iAt prlnrr ttuum Dailp J3rttis Friday. November 30. 1945 ARE MARRIED AT UNITED CHURCH Miss .Margaret Wallace Becomes Bride of Cpl. Victor Kapchinsky First United Church was the setting of a beautiful wedding last Saturday night when Margaret Amelia Wallace, only daughter of Mrs. C. Wallace and the late Charles Wallace, became the bride of CpL Victor Kapchinsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kapchinsky of New Sar-epta, Alberta. Rev. R. A. Wilson officiated. Given in marriage by her uncle, P. Syrnlk, the bride wore a Valencienes lace trimmed gown with Mary Queen of Scots headdress with fingertip veil, and carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations and white chrysanthemums. Bridesmaid was Miss Olga Zabudney, who wore a floor length white sheer dress with shoulder-length veil held by a wreath of pink gardenias. She carried a bouquet of pink and white chrysanthemums. Mrs. Doris Syrnlk was matron- UMVAXTm STATUES DUBLIN, 0 A convention of the Flanna Fail (government party called for removal of statues in Dublin "commemorative of aliens or occupation." One speaker offered to make Britain a present of "the lot," including statues of Queen Victoria and Lord Nelson. of-honor, wearing a floor length embossed taffeta turquoise gown with mauve shoulder length veil. She carried a bouquet of gold and mauve chrysanthemums. Groomsman was Walter Syrnlk. Valhalla Hall was decorated with pink and white streamers for the reception which followed. Guests were greeted by the bride's mother who wore a satin back crepe dress of delphinium blue with navy blue accessories and a corsage of red carnations. The bride and bridegroom received congratulations from their many friends standing beneath an arch with a large wedding bell. A three-tier wedding cake was cut in traditional fash-Ion. Toast to the bride was proposed by the groomsman. I , fXVSiW" MN'T KNOW f $ - filSr 3$hm WERE HAViNG I H Qik O.U C..,.T ml CuWt liailtl l : " . 'i ; ,i 1946 is POST-WAR ..you.. Plan for Progress when you elect CLIFFORD HAM INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR ALDERMAN INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 ANNOUNCING CORNER SNACK BAR At TERRACE (Mrs. Flossie Lambly) TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE CHAINS I I i mi r i.i. ii ii mrs ECCO Watch Chaini hav baen lamoui Isr 85 Yiari. A wida nidation ol Wtldtmiri, Dictani and Albarta awaiu your choica. Up-lo-iha-minuta tylas to matt avary man's laila. JOHN BULGER JEWELERS Third Ave. (Opp. Post Office) TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE W. C. Osborne V. Imhoff Expert Repairs on all makes of cars A. M. William Reconditioning Motors Tractors Road Equipment Machine Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric Welding BOX 202 TERRACE. B.C. LAKELSE LAKE HAS ANOTHER OUTSTANDING ATTRACTION! DUCK AND GEESE HUNTING Clean up your shot-tun ... dig out the shells and Come to Terrace FOR SOME REAL SPORT! Dress warmly, bring food and 'blankets, and let Gordon Brookes of SKEENA MOTOR TRANSPORT do the rest. Vfrite for cabin reservations. Season opens Sept. 15 SKEENA MOTOR TRANSPORT Q. L. BROOKES, Mgr. Our Skeena Coffee Bar Is opeVi day and night Timely Topics from Terrace A fine new home Is being built at the west end of Lakelse Avenue for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirby. It Is located directly behind their present house. On Monday night, the Glee Club held Us meeting in the United Church Hall. The hall has Just been furnished with a piano and will be tha regular meeting place of this group. Joe McConnell arrived home Tuesday night to join his wife and family. MANY VETS AT TERRACE At Least One Hundred Are Counted by Committee Planning "Welcome Home" TERRACE, Nov. 30 A tabulation of servicemen in the Terrace district compiled by the committee planning the "Welcome Home" celebration for which active preparations are now under way shows that no less than 100 men from this immediate area have been or are still on active service. The list includes the names of Jack Klrkaldy, Leo Brooks. Robert Hamre, Kenneth Hamre, Edmund Hamre, George Doer, Albert JIaugland, Gordon Haug. land, Harry Haugland. Flrank Mitzenberg. Harold Whalen, Hec tor Cote, Maurice Cote, F. Sea-ton, Harry Seaton, Angus Sea-ton, Johann Seaton, Elliott Head, Stan Olsen, C. Cauthers, Jack Sparks, Fred Smith, Jack Bun ting, Carl Muller, John Muller, John Little (killed at Hong Kong), Otto Llndstrom, Patrick O'Brien (killed), William Holmes, Eddie Flnlayson, Frank Green Robert Taft, Ted Johnston, John Desjardins, Henry Desjardins, Bruce Smith, Dick Dubeau, Phil Fisher, Gerry Fisher, Gladys Fisher. J. McConnell, William Cooper, Don Cooper, Robert Cooper, Eric Turner, Frank Hipp, Fred Mist, James Richmond, Kenneth Kerr, Robert De Ker-gommeaux, Roy Thomas, Clarence Doll, Stanley Doll, Stanley Brooks, R. Timms, Brian Sessions, Ronald Cole, K. K. Knapp, Charles Houlden, Ivan Benoit, Ovid Benoit, .Emil Froese, Alf Attree, Harry Attree (killed), Norman Chapman, Eugene Llew ellyn, Lloyd Johnstone, Garnet Jackson, Henry Thomson, Tom Olsen, William Martin, W. Van- male, K. Magnall, Jack Harris, Stanley Smith, James Harstad, L. Casey, Hector Stewart, J. Magor, J. McMillan and Pratt Brothers. In addition to the servicemen themselves, wives and parents will attend the banquet and other proceedings being planned by the committee consisting of Emil Haugland, Nigel Sherwood, Creoff Lambly, O. T. Sundal, William Richmond, Duncan Kerr, H. L. Smart, Ralph Corey, R. W. Beecher, J. H. Smith, Rev. T. C. Colwell, Rev. R. Hill, Rev. J. Graham and Rev. Father Ra cette TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO November 3d, 1920 Word was received here by the creditors of the bankrupt Prince Rupert Dry Dock and Engineer' lng Co. from the Dominion Gov' ernment that unless the guaran tors came forward immediately and made good their bond with the company the government would take advantage of a clause in the contract giving it the right to take over the ships and complete them. Should there be a deficiency It was understood that the government would force the bonding company to make it good. The Man in the Moon suggest ed that a "slte" seeing car would be a good thing for Prince Ru pert. He pointed out that there was the post office site, the O.T P. hotel site, the G.W.V.A. mem orial site, the roundhouse site. the fishermen's dock site and a great many other sites that one could cite. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP ERNEST NOEL VALENTINE, DECEASED TESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order Ot His Honor, Judge FUher, made on the 23rd day of November. AD 194S. I was appointed Administrator (with Will Annexed) ot the Estate I of Ernest Noel Valentine, deceased nd all parties having claims against tne said estate are nereoy required to furnish same, nroperlv verified. I to me on or before the 31st day ot December. A.D. 1845. and all parties indebted to the Estate are reaulred to pay tne amount er tneir in- I debteriness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Ilunert. BC this Nun aay 01 noveranrr, au. nu. NOKMAN A, WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Lawrence Baker, Norman Bernhardt and Loyal Harrison are now in Winnipeg after spending the summer and part of the fall In southern British Columbia around Trail and Kimberley. Donald Hull, who was with them, is now in Sas katchewan. Mrs. Dan McMillan; and Mrs. S. Campbell were at the Terrace Elementary School on Tuesday afternoon to assist at a rehearsal for the presentation of an operetta. Mrs. McMillan is the pianist and Mrs, Campbell the director. 2aa Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. When passing an acquaintance on the street or in a public place and one speaks to him, is it Improper to call his name? A. It would be preferable merely to say "How do you do." Some persons do not like for their names to be called publicly. Q. Is It correct for one to close a social letter to a friend with "Respectfully yours?" A. No. This phrase should be reserved for business correspondence. Q. What would be the correct dress for a woman to wear to an informal dinner? A. Semi-evening or afternoon dress. VANDERHOOF The entire staff of the Van-derhoof school, as well as teach ers from surrounding schools, attended the annual conference of the North Central Council of the B. C. Teachers' Federation held at Prince George last week. A widely known citizen of the ippe St. Pierre, Fred Smith, Bud I Nechako Valley died in Vancou ver recently. He was Samuel As- bury, who was formerly proprie tor of a barber shop and billiard hall In Vanderhoof. Jean Batiste Patrick, 39-year old Indian, was exonerated of responsibility for the death of 15-year old Harry Prince who was shot during a hunting acci dent in the Fort St. James dist rict. PRINCE GEORGE Members of the Prince George Junior Chamber of Commerce are endeavouring to encourage returning veterans to join their ranks and are welcoming them to the monthly meetings of the organization. Robert Hill was, elected presi dent of the Prince George Curl ing Club a: the annual meeting recently. The club expects to have 16 rinks in play and hopes to start the schedule shortly. Prince George city council has asked for immediate temporary use of the military hospital there and will call for specifications for a 50-bed hospital, hop ing to have the provincial gov ernment share the greater part of the construction cost. TOO LATE TOO CLASSIFY FOR SALE 26-foot boat with Arcadia gas engine,. 5 h.p. Cheap. Call 793 after 5. (278) CHRONIC BRONCHITIS Doe a itubborn bronchial cough, (tither phljmy or dry and hacking) make you choke, gasp, wheeze, keeD vou awaka l5 .Relleve It nowl Do at thou- A ti u r?n4 M?p that cough I RAZ- ii""!."" "pi wnera let it lielD vou. uc. i at druggutt tverywhere.R-U - . ARMY DOUBLE TALK BAFFLES British Need Glossary to Understand Tommies' New Slang LONDON, Nov. 30 P -A brand new threat frcm Germany is re-ported to be causing some alarm, in British households. British soldiers, already noted for their slang, are importing some postwar double-talk that seems designed specifically to baffle civilians. A sample conversation in this latter-day Army English might go something like this: First Soldier (surveying his dinner): "Slingers and Gippo again!" Second Soldier: "A bit ropey. What's for duff?" First Soldier: "Burma Road What a shower!" Glossary for the family: Slingers and Gippo sausages and gravy. A bit ropey poor cooking. Burma Road rice pudding. What a shower expression of disgust. Ma and Pa, if they don't want to "drop a clanger, will also have toVeze up on their English with the following glossary: ling him one up salute him. Look Jitty get a move on. Charp It out get to sleep. On a flzzer open arrest. Up for office see commanding officer. Beezing polishing. Drop a clanger make a mistake. Ic is also wise for the family to be on slag for Tommy might ask for a grout; i.e., on guard, for he might try to borrow a cigarette. Hotel .... ASPIRIN EASES SIMPLE HEADACHE NEW 10W PRICES 12 tablets 18c 24 tablets 29c 100 tablets 79c cots TO WORK IN 2 SEC0N0S GENUINE ASPIRIN IsA Is arrivals Prince Rupert Sgt. and Mrs. Hanson,. Copper River; Peter Laver, Tyee; E. S. Wilson, Edmonton; John Mc- Lellan, Port Edward. MAPKCD THIS WAY J LONDON 0 A tropical fruit, the Nipa palm, found near Cla ham Junction, is believed to prove that the area .was once a tropical forest. Scientists say when this fruit grew here much of southeastern England wa3 under water. Buy more War feav.-ngs Stamps. COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN . Make this your comfortable home in Prince Rupert. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 Your v FAVORITE Book Store RUPERT TOBACCO STORE Also Carries CHRISTMAS GIFT J SELECTIONS Christmas Cards FANCY WRAPPINGS. STICKERS, ETC. Besides Your Newspapers Magazines Tobaccos - Candy OPPOSITE ORMES DRUO STORE TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy ot S. D. Johnston) Vancouver Bralorne 18.75 B. R. Con lSVb B. R. X .20 Cariboo Quartz 2.85 Dentonla 23Vi Orull WiSksne 22 Vs Hedley Mascot I-40 Minto 07V4 Pend Oreille 3.15 Pioneer ..- 6.55 Premier Border 08 Premier, Gold 2.45 Privateer - 06 Reeves McDonald 60 Rend .08 Salmon Gold 17 Yj Taylor Bridge . 160 Whitewater 052 Vananda ;47 Congress 12 Pacific Eastern 092 Hedley Amalgamated .. .07 Taylor Windfall .07 Oils A. P. Con - 19 Calmont 40 C. & E 1.96 Foothills . 135 Home 3.70 IffllHB , ,., - Lumber See Us for your BUILDING NEEDS PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 Box 1321 313 3rd Are. W, Expert Radio Servicing Electrical Appliances Repaired RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Phone 641 ELECTRICAL GOODS See us about your Flourescent lighting. GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER - and VALUATOR "SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 v V y TOY AND GAMES A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AOES NOW ON DISPLAY AT RIGHT PRICES. VOU ARE INVITED TO LOOK OVER OUR STOCK WHICH WE THINK WILL MORE THAN PLEASE YOU. MAKE IT A POINT TO STOP IN AT THE VARIETY STORE TODAY OR WHEN YOU ARE IN TOWN. THE FOLLOWING IS A SMALL LIST: Kiddy-Kars, Wagons, Metal Wheelbarrows, Trucks, Children's Table and Chairs, Metal Cars. Trains, Pull Toys, Dolls, Stuffed Ani mals In all sizes and kinds, chemist Construction Sets. Canadian Li il EMPIRE CAFE (Fo telly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS. LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 am. to 1 a.m. , . . . . - " i jane uiasDaite sets, PUne Cm tlon Sets, Sewing Sets, Garta' Bubble Sets, Jigsaw Puzzles. Jfc oly, Dart Boards, Blackboard Phones, Rummoll, Parcheea,Ch Checkers, Bingo, Xylophone and: others. You will see all these t "Where Your Dimes Are Little til Mussallem's Variety Store For those ODD JOBS around the home See us for your supplies. You will find our stock adequate to meet all your requirements. Builders' hardware, roofing material, linoleum, window glass, paints, varnishes and Muresco. We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPEK SHOE REPAH 3rd St. (Near the Post C? ( Am All 51 WAX Gordon's Hardware McBride Street Phone 'XMAS SUGGESTIONS For Father, Son or Sweetheart . . . Parker's or Waterman's Pen and Pencil Remington Dual Head Electric Razors, Mens n, . -ii ct,c wrist Watches. For Mother, Daughter or Sweetheart . . Beautiful Ladles' Toilet Chests Perfum Powder ana Soap and Cologne Sets, Matched Porfnmp spfjs. Manicure Sets. . ....... , - . CHRISTMAS CARDS-WRAPPING- McCUTCHEON PHARMACY PHONES i A v ALBERT AND McCAFFES