e PAGE FOUR Buy the 8th Victory Bonds! 'Annette Powell) THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert. B.C. Thursday, April 19, 1045 PLASTIC CLOTHES FOR AFTER WAR Wardrobe of Tomorrow Slay Also Give Husband Futuristic Headache By DOROTHY ROE Associated Press -Writer NEW YORK, April 19 (API-Stockings made of steel . . suits that can brave a rainstorm and remain fresh, pressed and unrumpled . . . lacy, ruffled collars and cuffs that can be dunked at night and need no Ironing . . . wool sweaters, wool dresses, wool stockings that can. be tossed in the washing machine and never shrink . . . chiffon nightgowns as strong as reinforced concrete . . . slacks that never lose their crease . . . and of course those dear antiques, two-way stretch girdles and real i nylons. "These are the thinsrs alreadv promised in the post-war world of fashion. But what of the fascinating imponderables? Will the New Woman appear as a Girl from Mars, in. streamlined plastic clothing that can be wiped off with a damp cloth. . change its colors with her mond and perhaps sprout a handy "parachute when she wants to -drop in on a friend from the -community air taxi? Husbands who used to ::grumble at Fifth Avenue shopping tours must now be prepared for bargain-hunting trips that include a hop to Russia for those new pink sables, a stop in China for a pure silk scan, a mile pleasant shopping around in Calcutta for a few fabulous jewels, a look at Turkey for rugs, France for per-Tume, England for tweedl:, Sweden for ski togs and Hawaii for the latest thing in beach wear. Even Utopia may have its complications. RHUBARB NOW IN FASHION Matching the new fashions for spring with new fashions in food Is one way of stimulating appetites and adding interest to the daily menu. There Is one difference, however. With nature supplying the foods, the homemaker only has to transform them into attractive dishes which fit into meals and at the same time allow for family preferences. Rhubarb is one of the spring foods whose tansy flavor nnd luscious color gives a real lift to appetites. Like other fruits too, it makes a real contribution to the diet and can be used frequently. Today the home economists of the Consumer Section of thp Dominion Department of AbtI- culture give the following inter esting Information about, rhubarb, and suggest two unusually attractive recipes. The hot house variety of rhu barb is usually a delicate pink. The garden varieties, available later, vary from dark red to a green. Never skin rhubarb. By dolnsr so one removes the color with its eye appeal. Points of Buying Rhubarb should toe fresh, firm crisp and tender. Rhubarb may be red. mle nink or even green in color. Rhubarb well-colored usually means good flavor. Rhubarb stalks itt their best are from to 1 inch in thick ness. Stale rhubarb has a wilted flabby appearance, may also be stringy and of poor flavor when cooked. Rhubarb Cream 4 cups diced raw rhubarb 3 tablespoons flour V4 teaspoon salt V2 cup sugar 2 egg yolks Family Allowances Question: What is the amount of revenue collected by the Federal Government in .each province, and what is the amount to be paid out for family allowances in each province? Answer: The following table shows the revenue totals covering the year ending March 31, 1944, and the estimated family allowance payments for the year beginning July Federal Tax Estimated Distribution Collections of Family Allowances Millions Millions Maritimes . $ 78 3.0 $23 n -Ub: 144 34.3 84 33 Ontario 1,058 48.8 75 29 Prairies , 135 02 54 21 British Columbia 155 7.1 15 $ $2,170 100 $256 "Too Going to a Party? Let us glamorize you for the occasion. CALL BLUE .917 FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY and be assured of no last-minute disappointment. PEGGY SAUNDERS 4th St. (across from Post Office) RUPERT BRAND SMOKED BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY -BUI Till) AY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Hesner Block, 3rd Street Phone 2.11 "KEEPING HOUSE IN WARTIME 2 egg whites 2 tablespoons sugar. . Mix diced rhubarb, flour, salt and cupjsugar. Let-stand one 1 i . . . uuur men cook over not water for fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally. Beat esz volk until light. Pour rhubarb sauce- over egg yolk stirring meanwhile, then return to double boiler. Cook i minutes. Fold In meringue1 made with stiffv beaten eee whites ana 2 tablespoons sugar. Pour into sherbet glasses. Chill. Six serv ings. Rhubarb Charlotte C slices, lightly .bunered iireail a inch thick 4 cups diced raw rhubarb V2 cup sugar lA teaspoon salt Use five slices of the bread to line a greased mould. Fill centre with rhubarb. Add sugar and salt. Place reserved slice of bread on top. Bake 35 minutes in a mode-ate oven, 375 degrees r. Turn out to serve. Six servings. j the most valuable forms of food. but they may be robbed of much of their natural nutritive value and 'flavor by poor choice or faulty cooking. "The Important thing Is to preserve the fish Juices In cook ing and to see they have not been1 lost before the fish Is iwld," Hazel Freeman. Fisheries De partment dietition said. Miss Freeman, who enjoys eating her delicious fish dishes ds munh as teaching other peopMe how to cook them, suggested these pointers for buying fish: 1. Make sure fresh fish Is really fresh. The shine on the llesh and skin indicates the presence of water and Juices. 2. If frozen or fresh dried fish looks flaky and dry, the Juices are mlsslngiund the fish is lacking in food value. 3. Smoked fillets are cod, with' few exceptions, whole smoked whole fish Is haddock and can oe identified by black lines down the sides. "The trick with frozen fish Is to get It while frozen, keep It frozen and cook while still frozen," Miss Freeman said. "If it is whole and you must take out the bones, thaw it as little as possible, because when the water thaws the Juices come out and with them most of the flavor aild food value." Fillets provide about three servings to the pound and whole fish about two. "Take the fish 6ut of its paper wrapper and keep it cold In a Tomatoes, Canned orFresh, are High In Food Value- it took a long time to accept tomatoes as a food. Once a taste for them was established however, they became so popular mat today they appear on the table more frequently than any other vegetable excent rwtatoes. both alone-and in combination with other foods. Canning doesn't change their flavor and canned -tomatoes. v.'hole or as Juice, still retain their high food value. Tomato "Juice, plain, is a erand starter for breakfast. For other meals it seems to need a little more seasoning and accordingly the home economists of the Con sumer Section. Denartment of Agriculture recommend hot tomato cocktail. It Is more easily prepared than soup, and is a real appetizer. They also suc'rest The Experts Say - - By HELEN BANNERMAN Cunndlan Press Staff Writer OTTAWA, April. 18 Canadian lish and that includes more than CO different kinds of food fish and shellfish are one of covered dish," she added. 'The juices are absorbed by the paper just as they are dissolved If the fish Is put in water." Boiling and Baking To boll fish successfully tie It In cooking .parchment and boll It 15 minutes for each inch it is thick in tin oven of 450 degrees fahrenhelt Cooking rules by pound do not apply since a chunk of salmon steak may weigh as much as a long, slender trout. Fish juices collected in the cooking parchment may be used in sauce for the dish replacing part of the milk. Over-cooking is betrayed by overflakrness. Slice fish before cooking since it Ls easier then than after It is cooked. "Smoked or dry salted fish should not be cooked quickly or It will toughen," Miss Freeman said. "Simmer these types directly In water to freshen them and keep them tender. It will take out some of the smoke or salt, and, in the case of smoked fish, little of the Juices are lost since It has already . been partly cooked." In serving fisli, stress coloring, a variety of flavors and something crisp. That means green or yellow vegetables instead of white, and you need something to chew on like a crisp salad with the dish. Something acid or tart Is needed to bring out the fish flavor and contrast with it that is the reason behind a slice of lemon." Simple dishes made, by east ¬ erners, from cod, haddock, halibut, mackerel and salmon, and by westerners from halibut, cod or salmon, are the favorites these busy wartime days, with white-fish a favorite In the Great Lakes and Prairies regions, Miss Freeman said. QUEEN OF THE CARNIVAL-Queen of Labrador's first winter sports carnival, pretty Betty McKenzie Is formally enthroned 1 by K'rS ' W. a T Rach' M C ' BD- of Toront0' commanding the Canadian troops at the famed isolated Ooo.se Bay air base Betty 7uuSJrom Brook,ln' Mass" ls a ned Crass girl employed in the United States Army Air Froce3 relation ha 1 The nove" winter show was arranged by the Canadian Army for the tZ ands. of personnel at the huge airdrome U.S.AAF Roval Mr Force Transport Command. Royal Canadian Air Forceand ovv (Canadian Army Photo). j other ways to use tomatoes which will appeal to home cooks. Hot Tomato Cocktail 2 cups tomato juice. 1 slice onion. 'A bay leaf 2 cloves 1 tablespoon sugar '8 teaspoon summer savoury 1 teaspoon vinegar ',b teaspoon celery salt Mix all ineredlents. Brine to boiling point then strain. Serve hot. Six servings. Tomato Beef Patties 4 pound ground beef 1 egg beaten cup apple sauce cup bread crumbs Hi teaspoons salt '4 teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon chqpped onion 2 cups canned tomatoes or tomato juice Blend thoroughly all Ingredi Timely Tips Leather Lore To make them last as long as possible, leather shoes need special care. When they aie wet never dry them near stoves, radiators or hot air registers. Heat bakes the oil out or the leather and weakens it. Instead, pack wet shoes with newspaper--not tightly enough, however, to stretch them and dry slowly Shoes should be nollshed reanlir- ly and the soles rubbed thor- j oughly with some oil preparation once a week. Almost Priceless That's what a sood leather handbag Is today. The following are some hints given by clothing specialists on the care and repair of leather and fabric purses. Keep a purse clean inside and out, and free of bulky "Junk" that may tear the lining. Clean fabric purses with dry-cleaning fluid. This cannot be used on leather bacause It drip-out the natural oil and may cause the leather, to crack. To cover stains and water spots use colored shoe cream or wax polish. Rub shiny spots on suede with Vf.ry fine sandpaper and touch up scratched or worn corners with matching shoe dye or India ink. Use silver polish to shine metal trimmings. A coating of clear nail polish, renewed often enough, will keep the metal finish bright. Do any stitching by hand with waxed double-duty or linen thread. Put in a new cardboard stiffening between lining and leather to pep up a limp-looking bag. GIFTS FOR BOMB VICTIMS FIND READY USERS "A million burst water pipes In England! Think of It!" exclaimed Mrs. W. E. Weil, National Director of the Women's Voluntary Services in Canada. She had just received a letter from Mrs. Q. Dunbar, Director of the Empire and Foreign Department, W.V.S., In Great Britain, which told of the tragedy which had occurred when a thaw iset In after a bitter cold spell. "One centre found all the I lovely gifts for bombed-out households soaked with water. I There were pillows, frying pans, glasses, vases, Jronlng boards, pokers, rugs anything with which to start a new home. All j had been in excellent condition j until the water pipes burst. Al- uiougn ineir morale was at its lowest ebb, our volunteers dried, Ironed and renovated everything, and never let on what had happened. "It has been a cruelly hard winter, especially for the thousands of people striving to make do In houses which in peacetime would have been considered unfit for human habitation, Others .are getting settled Into pre - fabricated houses, which provide walls and a roof but certainly are lacking In good looks. W.V.S. has been doing a lot towards making these horrible little boxes more comfortable. Counties which have not been affeated by the V weapons have adopted those that are badly hit that Is where the gifts come from." Mrs, Dunbar revealed that during, the flvine bnms nnrlnH W.V.S. headquarters had had 043 hours of alerts, or approximately fl'2 hours dally, ents except the canned tomatoes. Form Into balls and roll in flour. Brown, then add canned tomatoes and simmer 30-40 minutes. 6ix servings. Tomato Cabbage 4 cups finely shredded cabbage 1 cup tomato Juice 2 teaspoon paprika 2 teaspoons sugar Cook all ingredients together In a closely covered saucepan 6 to 10 minutes, six servings. RED 1L TP CROSS B SiiiiiiiiibTiiiiiiiihiS April Shipment Grade B 6 single quilts, 6 crib quilts, 4 girls" Jumpers, 1 girls' dress. Hospital Supplies 9 nalrs nv- jamas, 30 face cloths. Civilian Clothing 2 women's nightgowns, 13 waist and panty sets, 4 boys' vests, 3 women's pyjamas, 3 boys' sweaters, 1 boys' sleeveless sweater, & baby vests, 34 soakers, 15 1-year old Jackets, 5 bonnets, 12 bootees, 2 pair mitts, 1 cap, 1 pair socks. 18 boy's stockings. W. D. 3 pairs knickers. Knitted Service Goods 9 T. N. sweaters, 2 service sweaters, 1 scarf, 5 Balaclava helmets, fin pairs service socks. 1 THIfjM Authorities say the difference ltween husky children anil those who are poor eaters, underweight and nervous is often simply a matter of proper nouriihment, especially aa adequate supply of vitamins. But vitamins alone are not enough. For authorities now agree that vitamins do not work alone. They work as a team with certain other food elements. Tor this reison, thousands are switching to Ovaltine. Unlike mere "vitamin carriers," Ovaltine food beverage contains not only eitra vitamins but nearly all the precious food elements needed for health and top vitality. These include Vitamins A, lit and I), the important minerals calcium, phosphorus and iron,' high quality proteins and quick energy fuel-food a combinatio t food elements authorities agree . needed for best results. So, if your child is thin, nervous and 001 developing properly, why not turn to Ovaltine as thousands are doing. Three normal meals plus two glasses of Ovaltine a day give your child all the extra amounts of vitamins and minerals needed for health and lop vitality. U7 OVALTINE THE PROTECTING FOOD-DRINK SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 Is is m m.i mi nv i r .1 i 111 amwi ir v 1 "it iniL mmm am m "KB aK ' M wAllaA TEA rLf AMflC IM CTfT .... " will. I I This will enable Our nutr-m .. MUTT A 1 1 Thiir rn. Name Service (Army, Navy, Air Force) Rank . ..... ., Next of Kin Relation Address Date of Enlistment Date of Discharge . If Casualty, Nature and Date in starting Montlav. An Our store will stay open until u; u"f .v. tree Delivery Throuphnnt ijl.a vnwnjv i,rr.. To East Section 'Tt rrcn Air ..... luuwn: iiiuionsv o. 10 wesi section FROM 2 TO j nauuiy give us your order before 12 o'clock 1 your delivery day, We serve SDeclal Red RranH rw aacLi, h i rrn iresn ana cooKeri mn.it. .fr.h . .... fruits complete line of groceries. iiaiftlO UASII. ALL FRimm mo im. RUPERT BUTCHE PHONE 21 We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee ls Tops) A L BE AM) MrCAfl w w - - - 1 THE RB Now Open ft 1 CHOP SI chow a Opening ttl jpjn.M! 2nd Avenue (Ajl prince Etpoj Pbone 11 DAILY NEWS HONOR ROL Your Assistance Invited , The Dafly News ls compiling a Roll of Kn"l nopea may contain me name v tsi .of this city to serve with the armea wu-a tatiS and in the air. To make this list complete, Jt obtain the co-operation of the public as i mlttlng the names. It ls impossible for the Dally News or m f to compile the list complete so we are a responsible for the submission of the naro-YOUR girl or YOUR friend. p The following ls tne iniormav fill in and send to ROLL OP HONOR EDITOR jjany H5"i Prince Rupert 1 1 , . ' 11 tl . .. . , a. cbmit a ce nomp no nnn !. mnv. Vou are reSP0"