pi ft ) I PHONE C57 twiatiairfO Litosb Trading Pojt on lllaska Hi 'hway handles Lrle of course, incj Pa ;lflc Milk is the only milk of ev-iporated L in sectlon of Yukon wi use IFIC MILK L and Vacuum Packed 8i Local Raw and keurized MILK KXTIN DA IKY EN SPOT :i 65 taxi L CURRY MIOMIACTOK I pain- Chiropractic I nervp -doubly so! i Black Green 9J5 Irt rruzen Fruits and bles Raspberries. mies, Sliced Peaches. u v. liTprisc r run v,u. PHONE 343 Local News Items... I -PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL. AND NEWS ITEMS i Women's Canadian Club. Nom- Mr. and Mrs. Ruby Gold left ' ,na"nX.m!.etin; AprU 18, 2:30 p' Saturday night on a trip to Van-m. Reid s Cafe. Tea and speaker couver. BABY'S (89) COLDS The residence of Mr. and Mm. Harry Worsfold, Seal Cove Circle, A Moose meeting tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in I.O.D.E. HalL Election of officers. A A tennis meeting will be held Relieve misery direct Thursday evening at ,8:33 at 41G -without "(fojJnj?1 Gth Ave. West. All Interested In pimnwlVBCKS trnnlsklndlyattcnd- nUD Ull VAPORUB Mrs. A. Macdougall arrived in Mrs. J. A. Teng and Mrs. D, Orchard McLeod left Saturday night for Vancouver where they will attend a provincial conference of I.O.D.E. chanters. the city today from. Victoria to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Piper, 110 5th Avenue East. Sgt. and Mrs. A. C. Pptten, R.C.A.F.. arrived en Saturday night's train rem Winnipeg to be guests at the home of Mr. has been purchased by Mr. and i and Mrs- J- Arnold, 905 Tenth I Mrs. William My:Lcan, of Seal i Avenue. East. ! Cove. Mrs. Worsfold expects to be leaving Prince Rupert at the end of April. Bapitnl FIRST CIVILIAN TOUR! All Proceeds to Prince Rupert RED CROSS' m;vi:r itiurniicus ' Lifebuoy Follies7 (INK NIGHT ONLY SUNDAY NEXT at 9 p.m. ai l si-vrs ri:si:rvi:i Trices $1.00 - 7."f. - ."Or4 SEAT SALE NOW ON AT THEATRE BOX OFFICE J. West left Saturday night on a trip to Vancouver to attend a conference ef the C.N.R. Employees Medical Benefit Association, of which he Is local president. Rev. A. F. MacSween, of Ftot Presbyterian Church, was called away .suddenly to Winnipeg Saturday night on account of the illness of his mother. His place in the pulpit Sunday was filled by W. W. C. O'Neill for the morning service and Capt. Rowlands, VS. Army Padre led the. evening service. jAlisbufy Re-elected President By C.C.F. VANCOUVER, April 10 -Tom Allsbury, 40 year old Vancouver school teacher on Sunday was re-elected president of the COP. party of British Columbia and the Yukon for a second year. Colin Cameron was re-elected first vice-president and Harry Webber of Shawnlgan Lake see ;ond vice-preident. I For Results try a Classified. I V GRIM SUM Ml -.r,..-, - NZBSMPSift fa nCLASamED AD3 THEY GET RESULT3 ANNOUNCING CANADIAN By MARGARET WOODWARD Sunday afternoon Prince Rupert paid tribute to the of one of the world's great est men In a memorial service to the late Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Hundreds of citizens and service persormel gathered In the "Y" auditorium Jor the service which was conducted by Ms Grace, the Rt. Rev. Geddes, Bishop of Yukon. In respect our regular Monday night dance will not be held thin evening. From the stage of the "Y" auditorium the Chatham Dra matic Club last evening presented their peppy review "The Country Cabaret." This fast-running show was well received by the large audience which was In attendance. Great credit Is due the cast for the time they have given to ihe production of the excellent show. PRETTY WEDDING ! AT ST. PAUL'S urday afternoon when. Miss vJsIons Fredricka Konrad, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Konrad, of Edmonton, became the bride of Grant Jos- ephus Franklin, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Franklin, Sev enth Avenue. Rev. Magnus Anderson officiated at the A light green dressmaker suit with brown accessories and complemented with a corsage of white gardenias was the choice of the bride, who was given In marriage by Mr. A. Franklin. Ifer bridesmaid, Miss Yvonna Franklin, wore a mauve dressmaker suit with brown accessories and a corsage of white carnations. Don Eckert was groomsman. Many friends attended the Informal reception which was held at 8 o'clock at the home of the groom. Will Be Absent During Campaign CVTTAtirA A -t-H If? ft, tlnlUlAnl Tonight the Music Hour, regu- " " " larly held on Wednesday will H.a.- be held in the Common. Lounge j w-u"kY T at 3:30 cm. Tonight we havefUon 5amp.a?s " Canad.Ia" a rare privilege in presenting aa that a federal election is being over irrti me uiuauciiM ui un : 4 with an original Robert Fleming com- fmultaneously position "The Bella Bella Son- " X, ' ' ' (will be notable because three key men will be out of the country for stta" played by violinist Kath- ja major part cf the campaign. Ieen I'arlow .and pianist Leo j Prlme Mlnister King. Prr-ress- Barkln. Bob wrote this sonata jVC-Conservatlve House Leader while stationed at Bella Bella Gordon Graydon, and C. C. F. with the Air Force. Now at leader M j Coldwen all are on Seal Cove Bob has been, generous the Canadian delegatlon to the with his time and talent In gan Francisco conference. arranging our music Hour programs and giving the Interesting commentaries each week. Tonight he will be with us again and a cordial Invitation is extended to everyone to join us tonight in the lounge to hear Here's a suggestion for you im-iiii-makers For delicious iii;iin-ours wfietalile, why not have piping hot tn-.Ii f "Iloyul City" Crren llenns? iiftonetl to taste and plisteniiiK willi inrlted (Utlrr, they'll win poMni opinions from n hiiiiKry mily. These firm, tender, full-flavored preen heaiis lave n royal quality xhieli makes them one of the voriles umoiiK "Hoyal City" Canned roods. Uuy leni tomorrow at your grocer's. EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 6:30 o.m. to 1 a.m. (Annette Powell) Parliament met today for a winding up of Its business. the sonata ancs-to meet the composer, one of Canada's leading young musicians. -1 Ikj'nl fish i Pyal City CANNED FOODS f Coot AW, . . THE ictory Cafe A11 White Cooks 55 Y(s' Experience rV' Trial and Yourself THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 Quality Repairs at Economy Trices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR (Near the Post Office) New Hats for Spring STETSONS A new stock just arrived. MORGAN'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR 3rd Ave., next to Ormes Going to a Party? Let us glamorize you for the occasion. CALL BLUE 017 FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY and be assured of no last-minute disappointment. PEGGY SAUNDERS 4th St. (across from Post Office) Sea Cadet Orders R.C.S.C.C. "CAITAIN COOK' Parade Sfhedule i 19:05 Band and markers St Paul's Lutheran Church. : muster was the setting of an interesting wedding at 5 o'clock. Sat- 19:10 Hands fall in. to 19:20 Prayers, colors and di- 19:30 Entertainment as ar ranged by sports officer. 20:10 Stand Easy. 20:20 Sports as arranged by sports officer. 21:00 Secure. 21:15 Evening quarters. 21:30 Sunset. Duty division Drake division. Duty Petty Officer P.O. Cuc-rle. Quartermaster OD Rich ards.. Announcement C. V. L. Bridge, Whist and Cribbage, K. of C. Hut, April 18. Eastern Star Ball, April 20. BIIITISII COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and I W.A. Canadian Legion Spring Sale, April 21. St. Peter's Sale, April 20. Lutheran Tea, April 28. Dance every Saturday night. Oddfellows Hall, 9 to 12. Swing Quintette Orchestra. Missionary Tea, Presbyterian Hall, May 2. United Spring Sale, May 3. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Saturday. Hill CO Tea, I.O.D.E. Hall, May 10. IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP ANNIE FLORENCE BRADLEY. DECEASED. INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by order ol HU Honor. W. E. Fishor. made on the 28th day of March. A.D. 1945. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Annie Florence Bradley, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby reanlred to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 30th dnr of April. A.D. 1945, and all parties Indebted to the said Estate sre reni'ired to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwttn. DATED at Prince Runert. BC. this 2!Hh day of March. A.D. 1945. NORMAN A WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. D C. BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heatlnp Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd and 4th St. Aye. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 Lumber We now have a stock of k'mmI irrade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand FLOORING We have a limited quantity of 1x3 Maple Flooring on hand. Call and see lt. Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Prince Rtfpert, H.C. THE DAILY NEWS Monday. April 16, 1945 PAOE Fiya fok less mm 3c. you cm... burn a 100- watt lamp for over tO hours W7S II II I I For Adults or f (i i OR Children fptfoT Qu,ckiy .oothe. g , j use out electric t l trot? tor throat and bron- -SI7 s.sr ..! j tiarr. 0Ver2 "ms 25c 50c fegiPj Mmm. Sold only by Your Nyal Druggist j Jn S?, Ttf IN IN THE THE SUVKEME SUVKEME COURT COVHT OP OP I OR 7 use your electric I I toaster for 2 hours t THE MORE YOU USE THE CHEAPER IT IS ! "KWII" xindt for "Kilowatt Hour". It il the way cite-iridic measured, like distance ii measured by the; yard or liquid is measured by the gallon, ihe Government aealcd meter in your home keeps track of the number of Kv 1 1 you use easch month. Ox KWIl is the amount of electricity needed to light out 100-Watt lamp for It hours. And remenf ber, the mart you use, the tbtaptr it becomes. Ladies.. We have dressmaker-made a n d tailored suits in all colors. Sizes 12 to 11. Annette's Ladies' Wear PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS