: .i 1 U ' 'V. ; 4:. 1 i 1 1 !3 i Dally Edition THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert Thursday, March 29, 1945 Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Colombia. Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week 15 Per "Month ... 6S Per Year 7.00 By Mail, per month .40 Per Year 4.oo FLASH e 13 TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE ' NOW EFFECTIVE Stand: Next to Royal Lunch THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Reef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 Delmort Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Rasnberrtp Strawberries, Sliced Peaches.! Enterprise Fruit Co. PHONE 343 MEMBER ABC. 1. Unfair to Canada . . . Statements extremely unjust to Canada were made in the- United States Senate during the last few days when, in discussion of the world food situation, it was said that Canada, in order to preserve stocks for her own use, was failing to provide not only the United States hut Great Britain with meat commitments. Of course, such suggestions are completely at variance with the facts of the situation hut, as a radio commentator said last night, Fashion-Craft cloth samples for Spring helve arrived. Range is not huge hut Quality of fabrics is Excellent We suggest that you order that suit NOW before cancellations are heavy. Prices. U to Oi I 1 'T IMiiiMlUll Hli TUT I 1 "THE MEN.S SHOP" Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) they have caused a lot of unfavorable publicity for Canada which, unfair and unjustified as it may be, has created impressions which may be difficult to disabuse. Sinister Assassination . . . The assassination of the mayor of Aachen by Nazi terrorists may be regarded as a typical act of the Germans in their desperate extremity. Unfortunately, it quite likely may be but the forerunner of further incidents of the kind. They will be one of the penalties of the occupation which is already weU under way in the Reich. It will take a great deal of policing to protect the setting up of the new regime of de mocracy in Nazi Germany even after the fighting of the war itself is. over. The war criminals have a wide and largely perfected organization to carry out such acts and the obviating of sinister incidents of the kind take vigilance, patience and persistence. LUCKY'S Light Delivery and Transfer 24-HOUR SERVICE 1341 Sixth Avenue East Phone Black 371 ANNOUNCING EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 6:30 ajn. to 1 ajn. For a Good Meal, Visit . . . THE Victory Cafe All White Cookj 25 Years' Experience Give Us a Trial and Convince Yourself J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Oreen 995 A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS r v 'f y Groggy J Crof aincM i naturc't warning that your lem occUs attention. Stuff ish kidnrr can cause backaches, alttp-lcss nijthi. Take GIN PILLS, the reliable remedr favoured b thousandssold on a "rtli.l or money baik" basis. Regular (lie, 40 Pills Large (lie, 10 Pill (In U.S. ask fee "Cine Pills") t Jfc W nu BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 12U4 POULSEN'S Grocery and Lunch Phone Red 441 FREE DELIVERY Cth Ave. E., beside Postal Station "B" "As Good as the Best Better Than the Rest" f. " n fags "You Always Hurt The One You Love" "There floes That Sung Again" Victor record 20-1600 Sammy Kaye "Saturday Night" "I Don't Want to lMt You" Victor record 20-1035 Sammy Kaye "When the Boys Come Home" "Evelina" Victor record 20-1621 Freddy Martin "Accentuate The Positive" "Junipln' On the Merry-Oo-Kound" Victor record 20-1012 Artie Shaw McRae Bros. LIMITED I EXCITEMENT MONOTONOUS Capt. Albert .Man Tells of Experiences in Flying Ofrr Himalaya Hump Flying at altitude of 18jOOO to 25.000 feet over the Himalaya Mountains, facing attack by Japanese Zeros, maintaining respiration by use of oxygen equipment uhleh does not always function Juit as weU as It1 might, navigating by Instruments In ail visibility, battling through mon-' soon weather which has claimed many casualties both of men and ! machines were described bv i modest Capt. Albert Mah of the 1 China National Air Corporation In telling the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at Its luncheon yesterday' of some of his experiences In flying supplies for China from Assam to Kunming and Chungking over 'The Hump" during a period of two and a half years while all land transportation was cut off. "Monotonous" was the way he nonchalantly described the obviously arduous and dangerous work. As for physical reaction, he told his listeners thu: the most trying of all vicissitude was the effect of oxygen. Capt. Mah said that he himself had put in 4390 hours of flying time. He told of making at leas' I 350 flights of 700 miles in big transport planes of the Dakota type in four hours. It was not uncommon to be attacked by the Japanese in their efforts to : i".ut off the ser vice and the young , flier intimated that there had been losses as a result. Capt. Mah's Inrormal talk proved of much interest and he was asked a number of ques-. tions by his listeners. President J. J. Gibson was in the chair and there was a good , a'tendan-e of meinfocrs with guests in the persons or Gordon Bryant and William Stoller. It was agreed to awttt the Kinsmen's Cli' i In dirtrfbution of drawlHf? tickets In connection with the forthcoming Victoria Day celebration. : A dinner dance will be held, next Tuesday night as a farewell to D. G. Borland, past president of the club, and Mrs. norland, who are leaving here for Vancouver. Dr. J?ns Munthe was the win-: ner of the weekly faf fie of a war savings certificate. 1'oi.i.y, spr-yts jir " LONDON tji A rescue 'Squad ! leader searching the debris of ja V-bombed house in Southern England "is anybody there?" and I a faint "hello" came from be-j neath the tangled timbers. Each ! time the leader called he got the same reply. Finally -his workers pulled out- . parrot. r. vv S M ROBERTSON IS HONORED ON HIS DEPARTURE , In honor of Garrison sergeant Major John Robertson wfto has been posted out or Prince Rupert after serving nere since October. 1942, the Prince jiupen garrison, sergeant' mess, oj which he has been pasi preslu'en: and a popular meaf-er, held a special mess dinner followed Dy a band concert and eance in the sergeant's quarters on McBride St. Immediately following t n e banquet R.S.M. Robert Watson, president of the mess, presented Sergeant 'Major Robertson wi.h a writing table on benair or iiis fellow Warrant Officers anc non-commissioned officers. "Our sentiments .go. with tiua gift from the mess. We knew that when you felt a little lone- PASSING OF GUS KRAUSE Fcrmer Co!J Storage Fnir.fe and Prcnshieiit firaJ ('oolliall Autf'rily Dies After Long j Illness ! After five years of HJnets rrom which it had bee nrsalised for some time there cou:a be no hope of recovery, a us Krause, formerly a member or the stafi of the Canadian rish St Co,." Storage Co. and for many yea' -prominent In fooUai: circles here, passed away av 3 o'clock this morning at hi? nome, n; Hays Cove Ave. Wrilie it na been a long time since he lm' been able to mingle freely among his friends, news ct his passing will be received with re gret and there will b? senera' sympathy for the bereaved. Mr. Krauze was years or age and was born m Blythe Northumberlandshirc, England Twenty years ago ne came t Prince Rupert from S?otianr' and a year later the family fol lowed. They had made their home here since, in addition t the widow, there Is one son. Clip and two daughters Miss Jean Krause and Miss Thomasihr Krause. Anotlter dauftiiter, Eik was killed in Edinsurgn a few years ago. The moliier oX deceased, Mrs. Christina Krause resides in the Old c-juoiry anx there are also Iwo brothers-Fred and Reynold is I'orlaiJella : Scotland. Before his final Kiness. :.rr. Krause was a recognized football authority and his services were consistently In demand as a ret-eree. He was also activq in til? Prince Rupert Bridge ieague. Funeral arrangements are in the hands of the B. C. 1 l some for Prince Rupert and your old mess friends you will use it ; to drop us a line." i Garrison Sergeant Major Rob-jertson leaves tonight ror Van-! couver. At the conclusion or tne presentation ceremony mess members and guests listened to u concert by the Prince Rupert garrison band and dancing began at 9 o'clock. There are 83 keys In the full compass keyboard of the ARE YOUR NIGHTS Try This at Bedtime Tonight If you find it difficult to gel to sleep, then sleep poorly, and awaken nene jangled and tired in the morning try taking a cup of Ovaliine warm at bedtime. Taken at bedtime, Ovaliine helps to relieve that feeling of nervous tension. Its special food elements, processed for easy digestion, and its rich supply of Vitamins A, Hi, and I) and the minerals Calcium, Phosphorus and Iron help to replenish worn out muscle, nerve and body cells. 5o why not try Ovaliine? See if it Joesn't help you to wake up fresher i ml more liuoyant. Get Ovaliine it your drug or food store. no OVALTINE C. N. S. S. T wice-W eekly Sailings will be resumed with SS Prince (leorjje from Prince Rupert MARCH 31st for Vancouver Full details from any ON. Agent V-C-45 NATIONAL today Mm Enjoy this fine I ni r IssH unocoiaie uocoa Em C VOTcMf A VFTUA T CJ7rr rfl, run hum iftmimn s SECRET RECIPE! For MILADY r..o...wo.Wwil (--t Spring Charmers NfiU'S fl'ICriPB 5n fdiifu'nni. 1 i ..... ... iuuuicui ieeai 0)tjl pumps aiici tsaimais, saucy ties all tuned Spring 1015. Moderately priced. tissssssPVK. I alssHlluPL kUh of 1 and f m TCll Family Shoe Store Lini For 30 Years the "Home of C ' RENEWAL OF UNEMPLOKE INSURANCE BOOKS All CtnpiayeM: i AH L ncniplnynicnt Insurance Ilnni; f ' "' I rnilinir Mirc-U slir 101C mimr iii V'' (I new I ionics. New Insurance Books for the fK j1 v t ' ! J will he exchanged ly the Iical I mp! " " Selective Scnicc Office in vnur ;r f ' ' Insurance Hooks upon completion of thts; l ust p:igc in the expired hooks. Prolret tho Ik-ncfit riIil of jour rnipWI Iiy scmling in their expired lioob properly j I plctcd oi .March 31st. Thrre arc trrrrr prnnlllrt or faihRl M make llnrmploymrnt Inturanrr rimln-liiiltitn or jmir tnnurrJ rmfluftt cni for failure to mine lip Inturanrr ill required. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMIS IlL-.MI'llltr.Y MITnilXL. MinUlrr of Ijihour TnoTTCl 1.01-l.s J. It I TAU" I AI.I.AX M. M' I f . , sl .1 ( rtrkv'tAap ( dm FOR THE MAN WHO KNOWS' MORGAN'S MEN'S & BOYS' 3rd Ave., next to Ormes "For Your 1 arlics at Home Chow Mien :: Chop S4 Call For We'll It You Prepare . . . PHONE BLACK SM I Half Moon Snad George Lum, Proprietor Corner of Cth and Fulton Pen PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS- -CIRC 4Pjn.