TAOE SIX n Si TIIE DAILY NEW3 Prince Rupert, B Thursday, April 19, 1945 m Hand -Some ... fur . Very often it takes a pair of gloves to show off that new Spring Outfit. Our glove department, as usual is ready to do the job and new models arc still coming. New Accessories Add CHARM Makes jour old outfit feel and look like new . . . or completes that new outfit. A little goes a long way. Purses Scarves Suit Fronts, etc. ' at RUPERT PEOPLES STORE The date for payment of your 1944 Income Tax has been extended to August 31, BUT your returns must be filed by April 30. Tax Service by Experts GEORGE RORIE & CO. Besner Block prinCe Rupert, B.C. NOTICE J. H. MAIR has been appointed sole representative of NATIONAL MONUMENTS for this district. The business has been pur-- chased from A. Welxl by W. Yule. CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN. HOME SERVICE FISHERMEN! Call and sec the Si. Lawrence 100 II.P. Mercury V-8 Marine Engine now displayed in our stockroom. S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford and Mercury Dealers 170 E. 3rd Avenue PHONE Hit Flash!! Have You Heard the Latest? Your RADIO is your link with the world! Keep It in perfect condition have It checked and repaired by an expert call "Speedy" Radio and Electric Shop 48-HOUR SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES 733 Second Avenue Phone Green 217 TAKE A TIP . . . from the thrifty shoppers and come to The Variety store. Our store Is filled with everyday needs with gift sug-gestions with sparkling new Spring items. And the prices will please your budget. Come In and browse around. THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" " Today in Sports . . . ' " GAME ANIMALS MORE PLENTIFUL IN COAST AREA THAN EVER BEFORE Game Commissioner J. H. Cunningham Tells Rod and 'Gun Club Dinner That Islands Will Become Popular Hunting Ground; Shows Colored Wild Life Films Showing nf :i 40-mmntp film nf wilrl Ufo in tr.Vin;- 0 . color. and commmitnrv hv 7 . ' " ' ".iinni j , Mil" couver, British Columbia Game Commissioner, featured the annual dinner of the Prince Rupert Rod and Gun Club last night. The banquet was attended by nearly o00 snorts- - men ana was presided over by chairman James Bacon. During the course of his re mark, Mr. Cunningham predicted that the Queen Charlotte Islands would become a popular hunting ground once the northern B.C. area was more densely populated. He revealed that, with the exception of Caribou, game was never so plentiful In B.C. as it is at present. "Up to 20 years ago," he went on, "game came no nearer than Coquitlam to the ocean, but now they arc almost to the coast line." A toast to U.S. - Canadian friendship by Mr. Bacon was responded to by Col. J. H. Mel- lom, port commander, and a toast to the absent members by Charlie Balagno brought a response from Col. F. V. Stewart, deputy uort commander. During the program. Staff Sergeant Stuart Carson, of Ed monton, entertained with songs. Appropriate food was served to the anglers and nimrods in the form of salmon and moose meat. Classified Advertising Classified Advertising is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. FOR KENT FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone 83 for particulars. ttf) TO RENT At Ferry Landing, comioriaoic house, fully furnished, near store and Pnst Office. Good Fishing, ideal for holidays., $7 weekly. Ncavc, Francois. Lake, near Burns L,aKc, B.C. OG) MACHINERY FOR RENT FOR RENT Heavy equipment power shovel, buldozer, com-presser. Chuck Vlers, Atlas Boiler Works. uoi) WANTED WANTED . . i , Apartment . or , house . iu icm, oy iavai coupic. urgent. Good local references. Phone Green 834. (94) WANTED Room for either two gins or one. Phone Green 1C3. (93) WANTED Housekeeping room. mn oiiuit niui wuimiis gin. Phono Green 707 after G o'clock. (93) WANTED Small house or suite. Husband, Army Sergeant, and wife, nurse at General Hospital. Box 935 Dally News. (93) WANTED TO RENT By young tjinuicss coupie, iwo to three-room apartment; both working. Local references supplied. Phone 248 or 42. (92) WANTED By reliable couple, uo mumren, lurnisncd house or self-contained apartment. Phone 43J, Room 84. (93) HELP WANTED WANTED Girl or soldier's wife lor light housekeeping; 2 children. Sleep In. 5-rom apartment. Good salary. Red 878. (93) WANTED Warehouseman grocery wholesale. Steady work. Apply Selective Service A.M. 174. (tf) WANTED Housekeener for mall apartment. Phone Black 320, 6 to 8 p.m. (80) HELP WANTED Stenographer ur coai, lumDcr and wholesale hardware business. Excellent opportunity for young person with business training tf) advance to permanent position as book-keeper with salary increases. Apply Selective Service A.F. 168. (93) PERSONAL BANISH GREY HAIR Look years younger. Use effective Angcllquc Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (94) MEN OF 30, 40, 501 Vim. Pep, suonormai rry ostrex Tablets. Contains tonics, stimulants, aids to normal pep. Introductory size only 35c. At all druggists. (100) LOST LOST Yale key in leather case. ru uer pieasc return same to Daily News. Reward. (92) LOST Man's Mjdol silver watch wim expandable bracelet, between Variety Store and U.S.O. Reward. Phone Blue 915. (94) . - M ..V. ...v 111 VV-V Jllli- .T. H. niinninirVmm nf v.m . v A " Baseball Scores rarific Coast J.cacue San Diego 9-1, Los Angeles 1-5. Hollywood 2, Portland 1. Oakland 3, Seattle 2. Sacramento ft, San Francisco 10. American League Washington 0. Philadelphia 1 Boston 2, New York G. Detroit 11, St. Loins 0. National ToaRiie New York 8, Boston 4. Philadelphia 0, Brooklyn 2. Pittsburgh 0, Cincinnati C. American Association Indianapolis 2, Columbus 3. Louisville 4, Toledo 2. Only games played in the opening American Association season. ST. MICH.UXS I.LAI) .MliMOItlAl, cm TORONTO, April 10 Toronto St. Michaels went one ud In the best out of seven game in the Memorial Cup hockey scries by defeating Moose Jaw Canucks G to 3 in the third same. Each had previously won one game. FOR SALE FOR SALE Fully improved cottage, 308 Gtli Ave. West. Vacant, possession Immediately. Apply Dybhavn & Hanson, 315 3rd Avenue. (93) FOR SALE Boat, complete for halibut fishing, with 14 skates gear, also outfitted for trol ling. Powered wUh 35 li.p. Acacua. Length 34', beam 9V2. draft 5'. Phone Blue 191. (97) FOR SALE---Small stove, kitchen tabic and chairs; bed, complete; dresser; box spring and mattress; folding carriage. 424 Dunsmuir St. (93) FOR SALE-Wine studio lounge, 5G.00. 1435 Plaza. (93) FOR SALE 5-room house and bath. 705 5th Ave. East Phone Green 707. (93) FOR SALE ."Sea Duke" 33-foot trailer, Chrysler marine engine. Anchor winch, gurdics and gear. Ready to go. Phone Blue 399. (92) FOR QUICK SALE 1G Heavy Duty Vivian, double Ignition, in perfect condition. Owner leaving town. Call after 5 o'clock, 1412 Overlook St. (95) FOR SALE 3 dozen hens 2 dozen leghorn and one dozen heavy breed. Leghorns, $2.00 each, others $2.50. Phone Blue 874, Mrs. Mlcholuk. (92) FOR SALE McClary range, like new; cream enamel closet reservoir, hot water Jacket Included. Cheap for cash. 1326 Piggott Ave. (92) FOR SALE Small house, 2 lots. 2CG3 Seal Cove Circle. Completely furnished; Immediate occupancy. Call or phone Red 4G1 after G. Terms reasonable. (93) FOR SALE $1,000 cash, 5-room house, central New Massett; 3 bedrooms, living room, large kitchen, basement woodshed, 2 cleared lots, good garden space, berry bushes, abundant water supply; well kept. Write L. C. Chambcrlln, Massett. B-C. ,92) FOR SALE Regulation overseas cartons. 5 lbs. and 11 lbs. sizes at 10c and 15e. The Varletv Store. FOR SALE Fine home, two lots, house only 10 years old; fully furnished. 4 bedrooms, sewing room, bathroom, large living room, dining room with oak floors, den, kitchen with tiled sink, pantry, sun room, concrete foundation, furnace with hbt water heating. Good furniture inc. Mason Rlsch player piano, chesterfields, etc. House fully furnished. Electric fireplace. All in excellent condition and well built. Beautiful view. On Seal Cove Circle. Price and terms on application to H. G, Helcer- , sonLtd. hm) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National, Machinery Company. Limited, Vancouver. BC- (tf) THIS AND THAT Let's sec now ccnic, METKOVITCH TIED LEAGUE RECORD FOR ERRORS AT BASEBALL OPENER In the Major League's owning games Tuesday, the Yanks scored seven runs in the seventh Inning to defeat tha Boston Red Sox 8-4 at New York. Russ Dcrry. the rookie Yankee outfielder, hit two homers, one with the bases loaded. ' Gcorvc Mctkovltch, the Sox (first baseman, tied the Major League record for mlscues by first-sackcrs with three errors in the seventh Inning. The Washington Senators went 011 a hitting spree scoring In all but the second and eighth Innings to trounce the Philadelphia Athletics 14-8 at Phllcdelphia. St. Louis started off for their second straight pennant with a 7-1 triumph over Detroit Tigers at St. Louis. Sig Jakuckl held the Bengals to six hits shading Hal Ncwhouscn. Chicago White Sox clubbed Al-lie Reynolds in the late Innings lj defeat the Indians 5-2 at Cleveland. In the senior circuit, Chicago Cubs scored in the ninth to nose out the Cardinals 3-2 at Chicago. Bill Nicholson's homer In the second was one of four hits off Ted Wilks and Bud Bycrly. Paul Derringer pitched for the Cubs. The Giants enjoyed two four-run innings to defeat tho Braves 11-6 at Boston. The Braves tallied four in the ninth on home runs by chuck Workman and Joe Mack. Phil Wclntraub and Ernie Lombard! homered for Uic Giants. With Curt Davis liurllmr and slugging them to an 8-2 win over the Phillies at Brooklyn, the Dodgers started their season victoriously, Davis scattered eight hits and homered with one on. The first extra-Inning game of Sport Chat Grim-visagcd Vincc Hawkins probably will, be the first contender ever to enter a chamnlon- shlp fight with an unbeaten re cord. The 21-ycar old railway f.rcman, never defeated in 69 bouts as a professional. 'celebrat ed his latest triumph by signing to meet Ernie Roderick of Liverpool for the vacant British middle-weight title. The bout will be held In London In May, either at Albert Hall .or on a football ground. Roderick, 31-year old veteran. already holds the wcltcrwelEht championship and on that basis, combined witli his many triumphs in the middleweight class. was selected as one of the two top challengers ror the title. Hawkins was named as the other because he has beaten any logi cal opponent except Roderick. Roderick has been boxing professionally for more than 10 years compared with four by Hawkins and won the welter title from Jake Klirain In 1939. A few months later he battled Henry Armstrong ror the world crown In London but lost, on points. The meeting between Roderick and Hawkins will be the first middleweight championship affair since May, 1939, when Jock McAvoy defended It successfully at Manchester. Last fall the British Board of Control declared the title vacant because McAvoy had not defended It for years. In their last bouts Roderick' and Hawkins figured on the same London program. Roderick took a verdict over Tom Davies, Welsh middle tltnsi who was 11 pounds heavier. The referee stopped Hawkins' fight with Sailor Jim Laverick at the end of the ninth round after Hawkins sent his opponent spinning clear through the ropes and onto the press table for a nine-count. inccnlc, mclny, mo--" the year saw the Reds defeat Pittsburgh Pirates 7-G at Cincinnati In 11 frames. Dain Clay homered for the Reds with the cushions filled in the fifth inning. For fast, easy shaves that are smooth and refreshing, it ptys to use the "blade with the sharpest edges ever honed.- Blue Gillette Blades For extra shaving luxury prepare your beard with Gillette Shaving Cream... 007 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO 8UIT YuUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOU8EIIOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phono for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 TODAY 'till SATUKnAy 1,111 u Mary 0'Haro's A IJcBMAll I ON THI SAMI MOOHAM Beachhead to Berlin Cartoon nchs Business and Prof( Work to pieasc everyone No work too large or loo anal! II. J. LUND Painting Papcilianglng Interior und Exterior Work UNION PAINTER' P.O. Box 1280 Phone Black 83 "Largest Ornani7atlon of IU Kind In the World" MUTUAL II EN E FIT Health and Accident Association J. WRIGHT, Spec. Representative 330 0th Ave. W. Red 693 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING For Good Work That Lasts! JERRY VREI10SCH Phone 372 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Compiled Besner lllock Phone 387 R. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR Massage and K!rnrn riilli Facial and Reducing Treatment KVPlllnCi nnlv Phone Red 315 - 424 8th Ave. W phone 171 W FOR FROMPT nd EFFICIENT SERVICE mail ifour qlttstt to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. Lis J9 SEYMOUR ST. VANCOUVtR.BC. Ncu; Hats for Sprint; STETSONS A new stock just arrived. MORGAN'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR 3rd Ave., next to Ormes LUCKY'S Light Delivery and Transfer 24-IIOUR SERVICE 1341 Sixth Avenue Easf Thonc DIack.371 Ladi es.. We have dressmaker-made a n d tailored suits in all colors. Sizes 12 to II. IP Annette's Ladies 'I. Ai l"hMt CLEM AND LAI'g ""ua of DctterCk Authors FOUM si Shape rw Without OuciJ Waterproofing J WOKE u Mall Order? -Bci HELEN'S , , " Til l t t m.. 1'r-rr ffjJ ucauiymiur, ;nJ 208 4th fii;f;t J HEUT'S TIlAKSFfJ m Essence; Ola: an NEW LOCATION: C- "31 6 Av.jfJ ESTHf i; .-TAX1 EXPERT PraMANEXTl AND HAIR mir,J Late of Hix Bsj.tJ SMITH & ELKKil Plum! ' .: aid Hal FIND IT wil l W4.U1 It with a Vu. ' A t. aV..nt AdfC, Sol fled c '. ::i :! (iOODYLW tiki: & KtBBtitcai Hose Hrltitiff Acctl imitative t'. carried, twintiLir iii -5 fnr 1 m mediate de-i f. 0. b. rrlnec Rup Prince Ruperi Supply Housep V. i. llam-Man'f'ctn 330 2nd Ave