PAGE FOUR TIIE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, D C. Thursday, March 29, 1945 CANADIAN By MARGARET WOODWARD Under the direction of Capt. Mason the Army will hold special Easter church services here In the auditorium on Sunday April 1. From 10:15 to 10:30 Easter music will be heard. Service begins at 10::30 and Holy Communion will be celebrated at 11. The service Is open to all service wives and children so that service families may have the op RUPERT Tomorrow's Store Today oilers . . Lumber Wc now have a slock of good grade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand YES! Wc have NO BANANAS BUT Wc do have . . . RED CHIMNEY BKICK Phone 651 or 652 for particulars ' PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOPSUEY HOUSE 012 7th AVE. WEST (Next to lilng Tal) All your patronage welcome -Open 5 pjn. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 am. PHONE RED 247 1944 INCOME TAX Returns Forma now available. R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. portunity of worshipping together on this special church festival. Last night the first music appreciation program was held in the common lounge. Directed by Bob Morrison these programs are to be a weekly feature. This opening evening was well attended and the program under the able direction of Bob Fleming was very well received. Bingo was played in the writing room with Jlmmle Ilclakus In charge. Special prize winners were M. E. Harncd of Navy who won the pencil and M. Wen- des of C.W.A.C. who took home the cushion top. A daughter was born to Lieut. R. Fossum and Mrs. Fossum on March 14, weight seven pounds. PEOPLES . usiness an d Work to please everyone No work too large or too small H. J. LUND Painting Papcrhanging Interior and Exterior Work UNION PAINTER P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 "Largest Organization of Its Kind in the World" MUTUAL BENEFIT Health and Accident Association J. WRIGHT, Spec. Representative 336 9th Ave. W. Red C93 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING For Good Work That Lasts! JERRY VREBOSCII Phone 372 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY "House of Better Cleaning"' Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box 9B three ounces. Name; Dianne Doris. In the T Gymnasium Hockey playoffs commence to night. Navy meets Fortress at Uie "Y" in the first or the hockey playoffs In a two-game goals to count series. The winner of this scries qualified to meet the league leading Airmen next week in a two out of three scries. Fort ress is hoping to -beat the strong Navy team having strengthened their weak line-up wKh the addition of three new players dur ing the past week. The Navy team is still intact witn the exception of Ben McQuire taking over the coaching dunes and Lt. Haddow being appointed as the new manager. R.CA.r. will meet Soo Suds in an exhibition game as a preliminary to the Navy-Fortress game. STORE Profi essiona i R. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR Massatre and Shram Unfli Facial and Reducing Treatment Phone Red 315 424 8th Ave. W. FRENCH LESSONS Mr. L. P. Beaublen, the teacher of French language, has re turned to the city, and has re sumed his classes. His address is Postal Station B. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 ERASER HOUSE is clean and quiet. 714 Frascr Street Phone Black 823 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 370 1431 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver R.HUNDEIDE WATK1NS DEALER 337 Seventh Avenue West Phone Green 973 FIND IT with a Want Adl Sell it with a Want Adl Buy it with a Want Adl DaHy News classi fied section gets results. Flash!! Have You Heard the Latest? Your RADIO is your link with the world! Keep lt in perfect condition have it checked and repaired by an cxpert-all "Speedy" Radio and Electric Shop 48-HOUR SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES 733 Second Avenue Phone Green -217 HIGH SCHOOL HOOP TEAMS GOING SOUTH , The boys and girls basketball teams of Bootn Memorial high school are leaving tonight for Ocean Falls wnere they will play the first three games or a thrce-out-of-five scries against teams from the paper town. The final two games will be played in Prince Rupert late next week. The Prince Rupert and Ocean LFalls teams will arrive back in the city next Wednesday. The local teams will be under the charge of Alex Bill coach of the girls' team and Bruce Stevens, coach of the boys' team. Miss E. Winskill will be cha peron. The following players arc leaving: BoysJim Forman. captain, D. Hartwig, F. James, E. Ciccone, M. Thompson, D. Murray. B. Cruikshank, P. Good, P. Postuk and Jack Maccy, Manager. Girls Carol Orcy, captain, June Berg. Betty Hamilton, Helen Balagno, Muriel Thornton, Jean Pavlikis, Bcrylc Anderson and Kdna Sandh.ils. Ocean Falls boys' team con sists of Ross Hastings contain, Ken Gilchrist, Leonard Powers, Stuart Askew, Trevor Adams. Bernard Charleson, Darl Chrls- tenscn, Marshall Garvic. Carl Petersen is coach. Girls' team, Ruth Chase, cap tain, Janet Murray, Grace Side- lay, Lavcrnc Staples, Joyce Cal houn, Irene Olllnbcrger, Lorraine Moisted, Mrs. Cnasc will He chaperon and Ted Kelly coach. Hockey Scores Anirrican League Cleveland 6, Buffalo i. WAS SOCCER FAN BECCLES, Suffolk, Eng. f Mrs. Eliza Taylor, first woman supporter of football in Bccclcs, has died, aged 85. She attended home games regularly for more than 50 years. SOUTH SHIELDS. Enu.-SCP James Harry Edwards, chairman and managing director of the Middle Docks and Engineering Co., has died, aged 74. He was a past president of the Shipbuild ing Employers Federation. PRINCE GEORGE to VANCOUVER 2V2 HOURS LEAVE PRINCE GEORGE DAILY 2:30 P.M. Sinsl $30 Return $54 (Plus Tax) no pkioritus requikeu For further information, cc Canadian Pacific Railway Office, Prince Rupert V-' 12A T.OOD FURNITURE AT LOW TRICES! Used Bedsteads-Special !j:i.uo Used Springs Now at, each $5.00 Fancy New Mirrors With nice design; big selection ....1.00 to ijWJ.oo New Mattresses Good size $I1I.."0 New 3-piere Chesterfield All-spring built. Special $1 10.00 New Couches To make into beds. Clearing now at Jjida.oo B.C. FURNITURE Black 231 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YUUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED. Estimates phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 'nilM : red bIh cross: 5 5 DONATIONS Mrs. J. E. Lee 10 Mr .and Mrs. John Conncry . 3 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. WllKlnson 5 Fred Miller 3 Ed Wahl 3 Miss McDonald it Miss Eileen Oibson 2J Mr. and Mrs. T. FJctcner i Mr. and Mrs. W. Moorcnousc 5 John Lambic 3 Fletcher Hemmons . 3 Mrs. Kllcne Kiefer 3 Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Esseimont 3 Mrs. John Murray 3 Mrs. C. F. Brown 6 Knox Hotel Staff U Sheardown's 23 Shcardown's Staff ... 3 Mr. and' Mrs. R. J. Keron ... a Mrs. J. Klnslor 3 ti ll mi:ri:ii;,iJi:ia i i i3i M ur vii Ch Classified Adoer Using Classified Advertising is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. PERSONAL YOUTHFUL BEAUTY and ap- lcarancc oi nair yours again, with AUReliqud Grey Hair Remoter. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (77) TOR YOUR DECORATING needs. anything that's done with paint. I do it. Call Red 444 ur Blue 378. (86) ARE YOU particular about purchasing fresh eggs? Call at Dc Jong's, corner 5lh and Mc-Bridc or phone 250 and ask Tor Lcroy's eggs. Lcroy,s Ranch, Kitwanga, B.C. (81) FOR RENT FOR RENT Unfurnished room, Kitcncn privileges. Red 191. (75) FOR RENT-I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone 83 for particulars. (tf) WANTED WANTED Sinslc girl desires bright furnished room. Apply box U72 uauy News. (78) WANTED Furnished housekeeping room or apartment, urgently wanted iby naval Officer and wife, no children. Reliable tenants. Local references. Box 974 Dally News. (81) MACHINERY FOR SALE FOR RENT Heavy equipment power snovei, rouiclozer, corn-prcsser. Chuck Vicrs, Atlas Boiler Works. doi) TENDERS City r Prince Rupert TENDER Sealed Tenders, marscd "Ten der for Night Soil Collection,'-will be received by me unccr- slgncd up to 5 o'clock pjm., Tuesday, April 3, 1945, for collection of Night Soil for a period of one year commencing April 10, 1945. Full particlars may dc obtained from the City Clerk. The. city does not bind Itself to accept the lowest or any tender. II. D. Thaln, (75) CITY CLERK SEALED TEND En 8 addressed to the Board of School Trustees and marked "Tender for Roofing" will be, received up to noon 01 iprit 4, ima, lor the renewing of the roof of the Booth Memorial High School, replacing necessary wall flashings, waterproofing top of parapet walls and outside eves of parapet walls, and supplying and installing caves-trough and necessary down-drains. Tenderers to submit manu f aclu icr's spccl f Icatlons proposed to be used, and form of manfacturer's bond or guarantee for the roof for a period of 15 years from dale of completion. The lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted. For further information apply to the Secretary, Board of School Trustees, City Hall. (78) SEALED TENDERS will be re- eclved .by the undersigned up to noon of March 30th, 1945, for the purchase of registered trap-line belonging to the estate of Gottfrld Knutson, deceased, and described as situate one mile from Kcmano River near Bute dale and covering Horctzky and Scek-wyakin Creeks and tributaries. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. GREEN SPOT TAXI 65 TAXI W R. Coles it Civilian Personnel Section Staff 63 DcJong's Cash e Carry 10 Mrs. Rolf Walker .. 3 George Dawes ..... i Mr. and Mrs. J. Simpson 3 P. Leland 5 Miss H. and G. Walker 5 Residents of Kltwunsa 29 Citizens of Massctt, B.C. ...... 200 J. A. Brown Mill Ltd 23 M. Rozln 5 M. Klookala t H. J. Brown 3 Lee Wing - 3 William Jones 5 Mrs. E. Pogson 5 II. Kossila 5 Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Terklns 20 Citizens of Port Esslngton 51 John Tracey 5 Nick Leyicrko Norman Winters ..- 3 Isaac Brown 3 Geo. W. Aske 5 W. Sawchuk 5 antecler CIGARETTE PAPERS II ELI' WANTED WANTED Girl or woman, sol dier's wife preferred, to care for two children. Room and board. Phone Blue 169. (80) WANTED Journeyman helper. Prince Rupert Dry Dock and Shipyard. Apply Natioal Selective Service AM 173. LOST LOST Mall's brown billfold. Name Elwood Marks. Finder please return same to Daily News office. Reward, $5.00. (70) LOST Between dock fire station and T95 barracks. 1st Ave. gold rim glasses in red or orown case with name James Shacn on cover. Finder please leave at Dally News, or nhonc S. Wlshart, Amer. Signals 227. reward. (77) LOST Raasia shopping bag. warcn 20. Please Pnone 355. (70) FOR SALE FOR SALE Typewriter. Underwood No. 5, thoroughly overhauled. $75. Owner leaving. Apply Box 973 Daily News. (70) FOR SALE 18-foot boat and 4 h.p. twin Elto outboard motor. Apply 1140 Cth Ave. East. Roper. (75) FOR SALE Blue vclour chesterfield and chairs; bedroom suite; dinette. Used 4 months. 1437 Piggott Place. (79) FOR SALE 0-room house, partly furnished. Will be vacant before May 1. Call and sec it at 700 8th Ave. West. Price $2,000, half cash. . (78) FOR SALE Fishing boat, 'Wren1, lengin it.; beam 9 ft. 6 ins.; depth 3 ft. 0 Ins.; 10 h.p. Frisco standard. Good condition. Sec Bill Mahony. boat 'Calcstl'. lisncrmcn s Floats. (77) FOR SALE Regulation overseas canons, a ids. ana 11 lbs. sizes at 10c und 15c. The Variety Store. (CO) FOR SALE Furnished even-room house, on 8th Ave. West. Price $1,500. Apply City Rest Room. (77) FOR SALE 2 houses on one lot. Big house has 2 furnished apartments upstairs, 3 rooms each and bath; living quar- 'tcrs downstairs. nnM.ntn 111 back. Extra lot for garden if wmucu. Appiy 010 oih Ave. West, or phone Green C98. (81) FOR SALE 9-tubc radio. 1910 urn Ave. East. Phone Black 495. (jjo) PORTABLE SAWMILL for sale 1937 2-ton ford truck; 1 team ursi's, ( anu 8 years old, 1400 1I)S.: ll JLrtrl llfr millnmiit finmn timber rights etc. The outfit is complete and is selling at a "uiBiim price, violin Carlson, Pcrow. B.C. (CO) FARM FOR KAT.Kir.S nrit 25 acres under cultivation, id acres cleared ready to break. Good Slot. rxrpllpnl wnlnr pump and sewage Installed', jiuuou, uiauuuuings. t;iosc to hlRhway. Selling at a bargain H Jollu' Carlson, Pcrow, B.C. (80, roil SALB-85 h.p. Biiick . en- rrlitn ..111. -t-l t. bu; wiwi uciacneti Z7incli pan. one gurdy, one steel reel for gurdy. Official administrator. (83) MACHINERY FOR SALE iu haw better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manwfar. tured by National Machinery uinjjuny tiimiiea, Vancouver B.C. (W) LAST TLMES TODAY Complete Shows Tonight 6:55 - 9:11. "SECRET COMMAND" (at 7:48 - 10:08) Plus "Test In Time" (at C:55 - 9:11) THE LOVE STORY BEHIND THE W GREATEST STORY OF OUR TIME! M-G-M't wRry over mm a urnvvw ironv n n n n n ,ii takiiifi rnu Miri nn .... PUVI I IC TUAVTri,U,,,WI f s. A NOTE "30 Second Ovrr Tokyo" nm. i 1 , iniuiilrs. For holiday ctow, rouvriiiriirr. attend lh J nccs and early cvenlnic shows at complete t,bow sdrj SAT. MORNING, 10:30 Doors 10 a.m. Walt Disney's "DUMBO" SUNDAY MIDNIGHT The Falcon in Hollywood" Plus "KoRcr Touliy, GanEstcr" SATURD A1 1 uuiu I llttA I tri STRUCK V AS l'lUMNNtt0W) POOllJTit (rfJJcJ Snldainrrd WOKI.I) Ni;vs Complete Bliu-i 1:30 - 4:03 6:36 9: Feature 1M3 - 410 - 0.49 - 9; tunes. MOTT ELECTRIC LIMlIf , Electrical Contractors ( COMMISUCIAL INDUSTIUAL & mil ELECTRICIANS Electrical Supplies Homo Wiring und RepI Offices in Vancouver and New W t : I'lionc Black 3G7 Mtii A. MacKenzie Furnitui Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" milliid EASTER CUTS FOR M0T1IKK 72x100 TAIII.i: CLOTHS with 8 scrvic tc very u ... ... . . . tr mi, uiiu tuuun, coiors ivory, green ana yoiu. n. 20 KITCHEN STOOL STEP LADDLK - Ideal f : your mall order. when ironing Send us Phone 775 NOTICE J. H. MAIR lias been appointed solo representative of NATIONAL MONUMENTS for this district. The business has been purchased from A. Wclxl by W. Yule. 327 3rd Avenue iw - CommrTiial janitors wt l Kloor Soaps Sweeping cm-i.rm.ns Brushe .IT irnini nnrirtcstauram' IMMEDIATE Dt . . fen ' I'l llUC l"".- ' House Attrt F"' jju iw BONDED ROOFEHS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO and Shcetmclal Works . . .. . ... Air Con Tanka Sinks Eavcstrougn 1 I'rnmnl. nllpnllnn outside orders .rnHLE r FREE ESTIMATES WC-WC OW vhnnt B'31 Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave, W. P.O. Box no . it mm? is n m... on i in ww fffwi:fiu v'- r . m i Ug, y . .i.;v ,. . va2& n,iatnuu". m ssiirt "if 8 e a - M awvavw w w-- ll if fin i FREE Delivery Service covers the entire ciw Thursdays and Saturdays. Leave your on day before delivery. Ml ItfAl I FM'S ECONOMY!