1 PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS .Prince Rupert, B,C , Wednesday. March 14, 1945 CATHOLIC RITES FOR YOUNG GIRL Father W. F. Lantagne officiates at the Church of the An-urflciatlon yesterday morning when high requiem mass was celebrated for f if teen - year - old Mary Helen Foriin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Fortiif, whose death occurred at the end of last week. Interment in Fair-view Cemetery followed. Pallbearers were Laurice Hamelin, Marcel Lcsieur, Bernard DeJong. Kenneth Harris, Archie Ethier and Gordon Sharun. ITCH V ( Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. If a woman is staying at a hotel alone may she wear full evening dress? A. Not unless she nas an escort Otherwise she should wear the most modest and least conspicuous dres appropriate to the hour of the day. Q. When should the coffee be poured, if it is served in some room outride the diningroom? A. The coffee is poured into tiny cups before bringing it in. then served from a large tray. Q. Is it obligatory for a godparent to send a gift to the baby? A. Yes, this gift may be sen1; upon receipt of the invitation to act as frodparent, or on the day of the christening. Classified Ads in The Daily News get results. ? " i CHECKED inaJifft-or Mcner flack For quirk relief from Itching cauwd by enema) otLlrte'i foot. KkLin, pnnplegand other ilrlun. WKtiUons. nj-iiut-. .,li!,g, ineiJi.ated. liquid D.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. G.easelrt. and itainies.-. Shes. iunilun and quu Uy calm! Intfnat itching. Don't miller. Ak votirdrueiiial tody ijt D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 ( 1944 INCOME TAX Returns t ; . ' Forms now available. R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. DIPLOMAT'S WIFE BUSY ' By ADELAIDE KERR I Associated Press Writer f NEW YCRK. March 14 ffj -Mme. Henri Bonnet, wife of the 'new French ambassador to the United States, would like to see 'plans for a universal language Included in the peace plans. , "I have thought about this a great deal," she said, in her suite at the Ritz during a recent New York visit. 'There should be one language in which the people of every country can express them selves to those of all other countriestell what they think and feel, their ideas and opinions. If you know people and talk to them you can understand them so much better." Mme. Bonnet's black eyes glowed with feeling as she spoke She is a good lookinz woman with closely coiffed dark head, a tall slender figure and the chic of a Parisian. But her chic is tempered with the demands of a woman who goes places ana does things. Greek-born Helle Bonnet has lived a far more varied and active life than most diplomats' wives. She was born in Cava::a, the daughter of a rich busmess man. Since her mother died when she was very small, she spent her girlhood in schools In Asia Minor, Greece, Germany and Switzerland and acquired a number of languages. She met M. Bonnet in Geneva at the League of Nations, where he was a member of the secretariat, and they were married in the eariy Su's. Arter Hitler invaded France iney came to New York, where M. Bonnet taught at the Ecole Libre of the GIVE! your dollars generously in .response to the 1945 , Red" Cross Appeal, OYSTER BAR Genuine Ford Parts Firestone and Gutta Percha Tires Imperial Oil Products Wrecking Service S.E.PARKER LIMITED PHONE 83 FORD DEALERS 170 E. 3rd AVE. THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 POULSEN'S Grocery and Lunch Phone Red 441 FREE DELIVERY Cth Ave. E., beside Postal Station "B" "As Good as the Best Better Than the Rest" HYDE TRANSFER Dry Slabwood. per cord .... $10 Dry Poplar, per cord $12.50 Sawdust, per sack 15c PHONE 580 "For Your Parlies at Home" Chow Mien :: Chop Suey Well Prepare It . . . You Call For It PHONE BLACK 9C9 Half Moon Snack George Lum, Proprietor Corner of Cth and Fulton Open 4 pjn. to 3 ajn. CHURCHILL'S DAUGHTER IN BELGIUM- -Junior Cmdr M;n v ChurdU!!. daut,l";-cr if Britain's prime minister and serving a the A.T.S.. make friends with a group of Belgian children following her arrival to serve with an anti-aircraft battery. New School for Social Research and Mnle. Bonnet opened a hat shop. Took Hp Millinery "I wanted to support myself." she said. "I wanted my husband to be free without the burden or a wife to support at that time. So I got a girl to teach me how to make hats and opened a shop. It went very well. Whsn I went to Washington I gave it toner and she and a friend run st now. But every time I come to l.'ew York I have a meal with them and we go to the movies and then go back and try on hat. "I have been extremely happy In this country under terriDlc conditions. I met the most extra- 98c fur the .mcr!cans COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES Rich In vltamlnt A & D. Convenient, ewy to Uke. A body builder for U the family. Box of 100 caps. Sold only by Your Nyal Druggist LUCKY'S Light Delivery and Transfer 24-HOUR SERVICE 1341 Sixth Avenue East Phone Black 371 Lumber We now have a stock of good grade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand YES! We have NO It ANANAS BUT We do have . . . Itr.O CHIMNEY BUICK- Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. genuineness and honesty. . Mme. Bonnet has spent ihr first two months in Washington on protocol duties, csmng on and receiving calls from the wives of diplomatic officialcom. Add to that a heavy calencar of dinner and luncheons. Recentry she spoke at the annual oonrerence-of the Woman Directors of the National Association of Broadcasters in New York na scored a hit by her manner. One gets the Impression that chic and worldly though her hat might be -this was a woman with a nearr. "There is so much that I want to do now," she said. "I want to organise two French units to work with the American Red Cross, reupholstTlrig, furniture and making curtains for rooms In ordinary kindness from every ne united States Army ho.o'tal one here. It s .souietninK you for servlcc men. Also x lnmk. dont hud evorywhfre I nave ,,na , Klll - ing of being nurse's aid." great reaper a "VI.KY FEMININE" LONDON P Spring, hats In Britain will be "very, feminine," according to a Mayfair designer who makes headwear for members of the Royal Family. Fancy ribbons in check, candy stripe and flower designs will be feat ured, she said, and colors will be "blotting-paper pink, maizs yellow, chartreuse green and .soft turquoise." Animals and Birds For Printed Goods LONDON, March 14 0 Designers of new printed materials for summer frocks have .gone for inspiration to acrooats, horses, elephants, birds and lines of scribbling. The elephant print features the trunk, face and flapping ears. Another novelty pattern suggests a procession of moving crabs but is supposed to be a futuristic hand holding a bunch of bananas. Rayon tweeds are available for summer suits, with the design mostly -conventional tweed POST WAR KITCHEN LONDON, Q Samp:e mocern kitchens 10 of them- have been designed by Miss Jane Drewk, an architect, after a tour of Britain asking .housewives wnat sort of kitchen they want after the war. They will be displayed here. CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE WOULD RID CANADA OF JAPS Continued from Page 1 guidance on the subject. He did not see any chance of a Japanese ever becoming a good Canadian. Now was a good time to decide to get rid of them. W. O. Fulton felt that there had been sufficient proof of the treachery of the Japanese. The Germans had been treated with brotherly love and kindness after the last war and It resulted nearly disastrously. The situation was much the same now with the Japanese. To him it semed a matter of George B. Casey was satisfied to leave the question of the Japanese with the Prime Minister, one of the finest minds on inti'i national affairs. He felt thut a foolish stand was betas' taken by Liberals and 'Conservatives on trtis question. J A. McRae felt that, as far a the Japanese were concerned, there was a grim reality to be faired without consideration of idealistic principles. He regarded the Japanese as a real menace which should be remedied with decisive measures. Olof Hanson, M.P., painted out that all but one of the British Columbia federal members had gone on record as favoring Japanese expulsion. He was certainly not in favor of having Japanese on the coast under the former conditions. E. T. Applewhalte felt that the resolution was not at variance with the application of Christian principles, common-sense and moderation. Arthur Brooksbank felt there was- a duty to Impress upon the authorities that as few Japan ese as possible were wanted In Canada. Still he did not like to ste a political football made of the matter. He was not In accord with the question having been brought up at the conven- ventlon and proposed that bath resolution and amendment be withdrawn. An amendment to the amendment by S. E. Parker that the matter be tabled was voted down and the original motion for exclusion and deportation finally passed. The Experts Say - - - ONIONS IN PLENTY Last year's shortage of onions made everyone realize how much one depends on this vegetable and so, now that they are in good supply, they can be used general, -!y fjr flavoring in soups, salads and sandwiches or as a vegetable. "Onions are almost a year-round food," Laura Pepper, chief of the Agriculture Department Consumer Section, told me. "The yellow cooking onions can be used as a part of a main dish too, any time except late in the spring Just before the main crop Is available." Miss Pepper added a tip about buying onions. "Be sure they are clean and firm, with dry skins. Signs of moisture at the stem may indicate decay at the heart." Store onions in a cool, dry place. Open crates, net bags or woven baskets are good con tainers. If left in a moist at mosphere or piled closely to gether without free circulation Of air, they are apt to sprout or rot Onions are important to per supper. THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY CAMPAIGN ENDS MARCH 24th $10,000,000 SPICED ONIONS Six serv ings require six medlqm-sfeed onions, one tablespoon of butter, vwo tablespoons of brown sugar and teaspoon Hollow out the tops of the onions slightly. 'Cook them in boiling salted water until tender, thea drain. Bnd together the butter, brown sugar and cinnamon, and place a small por tion of this mixture In the hol low of each onion. Garnish with a small sprig of parsley and serve at once. BAKED ONIONS WITH CHEESE ON TOAST Six serv ings all for six large onions, four slices of buttered toast. Vi cup grated cheese, one csg, one cup of milk, teaspoon of salt. teaspoon of paprika and one tablespoon of mild-flavored fat. Peel the onions, slice crosswise and boil until nearly tender. Drain wrll. Place the buttered toast in the bottom of a baking dish. Arrange the onions on the toast and sprinkle with the grat ed chere. Beat the egg and milk sons who have to count theli land add salt and paprika. Pour calories, since their food value this mixture over the onions and is not high. "In fact they don't 'dot with fat. Bake in a moder- rate very high nutritionally since .ate oven, 350 degrees fahrenhelt. they contain only small quan titles of Important health ele ments." said Grace Duggan, the Never was there as great need for the aid and comfort brought by YOUR Red Cross to prisoners of war, wounded, and civilian victims of war. The need mounts as victory nears. CAHADIAM&RED CROSS This space contributed by SUNRISE CO. LTD. lor about 40 minutes. Because of hot dry weather during the harvesting period chief nutritionist of the Health) last year, about 60 percent of ueparunenis wuinuon uivision. available canned peas Is only of "Because of this we class them standard quality not quite so as one of tihe two vejtablcs attractive as fancy or choice everyone needs daily In addition to potatoes." Miss Popper suggested recipes for spiced onions, delicious as part of a Lcrtten vegetable plate, and baked onions with cheese on toast, main course for lunch or Your Help is Urgently Needed! peas when served alone. However, says tlie Agriculture Department, these standard peas combine splendidly with other foods and vegetables and are particularly good in caswrolei and creamed dishes. CIYi! your dollars generously in response io the 1945 Red Cross Appeal NEEDED INDUSTRIAL & MARINE I WE REPAIR ANYTHING General Repairs to all Automotive Eniiinmcnr Bodv Work avd PH i i Agents for cummins Diesel Engines Fore tKHl WMard Batteries Ra; bc;tos Home Oil Products ACETYLENE AND ARC WELDING Phone 459 Box 1398 NOTICE- J. H. MAIR has been appointed sole representative of NATIONAL MONUMENTS for this district. The business has been purchased from A. Welxl by W. Yule. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 51 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert III THE MAI CENTRAL Beef J 1 Poultry ft Under Most H CondW 311 Third Ave. RUPERT B RAN: :: SMOKED BLACK COt dian Fish - AND - Cold StO0 i it v t T AT I i UUMTAIN 1 u -PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.