V f A i re Dally Edition THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert - Monday. April 16, 1945 published every afternoon except Sun-pay by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. C, A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week 15 Per Month 65 Per Year $7.00 By Mall, per month 40 Per Year $4.00 Coveralls . Waist Overalls MEMBER ABC. Canada's Stature in the World Field Marshal Jan Smuts, Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa and Officer Commanding its defence forces, is one of the elder statesmen of the British Commonwealth and closely associated with the imperial war cabinet, says the Toronto Daily Star. He is a man who does not speak lightly or for the purpose of flattery. When he talks about Canada, as he did in London, the pronouncement is to be regarded as a sound and considered one. Addressing the meeting of the Dominions' representatives in that city with respect to the new world security organization which is to be considered at San Francisco, he said: "Canada is not far from being one of the great powers, and I think in substance and reality she probably can make a greater contribution to world security than some of those who are now shouting for front seats." That is the estimate Prime Minister Work Clothing In line with our general policy of carrying only the highest quality, nationally-advertised merchandise, our stock of work clothing includes such well-known makes as "G.W.G." and "Headlight." SEE US FOR Iron-Man Pants Rib Overalls and Smocks Carpenters' Overalls Painters' Overalls Work Shirts of all kinds fiET THE RlfiH.T MAKE .AT THE RIGHT PRICE AT 'THE MEN'S SHOP" l7TTT?TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTrTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTTTT: For Up-to-the-Minutc Styles see us for PL AYSII0ES Twenty-five styles and colors to choose from in anklets, slings and ties. High or low heels, in bright leathers and fabrics. Choose several pairs to match perfectly your sbeks. shorts and gay summer prints. The same famous quality you liked so well last year. CUT RATE SHOE STORE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Agents for Cummins Diesel Engines Forest King Power Saw Wlllard Batteries ' Raybestos Products Home Oil Products ACETYLENE AND ARC WELDINO MACHININO Phone 459 Box 1398 994 First Ave, West The date for payment of your 1944 Income Tax has been extended to August 31, BUT your returns must be filed by April 30. Tax Service by Experts GEORGE RORIE & CO. Besner Block Prince Rupert, B.C. Smuts places upon Canada as the re-'DMDiJC I AtfP suit of her contribution to Allied sue- DUKFlJ lAIAL cess by reason of measures carried ki All Ill I EH through by the lyng government. ShelrJAR IMLLCU is now, he says, "not far from being H Ufll I AMH one of the great powers." He inti-HN MULLAPlU mates that she has earned a higher place in international affairs than some nations wnicn claim a front seat. It is a fine tribute from one who ha bitually weighs his words with care. 1V M 1 l- - s . , I . I i. I A. I " . 1 1 1 I - went iu inu iiem ui uoiji industry and actual warfare which has literally astonished the world. This nation of 11,500 000 people has Income, by reason .1 AAAAAAAAa' INDUSTRIAL & MARINE REPAIR WE REPAIR ANYTHING General Repairs to all Automotive and Marine Equipment Body Work and Painting The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S &S3 tflHUii FINEST SALMON Popular rnnce Steamers From Prince Rnprrt -- to Ocean Falls Vancouver Thursday Saturday Thursday steamer also calls Powell River to Ketchikan' Wednesday Friday FAKES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Ave. and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See K. E. MORTIMER- 324 2nd Ave. Phone 158 Pte. Bruce Ray, aee 23. of Burns Lake, one of five members of the same family to serve in the Canadian army during this war. has died of (wounds received while fighting It is a tribute which is nnrtiViiTaVlvl'1"1 a Canadian Scottish bot- rntn,.f: !..: u 1 ! Holland. He wai imcjcamij; at mis Llllie WCilUSe lilC war effort on which Smuts' pstimntn of Canada is founded, and the govern- wounded on March 29. and died In hospital two days later. Formerly a logger at Burns ment responsible ' for that 1 war effort. I ke' pte- ,Bruce Ray e,,listed . . ' there on July 9, 1940, the I,,.,,, l ,. , : same 1W1 nave been nersistentlv mnlipntHl m Li .,.. .I...' - i o -- uaj u iu-1 laiurt, uuju Canada for partisan . purposes by the i Ray. at present stationed at government's political opponents. To I Prince George. An older brother. them, nothing the government does is Puand- Jined a searchlight unit right. They have, persistently belittled n1!... US war policies; it has been subjected ln order to. be with hU brother, to continuous nagging. Yet the result i They remained together until of these policies has 'been an achieve- i thp searchll8ht unl was- broken .... .... iur in 1943. Bruce then trans- ferred to a heavy artillery unit proceeding overseas in July, 1944. In England he transferred to a Canadian Scottish battalion. arriving in France last October nf wh.-ir film W ,lnn ,,n,ln,. M,. Vi'a llhi brother Duane. arrived la jeauersnip, "noi iar irom Doing one of the great powers." How petty and small the attacks of-the grossly partisan critics became, when they are measured against the tributes paid to Canada by such men as Winston Churchill and. ".Jan Smuts. There ure aLso two sisters in the C.WA.C, Pte. Bernice Ray. stationed at Ste. Anne de BH-lovue. Quebec, and Pte. Viola Ray. at Vancouver. I The father of this .fighting iamily was stationed at Terrace with the Royal Canadian Electrieal Mechanical Engineers forlthe last yeair Mrsj-" Rav is at -Terrace, at the present 'time. THIS AND THAT v . "Hold that expression, dear-it gives me an inspiration! EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news items, to fensure publication, should be in the office by 1C a.m. Contributor? are asked to bear this in mind. Item of social and personal interest arc always welcome. GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONKBRK - and VALUATOR .SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YiJUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECT'S PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 RAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala. Friday SS Cardena Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every tn days. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. phone 5J! RflYmiiVn doc.fish (Continued from Page 1 became tangled in their neta, ruining them. Then scienUsts discovered the oil from the dogfish liver contained the valuable vitamin "A". Now since 1941 dogfish liver prices have jumped from five to 38 cents a pound. As far back as 1932 scientists at the Pacific Fisheries Experimental Station in Prince Rupert were studying the properties of the dogfish liver. They developed a particular blend of dogfish oil and pilchard oil which respectively supplied the necessary vitamin "A" and "D" to give a total potency similar to that of medicinal cod liver oil. The product was callrd "Marinol," and later the name was changed to "ThalattoL Shortage .Met Came the war and. both Canada and the United States faced a serious shortage of cod liver oil because of halted imports from Norway. It was then dogfish oil was used to replace cod liver oil in the human diet and Canada began shipping large quantities to England. Throughout British Columbia fishln cemrantes began studying the fish oils and today every company in the province Is producing such vitamin oil. A plan recently devised to co-ordinate all the fishermen co-operatives on the coast may make the co-operatives one of the mast important factor hi the fish industry of the province. By the operation of thir own fWh liver procejjng plaiiU the B.C. fishermen esUmate they have added more than $200,064 to their incomes in the last four years. B.C.'s vitamin oils continue to play an important part iu the successful waging of Uie war. Not only dogfish oil but oil from the livers of halibut., black, red and. ling cod and also the soupfln shark have been ihipped to the British Ministry of Food within the last three years. Meanwhile fisheries official are preparing dogfish conservation measures against possibility of a depletion along this coast of what, has become known a.. British Columbia's most valuable fish. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS Do a stubborn broru.hi.il cmiiili. (eitlirr phlrgwy or dry and ha Kinjt; nuikc y u clioltr, ganit. wlirrir. k-f) ywi aw.ikc nighu? K' licve it -ih.wI Do ot thou-uoits Imvf done fit Ti-mil' im' KAZ MAII and op that coukIi I KAZ-MAII has Ik-IikiI otlu rr- ht it lit-lji yuii. 50c, JI at druiEiHlt evrryuliere. K M w over A Little on the Lonely Side Wailing , Victor record 5C000. Mart Kenny I'll Remember Suzanne You IScloug to- .My Heart Victor record 5C001. Mart Kenny I Ain't Got No Ui in' But the IUiics As Lone As I Live Victor record 20-1G2G. Lena Horn Sentimental Journey I'm Gonna See My Baby Victor record 20-1043. Hal Mclntyre Dream L'very Time Victor record 20-1045. Freddy Martin I Cot a Sons Hence, It Don't Make Sense Victor .record 20-1(540. Tony Pastor PKICLD AT 7."(4 See, our stock of household furniture and novelties. t J. H. MAIR FURNITURE AND AUCTIONEER C32 Third Ave. - Prince Rupert - Blue 09 Win. F. Fraiicks Optometrist of Vancouver ' is now in Prince Rupert Wm. II. Francks, who is visiting this city, will remain over until April 21. Mr. Francks is at the Prince Rupert Hotel and open for appointments. Appointments can be madeat the hotel. 12 "f " ' w nl moi' ..io v!l w o : W 0rot"nJ.n! ""'n wM .f v " oSu u:d yu onl,:c you . No wonder nearly 1 out of every 2 v Canadian families use All-Bran 64 of them fo 5 years Z4- I 12 HMHI A. MacKenzie Furnitu Limited "A OOOD PLACE TO BUY IMHKKK CHAIRS Eastern hardwocd, -I veranda, kitchen or Just to u-ve when want to relax. Each 12 HA BY HIGH cilAIRS Colors cicara, ivor (I Each 1i WE APPRECIATE YOUR M AH oKt Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue fi Good News! Ladies . t';i,'r nf our ,uvn: Shipmra. .I HA ARTHI ipiiii-rcdii1 and GRACIA Oxford TIMS, .vw' ttrLHi, n i,. w.v. iinvo iirrivod A!-i GALLIVANT Loafers and Oxford sizes :)'. to !). Widths AA to 0 pOMK EARLY FOR BEST' ASSORTMENT Family Shoe Store Lw .... .... f nood SI" I'or 30 Years uie uoim- LUCKY'S Light Delivery and Transfer 24-HOUR SERVICE 1341 Sixth Avenue East Phone Black 371 se Hell" j popular j y(J a? 1 C. O. - rn 330 2nd Ave-