eerve J$kMM&Sjjf 'em Hoyal City. Tender, LMtWWHW I .,lmp vegetable ...Iiiacioua, ESj&iiilltfJ 3 I Que flavored frull . . . in-min J fMilftSf . . thtre' royal quality In ij ( NNED, FOODS 3 j. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerve doubly sol Smith Block Oreen 995 Vitamin Enriched Bread The Choice of Many, Who Know the Best! TERRACE BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY Home of Quality Products BOX 200 - TERRACE, B.C. TOURISTS "SKKENA BRIDGE CAMP" One mile East of Terrace Box 1J Terrace, B.C. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL 'TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE TAGGING NETS $213.C7 As a result of the Gyro Club's tag day on Saturday for play ground funds, the sum of $213.07 was realized. Announcements C.C.F. Strawberry' Tea, Odd fellows' Hall, July 18, 2 to 5. Presbyterian Tea, July 25. Dance , every Saturday night, Oddfellows' Hall. 9 to 12. Dance. Orance Hall. Terrace, every Friday. Good time for all. SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala Friday SS Cardena Sailings 'for Queen Charlotte Islands, every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent "Third Ave. Phone 5C8 EM! r f Going to Terrace for the Week-End? GET YOUR FOOD SUPPLIES IN OUR MODERN SELF-SERVE GROCERY SECTION. CITY PRICES FAST SERVICE THE SKEENA MERCANTILE Q. McADAMS, Prop. TERRACE, B.C. TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE W. C, Osborne V. Imhoff Expert Renairs on all makes of cars A. M. Williams Reconditioning Motors Tractors Road. Equipment Machine Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric Welding BOX 202 : TERRACE, B.C. for the JULY MIDE IN PRACTICAL TASTE Are Our Assortments of KITCHENWARE ENAMFXWARF. GADGETS LINENS And tother Household Requirements THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR BEST RESULTS Local News It A Vote for T. B. Black, endorsed by Non-Partisan Ass'n. (160) Canadian Legion Executive meeting tonight, 8 o'clock. OUlls Royer left Saturday night for Seattle where he -will attend a district conference of the Moose Lodge, later vto- ceedlng to Vancouver to spend a month. Rev. J. Iinney, pastor of the Gospel Tabernacle here, returned to th city at the week-end from Vancouver where Mrs. Lln-ney recently passed away. Mr. Linney was accompanied toy his daughter, Laverna, and Hugh Dorland, Chilliwack merchant, who will spend a couple of weeks visiting here. A. P. Llnnell of Winnipeg, superintendent of Canadian National Telegraphs for the western region, and Gus Gottfred, superintendent for Alberta and British Columbia with head quarters In Edmonton, were week-end visitors, in the city on official business, arriving Friday night by train and returning east Saturday night. Relief from NEURITiC Pain Don't suffer another day from the cruel torment of Neuritlc, Kheumatlc or Arthritic Pain. Get quick relief M thousandshavewithTempleton t r-R-C i Specially made to relieve Rheumatic Pain ami s,iiffni-m. Neuralgia. Lumbago, Sciatica. T-K-C'e are sold, by druggists everywhere. iOc, $1. Features: The Seal of Quality BRITISH 4 COLUMBIA'S lei 25 NEW ROLE FOR EDW. ROBINSON I'lays Part of Shy Little Bank Clerk Who Becomes Bold G.I. Story of a shy little bank clerk who Joins the army where his hypochondlacism is quickly rubbed off, "Mr. Winkle Goes to War," "with Edward G- Robinson In the title role and a different kind of role for him, comes to the Capital Theatre here at the first of this week today and Tuesday. After toeing wounded in the South Pacific, "Mr. Winkle" Is e,i ted for heroism and becomes the nation's idol tout he remains his quiet and unassuming self and resumes his longed-for place in the community. I Ruth Warrick gives an understanding performance in the role of Winkle's wife, while Ted Donaldsons popalaHuvenllef also has an Important part as do ; Robert Armstrong, Richard Lane; Richard Gaines and Bob Haymes. FINEST SALMON THE BULKLEY MARKET CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 ems A Listen to T. B. Black, CFPR, 8:15 pm. Mrs. J. W. Douglas and children of Smlthers left Saturday on the Prince George on a trip to Vancouver. B. Withers left Saturday night for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs- Withers and family are already In the south. Tuberculosis may strike at any age, chiefly between 18 and 45. Know for sure by having your chest x-rayed. Mrs. A. L. Mallory of Port Clements Is paying a visit to the city, having arrived yesterday on the Casslar from the Queen Charlotte Islands. The Prince Rupert Gyro Club executive was. In session today In preparation for the monthjy business luncheon of the club which will be held this Wednesday. Selective Service officer E. V. Whiting returned on Sunday. night's train from a weeks business trip to the interior during which he went as far as Smlthers and Telkwa. Miss Irene Strong of Perth, Ont., who has been teaching in the Indian school at Skldgate Mission, was In the city at the end of the week bound from the Queen Charlotte Islands to Van couver where she will visit for a week before returning to On tarlo. She Is not returning west but will take a teaching posl tlon at Peterborough, Ont., In the fall. "MISS CANADA" IS THRILLED Joe Scott Favors Mary .Margaret Bulger With $100 War Savings Purchase Purchase of a $100 certificate by Joe Scott for his younger son featured Saturday's bimonthly war savings stamp canvass. The favored salesgirl wa3 Mary Margaret Bulger who was much elated over the accomplishment. In all the day's sales amounted to $166.50. The canvass was, as usual, In charge of Mrs. Stan Savllle while the "Miss Canada" salesgirls were Dorothy Kergin, Donna MacArthur, Kathleen Smith, Glenys Lashmar, Mary Margaret Bulger, Joanne Lang- rldge and Viola Prendergast. Sea Cadet Orders R.CS.C.C. "CAPTAIN COOK" Parade Schedule 7:05 Band and markers to muster. 7:10 Hands fall In. 7:20 Officers' call. . ' 7:25 Prayers, colors and divisions. 7:30 Kit inspection, all ranks. 8:00 Medical examination. 9:00 Secure. 9:15 Sunset. Duty Division Howe Division. O.O.D. (Act) Act. Midshipman F. James. Duty Petty Officer LS T. Calne. Quartermaster LS Richards. Special Orders 1 Compulsory parade for all hands going to camp. 2 Ratings to bring all kit bags for Kit Inspection; kit bags will then be stored at R.C.S.C Stores until sailing date. 3 Ratings to have all personal gear marked with their name. Kit bags to have rating's name in conspicuous place outside. 4 Rig of the Day: Officers, khaki, blue caps; ratings, No. 3's, blue caps. (Sgd.) E. JOHN WILSON. Lieutenant R.CS.C, Executive Officer. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE ' "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP CONRAU r'ALK., Utt-tASUU, INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on the 27th day or June, A.D. 1945, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Conrad Falk, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 4th day of August, A.D. 1945, and all parties Indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C, this 27th day of June, A.D. 1945. "NORMAN A. WATT," Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. A. MacKenzie Furniture Limited "A OOOD PLACE TO BUY" CHAIRS FOR YOUR DAILY USE AND TO ADD TO YOUR COMFORT Deck Chairs and Reclining Chairs In contrasting colors Awning Material Pull-up Chairs Coxswell Reclining Chairs Parlour Chairs Bodolr Chairs Chesterfield Chairs Rocker Chairs Baby High Chairs Kitchen Chairs. These chairs are now in stock, covered In different materials and all vary in colors. Phone 775 327 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert ARE MARRIED IN VICTORIA .Miss Helen McCann of Cobble Hill and Alex Strachan of Prince Rupert United A double-ring ceremony was performed In First United Church, Victoria, recently, when Rev. Dr. H. McLeod united In marriage Helen Lola, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. MdCann, Cobble Hill, and A.B. Alexander Strachan, R.C.N.V.R., youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strachan of Prince Rupert. The bride's floor-length gown of white sheer was fashioned with long fitted waist, sweetheart neckline, long sleeves and lace Insets In the skirt. A full- length veil of tulle fell from a white tiara headdress. The bride carried a shower bouquet of Talisman roses. Given In marriage by her father, she was attended by Miss Valerie Turn er, wearing a floor-length gown of white sheer and blue Juliet cap with matenmg shoulder-length veil. The bridesmaid car ried a shower bouquet of Talis man roses and blue larkspur. A recepttlon was held at the Kit Kat Cafe, where the guests were received by the mother of the bride, assisted by Miss Helen Palmer of Vancouver, sister of the groom. A honeymoon was spent in Vancouver, the bride travellln In a silver .grey dress, small gold feather hat and a turquoise blue top coat with beige fox collar.' She wore a corsage bousuet of Talisman roses. The couple will reside in Victoria. Admiral Binney Tasman Governor HO BART, Tasmania, July 9 W Admiral Sir Hugh Binney will succeed Sir Ernest Clark as Governor ' of Tasmania, Premier Robert Cosgrove announced. Admiral Binney, who Is 62, was .commandant of the Imperial Defence College early In the war. He was gunnery officer of the battleship Queen Elizabeth during the First Great War. He commanded H.M.S. Hood in 1932-33 and was rear admiral commanding the First Battle Squadron during 1930-38. "Build B.C. Payrolls" No Wqnder t ft Popular SP1 Pacific Milk Is used in thousands of homes for cooking and all' other household uses because good and frugal cooks recognize its quality and economy. At the same time Its irradiation for bone vitamins and homogenizing make it scientifically correct for infant feeding. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 Lumber We now have a stock of good grade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand FLOORING We have a limited quantity of 1x3 Maple Flooring, on hand. Call and see It. Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVIH & CO. LTD. Hotel. . . Pilnce Rupert I arrivals A. McDonnell. Terrace: D. Defleux, Vancouver; George Wells, Vancouver; D.. Abbott, Quesnel; Mr. and Mrs. W. Beav ers, Massett; Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Williams, Vancouver; Miss Freda C. Hall, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Johnson, Terrace; Mr. ana Mrs. D. C. Best, Victoria; Mrs. W. Brazier, Terrace; W. J. Rennle, Port Clements; J. F. Godfrey, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. H. Schultzlck. Terrace; Mrs. J. A, Scott, Victoria. SKEGNESS, Lincolnshire, Eng. Oi Skegness, remembering how its streets were lit up by searchlights during air raids, Is think-, ins of using this form of lighting Instead of gas lamps. WOODY HERMAN, the man who plays the Blues, says "Adam Hats are the style-beat with me." To make this a stylish Summer, Mr. Herman wears one of the jaunty Adam models. Adam Hats from $3.95 to $6.00 Featured by Rupert Mens and Boys Store V it1 lr We've the recipe you want for a lovely golden brown. Just don one of these brief lovelies and let the sun do the rest. A number of sassy little suits to choose from, gay colorful and very easy on the eyes. ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR "WE LEAD . OTHERS FOLLOW" Prince Rupert, B.O. THE DAILY NEWS Monday, July 9, 1945 PAGE THREE a Harsh purgatives only offer temporary relief. Eat Kellogg' All-Bran every day. Nearly ont out of every two Canadian families now use All-Bran 64 for over five years. No wonder we believe you will benefit from All-Bran. Prove it at our risk, not yours. mM' u Hera la ur guarantee? EtnQMrcnf A-Hrn tv fry Jaj If altr finishing just em pacta ft yon da wtlfrit ill conlimtd mil is a limpU, pleasant, daily pricauiien It Ittlp you hep rtgular, u will to-Jund you net only uhat you paid-bat DOUBLE your mtrnty tort. Your itocct hat All-Bran la 2 coa-veaicnr fixes. Modt if Killoig in London. Canada, (Keep fyutsr-Mstorsfyi Alderman Wm. H. Brett Candidate Pat Foreman Ex-Alderman Thomas Elliott Over CFPR THIS EVENING, JULY 9TH at 6:45 Just Before the News Inserted by . . . CIVIC LABOR FEDERATION Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND WATERMAN'S Besner Block, 3rd Street Here to serve the public YORK CONSTRUCTION Building, Materials, Estimates General Building Nothing too big or too small PHONE BLACK 884 EVERYDAY FOUNTAIN CARDS PENS Phone 234 EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 A.m. to 1 a.m. WE HEAR New Cars are Just around the corner WE HEAR YOU want a shiny new car . . . WE KNOW Ford Cars are best for economical driving . . . , , S CC S.E.PARKER LIMITED Ford and Mercury Dealers Powlsen's Cafe and Dining Room Is the Talk of the Town)VHY? Because'. It's the nicest-looking place in town. It's open for banquets, weddings and parties. Meetings may be arranged. "As good as the best, Better than the rest." FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION . . . quality foodstuffs are carried at all times. If you want the best, you will find it on our shelves. You are invited to inspect our stock: MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575