PAQE SIX 5 M H TIIE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. Monday. April, 16, 1915 a Hand-Some ... for Very often it lakes a pair f gloves to show off tliat new Spring: Outfit. Our glove department, as usual is ready to do the job and new models arc still coining:. New Accessories Add CHARM .Makes jour old outfit feel and look like new . . . or completes that new outfit. A little goes a long way. Purses Scarves Suit Fronts, etc. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY 11 1 K T II I) A V A N D K V E II Y . A V C A K I) S V ATEIIMAS'S FOUNTAIN PENS Hesncr IMock, 3rd Street J. M. S. LOUBSER D.U.. DA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone Oil) Wc can say litis in ihrcc words . . . BUY COAL NOW IMionc 2.'5 1 Prescriptions.. From Rupert's Tent Days wo have striven to establish a record for Reliability, Accuracy and Fair Dealing in filling Physicians' prescriptions. We believe that we have deserved the confidence that has been established with the Doctor and his patients. This has been brought about not in a few weeks or months but extends over a period of twenty years. Ormes Ltd. , "Jim Pioneer Dru.qjiats THIS HEX ALL STORE Phones 31 arid 82 Flask!! Have You Heard the Latest? -Your. RADIO is your link with the world! ' ' Keep it in perfect condition have it cjieckecl and repaired by an expert call "Speedy" Radio and Electric Shop 43-110im SERVICE 733 Second Avenue FREE ESTIMATES Phone Green 217 Floor Sanding and I1nLiilng Repairs and Alleralions Val Spidel Oreen 180 Box 1430 St. "B" I'UONES 11(5 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Totlatj in Sporis Red Wings VVin Fourth Game of Stanley Series TORC - TO. ADril 16 0 - Hie ! Detroit Red Whigs broke through CI flfiD RPDft r stubborn Toronto Maple Leaf ' LUUlV IXll DLlW dcTincc to win the fourth game 1 he Stanley Cup finals 5-3. Although still down three to one in games and C-2 in points, the win .ut the Detroit piad back in the struggle for the trophy. J MEMORIAL CUP ITNAI.S 1 TnnnMTO Anrii IB o Tor onto beat Moose Jaw Gan ticks 8-5 Saturday In the first game of a best-of-seven series for the Memorial Cup. Baseball Scores Pacific Coast League Scuttle 10-14, Hollywood 3-4. Portland 5-0. San Francisco 1-2. Work to please everyone No work loo large or too small II. J." LUND . Painting Paperhanglng Interior and Exterior Work UNION PAINTER P.O. Box 12SG Phone Black 1523 Largest Organization of Its Kind In the World" MUTUAL 1JKNKF1T Health and Accident Association J. WRIGHT, Spec. Representative 330 9th Ave. W. Red 693 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING For Good Work That Lasts! JERRY VREBOSCH Phone 372 GEORGE L. RORIE t'tiblic Accountant. Auditor. cU: Income Tu lieturns ComplleO Hcstier Block Phone 387 R. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR Massage and Steam Bath Facial and Reducing Treatment Evenings Only Phone Red 315 424 8th Ave. W. FOR PROMPT nd EFFICIENT SERVICE mil nour qlaises to COLUMBIA OPTICAL C0.LT-2 599 StYMOURST. VANCOUVCR.BC. PI AVER'S MUD Ploin hove "Wetprool"ipopr vhkh doei not stick to the lips. I FATHER TIME, YOUNG MARINE By ALLAN NICKLESON Caimilian rrc.i Staff Writer LONDON. April 10 Ht The puffins a bit from a battlea SMITH & ELKINS" LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 171 P.O. Box 271 FIND 11' with a Want Ad! Sell it with a Want Adl Buy it with a Want Adl Daily News classified section ucts results. cunotes , BROADWAY HIT Presence of the YAl.C.A. bulld-uii In Prince Rupert thU year will considerably strensthen the indoor sports season, provided that the interest of players and Litis is maintained. I All major events of the 1014-45 basketball campaign have taken place, however, and It remains fur the Floor Hockey League to keep the indoor athletic program a soing concern. : Thr F.H.L. has successfully ; completed the. first lialf of Its schedule, but whether It will continue to thrive In the face of onc-limc iitwhaivi wiiirUimt competition from soccer and soft ball Is somctning mat. lime aionc will tell. preserved. The greenkecping staff was reduced to one man of 70 but George Gadd, the professional, shouldered the responsibility of looking luumu-i unci after the course uuuiec and uuu cb- jv uonai t ire service personnel stationed at the club. The the steward was called up for war-work but his wife carried on while ubiquitous Gadd acted years. UN ilKttN Al CAPITOL HERE a secretary and helped behind , If one can find fault with Something For the Boys.'' 20th Century-Fox's brilliant Technicolor flhnizatlon of the sensa tional Broadway success, it's the I title. For "Something Fur The Boys" is more than just that, as all who saw it this afternoon at the Capitol Theatre will enthusiastically testify. Actually, the film starring Carmen Miranda, Michael O'Shea and Vivian Blaine Uhe luscious "Cherry Blonde' Inst Old Father Time and a Represcntativcs of the soccer ! everything for everyone in the icugn, young marine, stepped -trams are exDccted to meet thlsiy l srana iU1Q gwrious vo from the ring as winner of the week to' organize a league for the second bout in his oomoback at- coming season,, while softball tempt. Kid Berg, for all his 36 years, clearly outpointed young jimmy Brunt over eight rounds n suburban London but he didn't come anywhere near the form that made him a favorite In the United States 15 years ago. His next test will be against another Sacramento 5-0. Los Angeles j comparative unknown within EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY "llnusp of Better Cleaning". Authorized'; '-J. i.- KLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box H9 a i 1-3. couple of weeks and shortly after San Diego 3-4, Oakland 2-3. that Uic Kid will decide whether Business and Professional HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 200 4th Street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand lOf 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 370 1431 Cth Avenui- East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver teams arc being put together and conditioned. to continue or hang up Utc gloves for good. Fighting as a welterweight. Berg showed tougnncss by taking all Brunt's tilows without being I shaken. The marine had height and reach advantages but the Kid nullified these with closc-ln fighting. j On the same card. Harry JUaltln 'of Montreal, a Canadian soldier ! known as the "Butcher Bay." j smashed Alt Mann of IajiuIoii so hard and so often that the rc-ifcrce stopped the bout In the fiflli rmmrl of a scheduled six 111 fell tertainmcnt. Twentieth - Century-Fox has taken the ordinal Oole Porter song-studded 'hit and. as is this studio's outstanding way with musicals, given It a wonderfully rich and exciting film production, packed -with hHnrlty. dazzling dance spectacle, an en thralling romance and scintillating hew hit songj you'll be hearing everywhere. The film's story revolves around the adventures, romantic and otherwise, of three cousins--Carmen Miranda, Vivian Blaine and Phil Silvers (what a faintly trecli - who find themselves joint heirs to a real honest-to-goutlnrrs south ern plantation, Magnolia Manor. rounder. It was-the stocky UaVlrlch 1,1 lradlllon ,ul on ll,c U11V sreond London trilimnll ,uaccp uuau iue . .ai us cvi-iy withlnia week. The spirit of Improvisation trl tiling chc soes. W.hen Michael OShca, a. sergeant stationed In itmphed at thcMcldor Golf club a niar-oy army camp, convinces Surrey after 10 Ocniran bombs. "m tncya oc aoins-somcimns 1 on the fairway during an air c boys if they'd convert raid. Memjbers helped fill in most of the craters, although some were left as "souvenir" hazards. Nine acres of ground were acquired for wheat and potato growing, but two long holes were converted into siiort ones and the full round thclr "mansion" into a hotel for army wives, the doors arc thrown wide open to the fastest- moving, most hilarious scries of sequences ever to be Joy-packed into one film. LOUISIANA ATHI LTi: SHOWS VERSATILITY BATON ROUGE, La.. April 10 f -Louisiana State University's sport oddity is Jim Carson, ' freshmen tailback with the Tigers last fall. He passes with t r., talncd part-time help from Na- 1 h right hand, but unts with the bar during rush period. Plans for resumption of bi?-tlme lawn tennis in Britain were discussed at a London meeting ol the Council of the Lawn Tennis Association first meeting to be held since war began. President Lord Templcwood told the press It was an "cncouraluns" meeting and that 'we want to get started as soon as we can." TRANSPORT WOUNDED Approximately 80f).00 sick and wounded patients of the A 1 1 t I fit rrrt it 1 1 o un Vit it tn 11 l; hl.v left foot. As a first baseman, he throws and hits left handed, but In softball he pitches with his right arm and bats left handed. In basketball he dribbles with his left hand, but loops most of his shots from the right-hand side As a "handy" man around the dinner table-he cats left-handed. ported by the UiJ.'Army Air VVlfl NiinOtQ 6(0(105! Force in all theatres of opera- Minoro h0i a rool "edge" over lions in the past two and a half other low prke .blades. In fact, it's the 1 vdycv4cie tile Tfavy $oc4 Iho famous "SAILOR" trademark is recognized us a guarantee of unfailing quality. I MILD or MEDIUM "It'S IHl IOIACCO THAI COUMIS" ihninoit doublo-edae blade In its j tlajj. One shave will convince you. nrj you DOUIlt IDCt KAZOO SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Plionc 37 P.O. Box 54 FUASttR STUHICT Prince Rupert HYUB TRANSFER Dry SlabwootJ. per cord .... $10 Dry Poplar, per cord ..$12.50 Sawdust, per sack 15c PHONE 600 KWONO SAND HINO HOP KEE CHOPSUEY HOUSE 012 7th AVE. WEST v (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome v Open 5 0.111, to 2 Oulsldo Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PIINE RED 247 TODAY and TUESDAY MIRANDA NUCHAS EXTRA! March of Time presents "WEST COAST QUESTION" Popular Science -- a I OK KENT 1:00 1 30 O'SHtrV VIVIMt BIMHE Complex b 3:00 tj" 3 30 a1 sill FOR RENT Two furnished I holt SALE p moms and kitchen. HS1 f.tli tn., iini tutu I m ossified Adocrthiw Advertisllii! lvertlslng to is payable imvalilu t (,. n. il. ... .r.. ChiSilflrd Kiihnilllliiff f ":ta'M . , iitaiii t if. Ave. East. Call between noon ; u-ri! h.mi!i; .inrl 1 11m (Oil v"'tt8,, : FOU SALE Vt m FOR RENT I.O.D.E, Hall. Phone ' 1,1 m (ar r; 3 for particulars (tf did $j.w. ' Ual,v New MACHINERY IX)R RENT FOR RENT Heavy equipment FOU PI NT ! iower shovel. uuKluzer, coin-1 tin Ave Wi picsscr. Chuck Vlcrs. ,,,, ,,P Boiler Works. (101) IVAN'IMI WANTED -I'tirnUhod or utiftir- nished one or two rooms. Phone Blue 325. (90) WANTED PhoUraphlc en-larger. Box 907 Dally News. (911 II LLP WANTED In .i b:- cacM. ' BV4, Mi FOR PALE bo.i: Nr,v: Can bo 0.. ccr I:u:r. Room 01 1 Mi : .Jt r 111 1! ':u WANTED -Small house or suite. 1 F011 SALE McLj-. ti Husband, Army Sergeant, and nc cr ' im ,:''-tlI wire, nurse at General Hos- c!vt;,r J nttnl. Itnir 0155 n;illv Npuk eluun. I ., y : : al rfc' Av . (93) ! WANTED - Room for married i 0,RL.E lUlll '$ couple Mrs. Cundok. 209 5th I Ave. West, or Box 981 Dally; News. ' (9li WANTED TO RENT By young childless couple, two to three-room apartment; both working. Local references supplied. Phone 213 or 42. . (92i WANTED By reliable couple, no children, furnished houre or self-contained apartment. Phone 437, Room 81. (93i ' '-i al Net kli.-hr.. - ., il 2 fid.' ) t.' nil paire be. ; l.i wat'-r m: V L. C C x- BC FOU SALE W loot Boat B' 1 14I rniiii- Ciii. Ir stal Bay IX)R SALE 0 8: motor ww :i aau'.'fil miv-ioii Pi.y-Rti TrP1'1 1r 'S0.ldlcrl8 .(e ! FOR SALE Rr, : -a iyr HBiik ; JiuuRivpjIlB. i Clin- i -.rtoij h Uill nrcn ateep in. a-rom apart- ,lt 10c und 15c & jnvin. uuuu Miliary, iicu oo. Qt,nr ,C (93, WAMTP.n ufnr.hA,inn,1n MACHINEItY R ' grocery wholesale. Steady! TO SAW better WI work. A on v So cctlvo Rrrv cp i ecoiiumitrti.'. "I A.M. 174. (tft 1 nrtd up-to-date 17JM , Portab e fcwmi. WANTED Lady cook for locali lured by Natr.aiKl lintnl A.l 1 1. ,,..t... ...,., 1 " r ,, IlmllrH TJ insurance Commission A. F ; li t 104, IC81 HELP WANTED Applications close ciomi noon iHMjn April April 23rd zjrti for ior w rutsuNti slllon Clerk-Stenwaplicr w- In . UANLSII .,,. O nrY HEY ua MAO City Offices. Please submit 'rar" '.'.u,r.:. ,11 All 'I' 1 ' Ui' ' - wriuiu up piicuoiis, swung, 1, nd. I $1 at ,,,.,,, Oinn , lw. 1 aue, exnerience and nuallfl- rations to National Selective I Fn r)p 30 40, M! VJ Service No. AF 106. (81) I yicor. ubnurmal1 It j Table' ConH'1" ciuivrajE ixjit ji:ep Chinese coolies who helped build bacs for the H-23 Superfortresses, have tliclr own name , for the Jeep. Their wTlttcn char acters, translated literally, call a Jeep, "Four wheels with 1CJ0 uses." 35c.' At all drupiA blHSSMAKErt. dcMjnr year, rxpericttcc V In ladled bl"iw. f and rhildrr!i'cloB I rt r"V Of llll;iUUt - r. . .m copied Phone Blackjl CHANGE IN STORE HOURS Starling Monday, April 2nd Our store will slay open until C:0il p.m.,""1 Thursday closing at 1:00 p.m. TI1I3 will enable our patrons to do their slwPPlll! work with greater ease MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY 5T0fi Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee is Tops) THE for B Now Open CHOP SUEY enow mein 2nJ Avenue Prince prince RUPcrlCi rhono 1 1 i- n HI C M ! 173 .... t lancivmu,- p, .....1 ci I iwrcllt'C l"" VjiWI illlU lilt- Mercury V-8 Marine Engine .i!..'i.......i :.. wlntkrooiii' lllllllVU III - S. E. PARKER LIMI"" Ford and Mercury lca,c,b rj 170 E. 3rd Avenue 1 BE APPR: EARLY ADVERTISING! COPY WILL I