( Tomatoes WNC1NQ . . . WITH THESE ind ripe 25C h Carrots r Leeks fbiwfhc- the 15c 25c 1P1RE CAFE 'Formerly L, D.) Ipietfly Renovated and Redecorated J L MEAIil T IlMPIItPfl W MEIN, CHOP SUEY S:30 a m, to 1 u.m. BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED j'wnblng and Heating Italic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers 2nd Ave. and 4th Rt. It Da ... JHH tin t . mmMMDS ;u KILLED GRADE "A" Hng fowl ::;:r" Prompt attention to outside orders Quality Repairs at Economy Prices f Third Ave. Prince Rupert - Each W 40c ... . - ...... ICTLY FRESH EGGS TT GRADE "A" LARGE 45 - dozen 85 j; New Green Onions 10c :l bunches Fresh Asparagus 30C per lb. , Fresh Fruit Cakes 1 pound, cello 90 wraped. each it) rWay Food Market lird Ave W We lleliver l'llONE l.'tl I ip Old Laiidmarl, (REID'S CAFE) r- ,to announce that owing to pressure special business and limited equip- fil'llT. llie reuilim llilliy iunv.li iiiiu iiinuui u be discontinued from this date. i i! :ii i... .1 fe)ccuu (iiiiuei win in: wmu Saturday and Sunday only. every Dinners. Banquets for chilis or parties anytime by appointment. Old Prince Rupert Club Building :nd Ave next to Hank of Commerce :3r cut up the steps behind Watts & Nlckersnn's Store. lULSEN'S ery and Lunch 1 jPbne Red 441 ?.EE DELIVERY Ave E. beside Postal Station "B" as the Best Mter Than the Rest" Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC 1,1. MIT 111 I Offices in Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 3C7 320 2nd Ave HONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works tmftal work of all kinds Air Conditioning Sinks Eavestrough & Furnace Work RE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED i 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 904 ! Local News It PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office See our stock of household furniture and novelties. J. H. MAIR I'UIIN1TUIIE AND AUCTIONEER Are you entertaining out-of-town hquxe guests? You will be doing them an honor by having u.s publish a personal note about about their their visit visit I Blue CO JSP si, rt , to. ' i BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LTD. VANCOUVER CANADA GREEN SPOT TAXI 65 TAXI KWONG SANG H1NO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE .012 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders frojn 2 pjn. to 2 ajn. PHONE RED 247 A. MacKcnxic Furniture Limited PLACE TO BUY" "A OOOD CHAIRS Eastern hardwood, suitable for ItOL'KER U5 veranda, kitchen or Just to u when you IjC Y want to relax. Each cream, Ivory. rr CJIAIKS-Colors ,2 BABY HIO" ! 'appreciate your mail orders T Prlnrr TJnnert Phone 775 ems PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEM8 Dr. J. A. MacDonald leaves tonight o na trip to Vancou ver. i A. Attention: KaSen Credit Union ! Shares can now be purchased at tne city or suburban store. 80 Constable Ernest Bradley is in the citv from Masse tt on sick leave Irom his police duties. Hear E. T. Applewhalte, Liberal candidate for Skeeno, over radio CI Tit, Friday, 6:30 pjii. (93) Miss Joyce Gillette Is among those leaving tonight on i trip to Victoria. George Mitchell and Arnold imin orp in Rmithers on a business trip and are expected to return at the end of the I week. Olof Hanson, M.P.. has wired the Chamber of Commerce that he. Is remaining in Ottawa In an effort to halt the transfer of Federal government road equip ment from Terrace following an announced decision to terminate maintenance of the Skeena River highway. Military Orders (R.) Bn. 1'rince Rupert Itejt. (MG) Toomb:;. MaJ. Commanding Victory Loan Parade B;v will fall in 1330 hours (Sundav the 22nd. 1 at Drill Hall. Dre-s Drill Order with steel Li ImrLs. Cross straps with 1 1 1 Ta iAtlrn. poucnes win oe worn. u iuii- rs nor small packs. C. J. TOOMBS, Major Officer Commanding. Announcement Alt .JsvM...mi.n!x In thlA COlUnin will tx- ehnwecJ for a full month at 25c a word. Eastern Star Ball, April 20. W.A. Canadian Legion Spring Sale. April 21. St Peter's Sale, April 20. Lutheran Tea. April 28. Dance every Saturday night, Oddfellows Hall. 9 to 12. Swing Quintette orcnesira. Presbyterian Missionary Mr Lakte's, May 2. United Spring Sale. May 3. C.C.F Bridge Drive every Sat -day Hill CO Tea. I.OJJ.E. Hall.iMay CFPR Tea', Kadio Dial Kilocycles .Subject to change) THURSDAY P.M. 4 '00 Words wun music 4:15 G. I. Jive 4.30 Comedy caravan 5.00--Blondle 5:30- -Pete Wambach 5-45 Indian Trails 6 00-John Charles Thomas 6:30 The People Ask 6:45 Sports College 7:00 CBC News 7 15 Victory Loan Program 7 -2C Recorded Interlude 7:30 Concert Dances. 8 ;oo Winnipeg Drama 8:30 Music of the New World 9:00 Music Hall 9:30 Allan Young lu:00-CBC News 10 10 Elmore Philpott 10 15 -CBC "News Roundup 10:30--Mystery Playhouse tl:00 -Silent FRIDAY A.M. 7 30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15- Music for" Moderns. 8 30- Morning Concert 9:00 BBC News 015- -Morning Devotions 9:30- Transcribed Varieties 9 45 Yank Band Stand 10:00- -Marek Weber i 10:15- Tynn Murray 10 ;30 Melody Roundup 1 in as. .nfmlncr Visit 11 :0U -Scandinavian Melodies 11:15--Studio Scrapbook 11:33--Message Period 1 1 '35 Weather Forecast ii in Ropurrfprt interlude 11:45 Serenade for Strings P.M. 12:00-Here's to Romance ': 2:30--CBC News 12:45 Sootllght Bands 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 National School Bdct. ":j00- -Silent KITTY MOEN INQUEST (Continued from Page li was no indication of violent death. Both Constant Brother- ston and Corporal Lash mar said that when they first saw the woman they believed sne had died naturallv. It was onlv when they where nnlice constables had searched for fingerprints. The fingerprint hunt was progress ing when the Jury entered the house. Constable Brotherston said that when he and Corporal Lash-mar first entered tne house the radio in the front room was play ing softly, and that an oil heater and the kitchen stove, also an ell burner, were burning strongly. The six room house was origln- allv a dunlex dwelling, but Mrs. Moen lived in It alone. It had two front doors, both wiin a small panel opening at eye level. was equipped with a modern range and a large electric refrigerator. Cirp. Lashmar said that the kitchen clock had been stopoed at 10:35 when he entered the house Sunday CANADIAN liy MARGARET WOODWARD Last night .a capacity crowd ihowed enthusiastic appreciation of the peppiest show yet seen on the stage of the Red Triangle. The Lifebuoy troupe headed by that little bit of dynamite Pat Rafferty, presented a show full of laughter that moved at a fast clln from the opening chorus. Utlen Bruce with her golden voice and enticing eyes. Daphne MacFarlane with her guitar and personality style or singing ann weel 'Bonnie Lorene and her nrordian nlus Irene Ilugnes, those twinkling legs dance their talners for their tireless effort for the service personnel oi our miintrv. country. No ru &ma small contribution joy It. KEMNEY MEETS WITH SMITHERS ORGANIZATIONS will be held by tl?e Service Wives Club tonlgh. n r.m. in the ladles' lounge. All service wives In the area are ; welcome. Hon. a.vt E. T. - Kenney. Minister Thf hardwood furniture in me j nrHvnd in Smithers on Tuesday room was dusted with powder afternoon at 4 o'clock, having 1..U1., hell . . driven through from Prince Ru pert and Terrace during tne rourso of a tour tnrougn me northern part of the Province, j This Is the first visa of ine new Minister to nis constituency of Skeena since his ap pointment to the Cabinet. At 4:30 p.m. ne met tne iocai Rehabilitation Committee of a dozen members in the court room of the Government offices here. L. K. MacLeod was chairman of the committee and a number of briefs concerning the highways of northern B.C., and Except for one room, which was With the proposed Alaska high aDDarentlv used as a store room the furniture was expensive. At the rear of the dwelling were a bedroom and the kitchen. The bedroom looked to be Mrs. Moen s sleeping quarters. The kitchen wnv were read Mr. Kenney replied to an ine suggestions made and stated that he had been very su) nrised to hear that Dominion government had given order.' 1 remove their officials ana tne load machinery irom the Skeena highway. He had immediately got in touch with Hon. Mi aus comb. Provincial Minister of Public Works who was visiting in Toronto, and had received a reply from the Minister statin? that he had oeen in conversa lion with the Department a; Ottawa, and had recelvM assurance that the iituatlon on I hi? Skeena highway would not be changed for the time being, j pending furtner consideration and decision. Later in thw evening a tete-, gram was read from Olof Han-1 son, M.P.. from Ottawa saying that he had been in touch with the government regarding the matter and was remaining in Ottawa until Wednesday to ob tain their decision in connec tion with the highway. Mr. Kenney gave a detailed account of the jiroposals of the government regarding rural el ecrlficatlon which would pro vide electricity to faming jcom- munlties' throughout the prov ince at rates comparable to pies -nt citv rates. 1st complete the cast. Not to d? ai cosi. He also stated that there would be bull-dozers available ii,.,H pvenln? are jl for : the clearing of farm land i Prince Rupert. B.C. . . . rltau nnv nnrler t.hp directions Of local ifmininefoiiitiiuji i,j n.. ---- - - x nnn ni Hip nlm- Farmers' Institutes and undei . r. Attniw manner and expert supervision. This service Norm Evans the talented vocal- ir be supplied to the farmers forgotten however. Is JacK ayre ne ucuu ,v.c niano stvle never seiuemeni scneme ioi icmw.- misses and carried the show from soldiers which will provide an start to finish. Jack doubles In eminently more satisfactory and k.h ,more auracure 1U1 a very clever solo numoer. Insnection, and in ths last mt.reiurnea men wno wish iu ... i m,,cr,tt Hnr nld . farmlns than was exiwrienced the veterans of the last war. soul. The Follies tour has taken; by ti.A prtnaHo nnn Alter uic xurcuiiK ivii- great praise Is due these enter- TROJAN FIRE BOMBS About 3C0 B.C. the Trojan king Aenacs made .H.UV use of fire bombs are their Red Cross shows one of consisting of pitch, tow, reslnou? which the people oi rrince u- wooa ana omer iimamiiuiun uriil have the opportunity to I substances. see Sunday evening at the Capl- Mt! CHRONIC BRONCHITIS alns at 3 p m. Admission is uy i Doet a Kubborn bronchial cogn. vcunrr !,.. nnlv. I Phlegmy or f ""VL Tiipm are still many books overdue from the library. If you have one please return u aim ffve someone else a chance to en II t,,,.t rMornu vxivk tm oERMANY Stoker T. W. Cralne of UUIOIJ T.,11!0VJ A W.nJ ... - it. i m.. v.nite Vin first roval enslen to flv over Germany llie UUJUl 4iajri liu' Naval landing craft were brought overland for the river Rhine crossing. Photo was racuocci irom i-oiiaon. ... wlKze. kwp you awaw sanas nave uiuav KAZ-MAU and stop tliat cough KAiC-MAIl lias Mix-a oth r9-ltt it T.elp you SOc, l at druiisisu evywlie. K-l Lumber We now have a slocK of of jjood uratle FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand TLOORINO We have a limited quantity 1x3 Maple ' Flooring hand. Call and see It. THE DAILY NEWS Thursday. April 19 1945 ister visited the Bulkley Valley District .Hospital, to meet the Sisters of StuAnn. who operate thi? excellent Institution. In the evening tne iocal Cham- Ko- nt ' , Pnmmprce v.. .. neia ineir - - w i I Ufl Ul VViv pulled back the quilt that they j 0j Lands and Forests, accom i quarterly banquet in the Bulkley realized that she had been stab-i panied by George H. Melrose, i ji where some 35 members bed. guests enjoyed an excel lent repast. Among the guests of the Chamber, In addition to Mr. , Kenney and Mr. Melrose, were Al. Berner. C.N.R. supennien-(dent, George Mitchell and Ar nold Flaten, members of tne Prince Rupert Chamber of commerce. 'After the dinner the Chamber retired to the village hall where the quarterly business meetine of the Chamber was n.,rrii nt and where the PAGE FIVB ine meeting of the Associated Board of Trades at'Vander-hoof in May. were read by Chairman of Re'olutlcns Committee. Ree. ColUson. A. Flaten i complimented the local Cham ber on pie excellent way in which it had prepared the resolutions, and also onthe resolutions put forward. Dr. Greene addressed the meeting on the progress being male with a proposal for a renter winnlv svstem for Bmlth- ers, and was very hopeful that before the next quarterly meet-tug he would have some very definite facts and figures to place before the meeting. Hon. Mr. Kenney and Mr. Melrose left Smithers on Wednesday afternoon by car for nnms Lake where they will guests addressed the local body, meet Mr. Mark Connelly M.L.A.. .md continue on through Omin- A number of resolutions which ; will be brought before the com- ecu to Prince George on Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. to bake bread osf right use Fleischmann's FRESH Yeast Good bread brings jood value plus to meals today. It supplies Vitamin B, and is a quick energy replacer-anit low if cost. A fine stretcher for scarcer foods, too! If you bake at home use Fleischmann's fresh Yeast for bread that's gooil every time. This dependable yeast has been Canada's favorite for over 70 years. Ask your grocer for Fleischmann's Jresb Yeast-with the familiar yellow label. MADE IN CANADA SUPPIIMINT VOU DltT by Mtlng 2 ckf of (KISCHMANN'S lrh toit vry day. Thl lrh Yo It on xllnt natural tourc ol th Important B Complex Vitamlni. Tor Up-lo-tlie-Mniiife Styles sec us lor PLAYS Delmort Frozen Fruits and Vegetables - Raspberries, Strawberries. Sliced Peaches tintvrprisc Fruit Co. I PHONE 343 For a Good Meal, Visit . . . THE Victory Cafe All White Cooks 25 Years' Experience Give Us a Trial and Convince Yourself Twenty-five styles and colors to choose from 1ft anklets, slings and ties. High or low heels, in bright leathers and fabrics. Choose several pairs to match perfectly your slacks, shorts and gay summer prints. The same famous quality you liked so well last year. CUT RATE SHOE STORE aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa3 Popular "Prince" Steamers From Prince Rupert to Ocean Falls Vancouver Thursday Saturday Thursday steamer -also calls Powell River to Ketchikan Wednesday Friday FARES and INFORMATION at CITY T1CKI.T OFFICE 528 Third Ave. and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE J. L. CURRY CUIKOPR'ACTOtt If pain Chiropractic 1 If nerves djoubl'y " sol Smith Block Green 9'J5 Win. F. Fnmeks Optometrist of Vancouver is now in Prince Rupert Wm. H, Francks, who is visiting this city, will remain over until April 21. Mr. Francks is at the Prince Rupert Hotel and open for appointments. Appointments can he made at the hotel. m : . : 4- I 1 ft - X t ( It i