adies! ! , I- You are cordially invited to meet MISS MURIEL CORDEAUX on FRIDAY AFTERNOON at 4 o'clock at Rcid's Cafe PSSAILEM'S ECONOMY STORE i lOnei 18 nnrl ID P.O. BOX 879 L. CURRY j. m. S. LOUBSER j IJ. H1R0PRACT0R l).C . BJV I l Daln- -Chironractlcl , . i ,.i,in . -rrn .11 I M I KU1 tvALl Uiv nerve doubly sol I :ib Block OreenBS Walla.e Bloc Phone 640 M s f WM1 ...for bnrina KffYttlSKll -i- - rnm A7nt tir -..1 it UU lll How the young men go for plaids I Full cut, well tailored with flap pockets. Morgan's Men's and Boys' Wear Third Ave., next to Orme's THE ROYAL LUNCH - CAFE - Will be open for 24-hour service all newly decorated FULL-COURSE MEALS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Grade "A" Certificate EMPIRE CAFE Formerly L. D.i Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS. LUNCHES CHOW MEIN. CHOP SUEY 30 a.m. CHIMNEY dWEEWM. MIL BURNERS CLEAN El ' AND REPAIRED uuipnieiii .tun neip ,ii c ynti of u dean )or 'iKin- Black 73h HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box IPG E. T. Applewhaite, Liberal can didate for Skeena In the federal election, left last night for Ocean Falls, iX'amu and Rivers Inlet. At Ocean Falls Mr. Applewhaite will address a public' meeting, supported by Dr. Jack Mcpou jsli of Vancouver and Miss Mu riel Cordeaux, who will return h i e wKh hiim on Friday. There will be a Liberal tea Friday aft ernooh and a final public meet iisg Sunday afternoon. COKDKAUX, WHO WAS A CORRESPONDENT IN ASIA, AMI WAS TAKEN PKIRONER' HIE JAPANESE, WILL ADDRESS THE GATHERING. ilMK Jill Make it a point to hear this talented speaker who has addressed inanj- women's organizations in the west. "'"'1 IS . . you SAID IT This Advertisement Published by Skeena Iederj' Liberal Association. "t"QSl"6S . !!l ANNOUNCING . I fc OK YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION . . .. j ;ality foodstuffs are carried at all times. If' j I u v,antMhe best, you will find it on our -j elves. You are invited to inspect our stock, j I focal News Items A Elect the man with a Postwar plan. Vote Mickleburgh. (135) George Rarie teiurped today from a three weeks' 'trip to Vancouver ati Victoria. -Why I Shall Vote Liberal." Hear Mr. 8. O. oranley speak over CFPR, Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. (131) Provincial police report the death of a native child at Ca.v slar Cannery Monday afternoon. The child died of natural causes. A Hear Mrs. T. J. Kolston and Major J. T. Harvey In Moose Hall, Wednesday, June C, 8 p.m. (It) A Wm. Brett will Speak over CFPR Wednesday, June 0, 0:15 p.m. C.C.F. broadcast on be half of LAC Archibald. (131) A Labor-Progressive broadcast. Druce Mickleburgh, "Post -Wat F. x p a n s i o ri Prospects for .keena." CFPR. at C:45 A Attention Ladies! You are livited to a tea in honor of Airs. Ralston and Mrs. J. T. Harvey, at Keid's Cafe, on Wednesday, June Cth, from 3:3 to C. . Come and brlnr a friend. Everyone welcome. (130) rass will arrive in the city on the Prince Rupert tomorrow to bake bread just right, use Fleischmann's FRESH Yeast You'll turn to bread, especially these days as an essential high-energy, low-cost food. It supplies Vitamin D, and it's aline ttrekherlot other foods, too. If you bake bread at home don't risk an failures. Use Fleischraann's Jresb Yeast. It has been Canada's favorite foc,Over 70 years because it gives such good bread every time. Ask for Fleisthmann's fresh Yeast, with the familiar yellow label. At your grocer's. Made in CANADA SUmiMINT TOUR PUTfcr "ting 2 cki of FLtlSCHMANN'S frri) YMt vry Uy. ThU frh Vtait It on cllirtnetwal iouri el fh ImportonJ B CompUx Vitamin FATHER'S DAY CARDS Father's Day - June 17th HASTI-NOTES now in stock $1 per box Dibb Printing Company Besner Ulock, 3rd Street Phone 23i KATY'S KLEEN KITCHEN 703 FULTON STREET -:- PHONE BLUE 832 Specializing in Home Cooking Anything from Steaks and Home-made Chili - Con - Carni to Hot Dogs. Also cater to Banquets, Weddings and Parlies. Open 4 p.m. to 2 a.m, APPOINTMENTS AT LEAST ONE DAY IN ADVANCE TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTfVfVfTj An airy, ankle-flattering . addition to your summer wardrobe. In velvety black suede; D'orsay cut for style and comfort $0.-1. CUT RATE SHOE STORE ElAAAAii.lA. iAAiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAd INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 83 We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW A All C.CJ. members requested to attend meeting tonight, 8 pjn., Metropole Hall, 3rd Ave. lt) A SPECIAL SALE Ladles' Spring Hats. Values S3 to $8 for 99c. Rupert Peoples Stoie. (131) Reg. Stover who has been In charge of the Union Steamships local office during the absence of F. W. Skirmer, left today on the Catala on which he will be purser. He was formerly purser of the Camosuti. i .- I A "What Is Democratic Social I itm?" C.C.F. broadcast) Tjs- day. June 5, 6:15 pjn., LAC At chibald, Skeena Federal candl Idate. 130) i i A PROGRESSIVE CONSERVA- !T1VE HEADQUARTERS, Stone Block, next to Boston Cafe, open daily and everv evening. Open discussions Invited. Everybody welcome. Uf MCs Gladys Gammon arrived cn the Princes Ade'.aid Monday It' tt pay a visit with her parents. Inensctor and Mrs. Ernest Gam mon. Mia Oammon Is a mem her of provlr.'ial fci estty de partment a'-air in Vancouver. A Liberal Committee Roorrui 3rd Ave. and 1st St.. will be open from 2 to 5 in the after - . .. .. noons and from 7 to 9 In the i evenings. Phones 635 Drop In and see us. and 03(5 (134) rem his duties with the Royal Final election meeting La- Canadian Air Force at Tofino, ; bor-Progressive Party, Eagles' Vancouver Island, to spend two j Hall, Friday, June 8, 8 p.m. weeks' leave here .with his par-j speakers,. Bruce Mickleburgh ents, Mr. and Mrs. William ; and Fred McNeill, Vancouver Brass. 'Trade Unionist. . (1331 To mark ithe tiithday of Ser- fteant-Maicr William Eheigv-i of the Canadian Army cdu:a.: j ljfanih, a social nour was h:',a at the garrison sergeants' mes. last nl&ht for the purpot-? of ex tending felicitation. in fitting manner. Dr L. W. Kergin and Lieut Cut and Mrs. Randolph Mutrie returned to the city las. nigh from a motor trip to Burns Lake. anomnanled bv Df. Allan Ker ,in, wnj came out from Toeonl- and met thtm at Burns Lake. Harrv Finch of Windsor, rep- :mtf ive cf the International i . Typographical Union, arrived In the City Monday u confer with mrmbsis uf the F .Ince Rupert local of the union which held a dinner meeting ai Reid's cafe last n's'ht. He proceeded by the evening train to Edmonton and Easkatcon enroute hams. Majof J. T. Harvey, Prcsres- ntvp-nnnservative candidate foi Skeena In the federal election wiU return to the city tsm:rrov. on the Prince Rupert frcm 0:ear T'nlls jipprtmnanled hv Mrs. Till? Pnictnn mtA for Vancouver ! Point Grey, who will ivak v.: ' htm at a public meeting tomcr ; row night. Announcements All advertisements in tnis column will he charged lor a lull month at 25c a word. CCF Club Rooms, Metropole HaU, 3rd Ave., open each evening 7 p m. Phone 842. (135) Full vtitlniz information. Phom 864. Mickleburgh Campaign Headquarters. ninf.p rirsinee HaU. Terrace. every Friday. Good time for all. Dance every Saturday night Oddfellows Hall, 9 to 12. Swing Quintette Orchestra, Election of Major Harvey. Progressive-Conservative candidate, June' 11. Valhalla Whist and Social, June 22, 8:00 sharp. rtxM. Tpn nnri nelir.atessen Sale. June 16, 3-6, K. of C. Hut. St. Peter's tea, Mrs. Kelsey's, Seal Cove, June 21. C.N.R. Trains For Hie llust Dully except Sunday 8 p.m. : I'nmi (he fcint Dally except Monday 10:45 p.m. wr PHONES UG 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Tuesday, June 5, 1945 SA1ADA LAUOUK and ELECTIONS Mim- la thh tiin for riwisinn. In the next few days you must decide by your vote whether we return to the old pre-war days or whether we go lor ward to build a better Canada of jobs for alb Tim r-iriiilinti mwinlc li;ivi liccn linr.'isscd in this elettion by A barrage of half trutlts, Ifcs and misrcDresentations lrom the agencies 01 nig business. The Cnnadian labour movement has made its position clear. Tim t1vfi!i5v f'lHMicil hf iho fJinnflinn fiin- 1 ilV f V.'W MAI W"- "fc- gross Of Labour, bound by the decisions of conventions representing the more than : 300,1)00. members 6f the C.C.L., has declared: 'Tho legislative nnil economic nroirram of the Congress . . . was submitted to all politi- cal parties m Canada. Unly one party, me C.C.P., agreed to accept the program as a basis lor legislative action, and the L..UK liovcrtv mpiit in Snsliiilrhowjin has atreatlv imnlemented """ this in several resiiccts. In view of these facts, and the iurlher tact that the uanadian con gress of Labour in convention endorsed the C.C.F. as the political arm of Labour, the Con gress Political Action Committee calls upon all , i J . l r .1 ..1 l L.anauian woruers to wont ior ana cicci u C.C.F. Government in the coming elections." Yuii.rlwirip.nn iierli(in dav. This time make sure of Security. Elect your C.C.F. Candidate. Published liy Political Action Committee, Canadian Congress of Labour International I'nlmi r .Mine. Si til Snielter Workers: Canadian InitliPrhiHid nf liallwav Kmplo.vees, and other TraiiKimrt Vrker: fulled Packinghouse Workers nr Amerlra. National fnlmi of Shoe and l.rnthrr Wnrkers. I lilted Knhher Workers of America. Anml-eamated nothing Workers of Amerlra. National t'nlon of Operating Knslneers. Textile Workers Organl'ln; fonimlttee. Local I nloiis, Canadian Cnnirress of l-iliiiur. I'nlted Steelworkers of America. I nHeil Mine Workers of America (District 2111. Amalgamated Itnllding Workers of Canada. National Organization of Chic. I tliltv and electrical Workers. THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN ' Opening Hours 3 p.m. to 2 a.m 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel Phone 173 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Popular "Prince" Steamers From Trince Rupert to Ocean Falls Vancouver Thursday Saturday Thursday steamer also calls Iowell River- to Ketchikan Wednesday Friday FAKES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Ave. and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE Announcement Our store will close June 18th to 'July 14th inclusive, and we trust this will occasion no inconvience to oilr customers. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WE HEAR Jew Cars are just around the corner WE HEAR YOU wnl a shiny new car . . WE KNOW Ford Cars are best for economical driving . . . SEE . . . S. E. PARKER LIMITED! Ford and Mercury Dealers