PAGE GIX THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. Wednesday, March 14, 1945 Ytnir Neighbor Will lie There . . . And Your Neighbor's Neighbor Will lie There! SO YouM Hetter lie There TOO! REBEKAH LODGE m RASTER Fashion Show Styles By RUPERT PEOPLES STORE PROCEEDS TO WAR WORK 01) DIMM, LOWS' HALL 200 Fourth Ave. Kasl Thursday, March 15, al 2:30 p.m. ADMISSION 50 CENTS DAILY NEWS Claabltlcd Advertising Is payable to the of I Ice at time or submitting copy lor Insertion. FOR SALE FOR SALE Baby carriage, all-metal, priced reasonably for quick sale. Call American Signals. 496. (63) FOR SALE Double bed, bed springs and mattress, practically new. Red 480. (62) FOR SALE 5 H.P. Palmer with clutch, shafting and propeller. In Al condition. $120. Box 950 Daily News. (64) FOR SALE Furnished log cabin. Follow boardwalk, opposite side of No. 101 cabin on Wantage Road. (62) FOR SALE OR TRADE for good boat, l'i section deeded land, 31 miles east of Kamloops, B.C., 'n mile from school, Rood climate, 6 miles from station, main line C.P.R. Continental hlghtway. Assessed valuu $1300. What offers. N. McKlm, General Delivery, " Prince Ru- " pcrt, (C2) FOR SALE Heavy duty 12',b . H.P. Fairbanks boat engine. : Good as new. Price $325.00. ' Sec Chuck Vicrs, Atlas Boiler '. Works. (62) FOR' SALE Chicken ranch, . going concern. Excellent op- portunlty; fine home and garden. Low price. Sec Mrs. McClymont, 307 3rd Avenue and get all particulars. (62) FOR SALE One 48-lnch by 12-1 iooi it. i. huu joint boiler, : 50 horse power and tested to 125 pounds W.P., in good condition. Hmithrr I.nmhpr Vard . Smithcrs. B.C. (69)' FOR SALE Regulation overseas ft cartons. 5 ib.s. and 11 lbs. sizes at 10c and 15c. The Variety Store. (66) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW belter lumber more economically, use the modern , and up-to-date type National , Portable Sawmills, manufac-. turcd by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, ', B.C.' (tf) WANTED WANTED - Hot plate. Call Blue 752 after 5 n.m. . (64) WANTED Two-room apartment, American couple. Reward for Information. Phone Black 963. (64) WANTED New or used lumber, suitable for shed. Box 9631 Dally News. tQi) I WANTED Housekeeping room ! for officer and wife, no children. Apply Box 959 Daily News. (631 WANTED House or room, by 'quiet riavy couple, with well-behaved school-age boy. Mrs. diaries J. Morgan, General Delivery, city. (65) WANTED Two furnished housr -keeping rooms. Phone Mrs. -Kirby, Commercial Hotel. (62) PERSONAL URGENT that we get in touch -.with Albert Turncy. Any Information will be appreciated. Box 062 Daily News. FOR YOUR DECORATING needs, i paint, I do it. Call Red 444 or Blue 378. (86) SLENDOR TABLETS are effec-.. live. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 ' "Weeks $5, at all druggists. (65) NEW FIGHTER GREAT PLANE LONDON, March 14 P The Air Ministry has disclosed some figures on the performance of the first of the Tempest fighter plane series to go into production. The plane is the Mark V Tempest. The ministry reports that the hard-hitting British fighter has a maximum speed of 435 miles and hour and a ceiling of 33,000 feet. The tactical radius of the Tempest is 500 miles. This range lean be extended through the use of auxiliary fuel tanks. Its armament consists of four cannon mounted in the wings. The pilot is protected by a bulletproof windscreen. JACK OF ALL TRADES KELSALE, Eng.. 0 When Charles Savage, 88, became ill and was confined to tied, 42 jobs changed hands in Wis Suffolk town. He held that many officicl and semi-official posts m tnc village, including those of parish 3 ' T T J 'councillor and parish , clerk , NOTED SHIPWRIGHTS DIE LONDON, f John Carlisle, 53, and his brother Henry Montgomery Carlisle, 82, died on the same day, removing the last of a generation of a Northern Ireland family which put Belfast on the map' as one of the world's shipbuilding centres. FOR KENT FOR RENTUnfurnlshcd room. Call Red 191. (64) FOR RENT- I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone 83 for particulars. (tf) FOR RENT Room for two men, Mttitli board If desired. Phone VjRcd C02. (02) HELP WANTED WANTED Bookkeeper for sawmill and store. Apply National Selective Service A.M. 164. (64) WANTED Warehouseman for local grocery wholesale. Steady work, good opportunity ol ad vancement. Selective Service A.M. 163. (tf) LOST AND FOUND LOST Two-month-old terrier. child's pet, black with white leg and tail, on 2nd Street by Johnny's Snack Bar. 316 2nd Street. FOUND G.M, car key. Owner may have same by calling at tnc Daily News and paying for mis advertisement. LOST Horn-rimmed glasses, In brown leather case. Picas? leave at Daily News of f ice. (62) FOUND Lady's bicycle. Can be had by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement, (tf) LOST Valuable pictures and folder. Reward. Phone American Signals 263. W. Wise. (64) LOST Black bag, corner Duns-muir and Fifth. Reward. Return to Prince Rupert Hotel. FOUND Quantity of cabin door hooks and several bicycles. Call at police office. (62) LOST Gold costume Jewelry brooch, Saturday night; sentimental value. Finder pleasa return same to Daily News. (63) HALIBUT VESSEL SOLD IN SOUTH Sale of the 40-foot Prince Ru pert halibut boat Blue Boy was made recently In Vancouver by-the owner, Edward Sorihcim who took the boat south a month ago. The vessel was bought by Charles and Oscar Edwards, former local hallbui men now living in the southern city. NAIROBI, Kenya, if Troops In Kenya now have their own "pub" the "Spotted Cow" pro vided by East Africa command s directorate for education and welfare and decorated with humorous wall paintings by artist servicemen. I DOINGS ( From 12:15 to 1:15 daiiy a Christian Fellowship nour is be ing held In the common iounge under the direction ol Doug ALicKcnzic. This Is a non-dcnominallonal group. At a reorganization mcciing held last Friday in the men's lounge a new Army Dramatic Club came into being. This Is to be known as the "Khaki Foot-light Club." This evening another meeting of the Rado Forum and Discussion Group will be held under the leadership of Frank Watson, the Navy "Y" supervisor. Topic for tonight Is "Whether Education Should be Federa; or rrov-incial Control." This Is an open meeting. A very successful bridge party wasVield last night in the writ ing room by the Naval Bridge Club. Six tables of enthusiasts were on hand. Alier cards, re freshments were served. The Service Wives' Club meeting will be held Thursday evening In the ladies' lounge. This will take the place of the regular afternoon meeting. j - In CANADIAN f Today in Sports AIR FORCE HELPS LEAD 2J(li I, Soo Suds 0. Air 1'orrc 5, Navy 1, Packed galleries were at the ' "Y" gym last night for the Floor Hockey League game- Soo Suds and 29th clashed In the first game with the 29th earning themse'.ves a win and two nnlnis , tn fiiit thrm nnltr V .. . J nnp point behind the second; place Navy, it was a lougn and hard-fought game all the way Including a free-for-all in me beixno 'period. Special orchids are due Carlo of the 29th ror nts out standing play waj and unit three nil l u Ul of his 1113 ;o4tnujii teams four goals. All three goals were the result of his brilliant stick handling through making perfect shots into the top corners of the goal after goalkeeper Clampit out of his net. Apart from Car;o, Clampit had little trouble holding the 29th. Carlo Is soon try leave Prince Rupert and tnc hockey league. The Navy and R.C.A.FV smarted out at top specrj w;ui navy scor- Ing after less than rive minutes j to take a 1-0 lead. The period ended with the corc tied 1-1. It was in the second period that Navy had their hard lurk wiicn goalkeeper McGuire stopped a shot in his face anC got dirt m his eye. The Air Force completed their play by knocking the puck in for a 2-1 lead. From mere on the Navy went all out for an equalizer and this suited tne Air Force open style or play. Ine final score was R.CA.F. 5, Navy 1. Fortress was not scheduled for play but will meet 29th on Friday for a 4 point gam?. The league. standing: R. C. A. F. 10 i Navy 5 29th 4 Soo Suds ,2 Fortress 1 a Aid of th an d Sport Chat Golden-haired Diane Purvis has had one consuming enthusiasm horses ever since she learned to talk. Now only 14, she Is an expert oil thoroughbreds. A couple of weeks ago Diane with her parents attended the bloodstock sales at Newmarket in England and was allowed to bid for a thrcc-pcar-old chestnut filly, Drappe. Her mother told her not to bid above 00 guineas (approximately $285) but Diane was determined Drappe should become part of her string. She kept on nodding her head at the auctioneer until Drappe was hers at 85 guineas (about $100). That makes a stable of four for Diane at her father's Hertfordshire farm. The' others are Dublin, an Arab show pony; Mary Jane, a thoroughbred marc, and Biddy, an Irish hunting hack. "I bought Drappe because I have schooled her and tried her as a hurdle Jumper; I shall breed from her," said the youngster. "My great ambition is to breed a colt which I shall train. myself and one day ride In the ) Ladies Race at Newmarket." Diane's father Is a London busl ncssman. lie bought the farm i where they live, a year ago in order to allow hi? daughter to spend all her time with horses. Incidentally, if Diane is a good girl she receives $2.25 weekly as pocket money. If not and this Is seldom she gets only' half that. Next door to the farmhouse a 16th century ' building is a shed Diane converted into a saddle room. On the wall are 30 rosettes, all first and second prizes won by Diane with her horses at shows. All the world, It seems, loves ; a sportsman even burglars. A ', few weeks ago this column re- i counted that the London jipart- j ment of Jimmy Wilde, world fly- a 4 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 RED CROSS - DANCE SEAL COVE - - - R.CA.F. Thursday, March 15th Open to the Public from 6:00 p.m. Games Dancing Refreshments Get Your Raffle Tickets for the Three Main Prizes Donated by Royal and Prince Rupert Hotels Plus 15 Other Prizes Donated by Prince Rupert Merchants Tickets 25 Cents at MACEY'S, VARIETY STORE,' PARKER'S GARAGE, CUT RATE SHOE STORE and CAVENAILE'S n-ainVit hnrlnf chamnlon of I I another . era, had been burgled, i i a ana some jeweiry wiKcn. apparently the burglars didn't know whose apartment It was until they read of it In the newspapers. Anyway, they scht an anonymous letter, expressing re- Igrct and promising to restore the stolen goods that Included valuable keepsakes. "Wc arc great admirers of a great little champion," the letter said, "and will do our best to put things right." FO. Al Foreman of Montreal, 40 -year -old tail -gunner and former British lightweight boxing champion, has been discharged from a British hospital following treatment for wounds suffered over an enemy target. He suffered Injuries to his'noa, and left eye and, although temporarily wearing glasses, the vision has not been Impaired. "They've given up trying to kill me," Al told friends. "Now they're trying to spoil my looks." The course was sprinkled w ith snow but James Braid, using colored golf balls, went around In 72. That was the way the flvc-tlmc British Open champion celebrated his 75th birthday. Barring deep snow. Braid plays' 18 holes each day over the Walton Heath course In Surrey. In normal weather he frequently produces rounds of C9. mm With Minora Blades' Minora haj a real "edge" over other low price blades. In fact, it's the sharpest double-edge blade in its class. One shave will convince you. m$ rou DOUIUfDGI RAZOR J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain--Chiropractic! If nerves doubly so! Smith Block Oreen 095 J. H. M AIR Furniture and Auctioneer AUCTION SALES ARRANGED AND CONDUCTED NEW AND USED FURNITURE VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES 032 3rd Ave. niue 69 Prince Rupert, H.C. Commercial Janitors' Supplies Floor Soaps Wax Sweeping Compound Brooms Brushes Paper Towels -Cups Hotel and Restaurant Supplies IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Prince Rupert Supply House 330 2nd Ave. Phone 632 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala. 4 Friday SS Cardena 4 4 4 4 4 Sailings for Queen Charlotte 4 4 Islands every ten days. 4 4 4 4 4 Further Information, Tickets 4 4 and Reservations 4 FRANK J. SKINNER 4 4 Prince Rupert Agent 4 4 Third Ave. Phone 5C8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 4 4 fliniYiViMl 4 P4V Only the touch of one hand the warmth in one heart gave him the courage to DEFEND THE WORLD'S MOST IMPORTANT SECRET. r RAY MILLANU. . . t M AR10RIE REYNOLDS HHURY BROOKE PtRCYWMM '"i. ADDED NEWS CARTOON .MUSICAL 8 usmess an d SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and. Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 "Largest Organization of Its Kind in the World" MUTUAL BENEFIT Health and Accident Association J. WRIGHT, Spec. Representative 338 9th Ave. W. Red 093 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Compiled Besncr Block Phone 387 R. HUNDEIDK WATK1N3 DEALER 337 Seventh Avenue West Phone Green 073 EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY "House of Better Cleaning'' Authorized "FLHXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 ' t Mall Orders Box l)9 FIND IT with a Wunt Adl Sell It wltji a Wanted! Bu It with a Want Adl Dally News classified Kcctlun gels results. Dclmort Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Raspberries, Strawberries, Sliced Peaches. Enterprise Fruit C'o. I PHONE 343 m Profi rotessm R Y WA1E GRADUATE HA Ma. a' i i S'.n Furiai a;:a R; . Phone Red Jib Oil FRENCH LEi Mr L P Bdu: i of Fve :"j u.z. turned a t:. O cl sumcd h. : -I w Portal SiaU; & HELEN HKAUTYS Pcrma::: fir Ucauty Culture tekJ-j 20C 4th S'rcc! ftrl HOTEL j FRASERHO'I Phcr.s BidS C H HICKS. I Clean, quiet t 714 FriscrB5 BERT'S TKAW MESSENG1 I'l.r C NEW LOCATION: t 143! ! A ESTHER EXPEHT rBlMANWI AND HAIR Siu-I LaU; of Iluix -B) II. J. Lift PA I .T1NO, PAPA2! - - GREENS TAXI 65 CIVf ! your dollars generously tho 19' an rcsponso to Rod Cross Appeal. KINK FAMII Y MARKED in rr-tf