iinl. It n 4 i ft s- PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Monday. April 16, 1945 PEARKES TO BE NANAIMO ENTRY Former Pacific Command (leneral Unanimously Nominated by Trogrpssive-Conser-vatives to Contest Island Killing DUNCAN, April 16 F The for-mer general officer command's cr-in-chief of the Pacific Coin-J-Tmand, Maj.-Gen. G. R. Pearkes, . - V.C., has been unanimously nom-t inated Progressive-Conservative candidate in the Nanaimo federal riding In accepting the nomination, General Pearkes said he had endeavoured to apply the gov-- ernmentfs manpower and rein- . -Morcement policies. But. after a fcir trial, he asserted that .the policy of asking officers to repeatedly appeal to their soldiers to volunteer for active service was disastrous to the maintenance of discipline. Prince Rupert, B.C. MALNUTRITION WIDESPREAD IN NEWFOUNDLAND Report of 11 Canadian, Ameri can and British Doctors Pub Iished in Medical Association Journal TORONTO, April 16 0 A re port by a group of 11 Canadian, American and British ooctors'of a study of the nutritional status of the people of Newroundlanc said "evidences of cer.ciencv di seases were encountered in the majority of people examined" and declared that "widespread malnutrition is lhioairsnsr fthp health and efficiency of the people." Their report was miblished In the March edition of the Canad ian Medical Association Journal. . C.N.R. Trains Tor the ljit Dally except Sunday .. n pm I'mni I lie tast Dnlly except Monday .. 10:45 p.m. famuy ALLOWANCES REGIONAL OFFICE "MISS BtOWH, StHD IV THf WOMAN IN THf fU COAT. THAT I with LUSTERLITE Imagine how bright, shining walls moiiM transform your bathroom! USTKKUTE the new wallboard is -K-dally designed to add beauty and color to modern hulhroom and kiteheiiK. Its hard-polished smooth hiirfme is spatter-proof and washnhle. LUSTKKI.ITK i easy to elean, will not chip, fade or crack and the range of soft pastel shades affords a wide choice of attractive color schemes. See your ACF.-TKX Dealer IUEACETEX line Acouttl Board Lath Board Fibre' Board Hardboards Brick Siding Asphalt Shinties F I b r e e n Waterproofing Lutterlltt Roll Roofing Plasti-Seal Building Paper Creosote CANADA ROOF PRODUCTS LTD. RUPERT B RAN D ::. SMOKED :: BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage , COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. B-29'S STRIKE BURNING TOKYO SAN FRANCISCO, April 16 O) According to the Tokyo radio, American carrier and land based planes have again raided the Japanese home island of Kyushu. The attack, says Tokyo, was carried out by about 100 small type carrier planes and a. small force of B-29 superfortresses. It lasted CO minutes. Earlier reports told of Tokyo and its industrial suburb of Kawasaki still burning after an earlier attack by 400 B-29's. The giant bombers came in over their targets early Monday morning, Japanese time. The raiders touched off great fires which blazed so intensely that the pilots still could see the glare when the returning B-29's were 150 miles from Tokyo. Duy War Savings Stamps CHIMNEY SWEEPING! OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Molotov Prospect Brightens World Parley Outlook WASHINGTON!, April 16 ff) The prospect of success for the forthcoming San Francisco world security conference are considerably brighter today. Marshal Stalin has informed President Truman that the Soviet Union will send to the conference Foreign Secretary Afolotov. Previous to this Moscow announcement, Russian plaus called for the Russian ambassador to the United States, Andrei Gomyko, to represent the U.S.SR., while other nations had appointed representatives on the foreign minister level. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Small house. 2 lots. 2036 Seal Cove Circle. Completely furnished; Immediate occupancy. Call or phone Red 4G1. Terms reasonable. (91) POULSEN'S Grocery and Lunch Phone Red 441 FREE DELIVERY Cth Ave. E., beside Postal Station "B" "As Good as the Best Better Than the Rest" ! MANY ATTEND SPECIAL SERVICE FOR PRESIDENT Ministers of city churches and la combined choir took part in I a public memorial service to the late Franklin Delano Roosevelt held In the auditorium of the YMCA at 3 p.m. Sunday. The service was attended by more than 500 citizens. The eulogy to -the late President was delivered by the Rt, Rev. W. A. Geddes, D.D., Bishop of Yukon. The service was led by the Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean of St. Andrew's Cathedral. Rev. J. Linney, pastor of the Pentecostal Tabernacle read the scriptural text from St. Paul'i Epostle to the Epheslans, which begins "Be strong in the Lord. Put on the armor of His might", and concluding with a passage from the Book of Revelations, NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Hates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 106 "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." Adjutant Gorrie, of the Salvation Army, delivered a prayer, following which Bishop Geddes presented the eulogy to the dead president. "It Is fitting that thU city should hold special services for this great man," Bishop Geddes said. "For we have seen some of the effort which the great Republic has put forth In the common effort for vltcory. "It Is too close now, perhaps to view the President's greatness In the light of history, but I believe he will be among the greatest men who ever lived, not only in the United States, but In the whole world. He, perhaps more than anyone else, led his nation into the place in the world to which it rightfully belonged. 'Through his. family and political life he kept himself close to God. We hpnor a man who was not too big to remind him Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC LIMITED Offices In Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 3G7 326 2nd Ave. self of his need guidance." for Divine y . During the service, the hymi "Unto the Hilll," and "Abin N; til With Me" were sung by th J Li;jr choir and congregation, t closing prayer was given bv rv W. W. Sllverthorn, of First Bap. tiSt Church, and Rev. J. a Donhell. of First United Churr.1 delivered the benediction. Those on the piatform we-Mayor II. M. Daggett, BLsh: ,) NOTICE J. H. MAIR has been appointed sole representative of NATIONAL MONUMENTS for this district. The business has been purchased from A. Wclxl by W. Yule, mm I t 4 Wttl i m : Oiifift Someday H p General Motors 1 j CHEVROLET PONTIAC OLDSMOBILE BUICK CADILLAC r Across Canada, hundreds of thousands of men and women have kept faith with those who fight . . . stuck to the job d hand . . . kept factories operating . . . produced a staggering quantify of vital war equipment. To reach their work has involved miles of walking, long waits for overcrowded transportation, the discomfort of rain, sharp winds and bitter cold. For many, the result has been a heart-felt determination "to some day own a General Motors car." Some day you will have an opportunity to own a General Motors car. When Victory is final and complete, General Motors will swing from the all-out ' task of producing military vehicles and weapons of GENERAL MOTORS war, to the production of more and better cars for more people cars that will take you speedily comfortably, arid safely to your post-war jobs and to your post-war pleasuresl urnanrcn HOOFERS PRINCE RUPERT R00flN Sheetmetal work of all kinds funi Tanka - Sinks - Eave5"u " r(fefJ Prompt attention to w- w FREE ESTIMATES ?t 725 I Cor. 7th Rt. f 2nd Ave. W. P.O. BOX